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Chefist's BlogGab: A Gossip Thread About BellGab!

Started by chefist, April 10, 2016, 04:10:11 PM

Would you go to Vegas if Falkie was attending?

Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on April 14, 2016, 11:17:43 PM
I have an EXCLUSIVE excerpt of the chat transcript that night, just for Chefist's BlogGab thread. Unfortunately the chat was moving so fast that it was all I could grab.

[19:40] <ponyboysunset> nananana minifang
[19:40] <starrmtn> falkie2013: stop dissing the chat room and trying to stir up trouble. minifang asked you to
[19:40] <morgana> brig!! :)
[19:40] <DTRN> @minifang Thanks!
[19:40] <clarewholr> brig!!!!
[19:40] <ponyboysunset> we need to do TV trivia tomorrow
[19:40] <ponyboysunset> that was hiliarious
[19:40] <starrmtn> aww eddie-dean thank you
[19:41] <WhiteCrow> thanks Gabrielle
[19:41] <ponyboysunset> Nice vibrator in the background
[19:41] <falkie2013> maybe split a youtube video with brig to cross promote. open lines gerry said he would make a new photoshop intro for it
[19:41] <Jamal_Abanane> and this ringtone is Nancy Cartwright from Maximum Overdrive..."Curtissssss"
[19:41] <Jamal_Abanane> LoL
[19:41] <clarewholr> I rember hearing the original
[19:41] <eddie-dean> then we shall PBS
[19:41] <Jamal_Abanane> sorry, "his" ... mudking's rington
[19:41] <brig> Hi WhiteCrow clarewholr morgana :D
[19:41] <Jamal_Abanane> ..."Curtisssss"
[19:41] <Jamal_Abanane> hhehe
[19:41] <falkie2013> shut up starrmtn i'm not causing trouble. YOU were the one slapping ME the moment i got here.
[19:41] <WhiteCrow> hi brig
[19:41] <brig> Falkie, I'd LOVE to do a video with you !!! :D
[19:42] <ponyboysunset> OMG it was a joke we all do it
[19:42] <&minifang> falkie2013: last warning chill
[19:42] <starrmtn> You have a foul mouth falkie2013 grow up
[19:42] <ponyboysunset> Yeah picking on starrmtn is a bad move
[19:42] <falkie2013> you remind me of my mother starrmtn you old cunt
[19:42] <GravitySucks> Yep. That's him
[19:42] <Jamal_Abanane> FLAKIE!
[19:42] <ponyboysunset> OMG you guys aren't going to ban him for that?
[19:42] <Jamal_Abanane> NO!

That is not Falkie.  Not in a million billion years.  I've been reading his writing for 15 years now, that is not how he expresses himself.  I'm not just talking about the word "cunt;" none of it is consistent with his manner of expression.

Quote from: MV on April 15, 2016, 03:28:33 AM
was this supposedly being typed by falkie during his gabcast appearance?  i don't think it's him.

It's pretty easy to tell when the "real" Falkie is in chat.  Check this out....

Quote from: littlechris on April 14, 2016, 01:17:15 PM

You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you put your right foot in & you shake it all about...

Ms. C

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on April 15, 2016, 07:28:07 AM
That is not Falkie.  Not in a million billion years.  I've been reading his writing for 15 years now, that is not how he expresses himself.  I'm not just talking about the word "cunt;" none of it is consistent with his manner of expression.
I have to agree with you DPSnuggler.  I have been thinking of this since it was mentioned the other day, and I remember the chat and thinking back then that it wasn't the real falkie.  Today, it hit me that I had spoken with someone about it and went to look in my PMs ... it was mentioned that I was probably correct as wr250 said that the ip for that user came from Texas -- I then asked wr250 and he did acknowledge it.

Quote from: Ms. C on April 15, 2016, 08:02:19 AM
I have to agree with you DPSnuggler.  I have been thinking of this since it was mentioned the other day, and I remember the chat and thinking back then that it wasn't the real falkie.  Today, it hit me that I had spoken with someone about it and went to look in my PMs ... it was mentioned that I was probably correct as wr250 said that the ip for that user came from Texas -- I then asked wr250 and he did acknowledge it.

Yep.  Senda is a pig-anus fister, but he shouldn't have to shoulder the blame for something he didn't do.  And there is no way that he wrote this. 

Quote from: chefist on April 14, 2016, 07:09:27 PM
Thank you for that, Whoozit! Fortunately I've built up an immense tolerance! I'll check into Betty Ford after Saturday's EODR!


That's right, BellGab! The last hour of the show, Daniel and Michael have graciously allowed me to come on and talk about ANYTHING gossip related in the paranormal community. This may include, but not limited to:

1. The BellGab universe and it's related celebrities like George Senda
2. The current state of affairs at MITD and Heather Wade/Art Bell
3. The on going issues with the various troupe of paranormal personalities like RCH, David Paulides, etc
4. How will new programs like Amy on The Radio impact the industry in light of the catastrophe that was Alongside Night Radio with Leo Ashcraft and J.Neil Schulman.

It will be a paranormal, no holds barred,  donnie brooke!

The show starts at 7:30 pm PT, 10:30  pm ET....

Oh that will be so much fun.  Looking forward to this.


For me it is quite simple. I wanted to be a George Senda fan, but as could almost be predicted he self destructed. I was a member of the Fortress, and wanted to support his efforts to make his big break into the entertainment industry. I spent time devoted to writing him a set of show notes for his GabCast appearance. And what were the net results?

1. Show notes are meant to be paths one goes down and explores. He blew through them as if he were reading a set of instructions for setting the time on a microwave. Clearly this is evidence that he does not have the professionalism to be able to carry off an actual show. He might be able to do a podcast or his youtubes, but that is about it.  Anything else are just delusions of grandeur.

2. He falsely accused PBS and I of being spies, even after the help I rendered to him. I did not steal or leak any of the post that were in the Fortress. The evidence is strikingly clear as "Who" kept posting leaked information after PBS and I were banished. The fox was and still remains in the hen house.

3. He treats his fans and supporters horribly in the Fortress. He actually scolds them for posting, as he claims it distracts him from his valuable show prep and video making. If you suggest ideas, he rudely rejects them while making you feel like a complete ass for even trying to help him.

4. I posted an innocent, funny gif in his thread, which I will add below. George went of on what can only be described as a homophobic rant. That is when he publicly addressed PBS's sexuality in a repugnant manner.

I wanted to be a fan of George, but now I understand that his "professional persona" and ego are out of control.

As far as other accusations regarding his character as a human being, I will let the posted evidence stand as testament to that. Much of which was posted by George himself, in what could only be described as self destructive tendencies.

I look forward to Saturday night...the truth shall set all free! Including you, George!


This is what set George off on his homophobic rant! Clearly by BellGab's standards this is very innocent.


Quote from: Ms. C on April 15, 2016, 08:02:19 AM
I have to agree with you DPSnuggler.  I have been thinking of this since it was mentioned the other day, and I remember the chat and thinking back then that it wasn't the real falkie.  Today, it hit me that I had spoken with someone about it and went to look in my PMs ... it was mentioned that I was probably correct as wr250 said that the ip for that user came from Texas -- I then asked wr250 and he did acknowledge it.

The scary part is that in those IRC type chats, this can happen to anyone.  This is why I was asking for a live thread chat for the GabCasts.  I really don't like going anywhere near the live chat to be honest, which is why I log in, so you know I'm there, but I rarely type in them.  I also remember wr250 confirming that it wasn't George in the live chat that night.


Quote from: chefist on April 15, 2016, 08:49:49 AM
For me it is quite simple. I wanted to be a George Senda fan, but as could almost be predicted he self destructed. I was a member of the Fortress, and wanted to support his efforts to make his big break into the entertainment industry. I spent time devoted to writing him a set of show notes for his GabCast appearance. And what were the net results?

1. Show notes are meant to be paths one goes down and explores. He blew through them as if he were reading a set of instructions for setting the time on a microwave. Clearly this is evidence that he does not have the professionalism to be able to carry off an actual show. He might be able to do a podcast or his youtubes, but that is about it.  Anything else are just delusions of grandeur.

2. He falsely accused PBS and I of being spies, even after the help I rendered to him. I did not steal or leak any of the post that were in the Fortress. The evidence is strikingly clear as "Who" kept posting leaked information after PBS and I were banished. The fox was and still remains in the hen house.

3. He treats his fans and supporters horribly in the Fortress. He actually scolds them for posting, as he claims it distracts him from his valuable show prep and video making. If you suggest ideas, he rudely rejects them while making you feel like a complete ass for even trying to help him.

4. I posted an innocent, funny gif in his thread, which I will add below. George went of on what can only be described as a homophobic rant. That is when he publicly addressed PBS's sexuality in a repugnant manner.

I wanted to be a fan of George, but now I understand that his "professional persona" and ego are out of control.

As far as other accusations regarding his character as a human being, I will let the posted evidence stand as testament to that. Much of which was posted by George himself, in what could only be described as self destructive tendencies.

I look forward to Saturday night...the truth shall set all free! Including you, George!


This is what set George off on his homophobic rant! Clearly by BellGab's standards this is very innocent.

Hopefully SOON, MV will be able to figure out how to set the Fortress for public viewing, so people can interpret, and decide for themselves.


Quote from: Ms. C on April 15, 2016, 08:02:19 AM
I have to agree with you DPSnuggler.  I have been thinking of this since it was mentioned the other day, and I remember the chat and thinking back then that it wasn't the real falkie.  Today, it hit me that I had spoken with someone about it and went to look in my PMs ... it was mentioned that I was probably correct as wr250 said that the ip for that user came from Texas -- I then asked wr250 and he did acknowledge it.
Well clearly those of us who suspected it was him are clearly wrong.

Quote from: brig on April 15, 2016, 08:57:42 AM
Hopefully SOON, MV will be able to figure out how to set the Fortress for public viewing, so people can interpret, and decide for themselves.

Oh good! I look  forward to seeing Falkie's cartoon porn!


Quote from: brig on April 15, 2016, 08:50:48 AM
The scary part is that in those IRC type chats, this can happen to anyone.  This is why I was asking for a live thread chat for the GabCasts.  I really don't like going anywhere near the live chat to be honest, which is why I log in, so you know I'm there, but I rarely type in them.  I also remember wr250 confirming that it wasn't George in the live chat that night.
This is actually an excellent idea. Then no one can be accused or misrepresented as anyone but who they are. Unless someone steals your bellgab login and then I guess you are just screwed anyway. LOL


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on April 15, 2016, 08:59:57 AM
Shit, apparently my subconscious is working overtime and I got some residual guilt. But hey I have no problem admitting when I am wrong, and I was CLEARLY wrong about this. LOL ;D ;D

Quote from: ponyboysunset on April 15, 2016, 09:02:33 AM
Shit, apparently my subconscious if working overtime and I got some residual guilt. But hey I have no problem admitting when I am wrong, and I was CLEARLY wrong about this. LOL ;D ;D
;D ;D



After a scathing rebuke of the new MITD and Heather Wade just yesterday, George Senda inexplicably now is a fan of both the show and Heather. How could such a postition change occur in 24 hours? If it only took a pair of glasses to get George to become a George Noory supporter, could there possibly have been a similar arrangement here?

The public demands the truth!

This from yesterday:
Recuf seems to be relatively benign compared to some of the other people's vitriol I had to wade through.
I'll let him in and see what happens.

I suggested that someone should title their new paranormal radio show :

Really terrible paranormal radio show ( even if it's good.).

From what I've been reading about Heather's abilities or lack therein, perhaps it's time to change the name of her show :

Possible names are :

Pahrump Dump
Three Mile Island
Superfund site
The toxic zone
5 hours in hell
Snoozing with Heather
The questioned challenged hour of ineptitude
Handicapped parking only
Fun with Heather just like Fukishima
Really crappy paranormal talk show host but not quite as good as Noory
The how NOT to do a paranormal radio show starring Heather
Hellsurfing with Heather Wade
5 hours to doomsday
The end time with Heather Wade
The why did Art ever pick me as a host show
Area zero
The I'm ready for the times to get better show starring Heather
Miscue 911

Now this 180 deg turn today!
Quote from: Falkie2013 on Today at 12:31:16 AM
I've been listening to Heather.
The only problems I hear is saying umm too much, repeating herself on occasion and the hisss'es coming out when she speaks but that may because of an overbite or her mike, I don't know.
She certainly knows about Fr. Malachi Martin and his history on and off of Art Bell and elsewhere.
Aside from that, I don't think she's bad at all and I have heard far worse on and off DMRN.
Of course, one can not make a determination on someone's ability based on a portion of one program, but based on what I have heard so far I am willing to give her the benefit of a doubt.
I am enjoying the program so far but of course, I'd rather be listening to our mighty Emperor of Nye !

I used to have a regular email correspondence with Fr. Martin and regret that someone hacked my Gmail and other accounts and I don't have those emails anymore and he even took the time to talk to me on the phone once about my NDE experiences, death and the nature of good and evil.
I wish I still had those emails.
I think the man was telling the truth about the pernicious influence of Satan in and out of the church and the millions of people who are/were perfectly possessed.
Evil in the world exists in so many ways. It is NOT something designed to scare children or to sell books.

Let's see the haters digest the above.
It will probably drive them nuts to see me say I like her so far.


Quote from: brig on April 15, 2016, 08:57:42 AM
Hopefully SOON, MV will be able to figure out how to set the Fortress for public viewing, so people can interpret, and decide for themselves.

As with all things, Brig, the light of justice must illuminate the darkness! We can only hope that it may happen sooner rather than later...


Quote from: chefist on April 15, 2016, 09:06:24 AM

After a scathing rebuke of the new MITD and Heather Wade just yesterday, George Senda inexplicably now is a fan of both the show and Heather. How could such a postition change occur in 24 hours? If it only took a pair of glasses to get George to become a George Noory supporter, could there possibly have been a similar arrangement here?

The public demands the truth!

This from yesterday:
Recuf seems to be relatively benign compared to some of the other people's vitriol I had to wade through.
I'll let him in and see what happens.

I suggested that someone should title their new paranormal radio show :

Really terrible paranormal radio show ( even if it's good.).

From what I've been reading about Heather's abilities or lack therein, perhaps it's time to change the name of her show :

Possible names are :

Pahrump Dump
Three Mile Island
Superfund site
The toxic zone
5 hours in hell
Snoozing with Heather
The questioned challenged hour of ineptitude
Handicapped parking only
Fun with Heather just like Fukishima
Really crappy paranormal talk show host but not quite as good as Noory
The how NOT to do a paranormal radio show starring Heather
Hellsurfing with Heather Wade
5 hours to doomsday
The end time with Heather Wade
The why did Art ever pick me as a host show
Area zero
The I'm ready for the times to get better show starring Heather
Miscue 911

Now this 180 deg turn today!
Quote from: Falkie2013 on Today at 12:31:16 AM
I've been listening to Heather.
The only problems I hear is saying umm too much, repeating herself on occasion and the hisss'es coming out when she speaks but that may because of an overbite or her mike, I don't know.
She certainly knows about Fr. Malachi Martin and his history on and off of Art Bell and elsewhere.
Aside from that, I don't think she's bad at all and I have heard far worse on and off DMRN.
Of course, one can not make a determination on someone's ability based on a portion of one program, but based on what I have heard so far I am willing to give her the benefit of a doubt.
I am enjoying the program so far but of course, I'd rather be listening to our mighty Emperor of Nye !

I used to have a regular email correspondence with Fr. Martin and regret that someone hacked my Gmail and other accounts and I don't have those emails anymore and he even took the time to talk to me on the phone once about my NDE experiences, death and the nature of good and evil.
I wish I still had those emails.
I think the man was telling the truth about the pernicious influence of Satan in and out of the church and the millions of people who are/were perfectly possessed.
Evil in the world exists in so many ways. It is NOT something designed to scare children or to sell books.

Let's see the haters digest the above.
It will probably drive them nuts to see me say I like her so far.

Honestly, I had to keep the MITD live chat thred,  AND the Fortress thread open last night.  Good thing I have a big screen on my computer. LOL's


Quote from: chefist on April 15, 2016, 09:10:49 AM
As with all things, Brig, the light of justice must illuminate the darkness! We can only hope that it may happen sooner rather than later...

So Say We ALL!

Praise MV!

Some bellgabbers might not know that George called into the show last night, and I DID enjoy both the MITD, and the Fortress threads very much!   ;D


Quote from: chefist on April 15, 2016, 09:06:24 AM

After a scathing rebuke of the new MITD and Heather Wade just yesterday, George Senda inexplicably now is a fan of both the show and Heather. How could such a postition change occur in 24 hours? If it only took a pair of glasses to get George to become a George Noory supporter, could there possibly have been a similar arrangement here?

The public demands the truth!

This from yesterday:
Recuf seems to be relatively benign compared to some of the other people's vitriol I had to wade through.
I'll let him in and see what happens.

I suggested that someone should title their new paranormal radio show :

Really terrible paranormal radio show ( even if it's good.).

From what I've been reading about Heather's abilities or lack therein, perhaps it's time to change the name of her show :

Possible names are :

Pahrump Dump
Three Mile Island
Superfund site
The toxic zone
5 hours in hell
Snoozing with Heather
The questioned challenged hour of ineptitude
Handicapped parking only
Fun with Heather just like Fukishima
Really crappy paranormal talk show host but not quite as good as Noory
The how NOT to do a paranormal radio show starring Heather
Hellsurfing with Heather Wade
5 hours to doomsday
The end time with Heather Wade
The why did Art ever pick me as a host show
Area zero
The I'm ready for the times to get better show starring Heather
Miscue 911

Now this 180 deg turn today!
Quote from: Falkie2013 on Today at 12:31:16 AM
I've been listening to Heather.
The only problems I hear is saying umm too much, repeating herself on occasion and the hisss'es coming out when she speaks but that may because of an overbite or her mike, I don't know.
She certainly knows about Fr. Malachi Martin and his history on and off of Art Bell and elsewhere.
Aside from that, I don't think she's bad at all and I have heard far worse on and off DMRN.
Of course, one can not make a determination on someone's ability based on a portion of one program, but based on what I have heard so far I am willing to give her the benefit of a doubt.
I am enjoying the program so far but of course, I'd rather be listening to our mighty Emperor of Nye !

I used to have a regular email correspondence with Fr. Martin and regret that someone hacked my Gmail and other accounts and I don't have those emails anymore and he even took the time to talk to me on the phone once about my NDE experiences, death and the nature of good and evil.
I wish I still had those emails.
I think the man was telling the truth about the pernicious influence of Satan in and out of the church and the millions of people who are/were perfectly possessed.
Evil in the world exists in so many ways. It is NOT something designed to scare children or to sell books.

Let's see the haters digest the above.
It will probably drive them nuts to see me say I like her so far.
So then when George was talking about the show before he had not yet listened?


Quote from: brig on April 15, 2016, 09:12:02 AM
So Say We ALL!

Praise MV!

Some bellgabbers might not know that George called into the show last night, and I DID enjoy both the MITD, and the Fortress threads very much!   ;D
I almost didn't believe it was him until I checked in here.  I heard something about a caller and the word "pittsburgh" and then i thought I recognized the voice.  Oh how the winds of change blow very HARD around here

Ms. C

Quote from: brig on April 15, 2016, 09:12:02 AMSome bellgabbers might not know that George called into the show last night, and I DID enjoy both the MITD, and the Fortress threads very much!   ;D
Quote from: brig on April 15, 2016, 09:11:26 AM
Honestly, I had to keep the MITD live chat thred,  AND the Fortress thread open last night.  Good thing I have a big screen on my computer. LOL's

Sigh, I wanted to listen but I somehow fell asleep two minutes into the start of the show  (as I do nightly) ... I will have to listen to last night's archive ...since it seems to have been interesting from comments from you and others.


Quote from: ziznak on April 15, 2016, 09:27:32 AM
So then when George was talking about the show before he had not yet listened?

You catch on quick ziz.

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on April 15, 2016, 07:42:25 AM
It's pretty easy to tell when the "real" Falkie is in chat.  Check this out....

"redboy" huh? That sounds dangerously close to being a Native American racial slur.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on April 15, 2016, 07:28:07 AM
That is not Falkie.  Not in a million billion years.  I've been reading his writing for 15 years now, that is not how he expresses himself.  I'm not just talking about the word "cunt;" none of it is consistent with his manner of expression.

Not him. That person failed to emulate that distinct kind of illiteracy that Senda brings with his posts


Quote from: chefist on April 14, 2016, 10:38:23 PM
George will find out what a "high price" he will have to pay for fucking with Brig, Starr and I!

Now this makes sense- Give him hell, chefist! I see you've come prepared.  ;D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: rekcuf on April 15, 2016, 09:59:23 AM
"redboy" huh? That sounds dangerously close to being a Native American racial slur.

Naaa. He's just a filthy liberal commie Marxist. Obvious really.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: ONeill on April 15, 2016, 10:04:08 AM
Not him. That person failed to emulate that distinct kind of illiteracy that Senda brings with his posts

Plus his complete incomprehension to anything going on around him that doesn't directly involve him.

MR. Spock

When is the next gabcast and are we going to talk about the senda monster?


Quote from: MR. Spock on April 15, 2016, 10:17:26 AM
When is the next gabcast and are we going to talk about the senda monster?

That will be mentioned on End of Days Radio Saturday!

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