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Should MV ban neonazis/antisemites?

Started by VtaGeezer, June 25, 2016, 12:59:20 PM


Quote from: WildCard on June 28, 2016, 10:12:47 PM
That reminds me of a funny story -

Keywords: "Maxine Dietrich Andrea Clifford Herrington".

Long story short -

Maxine/Andrea just used the same P.O. box when she started the Joy of Satan that her husband, Herr Cliff used for the National Socialists.

It goes without saying that the National Socialists are good, upstanding Christians.

Streams crossed. Hilarity ensued.

That's them in the middle. Maxine is the bald one with a mustache.
Classic. Wasn't Jordan Maxwell involved with some Nazi stuff and/or land-deals and changed names at some point? Having said that the original German National Socialists never claimed, really, to be Christian. Many of the leaders and  philosophical fore-bearers didn't like the idea of (at least as they perceived) weakness and forgiveness etc of Christianity (and that pesky link to Judaism in it.) Several of them liked and supported Islam even but usually more secular or, on the other, esoteric/cultish.


Quote from: norland2424 on June 28, 2016, 07:48:31 PM
The crusades were a shitty idea to begin with, my only point is if back then islam would have been eliminated or weakened more then it actually was ,we would be having less problems today.
I didn't mean to make it sound like you were pro crusades.

I, on the other hand, welcome a papal bull for the eighth crusade.  I think with modern technology, it could be a lot more fun to march to Jerusalem slaughtering, burning, pillaging and raping.  Naturally, once we reach Jerusalem, it is only fair to expect the modern day Saladin to come destroy us... But at least we would die fighting the infidel rather than becoming a quadriplegic after a keyboard warrior curses us.  ;)

Come on Francis!


Quote from: WOTR on June 29, 2016, 12:41:37 AM
I didn't mean to make it sound like you were pro crusades.

I, on the other hand, welcome a papal bull for the eighth crusade.  I think with modern technology, it could be a lot more fun to march to Jerusalem slaughtering, burning, pillaging and raping.  Naturally, once we reach Jerusalem, it is only fair to expect the modern day Saladin to come destroy us... But at least we would die fighting the infidel rather than becoming a quadriplegic after a keyboard warrior curses us.  ;)

Come on Francis!
I don't see why modern technology couldn't be brought to bear? It is stupid to be fighting with guns except in certain targeted special operations. We know who the enemy is and we've mapped the human genome. Some boys at Fort Detrick could come up with some solution, likely. Even if was targeted for their crops, water supply, and livestock so that they starve and fight each other off (therefore, maybe, not violating some 'human rights' rules and having plausible deniability.) And whatever happened to the "Neutron Bomb?" That way those precious relics being destroyed by Muslims and the oil&gas fields would still remain. Kidding, of course.

Oh Lordy, let the hethan lands of sand be turned into glass...

Praise goatsy!


Quote from: albrecht on June 29, 2016, 08:24:37 AM
We know who the enemy is and we've mapped the human genome. Some boys at Fort Detrick could come up with some solution, likely...
Not just a solution... a final solution.  ;)

Quote from: WOTR on June 29, 2016, 10:07:59 AM
Not just a solution... a final solution.  ;)

Oy vey!  Oy gevalt!

Don't joke like that.  That is anti-semitism!  That is hateful speech!

How dare you make a joke about the suffering of the Jewish people!  Never mind all those other people that died in the millions, they are not important, only the Jews and their suffering is what you need to remember!  Didn't you learn that in school?  How much more important the suffering of the Jews were and not the suffering of others?

Where did you go to school? I want the names of these anti-semitic teachers!


Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on June 29, 2016, 10:20:58 AM
Oy vey!  Oy gevalt!

Don't joke like that.  That is anti-semitism!  That is hateful speech!
I suppose it depends on your POV.  It could be making light of the holocaust.  It could also be a very liberal view that killing them without regard of their beliefs, age or gender and being detached allowing technology to do our dirty work could be the equivalent of the the holocaust.  Or, it could be read as endorsing the idea of using technology to provide the west with a solution to "them."

Or, it may have been a throw away line... Take it any way you want...  :)


Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on June 27, 2016, 02:01:49 PM
Except I believe the holocaust happened.

Before going on for several paragraphs about why you don't think it's true. If you don't believe it you might as well grow a pair and say so, rather than this sort of nonsense.

Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on June 27, 2016, 02:01:49 PM
I do struggle to believe though the Nazis managed to herd and exterminate 6 million jews in the space of 4 years while engaged in a massive war on two fronts.

I'm guessing that your struggles with this belief aren't particularly strenuous. The Holocaust was a perfect storm: you had a situation in Central Europe that had been brewing for centuries that reached critical mass for a number of reasons after the First World War. It gave rise to a particularly pernicious ideology that was fostered by the economic and political conditions of the time. It also occurred at a time of rapid industrialisation that made this kind of mechanised slaughter possible. Don't forget that Auschwitz-Birkenau wasn't just there to kill Jews, it was there to exploit slave labour, and the two went together. If you have a set of beliefs that sees certain groups as less than human, and also the means to wipe them out effectively, then there's not much that you won't be capable of. Once people started to behave as the Nazis did the whole thing became self-perpetuating.

Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on June 27, 2016, 02:01:49 PM
That's 4000 people a day. Not killed in war, actively executed batch by batch and somehow magically disposed of. Concentration camps existed, jews were killed, it was bad. But it's not all we've been told it was. It's a great bargaining chip though, which is still being used to the point no one can attempt to have an honest conversation about it, even now 70 years later, without becoming the target of vitriol. Holocaust denial is a term geared towards dismissing offhand who are really holocaust questioners.

Holocaust deniers are so called because they will never accept that they are wrong. Just look at the responses on this toilet wall: anything you say will be dismissed. The 'questions' don't amount to much more than trivial nit-picking of the sort that you have adduced here. So, an elderly guy was found to be fibbing about his experiences, what does that prove? Nothing, except that an elderly guy was fibbing. If that is enough to demolish a preponderance of evidence for you then you must be one dumb sumbitch. Trivial anomalies are just that, and only betray your real motives.

Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on June 27, 2016, 02:01:49 PM
There's also far more fake stories out there about the holoaust than there are real ones.

OK, well do a count and then come back and give me the numbers. Or was it just some random BS that you pulled out of the air?

Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on June 27, 2016, 02:01:49 PM
The list of ridiculous accounts of what the Nazis did is a laundry list of victimhood fantasies. They dumped us in pits of acid, they had conveyor belts hauling people into ovens, people were melting to the floor in the gas chambers, Mengele was cutting fetuses out of womens bellies and throwing them into open fires. Give me a break.

I'm guessing you don't tell Holocaust survivors this stuff to their faces? If you do I only hope you get yourself regularly punched for it. These people really ought to stop whining about being starved and forced to live in their own filth! Read a book like 'Se Questo e un Uomo'. I guess Levi must have made it all up. It was a calculated process of dehumanisation that went on at Auschwitz, designed to rob the inmates of the lager of any dignity whatsoever. Once you begin to erode any sense of civilised values then you are on a slippery slope. In that context the Holocaust becomes all too believable.

Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on June 27, 2016, 02:01:49 PM
I refuse to accept the narrative that the Nazis were cartoon villains.

If you were a bit smarter and  better informed you could have seen how silly that remark was. The Nazis weren't cartoon villains, that's why they were so dangerous. Haven't you heard Arendt's phrase about the 'banality of evil'? If you haven't you must be the only one. The worst perpetrators of genocide were mostly bureaucrats who spent their time on killing people rather than producing paper clips and office furniture. Himmler wasn't a cartoon villain, Hoess wasn't either. They thought that what they were doing was right, and made sure that it was done as efficiently as possible. Can't you really see that?

Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on June 27, 2016, 02:01:49 PM
We can talk about atrocity without demeaning it. And people are caught lying about it all the time. One woman claims when she was put in the gas chamber by a miracle of god water came out instead and she was saved. I don't blame anyone for questioning the holocaust when they hear garbage like this.

Anyone who questions the Holocaust simply based on the testimony of a couple of people whose facts don't check out are either morons or neo-Nazis pushing their own agenda. You clearly don't believe the Holocaust happened. Or perhaps you simply don't care. That remark about it being a 'bargaining chip' was proof enough. You haven't said much that I haven't heard elsewhere, you lot are never very original. Oddly, the people who weren't Holocaust deniers were the Nazis themselves, who were very proud of what they did and seemed to think they deserved credit for it. There is masses of Nuremberg testimony where they gave chapter and verse about what a solid job they did. But of course they were making it all up, weren't they?

Quote from: SredniVashtar on June 30, 2016, 06:50:43 AM
Before going on for several paragraphs about why you don't think it's true. If you don't believe it you might as well grow a pair and say so, rather than this sort of nonsense.

You're right, I dont believe it happened. I know it did. Great attempt at making me into a strawman evil neo nazi though. I guess in the minds of a fundamentalist like you the only two options a person has are unquestioning faith in every detail or outright denial. Maybe the truth lies somewhere between the two narratives?

Quote from: SredniVashtar on June 30, 2016, 06:50:43 AM
Holocaust deniers are so called because they will never accept that they are wrong. Just look at the responses on this toilet wall: anything you say will be dismissed.

The pot calls the kettle black. Maybe you're being dismissed because you have nothing to offer but self righteousness and insults? You'd be taken more seriously by those looking for answers if you were capable of having a civil conversation. You don't realize you're exactly the same? You wouldn't accept a thing said by them. Why is it fine for you but when they do it it's condemned?

Quote from: SredniVashtar on June 30, 2016, 06:50:43 AM
I'm guessing you don't tell Holocaust survivors this stuff to their faces?

So in your view people shouldn't speak their minds under threat of violence?

Quote from: SredniVashtar on June 30, 2016, 06:50:43 AM
Anyone who questions the Holocaust simply based on the testimony of a couple of people whose facts don't check out are either morons or neo-Nazis pushing their own agenda. You clearly don't believe the Holocaust happened. Or perhaps you simply don't care.

It isn't just a couple. I'm pretty sure you know that. And that there have been many stories exposed as outright lies. Maybe you've never heard of jew soap? But of course you aren't really interested in any of it. Your only interest is in calling people idiots and nazis for disagreeing with you. And you're willing to twist their words, put words into their mouths, and assume hidden evil intentions to explain how anyone could possibly differ.

You're pretty much dead on by saying I don't care though. I don't have a particular investment in the issue. I never said I did. You were just a little too eager to jump up and slay the evil nazi to realize it. The only thing I'm partisan to is the truth. I am able to see there is true and false on both sides. You have chosen your dogma and you won't waver from black and white thinking. I don't have a horse in the race.

But I do take issue with the fact people can't speak about this issue without someone like you jumping in to slander and other them. I take issue with the fact people are being censored and jailed over it. I won't align myself with thinking like that. If those who claim to care about the holocaust as much as you do had really learned anything from it, those things wouldn't happen. I'm tired of seeing people decry fascism while acting like authoritarian assholes to those who are different from them.

The truth is I'll play devils advocate and take any position so long as I get to annoy histrionic little self righteous busy bodies like you. My advice Sredni is that you find a healthier fetish.

Muh giant electric chair
Muh masturbated to death by machines
Muh baby soccer balls

Value Of Pi

Sredni's efforts, and the response, demonstrate very well the uselessness of debating and explaining about the Holocaust with Holocaust deniers and anti-Semitism with anti-Semites. The question posed in the thread title is much more pertinent to the situation on BellGab. Also, there is much more chance of a positive outcome by focusing on that question.

It's certainly possible that no amount of complaining (and explaining the reasons for complaining) would alter MV's thought process or actions. But for anyone who cares about the immediate issue of this particular crapola infesting the site, it's the only way to go. This is all assuming that members here aren't shy about posting their opinions and directly questioning the powers that be.


Nice straw man. The issue at hand is not over whether it happened, the controversy is over what it means.

For a persona based on an irrational number, you're pretty dense, you know?


Maybe someone could enlighten me...

Why do the Jews believe they are 'Gods' chosen people?

What does it mean to be the 'chosen peoples'? Chosen for what?

What happens to all the rest of the peoples in the world i.e. The non chosen ones?

Quote from: I_Speculate on June 30, 2016, 02:55:31 PM
Maybe someone could enlighten me...

Why do the Jews believe they are 'Gods' chosen people?

Because they're the smartest and the sexiest. They know how to work it.

Quote from: I_Speculate on June 30, 2016, 03:07:04 PM
That shit there is photoshopped... They each have exactly the same nose...

OK, here. This is the women's list. Better? (Honestly, the homophobia here. Is it so hard to agree that all those 50 men are hot?)


Value Of Pi

Quote from: I_Speculate on June 30, 2016, 02:55:31 PM
Maybe someone could enlighten me...

Why do the Jews believe they are 'Gods' chosen people?

What does it mean to be the 'chosen peoples'? Chosen for what?

What happens to all the rest of the peoples in the world i.e. The non chosen ones?

Just read up a bit on the Old Testament. Or, if you want to know about how the only path to God is through Christ, read up on the New Testament. Of course, both are the works of infidels and unbelievers, if one follows the Koran.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on June 30, 2016, 03:12:49 PM
OK, here. This is the women's list. Better?


not even a twitch... it's pretty bad when Sarah Silverman is on the list and still looks better than half of them

Mia Kirshner used to be a cutie but she aged like a jug of milk

Quote from: mikuthing01 on June 30, 2016, 03:19:12 PM
not even a twitch... it's pretty bad when Sarah Silverman is on the list and still looks better than half of them

Mia Kirshner used to be a cutie but she aged like a jug of milk

Other than Babs, the majority of women on there are gorgeous. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is on there. BUFFY!


Quote from: Value Of Pi on June 30, 2016, 03:15:44 PM
Just read up a bit on the Old Testament. Or, if you want to know about how the only path to God is through Christ, read up on the New Testament. Of course, both are the works of infidels and unbelievers, if one follows the Koran.


That is like me asking how to solve a geometry problem and you telling me to go take a maths 401 class.

I've been subjected to the teachings of the new testament while being forced to attend church as a young catholic boy... something i stopped doing when i was able to think for myself.

I failed to listen to the part which describes why the Jews are the chosen people...

actually i lie. I just failed to listen period.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on June 30, 2016, 03:12:49 PM
OK, here. This is the women's list. Better? (Honestly, the homophobia here. Is it so hard to agree that all those 50 men are hot?)


I see what you did there....

And as a man who is comfortable with his own sexuality , and a non homophobe... i can honestly say I can count the number of good looking men in that post on the ZERO hands left from an Arab accused of stealing.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: I_Speculate on June 30, 2016, 03:23:21 PM

That is like me asking how to solve a geometry problem and you telling me to go take a maths 401 class.

I've been subjected to the teachings of the new testament while being forced to attend church as a young catholic boy... something i stopped doing when i was able to think for myself.

I failed to listen to the part which describes why the Jews are the chosen people...

actually i lie. I just failed to listen period.

I just think you'll get a better answer, and be more satisfied with it, if you spend a few minutes availing yourself of the wealth of information on the Internet. It's not the kind of question that you're likely to get a good or complete answer to on a site like this one.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on June 30, 2016, 03:31:14 PM
I just think you'll get a better answer, and be more satisfied with it, if you spend a few minutes availing yourself of the wealth of information on the Internet. It's not the kind of question that you're likely to get a good or complete answer to on a site like this one.

True that. Fair enough.

Quote from: I_Speculate on June 30, 2016, 03:26:40 PM

And as a man who is comfortable with his own sexuality , and a non homophobe... i can honestly say I can count the number of good looking men in that post on the ZERO hands left from an Arab accused of stealing.

Well in that case, your taste in men is terrible.

Quote from: I_Speculate on June 30, 2016, 03:23:21 PM

I've been subjected to the teachings of the new testament while being forced to attend church as a young catholic boy...

I grew up in Catholic school, first through twelfth grades and I paid attention in class. The Jews were special because they were the only peoples that were in communication with God. Everyone else was a heathen.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on June 30, 2016, 03:34:28 PM
Well in that case, your taste in men is terrible.

And that's coming from someone who is always, always the picture of good taste. I mean that literally. Just look upon that avatar.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on June 30, 2016, 03:36:51 PM
I grew up in Catholic school, first through twelfth grades and I paid attention in class. The Jews were special because they were the only peoples that were in communication with God. Everyone else was a heathen.

Would it be fair to say that the whole "You Jews are the chosen people" debacle went out the window after Judas the Jew sold his fellow Jew brother ( God's son ) to the Romans?

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