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Chefist's BlogGab: A Gossip Thread About BellGab!

Started by chefist, April 10, 2016, 04:10:11 PM

Would you go to Vegas if Falkie was attending?


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: chefist on April 12, 2016, 11:50:02 AM

This post was leaked on the internet just this morning! It is clear the walls of Jericho are falling and that all of the sins of it's inhabitants are being exposed!

In this post, George unleashes his wrath on PBS and IB....

Quote from: Falkie2013 on Today at 01:17:40 AM
I have NO idea what Helm's Deep is.
However, I have just looked in the gossip thread and see NO evidence of Brig posting information from this forum there.
However, multiple pages/quotes from THIS forum are being posted there.
AND Inglorious Bitch can't take even a small JOKE about herself.
Thin NOT thck skin.
And Ponyboysunset is hypersensitive about her sexuality because she thinks I SAID she was a lesbian when I was referring to SF lesbians.
Which is total bs and I said it there.
I suspect that I am being sent a lot of disinformation and lies about people in my inboxes.
Not all the disinformation on the net is about UFO's.
And I have been going after Little Chris and others over there for their bs and lies.

In short, and in case you forgot Senda; you're a cunt. Full weight cunt too, you're not even playing at it.


Quote from: chefist on April 12, 2016, 12:01:43 PM
His overall tone while in the Fortress was one of a gruff, grumpy, Archie Bunker type of guy...overall...but when Brig posted, it seemed to turn very dark...resentful...I just felt wrong...

I think this goes to support my "Wizard of OZ with thick wallet" theory in my above post.  A puppeteer could be pulling Georges strings.


Quote from: VoteQuimby on April 12, 2016, 12:03:05 PM
brig, Inglorious Bitch, ponyboysunset, 1970s San Francisco lesbians... I don't see a trend. I don't know what you guys are talking about.

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on April 12, 2016, 12:04:40 PM
Think I saw that movie...

;D  ;D  ;D

I think I saw it as a double feature with Catholic Schoolgirls In Trouble when riffling through my dad's "collections" as a small kid. I think they were both Samuel L. Bronkowitz productions.

Quote from: VoteQuimby on April 12, 2016, 12:07:03 PM
;D  ;D  ;D

I think I saw it as a double feature with Catholic Schoolgirls In Trouble when riffling through my dad's "collections" as a small kid. I think they were both Samuel L. Bronkowitz productions.

Quoted before my edit, too.


Quote from: VoteQuimby on April 12, 2016, 12:07:03 PM
;D  ;D  ;D

I think I saw it as a double feature with Catholic Schoolgirls In Trouble when riffling through my dad's "collections" as a small kid. I think they were both Samuel L. Bronkowitz productions.

Why is sex always the "help" for those "...In Trouble" movies?

Quote from: chefist on April 12, 2016, 12:08:10 PM
Why is sex always the cure for those "...In Trouble" movies?

What in the human experience is sex not a cure for?



Quote from: chefist on April 12, 2016, 11:50:02 AM

This post was leaked on the internet just this morning! It is clear the walls of Jericho are falling and that all of the sins of it's inhabitants are being exposed!

In this post, George unleashes his wrath on PBS and IB....

Quote from: Falkie2013 on Today at 01:17:40 AM
I have NO idea what Helm's Deep is.
However, I have just looked in the gossip thread and see NO evidence of Brig posting information from this forum there.
However, multiple pages/quotes from THIS forum are being posted there.
AND Inglorious Bitch can't take even a small JOKE about herself.
Thin NOT thck skin.
And Ponyboysunset is hypersensitive about her sexuality because she thinks I SAID she was a lesbian when I was referring to SF lesbians.
Which is total bs and I said it there.
I suspect that I am being sent a lot of disinformation and lies about people in my inboxes.
Not all the disinformation on the net is about UFO's.
And I have been going after Little Chris and others over there for their bs and lies.
Hahahahahaha. This is gold. Leaks still happening without me and Chefist? Hmm....


Quote from: VoteQuimby on April 12, 2016, 12:09:28 PM
What in the human experience is sex not a cure for?


Well, leprosy can cause vaginas to break out all over your body!


Quote from: ponyboysunset on April 12, 2016, 12:09:46 PM
Hahahahahaha. This is gold. Leaks still happening without me and Chefist? Hmm....

We were not the spies, PBS! I knew it was just a matter of time...we have been vindicated! The traitors are still in the Fortress and we will continue to see it crumble right before our eyes!

Quote from: chefist on April 12, 2016, 12:11:02 PM
Well, leprosy can cause vaginas to break out all over your body!

I thought that was Veganism?




Quote from: VoteQuimby on April 12, 2016, 12:03:05 PM
brig, Inglorious Bitch, ponyboysunset, 1970s San Francisco lesbians... I don't see a trend. I don't know what you guys are talking about.
Don't forget his mother that he wished to hell.


Quote from: chefist on April 12, 2016, 12:12:27 PM
We were not the spies, PBS! I knew it was just a matter of time...we have been vindicated! The traitors are still in the Fortress and we will continue to see it crumble right before our eyes!

Has it not occurred to Falkie that possibly that those with Turbo Mode can see everything posted in his Fortress, they just can't post there.  Perhaps "the traitors" are all watching from the outside, looking into the greenhouse.


Quote from: Jackstar on April 12, 2016, 04:19:34 AM

That's it.  You're done.  The only time you'll see the user's post is if the admin of the forum is a petty, churlish reprobate.

Yewww don't like meeee? I has a sad.



The spies and traitors are hard at work today...risking life and limb smuggling information out of the Fortress...here is the latest, lengthy diatribe by George regarding his detractors...

It seems he believes LittleChris is the mastermind behind all the espionage...however, LC has been banned now for at least a week! So how can that be?

Quote from: Falkie2013 on Today at 01:25:21 PM
How nice of you to decide this.
Instead of saying anything about it here except that ALL of this is a coordinated and deliberate effort by Little Chris to destroy and sabotage this forum and besmirch my name by any means necessary  because I took his ball away and won't let him play here anymore I WILL say my piece on the Gabcast Sunday if there is one.
The time for my not saying anything personal about myself was passed years ago.
I am way past tired of continuing ally having to explain or justify myself to anonymous people who think that because they have the right to have an opinion about me that they are my or Kathy's moral arbiters and that gives them the right to tell me or her what to do or her with our lives in perpetuity both on SFR for 14 years and here for 3-4.
No one on or off the internet should have to put up with that kind of abuse.
And not my friends on or off line or my ex wife either whom 2 people on here have threatened to stalk and tell all when there is nothing to tell after 30 years.
It's your decision. I fell it's the wrong one. But it is your choice.


I have been receiving multiple inboxes from several persons that this person or that person is the culprit who had been passing on posts in this forum.
I rashly acted upon that without knowing with a certainty of the true facts in the matter.
I have also received inboxes that Brig is not posting openly posts in this forum but is instead passing them along in private PMS. There is absolutely NO way for me to disprove or prove that with a certainty. I did what I could to see if she was doing it in the gossip forum and she is not.
She is innocent as far as I am concerned and I obviously may well be the victim of deliberate disinformation designed to wreck this forum before it got a chance to be something really good and positive.
Just like the Musings forum got wrecked by the trolls and stalkers.
And Little Chris just sent me an inbox where he posted :

Let the fortress crumble over and over or words to that effect so I know where his thoughts lie.

If everyone wants to bail out of here and make me the villain, so be it.
I acted rashly but out of a sense to stop the sabotage.
Let the forum die if people want it to die.
I'm long past tired of all the perpetual drama, angst and anger towards me on this forum.
Fuck it.


Falkie is long past the age when he might have learned the English language.


Quote from: chefist on April 12, 2016, 12:33:06 PM

The spies and traitors are hard at work today...risking life and limb smuggling information out of the Fortress...here is the latest, lengthy diatribe by George regarding his detractors...

It seems he believes LittleChris is the mastermind behind all the espionage...however, LC has been banned now for at least a week! So how can that be?

Quote from: Falkie2013 on Today at 01:25:21 PM
How nice of you to decide this.
Instead of saying anything about it here except that ALL of this is a coordinated and deliberate effort by Little Chris to destroy and sabotage this forum and besmirch my name by any means necessary  because I took his ball away and won't let him play here anymore I WILL say my piece on the Gabcast Sunday if there is one.
The time for my not saying anything personal about myself was passed years ago.
I am way past tired of continuing ally having to explain or justify myself to anonymous people who think that because they have the right to have an opinion about me that they are my or Kathy's moral arbiters and that gives them the right to tell me or her what to do or her with our lives in perpetuity both on SFR for 14 years and here for 3-4.
No one on or off the internet should have to put up with that kind of abuse.
And not my friends on or off line or my ex wife either whom 2 people on here have threatened to stalk and tell all when there is nothing to tell after 30 years.
It's your decision. I fell it's the wrong one. But it is your choice.


I have been receiving multiple inboxes from several persons that this person or that person is the culprit who had been passing on posts in this forum.
I rashly acted upon that without knowing with a certainty of the true facts in the matter.
I have also received inboxes that Brig is not posting openly posts in this forum but is instead passing them along in private PMS. There is absolutely NO way for me to disprove or prove that with a certainty. I did what I could to see if she was doing it in the gossip forum and she is not.
She is innocent as far as I am concerned and I obviously may well be the victim of deliberate disinformation designed to wreck this forum before it got a chance to be something really good and positive.
Just like the Musings forum got wrecked by the trolls and stalkers.
And Little Chris just sent me an inbox where he posted :

Let the fortress crumble over and over or words to that effect so I know where his thoughts lie.

If everyone wants to bail out of here and make me the villain, so be it.
I acted rashly but out of a sense to stop the sabotage.
Let the forum die if people want it to die.
I'm long past tired of all the perpetual drama, angst and anger towards me on this forum.
Fuck it.



Quote from: MV on April 12, 2016, 12:31:02 PM
Yewww don't like meeee? I has a sad.

His other account, WordFag!, doesn't like you either.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 12, 2016, 12:39:37 PM
His other account, WordFag!, doesn't like you either.

OH! Is that a pretty solid confirmation? Jackstar = WordFag?


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 12, 2016, 12:03:27 PM
I know who who is, but who is why?

You may think you know who who is but do you know where who is or who else may know who who is or why who is where you think who is or why who went there in the first place?


Quote from: chefist on April 12, 2016, 12:41:41 PM
OH! Is that a pretty solid confirmation? Jackstar = WordFag?

Take it to the bank.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 12, 2016, 12:43:21 PM
Take it to the bank.
Wait I thought we were not allowed to have two accounts? You mean all this time I could have had a secret account?


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 12, 2016, 12:43:21 PM
Take it to the bank.

I want to be able to have a running list of who has separate usernames...please add if you know for sure!

1. Jackstar = Wordfag
2. ???

It is confirmed!

Quote from: Jackstar on February 05, 2016, 11:09:13 PM

Okay, look, look, read, read, I'm just thinking this over, i

But how about changing my name to "WordFag!"? It's gotta have the exclamation point, or it's no deal.


Quote from: Who on April 12, 2016, 12:43:06 PM
You may think you know who who is but do you know where who is or who else may know who who is or why who is where you think he is or why who went there in the first place?

Who, I never said I knew where who is (or was when I said I knew who who is) and I didn't really mean I knew who who really was, just who he was speaking of when he said who. It is why that has me perplexed.



It's clear the Fortress has crumbled to its foundations...will the rubble be used as a fortified defensive position by George, or will the site be abandoned? Stay tuned, folks!

Quote from: Falkie2013 on Today at 01:42:54 PM
I took " personal inventory " ( whatever in the hell that is supposed to mean to you ) a long time ago.
I am a decent, caring, honest person who deep down hates being angry, hates confrontation and hates anyone, and in particular, Kathy bring angry with me.
I made one GIGANTIC mistake in my life.
I began posting on line.
And then began telling my personal information without thinking that some would use it to attack me.
That was either naive or stupid of me, take your pick.
If you or anyone here think I am not who I deep down feel myself to be, that is YOUR problem and YOUR decision.
I am human. I have made mistakes in the past. I am doing my best not to do them now. But I have and probably will fail at times to do so. Everyone does.
But only I on here get raked over the coals for it.
Perhaps my next decision should be NOT to do the Gabcast at all.
At least that way I wouldn't have to deal with all the anger and drama that is certain to occur on there this time because of, in part, Little Chris's sabotage efforts.
And I would not have to explain my motivations and reasoning and sections over and over and over and over as I have done in the musings thread for years to people who can neither accept it nor forgive.
You decide.
Is it going to be a show where it's all " attack Falkie and give him 2 hours of non stop vitriol and abuse" or one like the last one ?
I suspect that the latter will never be ALLOWED to occur again because of Little Chris and his fellow trolls who can't stand the idea of my even being on there in the first place.
You all have FOUR days to tell ME what to decide what you think in PMS.
At this point I am so fucking disgusted I don't give a flying fuck if I do the show or not.
It sure as hell WON'T be any fun for me, that much is certain, though Liitle Chris and his fellow haters and trolls will revel in the drama of it all that they helped bring about.
I'm out of here for now.


How many times can one Falkie us the word hate in a post?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 12, 2016, 12:03:34 PM
In short, and in case you forgot Senda; you're a cunt. Full weight cunt too, you're not even playing at it.
Thank you Yorkshire pud for this post. 

Senda still hasn't apologized, to me, for calling me the 'c' word when I slapped him with a large fishboot fishbot cause he was foul mouthing a fellow Gabber.

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