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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 14, 2018, 08:12:25 PM
George doesn't play console video games.

“I’m not going to sell my atari. Why would I want to sell my atari? I love my atari.”


Whitley Streiber was ALWAYS one of my least favorite guests and I've been listening to Art Bell since 1997. Never understood why Art gave him so much credit except that he might have thought it was good radio for his paranormal show.

Dr. Reed's  B.S. story was more entertaining than anything Streiber delivered.


Quote from: Bluejay on May 14, 2018, 08:18:48 PM

Anyone ever check this Paul Craddock out?

He's a Ham: Ham lic KI4TOR

Was he a friend of Art's? Is that why he's rabid for HLW? 


Quote from: The Big Foot on May 14, 2018, 08:10:24 PM
Look at the bright side The show archive will be free of charge.

She'd like to charge you $4.99 a month but no way she will be able to get a pay wall up.

I can't wait to see who verifies secure transactions for this site. Cuckafee? I'm not going to trust it.


Quote from: BettyO417 on May 14, 2018, 08:26:10 PM
Asking for a friend. Have Paul and Ella used the garment steamer on the pee Belgian Sheepdog?  :o
That Beligian Sheepdog must have had an accident or two on Paul's cape.

Quote from: Tommie Knocker on May 14, 2018, 08:23:14 PM
I read a post here somewhere that said Whitley had a bad dream and has been living off of it ever since.  I find that pretty funny.

this wouldn't surprise me at all.

Quote from: bateman on May 14, 2018, 08:29:50 PM
THE MASTER is discussing Hester

"She couldn't carry Art's legacy, she couldn't carry a wet sack with a bottle of booze in it."  ???

Hester has a nice Puritan ring to it..............


Quote from: DaveSchrader on May 14, 2018, 07:51:41 AM
For clarification, I asked what that meant, Keith respectfully responded this way,

"In order for Heather Wade to avoid any pending lawsuits & breach of her non-compete clause,
she simply needs to use a different name for her new show. We then part amicably & move forward wishing her well with no further repercussions.«

Keith is a very decent guy, I would not have aligned myself with him or MitD if he wasn't. The claims of how evil he was took place when hosts made unreasonable demands or disagreed with the business model Keith created.

Not evil, just business. Victims point fingers and cry foul when they don't get their way.

Heather is the one that refused to commit to a return date, refused to allow the show to continue with a temporary fill in host of her own choosing. These choices effectively showed blatant disregard for listeners of the show and the money they spent to support her. 

In today's world, going off air for two to four weeks would have destroyed the show and all that Keith created with blood, sweat and tears.  It is unfair to blame him for trying to sustain a program and business he helped create.

I said it the first night and stand by it, we all grieve in different ways and I don't doubt that Heather hurt over the loss and continues to do so, however, I lost my biggest fan, supporter and friend when my Mom passed away in Nov of 2016. I was off for the week leading up to her death and the week after as I was by her side til the end, in another state.

I was destroyed, but I knew one thing, Mom loved my show and I knew if I took even one more day off because of her she would have personally kicked my ass. As hard as it was, I went back to do the job because it was my job and I had obligations, and I wasn't  on a subscription based show that could sink my show or network if I just didn't show up.

I wish Heather well and sincerely mean that, she needs healing and professional help to aide her in her grieving.

That aside, subscribers were dropping like flies because of the lack of new shows and got dangerously low, in one week of showing commitment to this show and dedication to move forwatd, we rebounded and have already surpassed membership before Heather left by over 15% and picking up more subscribers daily.

Heather was given every chance to stay aboard, she made a choice, her choice, I've seen the emails that were sent. Keith was left to a very hard choice, wait for her to return to a show hemmorraging money and supporters and lose what he had built, or replace the uncertain and non committal host and right the ship. He made his choice because of her inability to make hers.

This will all eventually clear itself up, and I really hope for Heather's sake, she makes a better educated decision and avoids the impending lawsuits.

There is plenty of room for a new show for her, she just needs a new show name and her life can continue without issue. Seems that makes more sense then setting herself up for a long and money wasting lawsuit.

Either way, my prayers and positive thoughts continue for her and this is the last I will discuss this nonsense.

Your pal,


Quote from: trostol on May 14, 2018, 08:02:15 PM
very well said...you are a good man

+1  ;)


time for a cat nap before the show..
this is going to be bigger than the 4th of july!


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: bateman on May 14, 2018, 08:29:50 PM
THE MASTER is discussing Hester


"She couldn't carry Art's legacy, she couldn't carry a wet sack with a bottle of booze in it."  ???

The last word in journalism..

Quote from: BettyO417 on May 14, 2018, 07:17:37 PM
... My heart really goes out to Asia. Next time you and Karen connect would you please ask how Asia is doing. Unfortunately Baby Alex will only know Art through recordings and video...

They'll also have BellGab to read


Quote from: El Chorro on May 14, 2018, 04:48:31 PM
I'll admit I didn't feel so bad when I saw his tweet!

Same here. There is a time for feels and a time for action. Queef needs 2 pull his pants over that ample ass crack and do his job, including all the paperwork, recordings, et al. Not depending upon fans/court of public opinion to do his homework for free. Apparently it's time to let the lawyers do the talking. Otherwise...

He is to stupid/lazy or financially bereft, to legally protect his network/show. Smart money bets it might not be financially prudent to take legal action at all. ASSUMING he has an enforceable binding contract, which is actually signed by Heather. He might not even have a proper contract in the first place. Litigation sorts all of that out, and more.

Queefs open to the public textual legal threats in the sand, are quite telling about what hes most likely to do if Heat Wad crosses that line in the sand. At least to anyone paying attention. When visiting any lawyer with any sort of actionable legal dealings, which you financially retain said lawyer to pursue. The first thing they will tell you "Don't say anything about it to anyone! Thats what you pay us to do now."     

Which would mean, at this point Queef is just another unprofessional shit talking loon. Just like Heath Wad and her unprofessional flyingmonkeys. Which boils down to Queef fueling the fire simply to fluff the base. Hoping to increase his profits socially and financially in this current drama/situation.

P.S. Good Luck "Good Dave"

# ManipulateMeNot
# TheShitShowOfLuLzWithQueefRollin&HeaterWad
# Bread&Circuses
# TeamAsiaBell   


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 14, 2018, 08:44:32 PM
They'll also have BellGab to read

A plethora of Vaguely Loveables!!   :)

El Chorro

Quote from: Catsmile on May 14, 2018, 08:47:31 PM
Same here. There is a time for feels and a time for action. Queef needs 2 pull his pants over that ample ass crack and do his job, including all the paperwork, recordings, et al. Not depending upon fans/court of public opinion to do his homework for free. Apparently it's time to let the lawyers do the talking. Otherwise...

He is to stupid/lazy or financially bereft, to legally protect his network/show. Smart money bets it might not be financially prudent to take legal action at all. ASSUMING he has an enforceable binding contract, which is actually signed by Heather. He might not even have a proper contract in the first place. Litigation sorts all of that out, and more.

Queefs open to the public textual legal threats in the sand, are quite telling about what hes most likely to do if Heat Wad crosses that line in the sand. At least to anyone paying attention. When visiting any lawyer with any sort of actionable legal dealings, which you financially retain said lawyer to pursue. The first thing they will tell you "Don't say anything about it to anyone! Thats what you pay us for now."     

Which would mean, at this point Queef is just another unprofessional shit talking loon. Just like Heath Wad and her unprofessional flyingmonkeys. Which boils down to Queef fueling the fire simply to fluff the base. Hoping to increase his profits socially and financially in this current drama/situation.

P.S. Good Luck "Good Dave"

# ManipulateMeNot
# TheShitShowOfLuLzWithQueefRollin&HeaterWad
# Bread&Circuses
# TeamAsiaBell   

I meant I didn't feel so bad about needing my own hand held

Quote from: mv on May 14, 2018, 07:52:03 PM
What a boon Lasha's advice has been for BG.

Yeah, 100 pages a day.  I have to read it in shifts


Lasha is at her console and ready folks. One hour.


Quote from: bellNwhistle on May 14, 2018, 08:02:20 PM
Dave & Keith announce Crystsl Gayle will be on MITD
Crystal does the same.
BellGabbers share on social media
Lasha tells Heather’s fans that it’s a fake CG account

Crystal shows up on MITD
Heather fans who sneak a listen to Dave find out Lasha was lying.
Heather’s fan group buzzes.
People wonder why they were lied to.
People drop the zero and get with the hero. Dave.  :P

Except for Paul and Ella, who were outside giving the dog a pee, and missed the announcement. And now, they are all alone...with Lasha.


Quote from: Catsmile on May 14, 2018, 08:47:31 PM
Which boils down to Queef fueling the fire simply to fluff the base. Hoping to increase his profits socially and financially in this current drama/situation.
Keith deserves whatever he can get. Art took Keith on a ride for decades. Keith put up with so much Art Bell drama over the years with the unexpected retirement announcements, etc...

I'm on team Keith Rowland. 👍👍👽👽


Quote from: N0sferatu on May 14, 2018, 08:55:40 PM
Lasha is at her console and ready folks. One hour.

Gak! Permanent heebie jeebies now.  :o

Quote from: bellNwhistle on May 14, 2018, 07:19:54 PM
Their poor dog doesn’t even have a real name. Just Belgian Sheepdog. These people need help.

Sheep in Belgium.  Who knew


Quote from: N0sferatu on May 14, 2018, 08:55:40 PM
Lasha is at her console and ready folks. One hour.

Is that a real picture of the venomous slasha? She doesn't look like a rosegirl to me.. :D


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 14, 2018, 08:58:34 PM
Gak! Permanent heebie jeebies now.  :o

With all the medical advancements I'm sure there's a cure for that.


Quote from: BettyO417 on May 14, 2018, 09:02:54 PM
Is that a real picture of the venomous slasha? She doesn't look like a rosegirl to me.. :D


Good evening to you fine folks. Been busy today. Anything happen?


In honor of DuoVision, it's Duocast. Two speakers. Two MITDs. One night. Literally no budget.



Quote from: Bobs Your Uncle on May 14, 2018, 09:06:23 PM
Good evening to you fine folks. Been busy today. Anything happen?



Quote from: Bobs Your Uncle on May 14, 2018, 09:06:23 PM
Good evening to you fine folks. Been busy today. Anything happen?

Keith and Dave scored Crystal Gale for the opening of tonight's MITD.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 14, 2018, 08:59:31 PM
Sheep in Belgium.  Who knew

I wonder if they pee their waffles.

Quote from: Kolchak on May 14, 2018, 09:08:31 PM
Keith and Dave scored Crystal Gale for the opening of tonight's MITD.

Well now....

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