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20150911 - Art Bell, Open Lines - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, September 11, 2015, 07:53:06 PM

Quote from: Kolchak on September 11, 2015, 11:43:49 PM
I don't think any atheist would tell you they wouldn't accept a god exists if they were provided irrefutable evidence. It's just something inherent in the definition.

However, there are anti-theists (such as myself), who would believe that the god of the bible exists if presented with evidence, but would reject him with that knowledge.

Because God sucks?


Harvey Feirstein pretending to be erudite Brit?
Grim indeed!


who else is sick of worse voice ever guy from the UK?


Quote from: Morgus on September 11, 2015, 11:45:34 PM
This gravely voice caller could be a demon caller!

Playing out like a cross inbetween latter-era Louis Armstrong and Yoda. I'm okay with that.

Quote from: rozypalm on September 11, 2015, 11:35:24 PM
I did a search looking for pirate stars and all I came up with was buttpirates.com not really my thing but it would be an interesting interview

Art should interview these pirates. I'm sure it would be 'Vivid'


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on September 11, 2015, 11:32:40 PM
Can anyone buy one?
At least up here (Canada) we seem to be able to. Look up a place in your city that sells them and call Monday... Though I cannot understand why the average person on the street would want one. If they will not sell one to you, PM me and I will ship you one. 8)

Fair warning, they come very rusty...


Quote from: Kolchak on September 11, 2015, 11:36:41 PM
Atheism and theism speak to what you believe, where gnosticism and agnosticism speak to what you know. They are not mutually exclusive. Most atheists are agnostic atheists and I'd posit that most theists are agnostic theists.

I agree, but I don't think most theists or atheists are honest enough to admit they are actually agnostic

Quote from: JamesMcDonald on September 11, 2015, 11:43:46 PM
What is "atheism"?

Atheism, from the Greek ἄθεος (atheos), is defined as "The lack of belief in the existence of any deities." In modern context, atheism can represent several different viewpoints, but is most commonly conceived of as a rejection of belief in gods.

A person can be both atheist and religious, provided that he or she believes in a religion that does not have any deities, such as some forms of Buddhism.

What's agnosticism?

An agnostic is someone who claims they don't know ("weak agnosticism") or it is not possible to know ("strong agnosticism") for certain whether or not gods exist. The term agnosticism comes from Greek: a (without) + gnosis (knowledge).


Like the lack of evidence of "higher beings" such as aliens or what we turn into when we die in this life? Higher being exist, many people have NDE's and meet them....maybe they some religious sect here...NO. At least as far as I know. Maybe I'm wrong. It seems easy to think there maybe a higher power than us....whether you call it God or ET seems superficial and for him not to think it maybe possible for these beings to exist? How many stars in just the observable spectrum of sky? It seems the burden that NO higher life out there exists maybe one the atheist.


Quote from: JamesMcDonald on September 11, 2015, 11:43:46 PM
...A person can be both atheist and religious...

This is true.  I have no belief in God, but I had a chocolate mousse once that was clearly a religious experience.


Quote from: Kolchak on September 11, 2015, 11:43:49 PM
I don't think any atheist would tell you they wouldn't accept a god exists if they were provided irrefutable evidence. It's just something inherent in the definition.

However, there are anti-theists (such as myself), who would believe that the god of the bible exists if presented with evidence, but would reject him with that knowledge.
Interesting. Just to be contrary or why (if confronted with as you say "irrefutable evidence?," which I admit is a hard criteria, but if so, why deny if that standard was met (for you?) Or is it the "Bible" God but you would accept, with creteria, some other version/entity, or whole-sale no matter what?

Also, as an aside do you think you can prevail in civil court over such concepts in our tort system (assuming you are in our Anglo-American system) of "acts of God" with insurance/assurance companies? Someone needs to try this!!


Quote from: henge0stone on September 11, 2015, 11:46:27 PM
who else is sick of worse voice ever guy from the UK?
I like him oddly enough. I like callers with character.


Quote from: WOTR on September 11, 2015, 11:47:13 PM
At least up here (Canada) we seem to be able to. Look up a place in your city that sells them and call Monday... Though I cannot understand why the average person on the street would want one.

Fair warning, they come very rusty...

If I wanted one I'd probably have to go the same supplier you did.


Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on September 11, 2015, 11:46:57 PM
Art should interview these pirates. I'm sure it would be 'Vivid'

As I'm typing thanks i'm downloading the torrent :D


Quote from: Mild Bill on September 11, 2015, 11:44:14 PM
Un-Orthodox Neo-Hermetic Panentheist

I like it.  But try and fit in "Reformed Fundamentalist".


Quote from: JamesMcDonald on September 11, 2015, 11:40:31 PM
Interesting point.  But how about all the religious people spending their entire lives worshiping a God that they discover in the after-life did not exist?  Is that a wise way to live?

Yeah but, they'd be dead and if god never existed they'd never discover that God didn't exist.

Like the car insurance thingie again... purchased a life time of insurance and never have a car accident.

Wise way to live?.... can be... religions are also institutions that support the fabric of social order. schools heath care, clubs, justice, etc


wow, you are right. You just see the back of his head!   :D


Quote from: MABUSE on September 11, 2015, 11:43:26 PM
Jade Helm is like the Buddha...

The REAL Jade Helm is not Jade Helm
you're mixing it up with the Force......these are not the droids....

Juan Cena

Quote from: Donald Noory on September 11, 2015, 11:37:39 PM
RCH should do Periscope and everyone could see him sitting in his chair nude with only his bolo tie on.

Why must you post things I can't unread?

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