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Messages - MessengerOne

Politics / Re: School shooting Miami area 20180214
March 07, 2018, 03:06:37 PM
It seems to me that the same money that pays our teachers could also pay a trained security guard and a metal detector at the front door of our schools.I also realize the argument will be that we wont be able to fund it ,but it also seems to me our communities waste our tax money on nonsense that doesn't improve our lives at all.We can improve the situation without dismantling the second amendment .
I haven't had a land line for years. Do people have this happen on cell phones much ? Ghost texting will be the next big thing I guess.
Quote from: mv on August 10, 2016, 10:24:23 PM
what happened?
Im sure I ruined their vacation  :)
Quote from: mv on August 10, 2016, 10:24:23 PM
what happened?
A cousin stepped into a dream that I was having to tell me she was worried about her kids that were going to drive to Mexico on spring break .She did not want them to go.My dream went from a dream state to something else all together it no longer felt like a dreamand re occured the next night.Once I told there father about it ,I never saw her again.
Never had a deceased person call me on the phone .Although I have had a visit once years ago.
Where the heck is JC when you need him
After testing rats with vape I'll bet they no longer wish to smoke
Can you get a vape with tetrahydrocannabinol in it ?
Smokes cigarettes that is :)
I wonder what percentage of this audience actually smokes ?
Some choose to live in a van down by the river
GNite star .I promise to talk nice about cats the rest of the night  ;D maybe
Quote from: starrmtn001 on June 02, 2016, 10:29:15 PM
Really?  That's awesome!  What do you do?  I mean, give us a typical day for you. :)
Well they were wrong too . ;D
It might make a good childs story book though
A cat eating a moth is hardly worthy of air time
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
May 10, 2016, 03:33:27 PM
Hackers in general just piss me off .Sit around in their mommy's basement with nothing better to do with their time than to screw with other peoples lives .Just because you have a miserable meaningless existence you take it out on everyone else .Get a job-Buy some friends ,and grow up.Or maybe it would be easier if you would just stop breathing.Either way- Have a great day   ;)
Quote from: Tinfoil_Helm on December 22, 2015, 07:00:01 PM
Been a lurker for a while, but you guys are a hoot, so I wanted to wade in and contribute.

1) First off, y'all are pretty funny.  Much cooler than the kooks that were on the moderated board.  What was UP with those guys?!

2) Can somebody explain the hillbillies on the Paranormal Central show?  Are those guys just trolling?  It's like bible study meets the 'Obama Hate Hour' with maybe a dash of, "Well, we didn't see any Sasquatches this week..." thrown in just to qualify for DMRN.

3) I forget what 3 was.  How about the time Neil Degrasse Tyson was on the show and the FIRST question outta the gate was about Sasquatches.  Haha.  REAL SMOOTH, guys...
I have news for ya,the kooks are everywhere ,and Obama can suck my left nut like all other politicians.Oh yeah, I forget to say welcome . :)
I haven't smoked the stuff for 15 years .I couldn't get any work done .Its been replaced with alcohol,my liver is pissed.
surround it with love ?
The world is going strait into the squatty potty
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
November 10, 2015, 09:40:52 PM
Why do you think you have to come from behind me, pass me, get in my lane, and then stop so that you can turn. Anyways that's not what angers me .Its the fact that I was completely out of ammo .
Its shake n bake and I helped
And he walks down the ramp and says I,m your daddy
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