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20150911 - Art Bell, Open Lines - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, September 11, 2015, 07:53:06 PM


Quote from: albrecht on September 11, 2015, 11:48:02 PM
Interesting. Just to be contrary or why (if confronted with as you say "irrefutable evidence?," which I admit is a hard criteria, but if so, why deny if that standard was met (for you?)

Also, as an aside do you think you can prevail in civil court over such concepts in our tort system (assuming you are in our Anglo-American system) of "acts of God" with insurance companies? Someone needs to try this!!

I would not deny that standard was met. What I meant was (apologies if I was not clear) that if the god was proven, I would admit its existence but not worship it.

And seeing as the courts don't accept spectral evidence, I think the whole ordeal would be a non-starter.


I thought the vatican or something released the last secret..


Quote from: Dr_Blue on September 11, 2015, 11:50:35 PM
wow, you are right. You just see the back of his head!   :D

Wow that is a really old monitor


Quote from: WhiteCrow on September 11, 2015, 11:49:56 PM
Yeah but, they'd be dead and if god never existed they'd never discover that God didn't exist.

Like the car insurance thingie again... purchased a life time of insurance and never have a car accident.

Wise way to live?.... can be... religions are also institutions that support the fabric of social order. schools heath care, clubs, justice, etc

Religions ≠ God.

That's the thing.  And religions also "support" terrorism, hatred of homosexuals, wars, you name it.  The problem, you see, is that religions are subordinate to the ego of human beings.  Instant failure right there.  They may do some good, but they also do plenty of bad.

A religious vs atheist discussion  ::).  Think I've heard enough of those.


Quote from: coaster on September 11, 2015, 11:52:30 PM
I thought the vatican or something released the last secret..

The claim is that they didn't release the real one.


Quote from: coaster on September 11, 2015, 11:52:30 PM
I thought the vatican or something released the last secret..

It was mostly fake they hid the real bad part


Quote from: QuantumMystics on September 11, 2015, 11:47:27 PM
Like the lack of evidence of "higher beings" such as aliens or what we turn into when we die in this life? Higher being exist, many people have NDE's and meet them....maybe they some religious sect here...NO. At least as far as I know. Maybe I'm wrong. It seems easy to think there maybe a higher power than us....whether you call it God or ET seems superficial and for him not to think it maybe possible for these beings to exist? How many stars in just the observable spectrum of sky? It seems the burden that NO higher life out there exists maybe one the atheist.
I have met plenty of "beings"/characters in my dreams as well, but does that mean they are real and not a creation of my own brain??
If you had ever experimented with lucid dreaming, you would know that your own brain has the ability create some convincing dream characters. Who is to say that during a NDE it is not your brain creating that whole experience? There is absolutely no proof of the "beings" in NDE's being real.


Theological pissing matches on a Friday Night...


The gate's open.
Purgatory is over.

Sounds like it's gonna be a lot of face slappin'.


Uh oh- misinformed atheist is getting his information from zeitgeist

ugh this reminds me of two teenage boys fighting over something stupid.



Quote from: Dr_Blue on September 11, 2015, 11:53:46 PM
These guys are REALLY room mates.

Haha, something tells me there's a masking tape line down the middle of their apt.


worst debate ever. Planet X stuff was at least fun.


Juan Cena

Quote from: Morgus on September 11, 2015, 11:45:16 PM
JC Jr's voice kinda sounds similar to Michael Jackson's voice to me.

Michael Jackson is alive. Now there's a topic for Art!


Suddenly that flat earth guy is sounding smarter.

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