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20151021 - Dr. William Forstchen - EMPs - Live Show Chat Thread

Started by jazmunda, October 21, 2015, 08:03:43 PM


Quote from: GeoNemesis on October 22, 2015, 01:08:08 AM
Sweet! I was able to call into the show, get my questions asked, and suffer no ridicule on here!

Between Bateman's mugging (sorry to hear about that, btw), the shots fired at Art's compound, and then folks complaining about Michelle calling in again (really?) I escaped scorn!

A belated "Way to go!", Geo.   :)


Quote from: coaster on October 22, 2015, 01:08:26 AM
I'm terrified of webmd. I go to the site with a cold and end up thinking I have aids or cancer or something.

Don't read the WebMD page about Falkie Pox, you'll nevar be the same.


Quote from: popple on October 22, 2015, 01:08:55 AM

i found some of your family


Quote from: bateman on October 22, 2015, 01:01:38 AM
Ugh. Yeah, I guess I better.
Yes, and do it now, at the ER nearest you.  Be well, be safe Bateman.  We all love ya mang!


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on October 22, 2015, 01:09:12 AM
No aspirin.  Have someone wake you in an hour or two to check on you.  Any altered level of conciousness/confusion, nausea/vomiting, go to the ER
Does posting on Bellgab fifteen minutes after being assaulted and kicked in the head count as confusion? I'm thinking maybe yes.

Bateman, please go to the doc and let us know later that you're okay. 

Quote from: starrmtn001 on October 22, 2015, 01:13:09 AM
Yes, and do it now, at the ER nearest you.  Be well, be safe Bateman.  We all love ya mang!

This reminds me of one time when I saw my Mother fall and bang her head.  She said she was okay so we didn't go to the hospital.  She was always falling.  But a few days later she really starting acting worse than usual (she had Parkinson's and Dementia), and was really strange for about three months.  She was never diagnosed with a stroke; scans were inconclusive, but it's a painful memory.

Get checked out Bateman.

Sorry guys, I've been thread jumping for the last hour.
bateman - hope you're OK.
Take the advice offered here and get it checked out. Peace of mind if for no other reason. Seriously.

WTF - Art takes fire to his radioshack, bateman gets mugged, Rosegirl comes down sick with the flu, others are having network problems. It's not even a full moon tonight. 10-21/22-15  >:(


Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on October 22, 2015, 01:34:33 AM
Sorry guys, I've been thread jumping for the last hour.
bateman - hope you're OK.
Take the advice offered here and get it checked out. Peace of mind if for no other reason. Seriously.

WTF - Art takes fire to his radioshack, bateman gets mugged, Rosegirl comes down sick with the flu, others are having network problems. It's not even a full moon tonight. 10-21/22-15  >:(
And here I was pissin' and moanin' about crap.  I bet Bateman would be happy to trade places with me.  On second thought, no he wouldn't.  He's not that kind of a man. 

You better be at the ER right now young man!  Please, keep us updated.


Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on October 22, 2015, 01:34:33 AM
Sorry guys, I've been thread jumping for the last hour.
bateman - hope you're OK.
Take the advice offered here and get it checked out. Peace of mind if for no other reason. Seriously.

WTF - Art takes fire to his radioshack, bateman gets mugged, Rosegirl comes down sick with the flu, others are having network problems. It's not even a full moon tonight. 10-21/22-15  >:(

I've had a stubborn poppy seed in my teeth all day that won't dislodge.


Geez Bateman, I'm so sorry that happened to you.   :'(  Hugs!!  Take care of yourself and get your head checked out. 


QuoteSynthesizer musician from Texas. JD Emmanuel's music is designed to enhance deep meditative, or altered states, to allow the listener to personally connect to the Creator of all that exists in the Universe, ie, our Source of Being. His music style is to first create a foundation using cyclic, poly rhythmic music, then build several layers of improvised leads and rhythms that allows you to transcend time and space.


Quote from: jazmunda on October 22, 2015, 01:52:03 AM
I've had a stubborn poppy seed in my teeth all day that won't dislodge.

Some polyester sewing thread used like floss?

Quote from: coaster on October 22, 2015, 12:53:31 AM
I don't understand why people rob others, but what really gets me is, even after they got what they wanted, they still assaulted him. people are just fucking crazy. I am so glad I am normal. Not understanding that shit is a good thing I guess.

Art has a whole spiel about 7/11 robberies he has told a million times. I think it applies here.

So, Ive been logged out of MITD on my podcast app, and ArtBell.com site is down.


getting a 500 error on the rss url, artbell.com is down..  prolly will come back up as soon as Keith wakes up :)


Quote from: RickySsan on October 22, 2015, 07:04:40 AM
getting a 500 error on the rss url, artbell.com is down..  prolly will come back up as soon as Keith wakes up :)

Keith doesn't sleep.  He's an android, remember?


Quote from: bateman on October 22, 2015, 12:44:23 AM
I was texting while listening to the show with earbuds, which in hindsight made me the easiest fucking target cause I'm not paying any attention to my surroundings. Looking down at my phone and I see this shadow coming up on me fast, and in a split second I'm like, I'm gonna get tackled. Which is what happened. 3-4 guys, rummaged through my pockets, said they wanted money. Funny thing is, I did have cash on me but they didn't take it...? They got my phone, told me if I looked up that they'd shoot me. Then one kicked me in the side of the head, next thing I heard was tires squealing.
They took the one thing you can actually trace the location of. Geniuses.


Quote from: jazmunda on October 21, 2015, 10:14:10 PM
That's my fault. I cut and pasted from artbell.com. Something must have messed up.
No problem, I just wanted to point it out for historical sake and to give credit to the guest. I noticed as soon as I posted I noticed I could not connect to BG. (But could connect through proxy IP). Hope I didn't offend and get my ip or login blocked by correcting and get kicked off. But it works this morning so I guess it was some internet issue and not due to me causing offense, as none was intended.


Quote from: MichaelFromVA on October 22, 2015, 07:28:04 AM
Keith doesn't sleep.  He's an android, remember?

ah, yes, while he's in his refresh cycle then ;)


Quote from: SaucyRossy on October 22, 2015, 12:57:59 AM
totally agree, and maybe like an option to set off a large amount of electricity to shock the bastards
Or like the Mossad, supposedly, has done sometimes to off a terrorist. A small charge that can be remotely operated and 'bang'- no more head of robber using phone. Or just emit a SUPER charge of EMF and fry the guy's brain. Kidding, that could get out of hand or be hacked. I hope you got checked out and are ok and feeling better, Bateman. And hope Art and family are recovered from the trauma of the shots. What a nutso night! I hope they catch the suspects in both cases.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on October 22, 2015, 01:17:47 AM
This reminds me of one time when I saw my Mother fall and bang her head.  She said she was okay so we didn't go to the hospital.  She was always falling.  But a few days later she really starting acting worse than usual (she had Parkinson's and Dementia), and was really strange for about three months.  She was never diagnosed with a stroke; scans were inconclusive, but it's a painful memory.

Get checked out Bateman.

Just to add my vote, one of my best friends took a (relatively gentle) fall one night on the U of W campus.  She was fine, of course.  THEN certain things began occurring that told her things just weren't right.  The doctors kind of blew her off (this was before the awareness and subsequent understanding of head injuries).  She ended up starting and heading the Washington Association of Brain Injuries (or something like that).  This has been AT LEAST 35 years and she still has to take measures not to exacerbate it.

Chances are Bateman is okey dokey, but MAN, get thee to a doctor to be sure!   >:(


Quote from: lonevoice on October 22, 2015, 01:03:19 AM
You know he must be when he signs off with "from coast to coast", but you could barely tell.  He's got nerves of steel.

It almost sounded (in my fraught state of mind) like a final farewell.  Tell me, I was reading into it! 


Quote from: coaster on October 22, 2015, 01:08:26 AM
I'm terrified of webmd. I go to the site with a cold and end up thinking I have aids or cancer or something.

It's the present day Merck Manual. 

Quote from: maren on October 22, 2015, 09:50:59 AM
Just to add my vote, one of my best friends took a (relatively gentle) fall one night on the U of W campus.  She was fine, of course.  THEN certain things began occurring that told her things just weren't right.  The doctors kind of blew her off (this was before the awareness and subsequent understanding of head injuries).  She ended up starting and heading the Washington Association of Brain Injuries (or something like that).  This has been AT LEAST 35 years and she still has to take measures not to exacerbate it.

Chances are Bateman is okey dokey, but MAN, get thee to a doctor to be sure!   >:(

Get well Bateman!


Quote from: bateman on October 22, 2015, 12:44:23 AM
I was texting while listening to the show with earbuds, which in hindsight made me the easiest fucking target cause I'm not paying any attention to my surroundings. Looking down at my phone and I see this shadow coming up on me fast, and in a split second I'm like, I'm gonna get tackled. Which is what happened. 3-4 guys, rummaged through my pockets, said they wanted money. Funny thing is, I did have cash on me but they didn't take it...? They got my phone, told me if I looked up that they'd shoot me. Then one kicked me in the side of the head, next thing I heard was tires squealing.
Dude... here are the rules:
1. only have one earbud in at a time when on subways, city streets and whatnot.
2. use the streetlights to watch for "following shadows" (people shadows that is)
3. dont fucking txt and walk!! ever.  if you have to txt you stop in a well lit and populated area or inside a store just don't do it while you are walking... and not with both earbuds in.

Please pay better attention homie!!  Stay alert and don't let yourself become a target again.

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