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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM

Corona Kitty

Quote from: ONeill on October 17, 2018, 03:22:20 AM
You are a never-ending epitome of wit.

Feel free to talk about me, I enjoy it.


Quote from: brig on October 15, 2018, 10:54:23 PM
Dave took a caller.  :o

He’s too chicken shit to even do a real live show?!


Dave is having a melt-down telling everyone to Shhhhhh! in HIS thread topic at Fart Ell. LOL.

"Dude. We just got shushed."

They're enjoying their gangland "banning threats" directed at me again.

These people thrive on pettiness and controlling their message.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: VC on October 17, 2018, 11:15:42 PM
Dave is having a melt-down telling everyone to Shhhhhh! in HIS thread topic at Fart Ell. LOL.

"Dude. We just got shushed."

They're enjoying their gangland "banning threats" directed at me again.

These people thrive on pettiness and controlling their message.

He's such a pussy.

Quote from: VC on October 17, 2018, 11:15:42 PM
Dave is having a melt-down telling everyone to Shhhhhh! in HIS thread topic at Fart Ell. LOL.

Over what?

Corona Kitty

did I hear that correctly? Did Dave, just say something along the lines of they're, going to have some sort of meet and greet event, in Pahrump Nevada?

do they have that many listeners, who would actually be willing to waste money doing that?  I can understand, if you live there locally in the area but if you're going to come from far away? WTF


Quote from: malachi.martini on October 17, 2018, 11:33:18 PM
Over what?
Bartcast Producer started fracking w/me just before DS's show... my reply was below their quote... then Ell Bart called me a moron... Dave's fans started fracking w/me... they want me banned. LOL.

QuoteQuote from: BartEllProducer on Today at 06:23:21 PM

    @VC two questions for you:

    1) Did daddy ever tell you that he loved you?

    2) Was mommy on meth while breast feeding?

Quote from: BartEllProducer on Today at 06:35:35 PM

    Two more questions for @VC:

    1) Have you ever seen @Richard Groyper basement?

    2) Have you ever taken a road trip with @GravitySucks in his company Cadillac?

    Let’s go for it and ask another..

    3) What are your thoughts on airport long term parking?

Well, well, BC/MITD/DS Choirboy/Choirgirl...

At least I don't get Producer Michelle and waste half the Bartcast talking about Remote Viewing! Fracking retarded... beyond stupidity!

I had Awesome Questions inquiring minds wanted to know! Duhhh!


Glad you guys are having some fun..I'm chill'in listening to MV spin great tunes.


LOL I'll monitor your "conflict"..crank it up ;)

Quote from: WhiteCrow on October 17, 2018, 11:53:06 PM
I'm chill'in listening to MV spin great tunes.

They're 11% more pleasing.


My One and Only "You Suck" Rant about DS's 3 One Hour Show Format...

Though I reserve "the right" to reply to any critique of my rant, otherwise "enough already". As DS would say: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :D

Quote from: DaveSchrader on October 18, 2018, 12:45:36 AM
Fun show tonight, fast moving, I liked it, I hope you did too.
No! Can't stand 3 One Hour Commercials that are scripted for book sales and provide ZERO depth of deeper understanding to be passed on to listeners! Easy peasy slop... PERFECT for the gullible and those with no attention span, but worthless for those of us that have listened to Art Bell for years or even Nory's C2C in its earlier years.

This forum is perfect for people that can only post in one or two sentence frameworks. It has a texting 30 second attention span that has just been repackaged into a live stream podcast with 3 one hour starving hacks.

This place is haunted like the walking dead and you don't even know it if you think listening to one hour shows is Art's Legacy or "going deep" to find answers. This is Beavis and Butt-head and Dumb and Dumber.

It's sad that forum's now attract people that can only post in one or two sentences. IF that's all you do here, then FU. You contribute NOTHING of substance, text freaks, though Bluejay is a step-up w/pics.

I'm done with this shit hole with one hour no-brainer book sale BJ's.

This entire forum is hacked and hijacked for commercialization for "the money changers" MITD/DS and in-house business associates, and there is NO LEGACY of Art Bell remaining here.

Bellgab.com was/is independent from the very deceptive trickery that happened when this forum was created under false pretenses. This is an MITD/DS sponsored forum that fracked Art Bell's show format.

I'm not calling-in to farcical one/two hour DS BJ's. Bye bye. :P

Three hour shows with Voice Call-ins or Open Lines would still be worthwhile, though I doubt DS has any plans to do this.


Quote from: VC on October 18, 2018, 02:56:48 AM
worthless for those of us that have listened to Art Bell for years

This boomer gets it.


Researching how this MITD Dave Schrader SHIT "show format" disaster happened starts here:


Dave did say he would do Open Lines within a few weeks in his introduction. Yeah, that's right. I've got "the audio" in his own words... Dave says: "I'M PROMISING"... Posted May 9th... http://midnightinthedesert.com/dave-schrader/

DS said back in May "I'm promising" within a couple of weeks he will do Open Lines:


So much for promises!



Quote from: VC on October 18, 2018, 01:00:24 PM
Open Lines:

frazzledrip frazzledrip LockHerUp frazzledrip BaBaBooey frazzledrip 9/11 frazzledrip PORTALS

I mean, sure. What could go wrong? I know I'd tune in.

Quote from: Jackstar on October 18, 2018, 01:52:29 PM
frazzledrip frazzledrip LockHerUp frazzledrip BaBaBooey frazzledrip 9/11 frazzledrip PORTALS

I mean, sure. What could go wrong? I know I'd tune in.

Imagine how he'd handle that?

muh conspiracy theories, muh alex jones, muh sandy hook, muh boots on the ground


Bart Ell removed my post from Dave Schrader's MITD thread topic. Schrader RULES. Caught DS in his own voice and lies:

Quote from: Bluejay on October 18, 2018, 04:33:33 PM
Another question:
How did you react when McDonald’s removed the McRib from its menu?

You do realize WE ALL got triple fracked here:

1) Dave Schrader never did a tribute show that should have allowed Art Bell's fans to call-in with their memories and condolences to his family. FU DS!

Dave said he would though:


2) Researching how this "show format" disaster happened starts here:


Dave did say he would do Open Lines within a few weeks in his introduction. Yeah, that's right. I've got "the audio" in his own words... Dave says: "I'M PROMISING"... Posted May 9th... http://midnightinthedesert.com/dave-schrader/

DS said back in May "I'm promising" within a couple of weeks he will do Open Lines:


So much for promises!


3) HW had a complete meltdown, several times, but AT LEAST she's back doing a FOUR HOUR show with Call-ins and Open Lines. HW kicks Dave's show in the balls by following Art Bell's Legacy in Show Format AND Music. BUT... HW is an incompetent host. She needs a Co-Host to succeed, but she has no interest in doing that.

This is WHY we're ALL fracked. Except for ALL YOU suck-ups that have to play nice here for your selfish motives. I understand The Choir always is going to smite me here, but just realize you have ALL betrayed Art Bell's MAGIC by letting Dave Schrader slither by like a snake in the night with a poison bite. He didn't respect Art enough to do the right things. See Above and weep in its truth!

Wah wah!

BTW, I'm just replying to questions here, so don't rag on me for speaking Truth to Power!

On a Final Note... This is Dave's One and Only attempt to do Open Lines:

Tue June 5 â€" Open Lines (1st Hour)


Dave! Are you serious???????????????????????


Corona Kitty

Wow even in short clips, he's embarrassingly NPC.

Food for thought: How soon after Chefist's call(mid-June?) did he/Keith stop taking callers?

Quote from: username on October 18, 2018, 06:49:38 PM
Wow even in short clips, he's embarrassingly NPC.

It's why I stopped listening, couldn't get past it man.


Quote from: Chocolate coated jackboot on October 18, 2018, 08:59:02 PM
Food for thought: How soon after Chefist's call(mid-June?) did he/Keith stop taking callers?
He did One Show with only ONE HOUR for call-ins! Nothing since June 5th.

DS is full of shit.


Quote from: VC on October 18, 2018, 09:44:07 PM
DS is full of shit.

What's his take on Building 7? Asking for a friend.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Chocolate coated jackboot on October 18, 2018, 08:59:02 PM
Food for thought: How soon after Chefist's call(mid-June?) did he/Keith stop taking callers?

That was is the proverbial Tipping Point.


Jesus Christ...is this thread about Heather or Dave...please, help me out here.  ::) ;D


Bart Ell banned me from posting in threads open to the forum. This is my response:

This is EXACTLY how censorship works in this forum. Dave posted this, see below, and as soon as that happened I'm blocked from responding to Dave or anyone in that thread. Bart Ell is just censoring The Truth that I was posting there, so no one can read about it.

This is Orwellian Bull Shit. So, FU Bart Ell. You've proven your stupidity.

This is Dave Schrader's post directed at me:

I would say, there ya go, half cooked, but I'm guessing that would give you too much credit as I think you're most likely No Cocked with all the free time you have to whine and kick and stomp like a petulant child.

I DID do Open Lines, we got almost no calls. Then had to edit calls out filled with obscenities, burps, farts and toilet flushing because the dipshit society had nothing better to do waiting for their Host of choice to shit or get off the cuckshack pot and do a show they so desperately craved. But I showed up and have for going on 6 months, without issues, even in the face of family crisis and Illness and kept the show going when I couldn't be here with capable guest hosts that some former hosts were too insecure to put in place.

You're constant bitching isn't clever, a sign of intellectual superiority or even well thought out. You appear to most here as nothing more than a pest.

You spout off half truths and twisted facts, you are rude and belligerent and like the coward you are when I do open phones you dodge and hide and say, I wont call in for a 1 or 2 hour guest.

Your actions and lack of actions betray you.

This is the final response I have for a drama loving, attention starved social misfit with the collective intelligence and business savvy of a discarded tampon....I take that back...at least the tampon once served a purpose.

Buh bye now.


Asuka Langley

Quote from: VC on October 18, 2018, 10:16:54 PM
Bart Ell banned me from posting in threads open to the forum. This is my response:

This is EXACTLY how censorship works in this forum. Dave posted this, see below, and as soon as that happened I'm blocked from responding to Dave or anyone in that thread. Bart Ell is just censoring The Truth that I was posting there, so no one can read about it.

This is Orwellian Bull Shit. So, FU Bart Ell. You've proven your stupidity.

This is Dave Schrader's post directed at me:

I would say, there ya go, half cooked, but I'm guessing that would give you too much credit as I think you're most likely No Cocked with all the free time you have to whine and kick and stomp like a petulant child.

I DID do Open Lines, we got almost no calls. Then had to edit calls out filled with obscenities, burps, farts and toilet flushing because the dipshit society had nothing better to do waiting for their Host of choice to shit or get off the cuckshack pot and do a show they so desperately craved. But I showed up and have for going on 6 months, without issues, even in the face of family crisis and Illness and kept the show going when I couldn't be here with capable guest hosts that some former hosts were too insecure to put in place.

You're constant bitching isn't clever, a sign of intellectual superiority or even well thought out. You appear to most here as nothing more than a pest.

You spout off half truths and twisted facts, you are rude and belligerent and like the coward you are when I do open phones you dodge and hide and say, I wont call in for a 1 or 2 hour guest.

Your actions and lack of actions betray you.

This is the final response I have for a drama loving, attention starved social misfit with the collective intelligence and business savvy of a discarded tampon....I take that back...at least the tampon once served a purpose.

Buh bye now.


I thought Dave's viewers were up over Heather's why does he have no one calling in? Heather Wade gets calls, sure they are always about cats but she still gets calls.

Quote from: Dave SchraderI DID do Open Lines, we got almost no calls.

Quote from: Dave Schradersocial misfit with the collective intelligence and business savvy of a discarded tampon

Wow, this is misogynist as fuck. What exactly is Dave saying about women?


Quote from: VC on October 18, 2018, 10:16:54 PM

But I showed up and have for going on 6 months, without issues, even in the face of family crisis and Illness and kept the show going when I couldn't be here with capable guest hosts that some former hosts were too insecure to put in place.

Shows up for the job, not a quitter.

Isn’t this the one good thing that used to be said about Dave Noory?

Corona Kitty

Quote from: malachi.martini on October 18, 2018, 09:04:20 PM
It's why I stopped listening, couldn't get past it man.

Don't blame you one bit.

Everything I said has been proven, just like everything else I've said has been proven time, and time again. Not by me, but by those who have tried to lie and deceive others.

The universe will always win..


Isn't Dave, by definition a cuck? No one cares about his personal issues, everyone has them.. what a bitch.

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