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Art--you are smart for quiting BellGab

Started by DesertFox, December 30, 2015, 12:15:43 PM


Art since BellGab has been run over by a few ass hole trolls(most here are reasonable enough but are   outshouted by no life trolls) it is smart for you to quit BellGab.  Trolls deserve to be ignored--enjoy your life, put the no life shits on total ignore and let them stew in their own noxious juices.  Like the majority I don't like how you handled your abrupt quitting BUT like most don't go on like butt hurt whiny little babies about it--it's just idiotic.   Unfortunately it's a small number but it is enough to stay way clear of BellGab--so smart move Art.

Don't know if you will come back to radio but IF you do--use your Facebook(where you can control access and get rid of ass holes) to communicate to fans...fans here and elsewhere will get the message anyway as any word will spread quickly.  Just keep toxic BellGab in your rear view mirror.  Live well and forget the dicks.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: DesertFox on December 30, 2015, 12:15:43 PM
Art since BellGab has been run over by a few ass hole trolls(most here are reasonable enough but are   outshouted by no life trolls) it is smart for you to quit BellGab.  Trolls deserve to be ignored--enjoy your life, put the no life shits on total ignore and let them stew in their own noxious juices.  Like the majority I don't like how you handled your abrupt quitting BUT like most don't go on like butt hurt whiny little babies about it--it's just idiotic.   Unfortunately it's a small number but it is enough to stay way clear of BellGab--so smart move Art.

Don't know if you will come back to radio but IF you do--use your Facebook(where you can control access and get rid of ass holes) to communicate to fans...fans here and elsewhere will get the message anyway as any word will spread quickly.  Just keep toxic BellGab in your rear view mirror.  Live well and forget the dicks.

Is it impolite to point out that if he's quit BG the likelihood of him reading your post is remote? So your sentiments to him are somewhat moot.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 30, 2015, 12:24:40 PM

Is it impolite to point out that if he's quit BG the likelihood of him reading your post is remote? So your sentiments to him are somewhat moot.

Of course he might lurk for a bit--which I would discourage.  Otherwise its sent out to the Universe.


Smarter than you anyway. At least he knows how to spell 'quitting'. If he knows how to spell any word it'd be that one!  :)


Quitters are losers.  That is a proven fact.


I have 50 bucks cash in my wallet right now and will donate it to the OP's charity of choice if Bell has not posted here three months from today, under his original handle.

The whole point of being a drama queen is that you need the chorus. BG is a perfect host cell, so to speak.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on December 30, 2015, 12:37:03 PM
I have 50 bucks cash in my wallet right now and will donate it to the OP's charity of choice if Bell has not posted here three months from today, under his original handle.

The whole point of being a drama queen is that you need the chorus. BG is a perfect host cell, so to speak.
Sir, you are going to lose that money by the end of the weekend ;)

Quote from: Art Bell on December 29, 2015, 05:23:38 PM
I will leave now.


He said leave.  ;D


How many times is Art going to quit. 

He quit/retired from C2CAM how many times
He quit Sirius XM
He quit MiTD
He quit facebook
He quit Bellgab x2


1. I am 100% certain AB lurks... just not often.

2. Back-lash is what it is. If you want to avoid it, deal with your business professionally.

It's an internet message board. "Trolling" is part of it all. I think it is hilarious that people still have a problem with it or even dealing with it.


Wait, is Art a SJW now? I didn't know he needed a safe space in which the negative is filtered out.

The Kraken

Quote from: Echo on December 30, 2015, 02:09:28 PM
How many times is Art going to quit. 

He quit/retired from C2CAM how many times
He quit Sirius XM
He quit MiTD
He quit facebook
He quit Bellgab x2
His Facebook is back now. He brought it back to post the picture of the snow and kept it up for now.

Just Me

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 30, 2015, 12:29:04 PM
Smarter than you anyway. At least he knows how to spell 'quitting'. If he knows how to spell any word it'd be that one!  :)

HAHAHA ain't that the truth.

ArtBell fans are one sick bunch. They love to be abused and kicked to the curb. There is something horribly wrong with this bunch of sick pathetic losers to keep laying their hands on their savior, with approval

Art posted here the other day so. ya, he still lurks and chuckles.

The Kraken

Quote from: Just Me on December 30, 2015, 05:05:04 PM
Art posted here the other day so. ya, he still lurks and chuckles.
Yeah after he came back the first time he said he does still come by and read what's going on sometimes.


Quote from: Dateline on December 30, 2015, 12:31:02 PM
Quitters are losers.  That is a proven fact.
So, then... You have stuck with the piano after taking lessons when you were 5?  You still play your Atari and are an active member on every board that you have joined since the birth of the internet, and you faithfully maintain the first car you have ever owned... Work at McDonalds still, have the same first girlfriend?   ;D


Quote from: WOTR on December 30, 2015, 08:01:35 PM
So, then... You have stuck with the piano after taking lessons when you were 5?  You still play your Atari and are an active member on every board that you have joined since the birth of the internet, and you faithfully maintain the first car you have ever owned... Work at McDonalds still, have the same first girlfriend?   ;D

Don't be silly. Only one of those could be classified as 'quitting'. In every other case you have grown out of something, not quit it. You might as well have included diaper-wearing among your list of fatuous comparisons. If you talk to most people who took piano lessons when they were younger, they do regret not having pursued it further, and wished they had tried harder to acquire the skill. When we talk about 'quitting' we mean giving up something simply because it became difficult, not because it was no longer useful, or necessary.

Try again.  :)


Look back at all of our careers over the last 20+ years. I am guessing that you could say that many of us "quit" jobs to do something else.

I guess we are all quitters.


Quote from: dan7800 on December 31, 2015, 10:44:41 AM
Look back at all of our careers over the last 20+ years. I am guessing that you could say that many of us "quit" jobs to do something else.

I guess we are all quitters.

Ive quit many. Always followed my heart. Didnt lead for and easy life but I did what I felt was right. 8)


Quote from: WOTR on December 30, 2015, 08:01:35 PM
So, then... You have stuck with the piano after taking lessons when you were 5?  You still play your Atari and are an active member on every board that you have joined since the birth of the internet, and you faithfully maintain the first car you have ever owned... Work at McDonalds still, have the same first girlfriend?   ;D

I might be being a dick here buttttt...............You seem to talk about mcdonalds a lot. Bet five dollars you work there. Anyone wanna go in on the bet? 8)


Art smartz Neko wafer...

Wafer, nefermyne.


Quote from: stargazr1976 on January 01, 2016, 03:38:09 AM
I might be being a dick here buttttt...............You seem to talk about mcdonalds a lot. Bet five dollars you work there. Anyone wanna go in on the bet? 8)

I've got ten dollars on him having been born in one. Twenty for conception.


Quote from: Jackstar on January 01, 2016, 03:41:25 AM
I've got ten dollars on him having been born in one. Twenty for conception.



I can't tell if this place showed it's true colors, or just attracted a shit-tier quality of people after the recent quitening.  But it was terrible to see, and sad.  I don't blame Art quitting here, and I would follow him right on out the door, but I'm personally not done punching Noory yet, so you guys are stuck with me.

Quote from: Just Me on December 30, 2015, 05:05:04 PM

HAHAHA ain't that the truth.

ArtBell fans are one sick bunch. They love to be abused and kicked to the curb. There is something horribly wrong with this bunch of sick pathetic losers to keep laying their hands on their savior, with approval

It's probably because listening to a radio show isn't a real life relationship, and most people don't get personally butthurt that a radio show host keeps quitting.


Quote from: DanTSX on January 01, 2016, 11:19:06 PM
I can't tell if this place showed it's true colors, or just attracted a shit-tier quality of people after the recent quitening.  But it was terrible to see, and sad.  I don't blame Art quitting here, and I would follow him right on out the door, but I'm personally not done punching Noory yet, so you guys are stuck with me.

It's really easy to calibrate. View the Member list, sort by date, and you will see that most of the trolls signed up here right after Art quit. Of course you will always have negative douchebags like Donald Noory that are a complete waste of epidermal tissue, but other than that, the rest of the users are just completely bat shit crazy.

If you want to calibrate differently, go look at the live show threads when Art was hosting. On any given night 10% loved the guest or topic; 50% hated the guest or topic; 70% were just glad Art was back; 83% had never kissed a girl; 17% were girls that HAD kissed a girl; and the only thing anyone had in common was that they had an Internet connection.

It was a better forum then. It will return to the status quo of November/December 2014 as soon as the trolls find some other shiny new thing.


Quote from: GravitySucks on January 09, 2016, 11:30:04 AM
It's really easy to calibrate. View the Member list, sort by date, and you will see that most of the trolls signed up here right after Art quit. Of course you will always have negative douchebags like Donald Noory that are a complete waste of epidermal tissue, but other than that, the rest of the users are just completely bat shit crazy.

If you want to calibrate differently, go look at the live show threads when Art was hosting. On any given night 10% loved the guest or topic; 50% hated the guest or topic; 70% were just glad Art was back; 83% had never kissed a girl; 17% were girls that HAD kissed a girl; and the only thing anyone had in common was that they had an Internet connection.

It was a better forum then. It will return to the status quo of November/December 2014 as soon as the trolls find some other shiny new thing.

Yeah I miss the days when we backed the Art Bell horse all the way, I also wish I could kiss a girl too.

Corona Kitty

Art claimed to quit the forum, but he was glued to the site despite what he posted toward the end.

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