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VOTE--Who thinks ART is a sociopath?

Started by DesertFox, December 28, 2015, 06:09:11 PM


Now that we are in the finals, I hate being on a losing team. I need to change my vote to not.


Never was any doubt!


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 29, 2015, 02:43:45 PM
Now that we are in the finals, I hate being on a losing team. I need to change my vote to not.


Never was any doubt!

Nah, your stuck with your first vote--you are married to the lunatics.


Sociopath? More like the boy who cried wolf!


Well, here is what the DSM says:

Differences Between a Psychopath vs Sociopath

The common features of a psychopath and sociopath lie in their shared diagnosis â€" antisocial personality disorder. The DSM-5 defines antisocial personality as someone have 3 or more of the following traits:

    Regularly breaks or flouts the law
    Constantly lies and deceives others
    Is impulsive and doesn’t plan ahead
    Can be prone to fighting and aggressiveness
    Has little regard for the safety of others
    Irresponsible, can’t meet financial obligations
    Doesn’t feel remorse or guilt

In both cases, some signs or symptoms are nearly always present before age 15. By the time a person is an adult, they are well on their way to becoming a psychopath or sociopath......

Traits of a Sociopath

Researchers tend to believe that sociopathy is the result of environmental factors, such as a child or teen’s upbringing in a very negative household that resulted in physical abuse, emotional abuse, or childhood trauma.

Sociopaths, in general, tend to be more impulsive and erratic in their behavior than their psychopath counterparts. While also having difficulties in forming attachments to others, some sociopaths may be able to form an attachment to a like-minded group or person. Unlike psychopaths, most sociopaths don’t hold down long-term jobs or present much of a normal family life to the outside world.

When a sociopath engages in criminal behavior, they may do so in an impulsive and largely unplanned manner, with little regard for the risks or consequences of their actions. They may become agitated and angered easily, sometimes resulting in violent outbursts. These kinds of behaviors increase a sociopath’s chances of being apprehended.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following  symptoms:

    Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
    Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

    Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

    Requires excessive admiration

    Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his       or    her expectations

    Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

    Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

    Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

    Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes



Thin skinned, whupped by younger Asian woman, drama-queen, anti-social panic disorder-- not sociopath though


Quote from: Whacky Bob L on January 21, 2016, 10:27:47 PM
Thin skinned, whupped by younger Asian woman, drama-queen, anti-social panic disorder-- not sociopath though
*and the fucker apparently owes a one Whacky Bob L.


No, I don't think Art is a sociopath, but here's what makes the most sense to me:

Sometime during the MITD days, I distinctly remember Art saying that both his parents were military (Marines), and both of them were alcoholics.  He said something to the effect that "You can imagine what my life was like growing up," and he also said that is why he doesn't drink at all.

"The two most fundamental characteristics/issues of adult children are the need for control and all-or-nothing thinking and behaviors. These fundamental issues/characteristics are in turn related to difficulties in:

Dealing with feelings
Dealing with responsibility
Asking for help or support from others
Grieving losses
Other issues and characteristics that can result are:

Fear of losing control
Distrust of others and self
Avoidance of feelings, including anger
All-or nothing thinking and behaving
Being over-responsible and/or irresponsible
Neglecting own needs
Creating “crises” when non exist
High tolerance for inappropriate behavior and/or situations
Low self-esteem
Fear of abandonment and/or rejection
Lack of assertiveness and/or avoidance of conflict
Protecting others from experiencing their pain"

(Bolded italics are mine.)

Talk amongst yourselves.


The idea behind this thread illustrates why you shouldn't use dynamite to remove a stump in your yard just because you know how to light the fuse.

hanhepi wi

RE:  ART BELL.  No matter what, I will listen to Art Bell on the radio, past or future time.  Why?  No sure why.  Confusion will be my epitaph regarding Mr Bell.  My vote is no, Art is not a sociopath.


Quote from: Soylentblue on December 28, 2015, 06:39:09 PM
Sociopath is a realllllll stretch. So no to that.

But definitely has signs of narcissistic personality disorder.

Agree with this assessment totally.  I believe the only reason Art even went to the trouble to return to the airwaves was due to having his ego stoked/stroked by Bellgab.  I also think Art became disheartened when the show didn't take off quite as resoundingly as he thought it would.  He would know the numbers, and also that major advertisers were not renewing their ads (which is never a good sign).   That's about when he started to lose his enthusiasm for dong the show --- plus, 5 nights a week was probably just too much for him at 70.


Quote from: Faustina on January 22, 2016, 07:10:05 PM
5 nights a week was probably just too much for him at 70.

That there was never--never--any discussion or announcement, at least publicly, about what the plan was going to be when this man inevitably had to take some time off, leads me to conclude that this was the plan all along.

Five nights a week is a beat that would wear down anyone. I rather feel that it Bell had just told us, "I'm taking Christmas off!!" far, far fewer listeners would have been retained.

When he's back in Spring, precious few people will really care why. A great majority of the vitriolic posts on this site will be long gone. (Love that site search algorithm!)




Absolutely not.  Bell isn't anti-people,  He can empathize.  He doesn't directly injure others to get his way. He's not remorseless.  Bell is a recluse who's probably paralyzed by extreme shyness in public, has much difficulty with commitments outside his tiny circle unless they're virtually anonymous; thus his fixations on ham radio and talk radio/webcast callers.  If he'd been born before radio was invented he'd have been an island lighthouse keeper who'd spend his time stuffing notes into bottles and never go ashore.  The notes would say"Help!  I'm in a lighthouse that's under assault by the Kraken!"

My man Art is no homophobe!
But he shouldn't be danzing with Molly so much.
I hear it can drive some bros crazy.
Not my stuff of course, but not all have that quality on sale.


Quote from: Black Lives Matter on January 25, 2016, 08:27:38 AM
My man Art is no homophobe!
But he shouldn't be danzing with Molly so much.
I hear it can drive some bros crazy.
Not my stuff of course, but not all have that quality on sale.

Lame hate bait. Can someone bunt this POS?
Black lives matter, troll accounts do not.

Quote from: That is correct Captain on January 25, 2016, 08:55:51 AM
Lame hate bait. Can someone bunt this POS?
Black lives matter, troll accounts do not.
Y u want to exlude brothers from paranormals?
This no white country club here.
You into lynchin folks too?
You avatar looks like troll to me, bro, lily white dood smokin a bong?


Quote from: Black Lives Matter on January 25, 2016, 10:25:20 AM
Y u want to exlude brothers from paranormals?
This is no white country club here.
You into lynchin folks too?

Yes, just the irritating ones, though. Lemme show you this tree.


Quote from: Black Lives Matter on January 25, 2016, 10:25:20 AM
Y u want to exlude brothers from paranormals?
This no white country club here.
You into lynchin folks too?

Nah... Lynching is so yesterday. We have other methods here. His name is Falkie.

Quote from: GravitySucks on January 25, 2016, 10:27:42 AM
Nah... Lynching is so yesterday. We have other methods here. His name is Falkie.
hey man, I dindu nuthin. Don't falkie me!


Quote from: Black Lives Matter on January 25, 2016, 02:41:01 PM
hey man, I dindu nuthin. Don't falkie me!

Before you go in there, make sure you have your settings correct.

Sociopath - no
Up in his own head and a drama queen - yes

Quote from: Faustina on January 22, 2016, 07:10:05 PM
5 nights a week was probably just too much for him at 70.
Hold on, but wasn't Art finally in a situation where he had complete control of his show?  Art could have easily limited MITD to 3 nights a week and his fans would have still tuned in.  This wasn't a corporate trap, Art had complete and total control over MITD which was the whole damn point of him coming back and doing his own "internet show".

So, I'm not buying it.  If Art was "tired" or "exhausted" due to his age or any other reason then he could have just said so and knocked the live show down to 3 days a week or less.  All of us here would have understood and we would have supported him.

I think Art got disillusioned with the amateur network,
and of course you can't run the exact same style of show in 2016 that you did in 1999.
You have to bring in something new, but unfortunately neither he nor his staff realized that.
Today you can look up any claim people make on his show in seconds online.
You have to realize that and modify your show accordingly.

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