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George is a magician and has an agenda

Started by HowardWest, April 29, 2008, 05:40:53 PM


Howard West here!

I was the scheduled  guest back on 10-23-06. Here is the link to the coast site


George has a Stable of Guests, that have a perspectives that George wants to promote. I do not have those same perspectives.

The interview was adversarial from the start. However when I started to give evidence from ancient sources contrary to most of  ?Coast? guests : especially Hoagland, the interview was stopped so Hoagland reinforce his false concept and save face .

So you tell me if you think that these pieces of history are important enough to merit further discussion? George and his buddy Hoagland do not think that you should know anything about them.

1. That the ancient Egyptians had a ?Simple Tool? that could send messages in minutes to cities that were hundreds if miles a part.

2. The code used by that tool is the basic concept behind Egyptian hieroglyphics; the Greek and Hebrew alphabets. Even our modern English alphabet is based on that code.

3. That simple code used the same principles to keep its lines of code accurate as our modern computers do with a line cipher.

4. That code system was used to transcribe ?TWO? unique books that have star charts with in their texts. Those books place Polaris below the Northern Horizon Circle, setting with the new moon in early summer. That did happen for a few short years in the last 26,000 years: 12,500 years ago. With that reference point the rest of the constellation in the star chart match with known constellation mention for each month of those years 12,500 years ago.

5. Those same books also tell how Egypt was turned in to the agricultural power house during a time of drought by a simple common tool that also allowed huge stones to be placed a the top of the Great Pyramids.

6. Those ancient manuscript speak of a massive inter planetary storm: that caused the sea levels to rise  extremely quickly. However the Modern geologist have a new name for this storm of 12,500 years ago. They call it  the Melt Water Pulse 1 B where sea levels rose by 26.7 feet in less that 100 years and continued to rise for the next 6,000 years at a rate of 1.5 inches per year then it took 6,000 more years to make up the last 39 inches to our current sea level.

7. Oh yea! One of those books you may have heard of? Pa HANOCK? You probably know it by its common name The Book of Enoch . However you think Enoch wrote it by himself! Read  Chapters 10, 58, 64, 66, and 67 then ask  your self why people believe that the Watchers exist  but think that this man is a fable: when he is the one that spoke of those beings?

For what George and Hoagland do not want you to know: go to my blog and start with December 2007 then read forward you will see why I am not welcome on ?Coast?.


Howard West

Jou know........ Magenda ....... is like a dark purplish-red. Magenda.

As far as the Hoagland issue goes, which of his views are conflicting with yours.  Is it that whole Egyptians were really Martians deal?


Today?s magicians want you to look  at his flamboyant assistants not what he is really doing. Deceiving you with what he wants you to see not what he is really doing.    

As far as the Hoagland issue goes,

1. The cause of the tide bulges on Mars were caused by a Moon: not by Hoagland?s now exploded planet.

2. Hoagland implies that mankind is an off spring of Aliens. The  ancient text states we were really infected with fatal gene splice type of thing: long after mankind was established as we see it today. 

3. Hoagland implies that mankind is too dumb to come up with any high tech Ideas we need HELP. To do simple things like building the Great Pyramids. YES IT WAS SIMPLE However no long ramps or thousands of slaves were needed.

4 through 1,000 are on my blog

For what George and Hoagland do not want you to know: go to my blog and start with December 2007 then read forward you will see why I am not welcome on ?Coast?.



George loves to have people talk about Enoch's  Watchers.


However those people  never tell you Who really wrote most of that book!!!!!!!

Look it up!  Chapters 10, 58, 64, 66, and 67 then ask  your self why people believe that the Watchers exist  but think that this man is a fable: when he is the one that spoke of those beings?

Howard, you should listen to C2C tonight. Their talking about portents of Jesus coming back @ 2015.  Talking about your stuff dawg, you feel me?


George and his his flamboyant assistants  will show you the wrong trail Puppy.

The Important thing are happening this fall. In Egypt and southern Europe and the middle east.   This election will be fun guess who gets elected?


Quote from: HowardWest on May 02, 2008, 08:32:38 AM
lotta yada yada before this point....

This election will be fun guess who gets elected?

John McCain. no need to explain this one its not hard.

I will for those that dont get it... The entire democratic side of this is a dog and pony show... a woman and a black man.... seriously come on... Upper class white folks.. I mean the rich and super rich ones.. are not about to be told by a woman who and what they can do with their money, and let alone a black man.. a nigga dont talk back to da masta... get it..

its simple... its not the blacks that run this country, while you got condie in a poster position thats all it is really...

I dont care what you say.. but on the international stage if we had even a woman vice president it would lower the respect america has expessially from those countries that hate us already..

and well a black president... as I said... its not going to happen.

People already see the democratic side as a lame duck exercise..

and if i'm wrong.. the first person to grave dig this thread come november after the election, can tell me I was wrong..

Quote from: Max on May 02, 2008, 08:24:46 PM
Quote from: HowardWest on May 02, 2008, 08:32:38 AM
lotta yada yada before this point....

This election will be fun guess who gets elected?

John McCain. no need to explain this one its not hard.

I will for those that dont get it... The entire democratic side of this is a dog and pony show... a woman and a black man.... seriously come on... Upper class white folks.. I mean the rich and super rich ones.. are not about to be told by a woman who and what they can do with their money, and let alone a black man.. a nigga dont talk back to da masta... get it..

its simple... its not the blacks that run this country, while you got condie in a poster position thats all it is really...

I dont care what you say.. but on the international stage if we had even a woman vice president it would lower the respect america has expessially from those countries that hate us already..

and well a black president... as I said... its not going to happen.
Max, I think you're crazy or really out of touch. Lots of countries have women leaders. Germany, for one. And lots of countries have black presidents, like probably a lot of the countries in Africa, I'm guessing.

However, I do think you are right that John McCain will win the election, because I think the 'moral' majority in America, and I use the term moral with the utmost sarcasm in this instance, feel the way you have described, or similarly to. I would have voted for him last time he ran, but this time I'm not sure.

Anyway, I think it's just a matter of time before a woman or minority is President of the U.S. I predict Hispanic man will make it before a black man or a woman. Condi Rice would be good though (re: PhanSan, above). She used to be really impressive back before Bush's approval rating tanked and she seemed to lose her footing or something.

It's important to remember there's a strong chance you will be voting for President through Vice Presidential proxy.

scenario 1
McCain will not survive full term.  Who will be his successor?   Cheney?  Rice?  Arnold Schwarzenegger?  (after proper amendment of law)

scenario 2
Obama could be targeted by extremists.  Security would be at an all time high.
Who will be his VP?  Clinton? Gore? Pee Wee Herman?

Such are the naked mole rat thoughts we must place in the exercise wheel of our Habitrail?? consciousness.

In any case, this election is a monumental event, especially when we consider that whoever wins will have their likeness appear on a presidential dollar coin some day.  (Is that a role of McCoins in yer pocket or are ya just glad to see me, Tiger?)

Secret sources claim that no matter what we believe, "the bitch is going on the coin!  That settles it!"  Those whacky Bilderbergs ...  They've been right before.

Obama would resemble Howdy Doody if represented on a bright coin.  I suggest he adopt a Malcom X look for a far more effective coinage.  At that point it might make a fine magician's token, if they would enlarge it to at least the catchable size of a traditional half-dollar.   There's nothing worse than performing a French drop? only to have the coin bounce off the "bucket" hand.

I'm not really speaking much about politics here ... 

? deemed it appropriate to mention an
authentic technique of prestidigitation
in light of the thread's topic on l?ger de main.
(say that five times and tell me under which
rodentia cup the cheese ball lies.)


Quote from: Art is the Best on May 03, 2008, 05:12:59 AM
Max, I think you're crazy or really out of touch. Lots of countries have women leaders. Germany, for one. And lots of countries have black presidents, like probably a lot of the countries in Africa, I'm guessing.

I am not out of touch... I actually follow politics... and I follow who's who of who what and know whats going on.

and when you look at who's financing this election... and who's financing these delegates... it all makes sense..


Quote from: Max on May 14, 2008, 01:29:39 AM
Quote from: Art is the Best on May 03, 2008, 05:12:59 AM
Max, I think you're crazy or really out of touch. Lots of countries have women leaders. Germany, for one. And lots of countries have black presidents, like probably a lot of the countries in Africa, I'm guessing.

I am not out of touch... I actually follow politics... and I follow who's who of who what and know whats going on.

and when you look at who's financing this election... and who's financing these delegates... it all makes sense..

It's high time the US had a woman president.  Sadly, I don't think Hillary is the one, for any number of reasons.

Shirley Chisholm was the 1! UnBought and UnBossed!


Quote from: EvB on May 14, 2008, 10:53:17 AM
It's high time the US had a woman president.  Sadly, I don't think Hillary is the one, for any number of reasons.
amen, sister.  i'd love to see a woman as president, and i think it would be a fine moment in our history.  however, i don't vote for left-wing politicians, particularly those who rode the coat tails of the feminist movement while RELYING ON A MAN to get where life took them.  hillary clinton, in my view, exemplifies the word phony.

hmm... i just realized the topic here is george and his magical agenda.  guess i'm not helping to keep things on topic here.  sorry bout dat.


Quote from: HowardWest on April 29, 2008, 05:40:53 PM

The interview was adversarial from the start. However when I started to give evidence from ancient sources contrary to most of  ?Coast? guests : especially Hoagland, the interview was stopped so Hoagland reinforce his false concept and save face .

The one thing I have never been able to figure out is whether Snoory is Hoagland's butt boy, or is Hoagland Snoory's receptacle?
Either way, I know one thing: It's the audience that's getting screwed!

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