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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM


Quote from: GravitySucks on May 03, 2018, 02:06:10 AM

Hey Belles!  I started watching x-files!
I hear Seinfeld's pretty good, too.

That show heather went on sounds even worse than MITD. Skype noises all the way through it. As soon as it begins the guy says anyone calling in whom he deems "Disrespectful" He says he'll post their phone number over the radio.  ::) The host sounds like a babbling meth addict. When I checked out their sound cloud to see what other great content they have i found this
Looks like you're in the right place ho


Quote from: Royal_Tenenbaum on May 03, 2018, 01:53:13 AM
She's out to claim she ingested his seed into her belly (via her mouth) and as a lover, she is entitled to some of his estate.

How much is Harvard educated trailer trash's DNA worth?


GM everyone! Wife said I was laughing a lot in my sleep last night...must've been dreaming about the shitcast.


Art's legacy a semen stain in the cuck shack. Prolly lots a semen stains since Heather was so "cute". Art's demise might provide an investment opportunity. If we can get a hold of that cuck shack we can market his DNA on ebay. Wanna piece of Art?


Just thought of another parody I can do. I think I'll call it "Heather's off her meds"



Quote from: moon lily on May 02, 2018, 10:06:13 PM
I really enjoyed Art and am a total fan, but let’s face it, he was a bit of a wack job himself. That was even more confirmed for me when listening to The Art of Talk the other night. He was an awesome talent, but he was a bit nuts.
At least he was dependable.


Just started listening. WTF? Christ on a bike, turn off the fucking music, you cunt! Then they start playing ads? Shit!!! This must be what it's like doing meth.


'It's an important call. Is that OK?'



Quote from: ItsOver on May 03, 2018, 04:45:22 AM
At least he was dependable.

he was just a shit heel who marketed shit heelery.


If you can hear through the blaring music, it's obvious that she's read every post here. "I'm not the most important  person in this, other people knew him longer", etc. etc.
Whack job sex worker. Geez!

Quote from: SredniVashtar on May 03, 2018, 04:53:00 AM
'It's an important call. Is that OK?'


It is all downhill from that point.  Unless you are somehow reading the Youtube chat - that was a masterpiece.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on May 03, 2018, 04:53:00 AM
'It's an important call. Is that OK?'

;D  I turned it off, at that point.  I'm assuming it was her handler.


Quote from: moon lily on May 02, 2018, 10:06:13 PM
I really enjoyed Art and am a total fan, but let’s face it, he was a bit of a wack job himself. That was even more confirmed for me when listening to The Art of Talk the other night. He was an awesome talent, but he was a bit nuts.

Hearing that, I thought "Wow, you think pretty highly of yourself!" But then so many of these people do.


Quote from: GravitySucks on May 02, 2018, 11:37:50 PM
It sounded like a double dog dare to me.

I still cannot believe how out touch with reality her and her FB followers are.

From the looks of it, they seem to think she owns the show (and possibly even the network).  That Art literally gave everything to her, and now it's hers, and Keith has no say.  How fucking crazy is that?


Knobhead host said he has some crazy hosts on his station. He doesn't know the meaning of crazy when she gets there.

Oh, stop sobbing, you whiny whore!

Hells Mole

Quote from: bellNwhistle on May 03, 2018, 05:37:37 AM
From the looks of it, they seem to think she owns the show (and possibly even the network).  That Art literally gave everything to her, and now it's hers, and Keith has no say.  How fucking crazy is that?

Everything about that show was twisted.  She starts off saying it's not about her and proceeds to focus on nothing but herself.  She would pretend to deflect things when she was actually inviting them.  She would break out of her sobbing to bark commands or insist important details that would be to her benefit not be overlooked.
She made insinuations without evidence or explanations.  She failed to address anything with any semblance of a reasonable or coherent answer.  She exploited the talk show host emotional connection in a way even Art warned against in his book and actually pretended to be emotionally involved with her callers.  She brought up a $600 check from a guy that if real she did not even offer to refund it instead presenting it in such a way that the guy would be stealing money from a sobbing wreck of a girl if he got it back.  She pretended like she was doing something noble for the guy by promising to make sure he got subscriptions to whatever she did in the future.  She indicated that Art's legacy can only continue through her.  She made sure to tell the audience that it was Art's opinion that she is as good as Art.  She said any criticism of her is an attack on Art himself.  Nothing is about her but everything is about her.  She said she could not attend the funeral because if she did it would be all about her and she thought the focus should be on Airyn.  Why would she be the center of attention?  Caller said that was a good reason.  It made no sense to me.

That's just a few things.  It was more than pathetic, embarrassing or disgusting it actually pissed me off.

...AND THAT VOICE!  What the HELL does she think she is doing?  It is the most unnatural, contrived, ridiculous sounding voice I have ever heard anyone do.  Unlike a cartoon voice it's not even funny or enjoyable in any way.  It's like she somehow found a way to make every intonation of her voice like fingernails on a chalkboard.  It is the worst voice I have ever heard.  She might be fine if she just spoke in whatever her natural voice is but whatever she is trying to do is just completely wrong.

Oh yeah, and some guy that said he was one of Art's personal friends claimed that when Art first heard her that he made a comment about her voice that he said he wouldn't repeat on air.  The suggestion was that Art was turned on by Heather's voice which pretty much cements the theory I wrote that big post about a few weeks ago in my mind.  Also the caller that asked if she was Art's mistress received no answer but only Heather instructing the host to hang up.

Oh.. That too!  Taking personal calls while a guest on a show.  Then having the nerve to completely take over the show operating her own board and caller lines.  Horrendous!  What a revolting, ghastly, nauseatingly disgusting fiasco.

Hells Mole

Quote from: bellNwhistle on May 03, 2018, 05:50:05 AM

I'm not happy with that time slot but I hope it does well.


This is just intolerable. These bloody callers!

Quote from: SredniVashtar on May 03, 2018, 05:54:12 AM
This is just intolerable. These bloody callers!

The "I have to take this very important call" is truly the highlight.


Since you're here, Hell's Mole, could you help me with something? I asked yesterday, but nobody responded..   

what in the world was this business about Airyn? That Art made Airyn listen to Heather before he even met her? To, what.. get her impressions?   And the suggestion that Heather's been in touch with Art much earlier than we thought? (It's hard to tell what is BellGab bullshit, and what she actually said- which is also bullshit  ;D

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Humilia Lepus Foramen on May 02, 2018, 09:40:35 PM
This whole insane situation with that woman is disgusting.  If it wasn’t for Gabcast, Art never would’ve discovered her, it was pretty lame how she dissed it earlier tonight and is now acting like some hotshot celebrity.  I’ve never seen quasi-but-not-quite fame go to someone’s head so quickly.
Yeah, she started out by doing that meaningless, tiny little nothing podcast with a few friends turned her into a, well who knows what. Like at this point what is she? It all happened so suddenly, her "friends" convinced her, badgered her, nagged her to call Art to ask for an interview...what say you so called, "friends?" That podcast as she kept calling it blasted her "career" into outer space and she really made it sound like a no big deal.

MV maker of stars!

Which leads to the question, I have been gone for awhile, but talking about stars... what's up with Jazmunda our star from down under? Where is he, what happened to him?

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 02, 2018, 09:43:37 PM
She's carrying on his legacy, or however she keeps phrasing it, and if she didn't it would die?

He hosted a radio show.  Actors, ballplayers, writers, etc, don't have protégés who carry forward their work, they are unique and can't be copied.  It's not like someone keeping the family farm going, or a scientist continuing someone's line of research. 

First off, the paranormal has been done to death - when it hasn't been debunked completely.  Second, she's terrible - that doesn't change whether she continues on or not.  With 370 million people in this country, it shouldn't be a surprise some random hack can attract a few hundred fans at $5 a month.  Heck, look at the other talentless hacks in the entertainment field, too bad she isn't at least interesting or attractive.
It is called Ego and let's not forget a little craziness.


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on May 03, 2018, 05:55:21 AM
but talking about stars... what's up with Jazmunda our star from down under? Where is he, what happened to him?
Jaz showed up here briefly after Art's death and was on the April 14th GabCast. 



Quote from: Walks_At_Night on May 03, 2018, 05:55:12 AM
The "I have to take this very important call" is truly the highlight.

Gawwwd. Now we get the story of how Heather pulled a radio mic from a stone and Art proclaimed her The Chosen One! Waves of nausea.

Hells Mole

Quote from: bellNwhistle on May 03, 2018, 05:55:17 AM
Since you're here, Hell's Mole, could you help me with something? I asked yesterday, but nobody responded..   

what in the world was this business about Airyn? That Art made Airyn listen to Heather before he even met her? To, what.. get her impressions?   And the suggestion that Heather's been in touch with Art much earlier than we thought? (It's hard to tell what is BellGab bullshit, and what she actually said- which is also bullshit  ;D )

That was the first time anyone had every heard that story.  I sincerely doubt its veracity.
With Art gone she can make any claim and it's unlikely Airyn will ever speak publicly about any of it.
Heather claimed as you said that Airyn told her that Art was listening to her on an insignificant little internet recording she was doing with some ex-friends and brought Airyn in to the studio to point out how amazing Heather was and that he intended to mold her into a superstar.  Then we had that male caller who said that Art had told him that Heather's voice did something to Art that couldn't be said on the air.  My take on this is just like that big thing I wrote a few weeks ago, even more so now.  Art wanted her.  He may well have prepped Airyn with some BS about wanting to train Heather but it was really all just a set up for scandalous happenings.

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