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20151211 - Brendon Tarpley - Time Traveler

Started by FLLFlash, December 11, 2015, 11:07:20 PM

It's Ideology. It's not a hard word to pronounce.


This guy's message is that nothing will change. Yet change is the only constant.

Someone get the hook already!

On the way home from work I actually said "can't wait for open lines tonight"... :\
Maybe I jinxed us?

Donald Noory

Quote from: Sean92008 on December 12, 2015, 12:51:43 AM
Well...  The wife may be an issue.  Art had a lot of money (and hopefully still does) and maybe she's playing nice 'til the old man dies and maybe it's taking too long for her boyfriend back in the P.I.

Having been raised in San Diego (a Navy town), having gone to schools where the Filipinos ruled the roost, knowing the families, having a short marriage that ended up being for citizenship, the BF back home stuff is pretty common.  My friend (a guy from here with Filipino ancestry) is going through it now.  His wife's old boyfriend convinced her to move out BEFORE their next interview for her green card.  He's afraid they'll bust him if he tells the truth.

So, if Art gets killed, I'd be watching what goes on and where the money flows.

ha ha nutso Filipino lady at work asked me to marry her friend so she could become citizen, she offered me 15k, I declined


Quote from: norland2424 on December 12, 2015, 12:54:18 AM
Here's hoping that Art at least comes back once a week to host open lines.
Nope.  I hope to never hear him again.  That's his wish.  I will abide.


Q: Have we been to Mars in your time?

A: Manned or unmanned?

Dumbfuck, the unmanned sort has been done. There's a little toy truck up there right now.

Bounce this idiot and take some calls.


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 12, 2015, 12:54:43 AM
The one from dark matter to your paypal address probably. I got one too. I didn't cancel though :)

Neither did I!


Quote from: Sean92008 on December 12, 2015, 12:41:23 AM
She said "Ocean...." weird this week too.

Well, won't matter.  I'll probably never hear these shows again, unless U7 puts them up and I decide to listen.

Poor guest...  It's like when the Beatles went on Johnny Carson to announce their new business, Apple, and Joe Garagiola was guest-hosting the Tonight Show...  Garagiola is STILL alive, believe it or not.

I listened to Joe Garagiola for years.  He was a great broadcaster.

Quote from: Claudius on December 12, 2015, 12:53:46 AM
Nah, Dave has nothing to do with this, it's just Art being Art.

I mean,  I was hoping to make it to 2016.


Quote from: Donald Noory on December 12, 2015, 12:55:30 AM
ha ha nutso Filipino lady at work asked me to marry her friend so she could become citizen, she offered me 15k, I declined

Do you still have her number?


Quote from: Agent : Orange on December 12, 2015, 12:55:27 AM
On the way home from work I actually said "can't wait for open lines tonight"... :\
Maybe I jinxed us?

its all your fault!!! happy?


Quote from: ShayP on December 12, 2015, 12:55:31 AM
Nope.  I hope to never hear him again.  That's his wish.  I will abide.

Yeah, I think Art should become a monk and take a vow of silence.   8)


Quote from: Donald Noory on December 12, 2015, 12:55:30 AM
ha ha nutso Filipino lady at work asked me to marry her friend so she could become citizen, she offered me 15k, I declined
I've always been confused about that whole relationship, it seemed... odd... to me.

Oh god open lines!

Bonanza Pilot

Yeah, I'm going to hold off canceling until the end of next week. Still a thread of hope, but not much.


"Very interesting and enjoyable"? No, I wouldn't use either of those adjectives.


My suggestion for Art is to turn the show over to the listeners for a while. Listeners can volunteer to take on a show and take a crack at interviewing a guest. 

It could turn out to be the greatest new thing in radio.

Good luck finding the creep Art.  See you when that day comes.


Quote from: malachi.martini on December 12, 2015, 12:53:27 AM
No heather, you call bullshit when you see it, you don't apologize for your guest.

Nailed it. She seems okay so far but I hope she learns to call bullshit at some point.


Timer Traveler my ass. You can tell that by the way the person talks.

Quote from: Donald Noory on December 12, 2015, 12:52:40 AM
yeah but it will mean more traffic at gns thread he shouldn't be too happy

I bet he posts on the Art Bell thread that he is sad to see Art retire but he knew it was coming.  He'll also add, you're all welcome over at Coast to Coast. He'll finish up saying

"Also don't forget my dating sites.  I imagine you are all feeling a little lonely now.  So come sign up at Paranormaldate.com and Conspiracydate.com."

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