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Caravan to Midnight

Started by Original Larry, September 28, 2015, 11:36:00 AM


Quote from: Jackstar on November 22, 2016, 04:02:18 PM

Kudos, you inhuman, murderous, psychopath...


Thank you...



Dudes and Dudettes,...

Episode 646 â€" Douglas Woodward, Anthony Patch & Sean

Tuesday November 22th 2016

In this edition we welcome S. Douglas Woodward and Anthony Patch to discuss the country, it’s future and views post Election, the “Fourth Estate”, Cosmology, CERN, Quantum Computing, and more!... Then, Sean from the SGT Report joins in to discuss the existence of a Global Pedophilia ring, Comet Ping-Pong, the Podesta Brothers and more...

Post Election Thoughts, The MSM, and Space Debris...




Dudes and Dudettes,…

I am making a prediction; President-Elect Donald Trump will not be a standard republican or democrat President…

I predict President-Elect Trump will either be another “President Theodore Roosevelt” or another “President Franklin Pierce”…

As a Theodore Roosevelt type; I see President-Elect Trump fighting the “Elites” as Teddy used “Trust busting and regulation” to empower the middle class, then cleaning out the capital as Teddy “Prosecuted corruption and misconduct” in all governmental agencies…
As a Franklin Pierce type; I see President-Elect Trump becoming dumbfounded by the political polarizing actions, setting the stage for state secessions and being abandoned by his party / public support…

Teddy Roosevelt was one of our greatest presidents, where U.S. historians and other political commentators generally rank Franklin Pierce’s presidency among the worst…


PS: Barbara Bush (Pierce); born June 8, 1925, is the wife of George H. W. Bush, the 41st President … She is the fourth cousin, four times removed, of Franklin Pierce…


Quote from: Bomar on November 22, 2016, 08:09:10 PM
Dudes and Dudettes,...

Episode 646 â€" Douglas Woodward, Anthony Patch & Sean

Tuesday November 22th 2016

In this edition we welcome S. Douglas Woodward and Anthony Patch to discuss the country, it’s future and views post Election, the “Fourth Estate”, Cosmology, CERN, Quantum Computing, and more!... Then, Sean from the SGT Report joins in to discuss the existence of a Global Pedophilia ring, Comet Ping-Pong, the Podesta Brothers and more...

Post Election Thoughts, The MSM, and Space Debris...



Well, I was going to watch it with my morning coffee, but alas the video is not yet posted...
So on to Clyde I go. 

Patch & Doug were both on Freeman tv, pretty much said the same thing.
freemantv.com . the first hour is free. I subscribed for a little while, but he only posts about 1 show a month. Not worth it in my opinion.


Quote from: Original Larry on November 23, 2016, 02:05:09 PM

Patch & Doug, not worth it in my opinion.


Neither said anything enlightening last night, nor did Sean...

Basically all rehashed previous statements and concepts without any further proof for their statements...

I could have replayed old interviews verses listening to repeated conversations, but I sure liked that bit of radio production chatter, half hour before the "Sean" interview ended...

I sure wished Johnny B. found some new info at the latest "JFK Assassination Symposium"...

Guess not, it must have been a bust...



I haven't listened to Wells for one jot since they fucked up the Max Igan download.

Curious, that. N'est-ce pas?


Dudes and Dudettes,…

Question: Do you seriously think President-Elect Trump is actually choosing people to fill Cabinet and Leadership Posts or just trying them out? …

Trying them out, in the position, just so he can say, “You’re Fired” … and then select another group before his Inauguration Day…



Quote from: Bomar on November 23, 2016, 03:28:48 PM
just so he can say, “You’re Fired”

He built a huge brand on that, and arguably won the Presidency due to his ownership of that phrase and concept... yet, he never pulled it out for much use in the campaign.

I expect a circling back around to this in the middle of the third year. I don't expect him to just start pulling out his six-shooter and tearing up the bar right away.

All those severance packages really add up and a person afraid of being fired is arguably more useful than one who has been.


Dudes and Dudettes,...

Question: Would it be wrong to "Kill" "Specific Humans" on this planet?...

If you knew, with "great certainty" they, "Specific Humans", were going to "Fuck Things Up" tomorrow for everyone, should you immediately "Kill" those "Specific Humans" on this planet, to make things better...

Or should you allow them, "Specific Humans", to "Fuck Things Up", just to watch the "Norms" suffer...

I say "Wait"; watch the "Norms" suffer and enjoy the comedy of their demise, then enjoy the mental anguish of those "Specific Humans" creating the situation ...



Dudes and Dudettes,...

I still think the human population of the earth should be no greater than 100...



I'm not going to strangle one of my wives every time she squats out a scion, I don't care how hot it makes you.

Since my opinions are not welcome at CTM, I will post them here. Trey Smith was one of the worst interviewees Wells has had on, and that is saying something. He was rambling all over the place, i had no idea who the hell he was talking about, and when John asked him "are you Trey, or are you Andrew?" He went off into a totally unrelated stuttering blather. Whether he didn't hear the question I don't know, but he never answered it. I can't imagine why they didn't post my comment, so F'em.
Apparently John's attack dog doesn't like me, and the feeling is mutual.


Quote from: Original Larry on November 23, 2016, 05:19:58 PM
I can't imagine why they didn't post my comment, so F'em.
Apparently John's attack dog doesn't like me, and the feeling is mutual.


Dudes and Dudettes,...

I can not believe you norms are allowed to breath with your limit IQ's...

Stupid people should not be allowed to live, they should be used as building material...



Put on you thick skins guys, Bomar has hit the wall again.   And by the way your buildings of bones are already a reality, although built out of necessity not desire.


Quote from: weedeater on November 23, 2016, 07:45:57 PM

And by the way your buildings of bones are already a reality, although built out of necessity not desire.


Bones do not stand up to vinegar...

Acetic acid (CH3COOH) and water, makes some of the hardest surfaces melt away...

Be afraid, be very afraid...

Odin provides, all others depart...

And finding you norms, or Johnny B's family, takes very little effort, if I actually cared...



Dudes and Dudettes,...

Everyone should celebrate "Thanksgiving" to the fullest...

Kill your neighbor, steal their land, and eat their food...

I am glad, I am an American...



In this edition we welcome Michael Bates with the story on the formation of The Principality of Sea Land.

Within this hopefully fascinating tale is the story of Roy Bates and Pirate Radio


Choppy audio, short program, last one this week.  What me worry?
Lots of podcasts out there Johnny. Have a happy thanksgiving everyone, and be glad you don't live in middle Tennessee. At least not tonight.

Almost forgot. Happy Thanksgiving, Brendi.


Dudes and Dudettes,...

Episode 647 â€" Michael Bates

Wednesday November 23rd 2016

In this edition we welcome Michael Bates with the story on the formation of The Principality of Sea Land.

Thanksgiving day is a wonderful day for all, but the turkey…

For the turkey, Thanksgiving day sucks…



Dudes and Dudettes,...

"Guys" it is cool being me...

An all seeing god, but it has its sucking aspects; all I can do is watch...

From my heart, "Fuck you all", except for you few guys, "My Peeps"...

My Peeps: you know who you are...

If you question this concept, you are not a member of "My Peeps"...


PS: It sucks being an Engineer, with all the "Specificity of terms"...

PPS: Engineers use "Specificity of terms" to ethically define "truth", where Lawyers use "Specificity of terms" to legally "LIE"...



I use 3 dots at the end of a sentence for only one reason, it makes seeing the end of the sentence easier...



For whom is this a concern, and who do they think killed Kennedy?


Quote from: Jackstar on November 25, 2016, 01:40:02 PM

... who do they think killed Kennedy?...

Those that killed Kennedy are those without imagination or belief in America's potential...



Quote from: Bomar on November 25, 2016, 12:40:41 PM
it makes seeing the end of the sentence easier...

Quote from: Jackstar on November 25, 2016, 01:40:02 PM
For whom is this a concern [...] and who do they think killed Kennedy?

Do I do this as well? I am honestly asking here. Do I blatantly ignore queries from the peanut gallery, and proceed with my faggot [([schtick])} as though my hot-air balloon had not been popped, and had I not were to have been abruptly about to be falling to the Earth?

Asking for someone's friend.

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