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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM


Quote from: aldousburbank on May 05, 2018, 02:53:37 PM
So yeah no, Heather is not in a wheelchair, is not an amputee, does not limp, is not on pain medications, is not a lesbian, is not related to Art, is not the shooter, does not have extra fingers, was not killed in a car crash and replaced with a double, and for the last time- is not the zodiac killer. At least, not to my knowledge.

So then, the only reason she didn't attend Arts Funeral is because she was afraid somebody might take her picture?

Asking for a fiend...


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on May 05, 2018, 03:29:42 PM
AFAIK Queen Noor is still unattached.   Perhaps Noory could sweep her off her feet?

Queen Noor Noory?  Aw, c'mon...


Quote from: albrecht on May 05, 2018, 03:26:11 PM
It would be a win-win-win-win. Norry gets his family records and gets to rock the dictator-mustache, Russian get a dupe they can influence and keep their base, the US gets rid of Assad and Norry, Assad gets to quit that God-forsaken land and can retire with his millions on the French Riviera.
Maybe a one-for-one swap.  Jorch gets a fun time place in the middle east and Assad gets to host C2C.  The world may explode but maybe we'll get a decent host.  I say go for it.


Quote from: mv on May 05, 2018, 02:09:08 PM

Humbled by the master.. if I pouted, sobbed, whimpered and finished with  a crescendo cry would you do it?

I'd still send the money ... let me talk to your wife, I'll get this done ;)


Quote from: HumanBeing on May 05, 2018, 03:01:49 PM
Some might say it is kind of sad to even be in attendance at a 'Contact in The Desert' conference.

George Noory, Steven Greer, David Wilcock, Corey Goode and the 'I'm not saying it is aliens... but it is aliens' guy.

But to each his own  ;D


Well, I think some like to attend hoping that TheGuyFromPittsburgh might be there.


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on May 05, 2018, 03:29:42 PM
AFAIK Queen Noor is still unattached.   Perhaps Noory could sweep her off her feet?

Perfect. I hope she is on paranormaldate.com.


Quote from: zeebo on May 05, 2018, 03:23:06 PM
I have nothing against Dave personally, he seems nice and is a competent host.  But I'm generally not a fan of his topics and his selection gives me zero excitement. 

However, it's a moot point since I don't really care anyway about who's picked.  I've always thought MITD should've been decommissioned the day Art left the show.  It's entire purpose was as a last chapter showcase for him, and the conceit of carrying it on as some kind of ongoing vigil is morbid and creepy and I'm having no part of it, except to repeatedly play MV's musical tributes.

If its going to be nothing but Ghosts & Hobgoblins for five nights a week without variety, I think I'll just quietly fade away. Otherwise, I'll give him a chance.


Quote from: ItsOver on May 05, 2018, 03:20:20 PM
Jorch would have made an interesting tyrant.

;D haha

He probably would have brought in a bit of cash at Sheri's Ranch

Not a terrible lineup for the ranch. https://www.sherisranch.com/lineup.aspx
No guarantees though as the lineup is due to change after tonight. Better get going 'Captain Francis'  ;D

Corona Kitty

Quote from: brig on May 05, 2018, 03:35:08 PM

Well, I think some like to attend hoping that TheGuyFromPittsburgh might be there.

I missed him some how, at alien con. I was sad.


Quote from: El Chorro on May 05, 2018, 02:42:13 PM
Maybe you're thinking Syrette (sp?)

I like Syrett even though he's Canadian and sounds like a mild-mannered forest gnome.


Quote from: ItsOver on May 05, 2018, 03:34:31 PM
Maybe a one-for-one swap.  Jorch gets a fun time place in the middle east and Assad gets to host C2C.  The world may explode but maybe we'll get a decent host.  I say go for it.
Let's do it! Assad probably has some funny stories and would know how to discipline callers or guests who get out of line. Being an eye doctor he also could answer house-bound, poverty-stricken cat ladies with eye problems questions.


Quote from: HumanBeing on May 05, 2018, 03:36:27 PM
He probably would have brought in a bit of cash at Sheri's Ranch

LMAO!!!! Oh my goodness.


Quote from: zeebo on May 05, 2018, 03:38:32 PM
I like Syrett even though he's Canadian and sounds like a mild-mannered forest gnome.
I like when Syrett has to confront loud, crazy American callers with some horrible violent conspiracy theory or graphic description of demonic possession. He always says, in his mild-mannered Canadian gnome voice, something like "Good Lord" or "Oh My" etc.


Quote from: albrecht on May 05, 2018, 03:38:54 PM
Let's do it! Assad probably has some funny stories and would know how to discipline callers or guests who get out of line. Being an eye doctor he also could answer house-bound, poverty-stricken cat ladies with eye problems questions.

LOL!  And have the common sense not to send free books to blind callers.


Quote from: brig on May 05, 2018, 03:32:19 PM
So then, the only reason she didn't attend Arts Funeral is because she was afraid somebody might take her picture?

Asking for a fiend...
I think taking photos at a funeral is rude .. it's a private time even if some have no respect for that


Quote from: bellNwhistle on May 05, 2018, 02:51:01 PM
LMFAO  Maybe you'll get lucky, and she'll be sitting in her wheelchair with a cat on her lap when the Google Car drives by to take a photo?
I searched for an appropriate photo for a sight gag and couldn't find one.  I wish I were on my PC. I'd Photoshop one real funny like.


Quote from: El Chorro on May 05, 2018, 02:48:48 PM
Keith tipped his hand when he let Tim post the email about trying to massage Noory with a time-slot change.

Good sleuthing buddy.


Quote from: ShayP on May 05, 2018, 03:41:22 PM
LOL!  And have the common sense not to send free books to blind callers.
Ha! I love when Norry does that. Proving that either is paying zero attention to callers or a complete idiot. Or both. Assad probably hates the UFO Phil song also and would strike that from the broadcasts.


Quote from: HumanBeing on May 05, 2018, 03:27:19 PM
When you have that many kids I dare say one or two of them fade away in the background  ;D
It seems abnormal these days for families to have that many kids unless you're an immigrant with a different culture or you live down in one of dem der southern states (just kidding)  :P


Quote from: brig on May 05, 2018, 03:35:08 PM

Well, I think some like to attend hoping that TheGuyFromPittsburgh might be there.

It seems most use it to network and hope something comes of it. Small portion just like to meet like minded folks and create relationships.
While others just want to attend and be a degenerate or suck as much money out of the public as they can by selling all sorts of trinkets or off site tours during non conference hours.
Most conferences appear to be nothing more then a bunch of paranormal circus acts with a couple serious presenters who actually get up and try to teach or share their knowledge/research. I heard one podcast host say it is best to go to the smaller conferences where there isn't so many huge egos and sycophants.

I also heard the other day you might have been part of the CoastRiders forum at one time.
Briefly came up while chatting with 21st Century Man, aka Sir Kevin  ;D
I was part of that forum for a while until it morphed into something else, I believe Midnight Express or something like that.
I guess it is a small world after all  ;D


Quote from: albrecht on May 05, 2018, 03:40:39 PM
I like when Syrett has to confront loud, crazy American callers with some horrible violent conspiracy theory or graphic description of demonic possession. He always says, in his mild-mannered Canadian gnome voice, something like "Good Lord" or "Oh My" etc.

I suspect in person he sports a wizened grin and has a faerie-folk's twinkle in his eye.


Quote from: HumanBeing on May 05, 2018, 03:51:07 PM
It seems most use it to network and hope something comes of it. Small portion just like to meet like minded folks and create relationships.
While others just want to attend and be a degenerate or suck as much money out of the public as they can by selling all sorts of trinkets or off site tours during non conference hours.
Most conferences appear to be nothing more then a bunch of paranormal circus acts with a couple serious presenters who actually get up and try to teach or share their knowledge/research. I heard one podcast host say it is best to go to the smaller conferences where there isn't so many huge egos and sycophants.

I also heard the other day you might have been part of the CoastRiders forum at one time.
Briefly came up while chatting with 21st Century Man, aka Sir Kevin  ;D
I was part of that forum for a while until it morphed into something else, I believe Midnight Express or something like that.
I guess it is a small world after all  ;D

Indeed :D  I was also on Imaginative Worlds, and Fantastic Forum.


Quote from: ShayP on May 05, 2018, 03:39:57 PM
LMAO!!!! Oh my goodness.

Now that is where your expertise in one handed typing comes into play .
Just look at that long braided hair. It probably took him an hour to do.

Quote from: ItsOver on May 05, 2018, 10:38:36 AM
Check out this BellGab thread for some real laughs, in retrospect.  ;D


P.S. - (Redacted) = Heather@ArtBellLegacy.com

Quote from: (Redacted) on November 22, 2013, 05:17:38 PM
Fuck it.  I have a resume 2 1/2 pages long of office support staff positions I excelled at.  Used to work for my friends' bands loading & unloading gear on the weekends (Been known to back-up sing on occasion, as well).  Can't do that anymore because of my injury & pain.

Now, I am reduced to working a fetish phone sex line.  There.  Now everyone knows. I don't give a shit today.  Sling your stones and arrows or whatever else is handy.  Go ahead and hate me, think less of me.  Doesn't matter to me anymore.

What's my expertise?  Survival.   :-\  I gotta eat, man.


Quote from: zeebo on May 05, 2018, 03:52:18 PM
I suspect in person he sports a wizened grin and has a faerie-folk's twinkle in his eye.
This guy is probably annoying Syrett by now. Stalking him, wanting to talk to a fairy.


Quote from: username on May 05, 2018, 02:48:19 PM
There is much more I can say actually, but I don't want to get sued. I'll wait  til a few more bodies hit the floor. It's actually quite entertaining but also the reality of the beast.
I was pushing for you Myke.  I had emailed and wormholled Keith to try to get him to give end of days a shot.  I had told him that he would never regret hiring a host who would never be the cause of drama...

Corona Kitty

Quote from: bateman on November 22, 2013, 05:51:26 PM
You have a great voice, you could definitely do well as a voiceover artist or radio DJ.


Bart Ell


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