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Art Bell cancels show for good

Started by Auslandia, December 11, 2015, 04:36:47 PM


Quote from: Megatherion on December 11, 2015, 11:06:17 PM
Heather just said, on the air, that they didn't know why he was being stalked.

Yeah, if I was Art, I'd keep my cards closer than Heather.  She may know more, but not everything.  Understand that this is likely very personal for Art and his family, and any connection to public may not get the details no matter how trusted.


Quote from: Juan Cena on December 11, 2015, 11:10:33 PM
Why else would some goober go out into the Nevada desert to harass some recluse and his family?

The Nevada desert is a magnet for these types bro.


Heather just debuted by lying to her entire audience.  With that, I'm willing to give her a chance.  Citing MUFON numbers was a nice touch

Juan Cena

Quote from: Lamont Cranston on December 11, 2015, 10:59:10 PM
This will hurt Richard's show, too. Unfortunate, to say the least.
I say we Draft George Knapp to do the show.
I am emailing him now. Sometimes he even replies.

By the way, can Snoory account for his whereabouts for the past week?



Quote from: DanTSX on December 11, 2015, 11:00:52 PM
QuoteThe call to his unlisted phone number threatening to kill him & his family if he went on the air.
are you speculating?
No, it was reported or linked to from BellGab.  It was in Nov., within a week before the intruder incident, but not reported by Art until after that.


Quote from: magick727 on December 11, 2015, 11:12:42 PM
Heather just debuted by lying to her entire audience.  With that, I'm willing to give her a chance.  Citing MUFON numbers was a nice touch

If she knew more do you expect her to get on the air and blurt a bunch of shit out that Art asked her not to speak about?  That would be mighty white of her to go fuck over Art by blurting out information given in confidence to her, so bell gabbers can go spastic and speculate more shit.


Quote from: Juan Cena on December 11, 2015, 11:10:33 PM
Why else would some goober go out into the Nevada desert to harass some recluse and his family?

Who knows what a crazy person's motivations could be? Art also has a life outside of the radio show. He could have pissed off any given person that he's dealt with in the past.


Of course she will not say its a scam. He pays her bills.

Juan Cena

Quote from: magick727 on December 11, 2015, 11:12:42 PM
Heather just debuted by lying to her entire audience.  With that, I'm willing to give her a chance.  Citing MUFON numbers was a nice touch

If she sticks with this, maybe she'll get around to getting some of those guests I e-mailed her.

Juan Cena

Quote from: Juicy80 on December 11, 2015, 11:16:28 PM
Of couse she will not say its a scam. He pays her bills.

or paid her bills, as the case may be.  :-[


What studio do you all think shes broadcasting from lol


Quote from: Juicy80 on December 11, 2015, 11:19:59 PM
What studio do you all think shes broadcasting from lol
Doesn't matter. The ship has sailed.


Quote from: Juicy80 on December 11, 2015, 11:10:07 PM
But somehow quitting the radio show is going to magically stop the stalker. It is not at all plausible.




Quote from: Juicy80 on December 11, 2015, 11:19:59 PM
What studio do you all think shes broadcasting from lol
Her kitchen table?

El Kragen

So just thought tonight that this was the plan all along. When he first started the show Art had Heather on as a co host. Probably thinking she would do a bunch of shows with him then start doing them on her own sharing the weeks duties. Of course everyone lost their shit. No one wanted a co-host. Art goes on his own all the while figuring out a way he was going to be able to cut back on shows, semi retirement. Here we are now with the stalker forcing Art out and Heather is there ready to step in. Hmmmmmmmm



Add me to the list of skeptics. Although I am an Art Bell fan/listener, I am by no means a proponent of conspiracy theories. However, in this case, I'll make an exception. In my way of thinking, the conspiracy is that Art got tried of the show and needed a good and dramatic excuse to end things.

However, not just ANY excuse would do. It would have to be dramatic, as I said, as well as sympathy grabbing. Making his family the target of repeated threats, to the point where his young daughter is reduced to cowering in her bedroom, was pretty much the best way he could go. How could any of us be so cold and selfish as to not sympathize with him? How could we not support him in this decision? After all...HIS FAMILY IS AT RISK OF BEING MURDERED!

Perhaps that first, fateful night there were some shots fired close to his property. Maybe the shots were not aimed at his property but still sounded close. Maybe shots were indeed fired at his studio. Who knows for sure? Assuming this actually happened the first night, does it seem at all plausible that, once a week or so, someone out there has been making repeated excursion to the vicinity of Art's property in a repeated (and repeatedly failing) attempt to assassinate him? Of course it's not plausible. And, why would anyone want to kill him so desperately in the first place? Because he has an internet radio show that talks about "hubrids," witchcraft with a chick named Tish and pot vendors from Colorado? Why not target Noory, instead? He talks about much of the same subject matter and has a larger audience. If some government operatives were really scared of "the truth getting out," isn't Noory the more logical target?

And back to Noory. Some have posited that Noory may, in one way or another, be behind these ongoing attempts against Art's life. Really? Or that that nobody Ashcraft, whom Art fired, is so disgruntled that his former boss and family must die. Again, really? This stuff is harder to believe than anything Madman Markham ever said, and that guy has a major screw loose. (He's so phony that I never found him very entertaining, by the way. But I digress.)

Speaking of loose screws, I think it simply comes down to this: Art is old, he doesn't have the energy he thought he had and he's done. Simple as that. As well, I figure he was getting frustrated with the quality of his guests. I mean, how many times a week does that "hubrid" guy Dr. Jacobs have to be on? After all, a lot of the guests he's had on lately have been pretty below par. I assume that the frustration of having not-so-great guests mixed with the fact that, at 70, he's just not the man he used to be and, well, it was time to pull the plug on this one, too. It must have been the easier, more logical thing for him to do instead of try to improve the show. Instead, just give up. Again.

Not only is Art "the guy with the bad back," but he's also the guy with the bad record. Art will deny it up and down, but he is a serial retirer and he is a drama queen. His inconsistent (or consistent, as the case may be) coming-and-going ever since giving C2C over to Noory over a decade ago is a pattern. It's pattern of him not being able to make up his mind on what he wants to do with his life and we the fans have suffered due to his capriciousness all the while.

Now, I am not an Art Bell hater. I am an Art Bell lover. I am heartbroken over this. But that is precisely why I am angry, as well. I feel like I love Art much more than he loves me, or any of his fans. I really do feel that he thinks he can toy with us like this and get away with it. And why not...we always tell him we support his decisions and we always come back for more, should he temporarily come back at any given time. In pulling these kinds of stunts - and yes, I do feel this is merely a stunt, as I stated above - he demonstrates a rather callous indifference to his exceedingly loyal fan base and, well, I feel we deserve much better and have deserved much better for a really, really long time.

I hope Art stays off the air for good. It would be utterly ridiculous at this point for him to attempt any type of a comeback after this. It would be too little too late and just YET ANOTHER set up to let down his fans again. Enough is enough. Art, if you have ANY substantive respect for your fans, I really hope that this is the final hooray. We don't deserve any more of this.


Quote from: El Kragen on December 11, 2015, 11:24:28 PM
So just thought tonight that this was the plan all along. When he first started the show Art had Heather on as a co host. Probably thinking she would do a bunch of shows with him then start doing them on her own sharing the weeks duties. Of course everyone lost their shit. No one wanted a co-host. Art goes on his own all the while figuring out a way he was going to be able to cut back on shows, semi retirement. Here we are now with the stalker forcing Art out and Heather is there ready to step in. Hmmmmmmmm


I don't think anyone, including heather, ever thought there was a future in radio or media for her.

My take is that its just been a way to participate in Art's world, etc.


Adios, Art, see you in the funny pages!

Quote from: DanTSX on December 11, 2015, 11:26:04 PM
I don't think anyone, including heather, ever thought there was a future in radio or media for her.

My take is that its just been a way to participate in Art's world, etc.

She said at the beginning of tonight's show that this was something she's always dreamed of doing.


Did she just give that report in the 3rd person?


Quote from: Virginia Gentleman on December 11, 2015, 11:32:10 PM
She said at the beginning of tonight's show that this was something she's always dreamed of doing.

Aha, so SHE is the one who's been shooting at Art! Her plan has worked!


I'm so sad I can hardly believe this is happening. Goodbye again Art.


Quote from: PathoJen on December 11, 2015, 11:35:09 PM
I'm so sad I can hardly believe this is happening. Goodbye again Art.

Agree. I'm drinking.


Quote from: PathoJen on December 11, 2015, 11:35:09 PM
I'm so sad I can hardly believe this is happening.

Yeah, who would have expected Art to quit his show...  ::)


Thank god Heather had a studio ready to go at her place.

If this story is true then I'm sorry for him, but I seriously doubt it. This is just all too convenient. The news that was just read upset me. Unite as Time Travelers (paying customers) and stand up together against the terrorists threatening both the country and Art Bell. Seriously?? Can we maybe not try to sell me something tonight? Can we maybe not use the fear and anger over terrorism all over the world as a vehicle to hold subscribers???

WABC must be out of their mind pissed off right now.

Edit: for the record I was really hard on Heather the first show. She's doing much better tonight. Sadly, no matter how good she ever us, she's not Art Bell.


Quote from: kingotnw on December 11, 2015, 11:37:32 PM
Thank god Heather had a studio ready to go at her place.

If this story is true then I'm sorry for him, but I seriously doubt it. This is just all too convenient. The news that was just read upset me. Unite as Time Travelers (paying customers) and stand up together against the terrorists threatening both the country and Art Bell. Seriously?? Can we maybe not try to sell me something tonight? Can we maybe not use the fear and anger over terrorism all over the world as a vehicle to hold subscribers???

WABC must be out of their mind pissed off right now.

Well said, all of it.


Quote from: Tapkaara on December 11, 2015, 11:25:01 PM
Add me to the list of skeptics. Although I am an Art Bell fan/listener...

...Making his family the target of repeated threats, to the point where his young daughter is reduced to cowering in her bedroom, was pretty much the best way he could go.

What I find fascinating is all you rejects calling yourselves "fans" of Art Bell yet at the same time you proclaim him devious and unethical enough to use his own young daughter as an excuse to quit his radio show.  Get a grip.

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