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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM

ive been gone for 2 days. did Heather do anything lulzy Friday-Saturday?


Quote from: Roswells, Art on May 06, 2018, 05:18:49 PM
I think his behavior after Art's death was appropriate and him being emotional when he eventually broke the news seemed sincere.*

That said, yeah, its a disappointment, every time he posts here all his shit talkers roll over to get their belly rubbed by him.

*But I believed the stalker story for a few months too.

Maybe those shittalkers rolling over are just manipulating George just to stroke his ego and get him to post more often. And maybe he doesn't mind because it's free publicity and attention for him. Both sides playing each other.


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 06, 2018, 05:33:51 PM
ive been gone for 2 days. did Heather do anything lulzy Friday-Saturday?
Yes. Go back about 600 pages.


Quote from: HumanBeing on May 06, 2018, 05:09:09 PM
I still think George is a slime ball. I don't care how many times he appears on gabcast and works his magic sounding like a nice guy.
There are no coincidences that he showed up here today, the day before MITD reboots, just to mingle. His intentions for showing up here today was in his last message.
Make no mistake about it.

Hmmm...you may be on to something.  Yep.  "No coincidences."   ;)


Quote from: DynamoHum on May 06, 2018, 03:01:39 PM
I can’t see how she is going to get a subscription service with access to archives up quickly. I have feeling there’s going to be a subscription service and a lot of promises then a hasty disappearing act - another stalker perhaps? Oh and of course no refunds and a lot of unhappy ripped off people. I half hope I am wrong.
smoke and mirrors!


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 06, 2018, 05:33:51 PM
ive been gone for 2 days. did Heather do anything lulzy Friday-Saturday?

He(r) website has all the answers and 90s web code you need (which would be cool if it was done ironically (it's not)).


Quote from: chefist on May 06, 2018, 05:24:30 PM
The CIA in NY...it's not far from there in CT...
What did "the Company" teach you to put in our food?  :-X

Quote from: dsz on May 06, 2018, 05:36:26 PM
He(r) website has all the answers and 90s web code you need (which would be cool if it was done ironically (it's not)).

sounds like Art Bell's legacy is off to a promising start.


Quote from: HumanBeing on May 06, 2018, 05:09:09 PM
I still think George is a slime ball. I don't care how many times he appears on gabcast and works his magic sounding like a nice guy.
There are no coincidences that he showed up here today, the day before MITD reboots, just to mingle. His intentions for showing up here today was in his last message.
Make no mistake about it.

I'm with you on this one! George Noory is as fake as they come. I'll never forget why I signed up here all those years ago.

George Noory STILL SUCKS!

Roswells, Art

Quote from: albrecht on May 06, 2018, 05:37:02 PM
What did "the Company" teach you to put in our food?  :-X

Margarine in brownies for one thing.  ;D


Quote from: chefist on May 06, 2018, 05:23:57 PM
Love the Grapefruit sculpin

Texas beer...Lone Star and Shiner Bock....
Those, and Pearl*, are/were the mainstays but now there are so many micro, craft, etc brewers and wineries (and now distillers) that it is getting a bit insane. There used to be a beer called "Texas Pride" that was cheap, but I haven't seen it around for decades.

* It is not uncommon to see beers named after the towns where they were brewed. For example, Texas' own Shiner is brewed in Shiner, Texas.[51] So, seeing a local brewery name a beer after the town or city is pretty common. However, what is not common is a town named after a beer. That is exactly what happened, though, in Texas with Pearl. In a small community just west of Yoakum, Texas, a small store had the highest Pearl beer single-point sales for a number of years prior to Prohibition.[52] Walter G. Hagens' general store was the focal point of the community, and it had sold Pearl’s beers by the truckload and still sold a rather large volume of the Prohibition-era nonalcohol Pearl. The idea to name the town after Pearl was concocted by Hagens and the local Pearl distributor, R. J. Eslinger.[53] In 1942, the motion passed and the German/Czech town became known as Pearl City


Quote from: HumanBeing on May 06, 2018, 03:11:21 PM
According to Freya, Heather has a tight pussy.

That's what she told me...about her cat.


Quote from: albrecht on May 06, 2018, 05:37:02 PM
What did "the Company" teach you to put in our food?  :-X
Agent Orange, a sprinkle of dioxin...

El Chorro

Quote from: ShayP on May 06, 2018, 05:35:42 PM
Hmmm...you may be on to something.  Yep.  "No coincidences."   ;)

It would be classic if George would announce tonight that Dave Schrader is moving on to a new opportunity and wish him well ;)

Quote from: DarKPenguiN on May 06, 2018, 01:14:55 PM
He's just being professional and taking the high road.

The drama probably isnt worth it and he just wants to move on- Thats what I would do given his situation since the only one this drama will help is Heather (not that its going to help her in the longrun but short term this will create a tribalism 'us against them' that will assure more support financially and otherwise coming her way than it would if both sides were ending this in a rational and mature way)

Keith needs to get past this and hope the new show takes off , which I doubt but its nothing against the host or Keith but the entire business model in this day and age and without Art Bell's carrot on the stick.

Heather needs tribalism so those wallets will open and people will feel that supporting her is some moral cause.

I agree with this. Keith should carry on with getting MITD back on track and not worry about Heather. Heather has a lot of work ahead to get her show up and running. All of the infrastructure Keith had in place will have to be created again. Getting that done and booking guests (without Art's help) along with everything else. It is a big task.

What about sponsors?  In the beginning she'll have to fill in more air time. I can't imagine it still being a 4 hour show. She had trouble with 4 hours when she had commercials and music.

I still think Art set her up by allowing her to think she was the chosen successor. I don't think she was the first, second or third pick. She was willing and handy. Now, she thinks she is the one and must carry on for Art. It has become a cause for her. That is the reason I think Art set he up. She couldn't do it when she had Art coaching her so there isn't any way I think she can do it on her own. That is unless she finds her own voice. If she does and succeeds, I will be happy for her, but, I think that's unlikely.


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 06, 2018, 05:33:51 PMive been gone for 2 days. did Heather do anything lulzy Friday-Saturday?
Do I get a break?  I got sick over a week ago, hospitalized a few days w parainfluenza B (probably type 3, given the spring peak in incidence) bronchiolitis, setting off my asthma, the treatment for which sent me into atrial fibrill'n & almost into significant hyperglycemia.  Feh.  Probably caught from one of my students -- bet it was one w a young child.  Still going to take a while to get over, then must resume some delayed work.


Quote from: HumanBeing on May 06, 2018, 05:09:09 PM
I still think George is a slime ball. I don't care how many times he appears on gabcast and works his magic sounding like a nice guy.
There are no coincidences that he showed up here today, the day before MITD reboots, just to mingle. His intentions for showing up here today was in his last message.
Make no mistake about it.

Agree. It’s his nature to act all nice while he tries to stab you in the back. He’s a manipulator, too. Just a different style than HW. No tears, just really smooth.

That said, I truly did enjoy the C2C Art tribute & thought it was well done. I hadn’t listened to C2C in years. I was really surprised by the amount of ad time and learned that I need to buy A LOT of supplements for my husband so that I can get a little more pleasure in my life.


Quote from: brig on May 06, 2018, 03:46:40 PM
What do you think of "Maiden Alone in the Desert"?

Not bad Brig :)...great to see you BTW!!
I still like whoever posted "Mourning in the Desert", which will end up being "Tit's up in the Desert"


Quote from: K_Dubb on May 06, 2018, 04:24:37 PM
Been listening to this.  No idea who that dude is but it's kind of good.  Dave Schrader is on it, and if he's the heir it's interesting to hear his perspective.  That Brian Alvarez guy must read here based on some of the stuff he says.

I thought it was a great tribute. Covered all the bases.
The toll booth story was pretty funny. "Keep your $1.50 man... Be safe!". LOL


Quote from: El Chorro on May 06, 2018, 05:42:10 PM
It would be classic if George would announce tonight that Dave Schrader is moving on to a new opportunity and wish him well ;)
Dammit, now I’m going to have to listen.


Quote from: ItsOver on May 06, 2018, 05:42:09 PM
Agent Orange, a sprinkle of dioxin...

On Valentine's Day we can sell Love Canal cookies at the Farmer's Market.


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 06, 2018, 05:33:51 PM
ive been gone for 2 days. did Heather do anything lulzy Friday-Saturday?

This is the only new development I can think of since Meltdown In The Desert


Roswells, Art

Quote from: Robert on May 06, 2018, 05:44:03 PM
Do I get a break?  I got sick over a week ago, hospitalized a few days w parainfluenza B (probably type 3, given the spring peak in incidence) bronchiolitis, setting off my asthma, the treatment for which sent me into atrial fibrill'n & almost into significant hyperglycemia.  Feh.  Probably caught from one of my students -- bet it was one w a young child.  Still going to take a while to get over, then must resume some delayed work.

I bet burning that stuffed dog in your avatar and mailing it's ashes with no return address to Timbuktu might alleviate your symptoms.

El Chorro

Quote from: Juan on May 06, 2018, 05:45:12 PM
Dammit, now I’m going to have to listen.

C'mon George...do it.


Quote from: Kolchak on May 06, 2018, 03:17:39 PM
A professional wrestler has now done a tribute show to Art before Heather. Let that sink in.

heh heh


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on May 06, 2018, 05:08:53 PM
Hes taking over the entire World, one network at a time... Pretty soon he'll also be anchoring Fox news and CNN at the same time. That man is an animal and theres no stopping him now./

Now that Bell is gone his plan will unfold unhindered and we are powerless to watch as individual stations and entire networks begin to fall like dominoes under his control.

Yup, "Beyond Belief" ...that was his plan all along!


Quote from: chefist on May 06, 2018, 04:42:24 PM
Back when AB owned the Eagle snack brand was amazing...beer and snacks after the tours...
Not sure if it was an Eagle brand but those Beer Nutz were allways good.


Quote from: Juan on May 06, 2018, 05:45:12 PM
Dammit, now I’m going to have to listen.
Enjoy the submerging artists!

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