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Messages - CrabbyOld Bat

Snorge, commenting on a UFO sighting over Jerusalem in 2011: "That one still perplecks me."

A few seconds later, Snorge responded to a comment Marrs made by saying, "Jesus!". I don't think I've ever heard Snorge use Jesus as an exclamation on the air before. He tries so hard to sound like a Boy Scout.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Haiku for Noory-san
February 13, 2013, 12:14:55 AM
Great job, folks!

Here's my sucky attempt at Haiku:

I may not know Art
But I know what I dislike 
Bite me Snorge Noary
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on February 12, 2013, 06:41:45 PM
To be pedantically precise, I believe the topic was something called 'endeen ayjeeeen'
I mushta beeen hallucinateen.

QuoteI also emailed George last night to ask that, if he's going to keep on quoting 'the best of times, the worst of times' (it's the second time I've heard him do it recently), could he at least credit it to Dickens and stop passing it off as 'that well-known old saying'. No reply at the time of writing.
Thank you! That annoyed me too!

QuoteThere was also this cracker at the top of one of his commercials: 'Do you know what the Wow! factor is? It's when you look at something and say Wow!'
Without George's clarification, that little puzzler would have haunted me to my grave.
I know! I was so afraid he was going to make us wait until tonight for the answer. Whew!
Quote from: George Drooly on February 12, 2013, 04:33:45 AM
Did Mumbles just say "rejuveRation"?!

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on February 12, 2013, 08:39:23 AM
Anyone catch this gem:"Doesn't he know that he's just supposed to die, and stay as the pope?"
Right on Jorch. In just that order.

Listening to Snorge makes masochism fun.   
Alright, here's one more Nooryism, I think. (I'll have to verify it later.)

I think Snorge just offered something along the lines of this profound observation: "I think this is a pretty big planet and I think it can hold a lot of people."

Could be, Snorge. That would be great news for the dozens of us who are living here now in case a few others magically appear.

The topic now is "halting aging". I believe Snorge just asked the guest if it would be possible to bring the dead back to life and make them look younger.

Quote from: Mels-hole1984 on February 12, 2013, 02:18:27 AM

I stopped fast blasting once I realized I was talking to a wall...

When I've FastBlasted legit questions -- i.e., re contact info on a guest -- Snorge has actually replied on air a couple of times, so I know someone reads the blasts.  However, I never expect answers to blasts that are critical of Snorge or the show; I send those just to vent and/or have a chuckle.
Quote from: somatic hypermutation on February 12, 2013, 01:41:59 AM
I barely listen, I am on the Fine Art stream.  That said, listen for the callers who are too in line with the next question, too prepared, who the guest can respond to without thinking.  That is most callers now, and those are the plants.

Funny you should mention that. After a caller laid down a thick layer of praise for Snorge and the show tonight, I decided to send a FastBlast once I stopped gagging. I asked how many planted callers C2C used each night, then inquired as to how I could apply and asked what the pay was.  :P

Quote from: Immy on February 12, 2013, 12:33:55 AM
Idiot Jorch is rolling his R's as he says "Petrus Romanus". It isn't Italian you fool, it's Latin.  ::)

Yep. We all knew it he'd do it though, didn't we? He just loves to show how worldly and talented he is. Even if it makes no sense and he's terrible at it.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Noory's TV Pursuits
February 12, 2013, 01:47:51 AM
Quote from: somatic hypermutation on February 11, 2013, 11:34:14 PM
How much did they have to pay the audience to show up and act interested?
The audience is probably made up of people who work there. Maybe they get an extra long lunch break if they sit through the entire taping.
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on February 11, 2013, 10:53:56 PM
It was during the excruciatingly awful numbers lady show, when Snoory made the claim. 
His exact words: 'We find out where you're calling from, but we don't screen you.'

Ah yes! Thank you.   8)

No wonder I couldn't remember which show it was.
Quote from: Mels-hole1984 on February 11, 2013, 10:26:30 PM
I remember that...It was last week or a few weeks ago, if I remember correctly...I did hear it though. I'm sure he has said it more than once. I'm listening to Ground Zero right now and someone called in and said, "I love your show, much better than coast to coast". That says it all.

Thanks. Just wanted confirmation I didn't imagine it.  8)

(And yes, the Ground Zero caller said it all!)
Does anyone remember which recent show it was where Snorge clearly stated that they do not screen calls? (I believe he said they just check the connection or some nonsense like that.)

I guess he can't get his lies straight, unless Tommy had some reason to lie about screening calls when he participated in a live chat a few years ago.

Some excerpts from the C2C website archives of 2006 posted at http://archive.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2006/03/02.html

Chat Transcript: Tom Danheiser

Coast to Coast AM producer and call screener Tom Danheiser shared behind-the-scenes details as our special guest in Streamlink's Live Chat on Tuesday night. Below are excerpts from the conversation; members can view the entire transcript.

Can you give an example of a call you wouldn't allow on air?

Tom Danheiser
I can without a doubt. A caller will occasionally call and state his opinion and then use a curse word. He will tell me that he will not use that word on air; however, if he uses it with me that means he might slip when on air. That is a call I would not allow.


Tom, If you didn't already, can you explain how call screening works?

Tom Danheiser
Yes PWEB I can. We look for the best questions and opinions that will make the show fun, entertaining, thought provoking and great listening. You all are the smartest listening audience I have heard and really have great questions. Most everyone that calls gets on....with exceptions.

Tom so you really do a little interviewing yourself before you let the caller on?? How long does one have to hang on before they get on live?? I have never been able to call in but sure try to get on the chat!!

Tom Danheiser
Well Oracle. There is no certain time a person hangs on. I was saying earlier that it is all luck of the draw and that is exactly what it is. However, that being said, we don't like people to hang on forever.

Quote from: Morgus on February 11, 2013, 07:07:58 PM
As expected Noory has altered tonight's c2c program schedule to add an expert on this subject:
1st Half: Biblical prophecy expert Cris Putnam talks about the resignation of Pope Benedict in relation to St. Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes.

If Cardinal Peter Turkson becomes the new pope, we may be hearing from all sorts of prophecy experts and psychics on a daily basis until...well, the end of time.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Where is the action?
February 11, 2013, 06:35:14 PM
Quote from: stlcoastfan1985 on February 11, 2013, 06:16:44 PM

I don't doubt the numbers, it's the lack of power over the masses of mindless drones out there that I have a problem with.

I hope you realize this is all about getting one phone call in, mainly for fun. No one has expects that's all it would take to get Snorge off the air, as wonderful as that would be.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Where is the action?
February 11, 2013, 06:05:23 PM
Quote from: stlcoastfan1985 on February 11, 2013, 05:25:04 PM
Forget the 10 second delay or call screening or whatever, it really wouldn't accomplish anything.

Disagree. The comedic value would be immense.
Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on February 11, 2013, 05:03:03 PM
Ok, so after Emperor Palpatine retires, isn't the next and final pope supposed to be the black pope? Not being racist here.
I assume black because he leads his flock to their doom, but I have read that one of Palpatine's lieutenants being groomed for Emperor is from Africa and a black guy. Someone have more info on this?

Never heard anything about the final pope being black buuuuuuuut now that you mention it... The possible new pope I referred to earlier -- Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkso -- is black!

That confirms it, I guess. We're doomed. The Mayan calendar was simply a red herring.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 11, 2013, 01:34:44 PM

Try drawing him in with what you write in the Subject Line.  If that doesn't work use a different emails address, I think he may have the email addresses with negative comments  marked to go straight to trash.

Did the catchy subject lines and used two different email addresses though it wasn't intentional. Anyway, I'd guess my first two emails were read but Snorge couldn't dispute my criticisms so he simply didn't respond. My third email may or may not have been read by Snorge but I cc'd Lisa and Tom just to increase the likelihood of someone reading it. No response from any of them. I suspect criticism of any kind is largely ignored by everyone at PremRat and wouldn't be at all surprised to learn my email address(es) have officially been added to at least Snorge's spam filter list.
Quote from: Morgus on February 11, 2013, 04:25:02 PM
Long time c2c guest John Hogue has discussed Malachy's pope list and prophecy many times in the past years.
I'd expect him to appear on c2c again in the near future with this latest pope news...

Yep. Whether it's Hogue or someone else, I bet Snorge has a prophecy or religion "expert" on tonight during the the first hour. Any kind of papal news that has a connection to end-of-the-world foreboding is too much for an angel lover like Snorge to ignore.

Meanwhile he and Tommy are probably busy pouring over the 2013 predictions that callers made hoping to find something there about the pope stepping down or suffering from poor health in 2013.

The flub-ups should be flying tonight.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Where is the action?
February 11, 2013, 01:57:09 PM
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on February 11, 2013, 01:40:20 PM

     Somebody should compile George uttering various Noory-isms and then call as "Georgie from Missoura"(the screeners won't figure it out) and then let the banality fly when you're called on.


Love it!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Where is the action?
February 11, 2013, 01:55:47 PM
Quote from: ItsOver on February 11, 2013, 01:22:55 PM
I wonder if we could purchase commercial time on C2C to advertise our tremendous "satisfaction" with Jorch?  If they accept the crap-awful Carnivora and prostate treatment scam ads, just how good is PremRat's screening process, especially if some profit is to be made.  I wouldn't be surprised if we could have Jorch himself read off of one of his third-rate scripts, personally critiquing just how much he sucks.

Ha!  ;D   I bet it would go viral via You Tube within minutes and quickly become one of the greatest radio pranks in history.

If the cost wasn't prohibitive, it could actually work if constructed carefully enough. We'd probably have to use doubles entendres and clever puns while making it sound completely legitimate. Much like the classic "Schweddy Balls" routine from SNL:

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Where is the action?
February 11, 2013, 01:30:59 PM
Another option would be making an inside joke within the call; something that means "George, you suck" to coastgab readers. It would get past Snorge & Co and mean nothing to most listeners but at least people posting and lurking here would have a laugh. 

Also, I agree that that Snorge's delay is most likely longer than the usual. I can't imagine Snorge being willing to risk even part of "You suck, George" slipping through before the dump button is hit.
Quote from: West of the Rockies on February 10, 2013, 06:44:58 PM
Hey, I know that several of you have written articulate and passionately to Premier Radio regarding Noory.  Have any of you ever received a semi-honest response, or is any response inevitably something along the lines of, "Mr. Noory has legions of fans.  We're sorry you don't care for his very professional style.  Not everyone "gets" his unique and informed brand of humor.  Go pound sand and never contact us again."

I've written a few critical emails to Snorge but I've never received a response. Not even "get a life".

Maybe I should try using only one syllable words.
Wait, it gets better.  As noted above, Malachy referred to the final pope as "Peter  Romanus" -- and one of the frontrunners for the papacy is Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkso. 

So clearly if he becomes the new pope, it's a done deal, the end is near and we're all toast.

There are no coincidences, papal....er, people.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Noory's TV Pursuits
February 11, 2013, 12:06:16 AM
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on February 10, 2013, 07:02:20 PM
         We must forge a campaign to get Noory to see the light. Such talent belongs on TV, radio is a waste of his abilities. Whether it's as the new Barnaby Jones or whatever. Let TV watchers suffer, I mean, let them finally get the chance to fully appreciate the trainwreck, I mean the glorious wonderment that Noory is.

  Noory to TV in 2013
  Forget being heard, he needs to be seen!

It's definitely worth a try.

A White House petition might be a good start. And bumper stickers, balloons and buttons, of course.

Then some fundraising events to pay for the campaign... A telethon perhaps? Richard C. Hoagland could talk about himself something for 72 hours straight while a toll free number appears at the bottom of the screen: ---- Help Art Bell fans starving children by taking George off the radio putting George on TV! Donate now by calling 1-666-666-6666. Volunteers are standing by to screen take your call. ----

Also, George's show will need either need a translator (Tommy?) or subtitles. Possibly both.
Ancient Aliens Meet the Fockers

Ancient Aliens Go To Disneyland

Ancient Aliens Abduct Jorch Snoory

Ancient Aliens Return Jorch Snoory
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jorch's Eye Pad.
February 10, 2013, 11:15:17 PM
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
February 10, 2013, 06:39:02 PM
Quote from: Elflord on February 10, 2013, 06:28:33 PM
I think that Art should do a special show on what really happen ie his side of the story.

He's actually been very forthcoming about his reasons for quitting except initially (and understandably) when he was trying to protect his son. With that said, he's entitled to some degree of privacy too, don't you think?

QuoteSometimes when the poop hits the fan, you just need to man up and do your job.

Sometimes, it's true, yes. And sometimes it's not. You have to consider the size of the poop and exactly what will happen if/when it hits the fan.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
February 10, 2013, 06:17:57 PM
Quote from: Elflord on February 10, 2013, 05:58:41 PM
I dont mind that Art and/or the Network(s) get the best deal. But whats in it for the network that carries Art. Art has a history of quitting.

He also has a history of creating and building the most successful late night radio talk show ever (as far as I know). His immense success and popularity are huge reasons for a station to want him back. You also have to look at why he's quit in the past: his son's tragic situation; Art's longtime severe back problems; Ramona's sudden death and his subsequent remarriage, new baby and move to the Philippines. It's not as if he's ever just called in and said "Screw it, I quit" on a whim.                 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Noory's TV Pursuits
February 10, 2013, 06:05:43 PM
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on February 10, 2013, 02:18:57 PM
I think Noory is the best, most awesome TV host ever. So dashing and clever. The man needs to be on TV. Radio is holding him back. Noory must abandon radio forthwith and become a TV star like Denney Terrio, Rex Smith or cousin Larry from Perfect Strangers.
You've forced me to rethink things and now I totally agree with you. Snorge belongs on TV exclusively. Radio doesn't deserve him one minute longer.
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