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Joe Biden 2020

Started by maren, September 11, 2015, 11:27:32 AM


Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 17, 2022, 01:37:49 PMSomeone here voted for Obama. I'll just leave it at that.  :D

Someone here still has less than 5000 subs on youtube after ALL this time. I'll just leave it at that. :D


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 12:44:01 PMDo you EVER listen to yourself? Honestly? How am I exclusive, elite? I gave you a potted history of my immediate family; Is there anything, anything at all in that that suggests I'm an elitist? What you seem to be suggesting is a more equitable society, where there isn't an us and them; correct? Well if you are, we're on common ground.

You gave yourself away somewhat with the angry mobs scenario; The last times the 'angry mob' attacked the 'elite' was the French revolution...and the Russian revolution...and a civil war in Spain.  You know the common thread in those? The elite were the rich and powerful, who were subjugating the masses. The masses rose up and said no. And in all three they were happy to be called Communists; Orwell is frequently hailed by those on the right and left as being a visionary with 1984; He went to Spain in the 30's to fight against Franco on behalf of the Communists.

I don't even pretend to think the world is hunky dory, but while you have the very wealthy and powerful moving the pieces, and being rewarded by the rich and powerful and bought, the average will remain so. Take for instance the previous and the current POTUS's policies.

The previous POTUS signed off a tax cut for all. The only thing, it wasn't for all, unless you pretend that the top .5% of the population receiving 85% of the actual tax cut is fair, equitable and not elitist? The current POTUS wanted and ran on a more even distribution of wealth, the Senate being a 50/50 split and needing a 60% majority voted against it. The GOP has repeatedly voted down putting through policies that will help the poor, the disadvantaged and even military vets.
As you say...The GOP's attitude seems both unfair and abusive to me, how about you?

What is this exclusive lifestyle of which you speak? I don't have gold toilets, I don't own golf clubs (admittedly heavily leveraged), I wouldn't know where to begin defrauding the IRS, or banks to favour my tax burden or credit worthiness respectively. I don't have private jets, I can't and wouldn't bribe a university to give a place to my not so bright offspring.

No...MY exclusivity and elitism was asking my mother aged four who the man in the kitchen was. He was my dad. But because he worked like a dog, getting up before me, and getting home after I went to bed, seven days a week, I seldom saw him and couldn't connect. MY exclusivity was going to a comprehensive school (Public high school) and walking there and back, we couldn't afford a car. MY exclusivity was watching my parents go without so their three kids could have stuff. We seldom had family holidays, that's how fucking élite my life was.

I'll leave the best till last;
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The 'victim' has often been an invaded country, you may have heard of Poland, Belgium, Holland, France, Norway, Denmark, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Greece, Burma, Thailand, Singapore, Falklands.. Thing is, they weren't invaded by Britain. I'll let you work out the rest...

But who DOES blame the victim? Currently it's the Christo fascists, that upstanding sub set of humanity who preach the gospel according to white, privileged bigots. The kind of Christians who while simultaneously decrying bigots and zealots of other none Christian religions, practice in word and deed precisely the same indoctrination.

They love feotuses. They really do, even if the mother is herself a child, or a rape victim..But, let's hope the mother isn't poor, or single because if she is, well, she and the baby are on their own, because the world doesn't owe her anything, right? So all that cant about caring for the new born only extends to actual birth, not it's post natel months, it's development, it's education, it's general welfare in life until adulthood. It's the mother's fault anyway, if she didn't wear short skirts or had run faster, she wouldn't have been in such a predicament. Want more?

Some of these fascists want contraception eradicated. I'm sure I don't need to explain the implications of what that means.

There's much more in the list but those are the main highlights. You need to look up fascist and elite and ask yourself what examples you know of that you align with.

The weird thing is how politics and views change. For example the most reverent supporters of Jews and Israel are so-called 'evangelical' Christians. Likewise the so-called liberals don't support free speech and love 'hate speech' provisions and such. And hold abortion as almost some kind of sacrament and casus belli and, yet, claim the evil Christians against them are racists, as well as sexist. Yet abortion is used in many countries to kill female babies and most, if not all, Planned Parenthood and other abortion outfits are in minority and poor neighborhoods! So while they are fulfilling Sanger's ideals it is weird that the sacrament of abortion would be celebrated by people, and Parties, that, in theory, like non-white and poor people!


Quote from: albrecht on September 17, 2022, 01:51:24 PMThe weird thing is how politics and views change. For example the most reverent supporters of Jews and Israel are so-called 'evangelical' Christians. Likewise the so-called liberals don't support free speech and love 'hate speech' provisions and such. And hold abortion as almost some kind of sacrament and casus belli and, yet, claim the evil Christians against them are racists, as well as sexist. Yet abortion is used in many countries to kill female babies and most, if not all, Planned Parenthood and other abortion outfits are in minority and poor neighborhoods! So while they are fulfilling Sanger's ideals it is weird that the sacrament of abortion would be celebrated by people, and Parties, that, in theory, like non-white and poor people!

A black and white thinking lunkhead like him will never understand that.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2022, 01:53:55 PMA black and white thinking lunkhead like him will never understand that.

IF the Christians, and others, who don't like abortions were as racist and sexist as claimed they would be the ones supporting Sanger's ideals and funding MORE Planned Parenthood, and other, abortionists since they are usually located in poor and minority* neighborhoods.

*Note I use the term 'minority' as a term of art since in many places, and indeed the whole world, the real minority are 'white non-Hispanic' people.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2022, 01:40:56 PMSomeone here still has less than 5000 subs on youtube after ALL this time. I'll just leave it at that. :D

Someone here still has more subs than you. I'll just leave it at that :D


Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 17, 2022, 02:09:13 PMSomeone here still has more subs than you. I'll just leave it at that :D

That's because I don't have a Youtube channel. I think everyone would agree that only 5000 subs over the course of the last decade is pretty pathetic. I'll just leave it at that, robot voice. :D


Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 17, 2022, 01:37:49 PMSomeone here voted for Obama. I'll just leave it at that.  :D

Also, when Trump got elected you were pissing and moaning about it with all your liberal friends on your show. I did listen a couple of times. Enough to know you're not for me (or hardly anyone else for that matter).  :D


Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 17, 2022, 02:09:13 PMSomeone here still has more subs than you. I'll just leave it at that :D
I like subs but I still pine for the railway system we almost had! I also have warm feelings back when we had 24/7 SAC coverage in holding patterns. Amazing!


Corona Kitty

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2022, 02:24:12 PMThat's because I don't have a Youtube channel. I think everyone would agree that only 5000 subs over the course of the last decade is pretty pathetic. I'll just leave it at that, robot voice. :D

I make money on advertisement through the podcast. Most my episodes get demonetized from YouTube as well as channels being removed.

I'm surprised I'm even allowed on JW tube. Robot voice makes the cash that pays the rent, I'll just leave it at that. :D


Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 17, 2022, 03:20:27 PMI make money on advertisement through the podcast. Most my episodes get demonetized from YouTube as well as channels being removed.

I'm surprised I'm even allowed on JW tube. Robot voice makes the cash that pays the rent, I'll just leave it at that. :D

Must be a pretty small place with only 5000 subs after a decade of trying. I'll just leave it at that.


Quote from: albrecht on September 17, 2022, 02:30:32 PMI like subs but I still pine for the railway system we almost had! I also have warm feelings back when we had 24/7 SAC coverage in holding patterns. Amazing!


I think I'm going to go to Subway now.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2022, 03:57:47 PMI think I'm going to go to Subway now.
So cleaning out the old system. Cheaper than the Hollywood type deals. I get it. We used to joke that Indian food did the trick but Subway is a close option. Idk what they do, because no TOOMERIC or curry, but a solid plan to clean out. Maybe the lettuce picked by illegals or just done in Ol' Mex where fertilizer is suspect and how-shall-we-say 'facilities' are just where a worker is and keep picking?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 09:43:35 AMThe issue you have is your inability to define what it is you mean by liberal.. I never have, never thought there's a need to. I'm sure SV feels the same. In the US, it's frequently used in a pejorative way, but when you ask what they actually mean, they don't know, and find they tend to agree with many things. It's interesting that the more educated, more open minded, better read, more travelled, less inherently angry and bitter would say they're liberal minded.

Now fascism is easily defined and easy to spot in people. The 'marks' lured into it tend to be insecure, not well educated, often angry at how the world treated them, and look for validation..

Up pops someone with a close cliqué who preaches their gospel of 'it's not your fault you're poor/uneducated/unemployed,it's 'their' fault'. 'Their' can be another religeon they don't like, a race, a culture and there's always always a willing crowd who identify as the mark. They're forgiving of anything the leader does, says or thinks, because he (usually but not always a he) has their back and can do no wrong.

Those close know he's a grifter, and they jump on the same train, because there's money to be made. The marks don't care because he's leading them to the promised land, he hasn't fully explained what that is and still won't invite them to his ivory tower but if he says he's the one, that's good enough for them..

He drops hints to pick out the enemy, and damage them, physically or reputationally, usually HIS percieved enemy, and that can include those who were once followers and 'friends'. He has no friends, he doesn't concieve of mutual love and status, he is the number one, everyone else is less. But because he's got his marks all lined up, they don't care he doesn't care about them, right up until they themselves are the enemy, the 'other'.

That is fascism.

Oh boy, this one I shall have to parse a bit (as well as redact/omit portions of superfluous text engaging in various logical fallacies including, but not limited to:  Straw Man, Appeal To Authority, Red Herrings, Equivocation, Etymological, and Circular Logic).

I suppose I shall begin at the beginning, which is always a good place to start.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 09:43:35 AM... It's interesting that the more educated, more open minded, better read, more travelled, less inherently angry and bitter would say they're liberal minded...

The problem with this statement is exactly what is meant by the word "liberal," and that your statement reeks of caudacity.  There are two very distinct meanings to the word liberal:  one is meant to describe either an amount "...a liberal serving of potatoes..." which is difficult to ascribe a political position to (although many might equate a potatoe to a political position, it is more for humorous effect than anything really useful as a definition.  Incidentally, you pretty much are making the "logical" argument that "liberal=genius" and "conservative=potatoe" which is whimsical at best and at its worst demonstrates a profound lack of critical thinking and logic skills on your part);  the other describes a political stance which is commonly understood to be a distance to "The Left" from some arbitrary central political position.

I am going to make the dangerous assumption that you do not intend to conflate the two meanings and are attempting to engage in "argumentum ad absurdum" in some manner.  I note that you do this rather clumsily, as the point in this logical device is not to elicit laughter, but to point out that when a given position/argument is taken to an extremity (either on "negative" or "positive", that it becomes a ridiculous notion.  More on this later, Re: "Political Centrism").

To take an idea as complicated as "What is a Liberal in the Political sense," and attempt to fit that idea onto a single line extending infinitely in either direction considering the infinite endpoints to be "Liberal" and "Not Liberal" (or "Conservative" if you like, it matters little in this Simple One-Dimensional Analysis you present for us to consider) one will end up with an "IS/IS NOT" sort of decision-tree for the answer to that particular notion, especially when you remove relativism (or DEGREES of "Liberal" and "Not Liberal") and view it simply in terms of Absolute Values (similar to the idea that there are not Big/Little Sins only "Sin", and no Big/Little Good Acts only "Good Acts".  Yes a simplistic notion, but when the initial argument is Simplistic by its very Nature one must use the tools inherent to the Argument presented).

Okay, I am finished with that slightly parsed bit of your soliloquy, now on to the ultimate conclusion you make on your exploration of "What is a Liberal":

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 09:43:35 AM...
That is fascism.

Which is a brilliant point, and semi-well done.  There was a bit too much exposition to get your punchline, but those type of "story-jokes" appeal to some.  For those that find the waiting on the punchline to be tedious, I shall distill you original post to its essence hear:

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 09:43:35 AM...

It's interesting that the more educated, more open minded, better read, more travelled, less inherently angry and bitter would say they're liberal minded.

...That is fascism.

Which is hilarious;  I had no idea you were a fellow Absurdist!  Perhaps you didn't realize you were one?  Welcome to the club.

Apogees for not making my promised address on the idea of "Political Centrism" and how that relates to a single-axial examination of the multidimensional nature of Politics.

I will happy to do so in a later post;  if after thinking about that on your own:  you have any questions for me about why this is a profoundly difficult, if not impossible idea.


Yorkshire pud

MD should
Quote from: albrecht on September 17, 2022, 01:51:24 PMThe weird thing is how politics and views change. For example the most reverent supporters of Jews and Israel are so-called 'evangelical' Christians. Likewise the so-called liberals don't support free speech and love 'hate speech' provisions and such. And hold abortion as almost some kind of sacrament and casus belli and, yet, claim the evil Christians against them are racists, as well as sexist. Yet abortion is used in many countries to kill female babies and most, if not all, Planned Parenthood and other abortion outfits are in minority and poor neighborhoods! So while they are fulfilling Sanger's ideals it is weird that the sacrament of abortion would be celebrated by people, and Parties, that, in theory, like non-white and poor people!

MD owes you a pint for answering for him..that way he doesn't have to address a single point I made. Having said that, you didn't either, not really. Rich/poor white/not white, ultimately the seed that the three purjered trump SOTUS judges subscribed to has taken root.
Take Alabama for instance, their governor, pious and god fearin sees no issue at all with banning abortions under ANY circumstances. Life of the mother, rape, incest victim, no matter.

It's the poorest state in the US, no drinking water for weeks, the federal money they had given to start dragging them up has instead been put to other uses, like a volleyball court that so happens to be at the college the daughter of Paul Favre attends, oh he got 6 million dollars.

Remember, it isn't what you know, it's who you know.

It just so happens to be a red state too.. you know, fiscal conservatives, anti corruption, anti hand outs...


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 04:20:07 PMMD should
MD owes you a pint for answering for him..that way he doesn't have to address a single point I made. Having said that, you didn't either, not really. Rich/poor white/not white, ultimately the seed that the three purjered trump SOTUS judges subscribed to has taken root.
Take Alabama for instance, their governor, pious and god fearin sees no issue at all with banning abortions under ANY circumstances. Life of the mother, rape, incest victim, no matter.

It's the poorest state in the US, no drinking water for weeks, the federal money they had given to start dragging them up has instead been put to other uses, like a volleyball court that so happens to be at the college the daughter of Paul Favre attends, oh he got 6 million dollars.

Remember, it isn't what you know, it's who you know.

It just so happens to be a red state too.. you know, fiscal conservatives, anti corruption, anti hand outs...
Chokwe Antar Lumumba. DEFINITELY an evil white guy! Probably an evil Christian also! And some kind of crypto-Trumper even! Would an abortion-mill use water? Not there due to this evil whitey! And the rest of the city officials, likely the workers at the facilities, are certainly evil Whites. Cutting off the water!  When water needed for abortions! Evil people.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2022, 03:56:07 PMMust be a pretty small place with only 5000 subs after a decade of trying. I'll just leave it at that.

By the ocean these days, I'll just leave it at that.


Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 17, 2022, 06:55:20 PMBy the ocean these days, I'll just leave it at that.

Yeah, yeah...steak and lobster on only 5000 subs. 🙄

No one's buying it, least of all me. I'll just leave it at that.  :D

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2022, 07:07:43 PMYeah, yeah...steak and lobster on only 5000 subs. 🙄

No one's buying it, least of all me. I'll just leave it at that.  :D

No one has to (LOL). Those who know, know. I'll leave it at that.


Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 17, 2022, 07:37:03 PMNo one has to (LOL). Those who know, know. I'll leave it at that.

Hey, my eyes are up here.

Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 17, 2022, 07:37:03 PMI'll leave it at that.

Have you ever considered writing some poetry?


Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 17, 2022, 07:37:03 PMNo one has to (LOL). Those who know, know. I'll leave it at that.

Hey, at least you have imaginary friends. I'll leave it at that. :D


Quote from: albrecht on September 17, 2022, 04:40:48 PMChokwe Antar Lumumba. DEFINITELY an evil white guy! Probably an evil Christian also! And some kind of crypto-Trumper even! Would an abortion-mill use water? Not there due to this evil whitey! And the rest of the city officials, likely the workers at the facilities, are certainly evil Whites. Cutting off the water!  When water needed for abortions! Evil people.


I have no idea what this means:

You cannot view this attachment.

But it was inspired by your above words, I felt a great disturbance in the meme-Force that compelled me to create it.

I found during the construction of this masterpiece that I had to modify my previous meme-AlGorhythms for the borders around the text.  It seemed to demand the emphasis.

That being said:  I worked really hard on it, try not to laugh.

I truly do not understand what I have created, and do Not See what current application it may (or may not) have but am convinced it must be preserved for the future (and for The Children™).

Perhaps you might find something to do with it, I release it into the wild to see what happens.



Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 17, 2022, 06:55:20 PMBy the ocean these days, I'll just leave it at that.

Noice!  Better than the van down by the river, I bet.


/self-reported:  off-topic

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Jackstar on September 17, 2022, 07:39:49 PMHey, my eyes are up here.

Have you ever considered writing some poetry?

No, I'll leave that to you.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2022, 01:22:14 PMYou're an elitist because you consider the great majority of people beneath you.

The great majority of people aren't British so they are inferior by definition. You haven't really thought this through, you silly sausage.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 17, 2022, 05:10:45 AMThat's what I always say about you.

This is schoolgirl-level argument. 'No I'm not, you are!' All very Trumpian and why you are such a weapons-grade bore. It doesn't even make sense, but I can't even be bothered to point it out to you.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 17, 2022, 12:44:01 PMDo you EVER listen to yourself? Honestly? How am I exclusive, elite? I gave you a potted history of my immediate family; Is there anything, anything at all in that that suggests I'm an elitist? What you seem to be suggesting is a more equitable society, where there isn't an us and them; correct? Well if you are, we're on common ground.

I'm starting to worry about you, dear boy. You can't give these people an inch. The next thing you'll be telling me that that 'all men are created by equal' garbage was true as well. It sounds like you need to head back to Blighty instanter before the rot really warps you for good and all. I will choose to believe that this is all a 'deep cover' operation you are engaged in and you are really sowing mischief and discord behind the scenes prior to our long-planned invasion moving into full-swing.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 20, 2022, 04:07:34 AMThis is schoolgirl-level argument. 'No I'm not, you are!' All very Trumpian and why you are such a weapons-grade bore. It doesn't even make sense, but I can't even be bothered to point it out to you.

That's what I always say about your arguments. :D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 20, 2022, 04:33:36 AMI'm starting to worry about you, dear boy. You can't give these people an inch. The next thing you'll be telling me that that 'all men are created by equal' garbage was true as well. It sounds like you need to head back to Blighty instanter before the rot really warps you for good and all. I will choose to believe that this is all a 'deep cover' operation you are engaged in and you are really sowing mischief and discord behind the scenes prior to our long-planned invasion moving into full-swing.

Thanks for blowing my cover. My handlers at MI5, CIS, MFI, CBI, LTR and UPS will not be best pleased. But when I'm not engaging in 'deep cover' for HMG my cover employment is being gainfully employed in a technical capacity which brings me into contact with natives from all walks of life and on the whole they're okay..some are funny folk, but I'll come to that. After almost six years here I've met the lot!

Memsaab of course is above reproach but even she says the locals can be dubious. I get asked at least once a week if I'm from London. (It doesn't get trite after the first hundred times); My reply is usually; "Oi, do I look like that sloe gin swilling southerner, SV? Well, do I?" At that point their eyes dart left and right and they're trying to work out if a) they do know you, b) if there's been a police bulletin when you might have been mentioned c) Did you appear on 'The Voice' or somesuch 'talent' contest. When it's clear they haven't heard of you (I know, I know) I explain I'm from the only county worth mentioning in England, that no, it isn't near London, no it isn't near Edinburgh either, or Paris, or Dublin.
 I was asked if I was Irish once, and when I said no, I'm English, she asked if I was sure...Generally if you're a Brit you get treated with more respect and it's assumed you're better educated. Seeing as the FED spend less than 1% of GDP on public education, it isn't difficult to believe. But there's no incentive to make it better because...well, draw your own conclusions. But having said that I'm working among some very capable people who really know their stuff.

The stereotype that most Americans don't really know much about anything outside the four corners of their garden (Or tarp if you're homeless) isn't without merit. And it's obvious when I meet those who have been out and about (Usually have a military background or quite wealthy). It took me a while to realise why that is. It isn't entirely a lack of curiosity or being insular and not caring, it's mainly financial. Unlike the UK, vacation days are not mandatory, and many (Not all) jobs require a full year's employment before qualifying for any leave. Sick days are not paid everywhere. And if you do get leave, it's fewer days than the 28 enjoyed in the UK. Which explains why most Americans who holiday in the UK are retired.
In California they have an 'easy in/easy out' deal with jobs, you can be fired on the spot without redress, but likewise you can leave without notice too.
The 'funny folk' tend to have a weird sense of reality and if you dare to dig down, are trumpers. I haven't met many, because it's northern CA, and the one's I have met are frequently from out of state. A few weeks ago I was at a customers place and one guy had his phone playing Alex Jones..and he was relaying to his colleague what the good lord Jones was selling, I mean conveying his wisdom. He blamed the wildfires in the state on Communists, yes really. Although most are not arson and those that are, the political leanings of the crim isn't usually made known. I didn't venture the question as to how he knew and why they would because his eyes bulged and I wasn't sure of his emotional containment. I quietly muttered 'Ooookaaayyyyy' and backed out of the room.

But fear not old man and when my boys get my private jet back into civilian configuration after it was pressed into service dropping food parcels to the peasants in Pacific Heights me and the fragrant Laura will take a visit to the home counties. I think we're still allowed to drop into Brize Norton, even though the copybook was blotted somewhat with that little jape 'Badger' Harris-White had on his thirtieth birthday bash back in 1993. Enough said.

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