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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM

Quote from: VC on July 02, 2020, 08:27:55 PM
I think it's really funny these guys think they're going to get broadcast on terrestrial radio with people like Fetzer and Flat Earth, and 911 "our gov did it" conspiracy. That's insane! ;D

I dunno.  It could work.  "and now, Jim Fetzer and the Raw Deal, brought to you by Bark Balls Dodge here on WWOO 490 AM"


Quote from: Lilith on July 04, 2020, 05:36:39 AM
When have you ever known me to be neutral about anything?  LOL

That leaves it up to you and VC.

Well a neutral space for him ... ;)

Quote from: AZZERAE on July 04, 2020, 05:19:53 AM
There is no such thing.

Possibly, but it would be more neutral than him speaking on MITD ....


Although I did write Rubini and offer him an interview on LPTD and he never got back to me ....

I’d much rather have a conversation or listen to a conversation where they can talk about the decisions they have made and the experiences they have had to enable me to make a lasting decision about them.

But if they are content to pander to each other on their own show.... that speaks volumes to me as well.


Quote from: WOTR on July 03, 2020, 11:37:39 PM
Your wife is going to castrate you in your sleep for that.  :(

Nah, she's had plenty of other reasons to do that and I'm still intact, so I'm probably all good.


On the DMDN stream, I think it would be a very good idea to play Art Bell Bumper Music for the hour before MITD streams.  Heatha plays Music DJ with her favorite tunes,  for about an hour before her show begins, and I regularly found it to be the best part of her show. 


Quote from: Lilith on July 04, 2020, 12:06:27 PM
On the DMDN stream, I think it would be a very good idea to play Art Bell Bumper Music for the hour before MITD streams.  Heatha plays Music DJ with her favorite tunes,  for about an hour before her show begins, and I regularly found it to be the best part of her show.

Do they have the magic music licence?

Quote from: DynamoHum on July 04, 2020, 12:30:13 PM
Do they have the magic music licence?

Magic Music License's do not convey.............   They'll have to print up their own.


Quote from: DynamoHum on July 04, 2020, 12:30:13 PM
Do they have the magic music licence?

I didn't mean to imply that they should include the hour of Art Bell Bumper music in their downloadable show archive.  It would have a pre-show status.


Quote from: Lilith on July 04, 2020, 04:24:18 AM
He was talking about making a forum for his own show Lifting the Veil.  He said MITD will be having it's own forum accessible via subscription, much like Streamlink coastriders was when Coasttocoast had a forum.

Slamming a forum behind a paywall is not "lifting the veil." I would suggest that BG act as the official "unmoderated" forum, for the "unwashed masses" and set up another moderated forum for the gentry. We can cause a good portion of the posters to seek refuge at a moderated forum and increase revenue.  ;)

Even coast figured out that it is not worth running your own echo chamber...


Quote from: WOTR on July 04, 2020, 01:03:50 PM
Slamming a forum behind a paywall is not "lifting the veil." I would suggest that BG act as the official "unmoderated" forum, for the "unwashed masses" and set up another moderated forum for the gentry. We can cause a good portion of the posters to seek refuge at a moderated forum and increase revenue.  ;)

Even coast figured out that it is not worth running your own echo chamber...

I was never censored at the streamlink forum.  It seems it died, much like the old style controversial Art Bell shows, when these programs started to cater to advertisers.  I could be wrong.

I have no doubt that Nathan, Rubini etc will continue to read BellGab with great anticipation.  Will they be allowed to post here?  Only time will tell.


Quote from: Lilith on July 04, 2020, 03:26:47 PM
I was never censored at the streamlink forum.  It seems it died, much like the old style controversial Art Bell shows, when these programs started to cater to advertisers.  I could be wrong.

I have no doubt that Nathan, Rubini etc will continue to read BellGab with great anticipation.  Will they be allowed to post here?  Only time will tell.

I think Jackstar will allow it.



I talked to MV.  He said he approved your account, but the activation link has not been clicked in your activation email.  He just sent you another activation email.

I look forward to interacting with you on BellGab!


Praise MV!


Ok I'm live. Coming up this week is Higher Side Chats, Mike Adams (Health Ranger, Natural News), Zach Vorhies (Google whistleblower), Adam Green (Know More News). Should be a good week.


are you the new keeper of #legacy?


Ok big news for you guys. For some reason David Rubini thinks it's a good idea to give you guys a platform to ask us questions for the last 2 hours of the show tomorrow (Tuesday) night. He says we'll just take calls from BellGab and you can ask whatever you want. Mike Adams will be our guest for the first hour and then it will be all about you. I'm sure Rubini will regret the decision but I couldn't talk him out of it.

Talk to you tomorrow night!


i have important questions

how many nights a week do you cancel a show?

are you comfortable with fireworks

preferred codec

interested in moving to nevada

Quote from: LiftTheVeil on July 06, 2020, 11:44:49 AM
Ok I'm live. Coming up this week is Higher Side Chats, Mike Adams (Health Ranger, Natural News), Zach Vorhies (Google whistleblower), Adam Green (Know More News). Should be a good week.

No Douglas Dietrich?    Huh.............


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on July 06, 2020, 06:59:02 PM
No Douglas Dietrich?    Huh.............

the original ascot warrior


Quote from: artbell_ghost on July 06, 2020, 07:08:39 PM
the original ascot warrior

This joke is not getting the number of sensible chuckles that it deserves.

Quote from: Jackrabbit on July 06, 2020, 07:10:59 PM
This joke is not getting the number of sensible chuckles that it deserves.

It got plenty from me but I am only one guy.


Quote from: LiftTheVeil on July 06, 2020, 06:53:26 PM
Ok big news for you guys. For some reason David Rubini thinks it's a good idea to give you guys a platform to ask us questions for the last 2 hours of the show tomorrow (Tuesday) night. He says we'll just take calls from BellGab and you can ask whatever you want. Mike Adams will be our guest for the first hour and then it will be all about you. I'm sure Rubini will regret the decision but I couldn't talk him out of it.

Talk to you tomorrow night!

Mr Rubini is BRILLIANT!  I'm a fan already.


Tonight on MITD:

I'm having on greg carlwood from higherside chats"


Quote from: BRIG on July 06, 2020, 08:20:45 PM
Tonight on MITD:

I'm having on greg carlwood from higherside chats"

A host interviewing a host? PARASITES!!!


Thank You for the BellGab SHOUTOUTS!  Looking forward to David Rubini posting here at BellGab.com


Quote from: Lilith on July 07, 2020, 01:01:55 AM
Thank You for the BellGab SHOUTOUTS!  Looking forward to David Rubini posting here at BellGab.com!

Lilith, let MV know that Rubini signed-up as David (or Dave) Rubini, and he needs another confirmation email to activate his account. He says he will post here too. :D

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