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The NFL Football Fan Podcast - With The Mud King and Eddie Dean

Started by eddie dean, August 09, 2015, 06:09:36 PM


Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 08, 2015, 11:35:16 PM
I'm a purist generally, and used to think 'hey, the players and coaches make mistakes so let's just keep it the way it is and understand that the officials are going to make mistakes too'.

Not anymore.  I like the idea of official replay reviews in football and wish they used it in more situations.  I think the booth officials should decide what to review, not the coaches - it's bs they only get a limited number of challenges, no matter how bad things get.  I also think there should be a time limit on the reviews.

In baseball they should call balls and strikes with laser technology.  It's bs that every umpire has 'their own' strike zone, and that it is different game to game, batter to batter, pitch to pitch. 

I don't think there is much that can be done with hockey or basketball - maybe certain things like whether a puck scored, or if a blocked shot was goaltending.

I won't admit to being an expert when it comes to this but I think it is ridiculous that the coaches can dispute anything.

In my game only the umpires (field or goal) can call a score review and only in case where they are not sure a ball was touch before going through or  whether the ball went through the goals or point posts. Neither the players and nor the coaches can dispute a score and call for a review.

No one can dispute foal decisions in game. If the umpire make a mistake then the umpire makes a mistake.

NFL is very different to my game as the NFL is very stop start and AFL is more free flowing. Stopping to review every umpiring decision in Aussie Rules would totally ruin the game.


Quote from: jazmunda on November 08, 2015, 11:51:31 PM
I won't admit to being an expert when it comes to this but I think it is ridiculous that the coaches can dispute anything.

In my game only the umpires (field or goal) can call a score review and only in case where they are not sure a ball was touch before going through or  whether the ball went through the goals or point posts. Neither the players and nor the coaches can dispute a score and call for a review.

No one can dispute foal decisions in game. If the umpire make a mistake then the umpire makes a mistake.

NFL is very different to my game as the NFL is very stop start and AFL is more free flowing. Stopping to review every umpiring decision in Aussie Rules would totally ruin the game.

The information provided on a ticket from an NFL game states in so many words or less that what your are watching is considered "Entertainment" not "Competition".   I always have a problem distinguishing between the two while I'm watching an NFL "Game".


Wow! Nice win for the Bears!

That's 3 for 3 so far for QBs I sent Reiki to for their team!

The only thing the people who run the NFL care about is money.  They've become just as fat, greedy, and corrupt as most of the people at or near the top of most other huge organizations in the business world (and government, unions, etc).  And since that money flow is 100% reliant on the whims of people spending their disposable income on the games, and from advertisers who wish to reach those people, image is everything to them.

Any thug will get chance after chance to play (on the individual teams, winning games is part of the image they want to project).  Michael Vick had no problem finding a team to play for when they let him out of prison - that one was spun as giving someone a 'second chance' after 'paying their debt to society'.  Never mind what he'd done to be sent to prison in the first place.  And he's not even that good anymore.  I remember the media wondering how fans of various teams who might need a QB would 'react' to his signing, and some but not that much talk about whether he should be playing at all.  Teams cut these guys mostly because their criminal activity has become a distraction to the team, and if they can play some other team signs them as soon as their crime is 'old news' and they've had a few weeks or months to 'turn their life around'.  That's if they are even cut by their team at all.

Domestic violence is more than a crime in our current body politic.  Anything that can be construed as racism, sexism, homophobia can and often does take on a life of it's own.  Sometimes for good reason, sometimes for pure politics.

This is why the NFL has come down so hard on just this one particular crime.  Not because they give a damn about it any more than other criminal conduct, but because they are concerned about the potential impact on their image if they treat it the way they do everything else.  That there is often video footage of it, or photos of the cuts and bruises, makes it difficult to deny and sweep under the rug.

Just something to keep in mind next time the media focus is on someone who punched his girlfriend or wife, while ignoring the guy on the bench next to him who did something as bad or worse.

Here in the SF Bay Area, like most places the stadium naming rights have been sold to the highest bidder. 

The Oakland Coliseum (Raiders and A's) became Network Associates Coliseum, then McAfee Coliseum, now it's O.Co Stadium named after the highest bidder - Overstock.Com.  The Oakland Arena (Warriors) is Oracle Arena.  The new 49ers stadium is named for Levi's.  The Giants play in AT&T Park.  The Sharks arena is now the SAP Center.

Before it was torn down, Candlestick Park had in recent years been 3Com Park at Candlestick Point, then Monster Cable paid to rename it Monster Park, it may have been named something else after that for awhile.

Cal kept the Memorial Stadium name after the re-model, but they play on Kabam Field.  Stanford Stadium and San Jose State's Spartan Stadium are safe for now.

I'm not against naming and renaming these venues after corporations for the cash, although I'd rather they not.  What bugs me is the media using these names, instead of the original traditional names.  The fans and the local community as well.  So they paid to have their name painted on the side of the stadium, big deal, why do we have to play along with this and always refer to these places by their current 'official' names - I don't quite get it.

Some hack at City Hall awhile back sent up a trial balloon wondering if they should put the naming rights for the Golden Gate Bridge up for bid.  Seriously.  I can see it now, The Chevron Bridge at the Golden Gate - referred to that way by the media, and with tourists and busybody locals calling it The Chev ("honey, isn't the Golden Gate Bridge beautiful?"  "Hey buddy, don't cha know it's now The Chevron").

O dot Co Stadium (O.Co).  Really?


We have the same thing in Aussie Rules football. There are incidents of spousal abuse, drug abuse, assault, drink driving etc. It all depends on how "good" the player is with how they are treated by the club, the league and the media. The media is always the harsher critic and rightly so in most cases. From the clubs and leagues perspective great players get a second chance whereas others are thrown to the wolves.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 10, 2015, 03:19:58 PM
I'm not against naming and renaming these venues after corporations for the cash, although I'd rather they not.  What bugs me is the media using these names, instead of the original traditional names.  The fans and the local community as well.  So they paid to have their name painted on the side of the stadium, big deal, why do we have to play along with this and always refer to these places by their current 'official' names - I don't quite get it.

Though I can't find the link, I heard on WFAN awhile back that broadcasters have to honor corporate naming as part of the rights to broadcast the games.  I believe the NFL was the first to require broadcast partners to respect corporate renaming of stadiums.

Quote from: NowhereInTime on November 10, 2015, 05:44:05 PM
Though I can't find the link, I heard on WFAN awhile back that broadcasters have to honor corporate naming as part of the rights to broadcast the games.  I believe the NFL was the first to require broadcast partners to respect corporate renaming of stadiums.

I don't doubt it, the league office is incredibly petty about a variety of little things, on top of everything else.

That probably explains the sports writers as well.  Why make enemies when it could potentially affect ones' career down the road, if not now.

Are you in our ESPN pool under a different alias?

eddie dean

eddie dean

Quote from: jazmunda on November 12, 2015, 04:47:44 PM
When the words Bellgab Pool Alert are mentioned I think of this.

"it's no big deal"
nom nom nom


Quote from: akwilly on November 12, 2015, 10:13:37 PM
Thats how to put a jinx on you're team.

Maybe I really picked the Jets and I wanted the football gods to think I actually picked the Bills. Oops I just did it again.

No more premature pickulation.

Edit: I stand by my pick.

This Aussie is making you Yanks look silly.

Quote from: jazmunda on November 12, 2015, 10:18:45 PM
... This Aussie is making you Yanks look silly.

It's true.  I might have to start watching the games.

I turned on the Jets / Bills game hoping to catch the end, but they were doing the postgame show.  Football teams should never wear matching colored pants with their jerseys, with the possible exception of black.  It's a bad look.  I saw a few clips of the Jets dressed head to toe in green, and the Bills in all red, on the field at the same time - wow, I'm glad I didn't have to look at that for 3 hours.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 13, 2015, 12:05:26 AM
It's true.  I might have to start watching the games.

I turned on the Jets / Bills game hoping to catch the end, but they were doing the postgame show.  Football teams should never wear matching colored pants with their jerseys, with the possible exception of black.  It's a bad look, I just saw a few clips of the Jets dressed in green head to toe and the Bills in all red.  Wow, 'm glad I didn't have to see 3 hours of that.
Deadspin was showing what the game would have looked like to a color blind person. Kinda of funny. For me the uniforms kinda put me in the holiday spirit.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 13, 2015, 12:05:26 AM
It's true.  I might have to start watching the games.

I turned on the Jets / Bills game hoping to catch the end, but they were doing the postgame show.  Football teams should never wear matching colored pants with their jerseys, with the possible exception of black.  It's a bad look.  I saw a few clips of the Jets dressed head to toe in green, and the Bills in all red, on the field at the same time - wow, I'm glad I didn't have to look at that for 3 hours.

I found the metallic green on the jets helmets to be kind of distracting.


That game looked like Santa's elves engaged in some really aggressive Kama Sutra.

At least it ended with some happy Rex Ryan f-bombs.


Next week we'll have to endure the Jaguars in all gold uniforms.

eddie dean

A new episode of The NFL Football Fan Podcast  airs Live tonight!

5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Live stream & chat here


If you are participating in the Bellgab pickem pool, don't forget to
Get your Pool Picks in tomorrow morning

Quote from: Juan on November 13, 2015, 11:15:43 AM
Next week we'll have to endure the Jaguars in all gold uniforms.

Apparently we can expect this for all the Thursday Night games. 

Doesn't anyone at the NFL Corporate Office have any taste whatsoever at all?  Whose grand idea was it to have both teams wear full color pants and jerseys for these games?

eddie dean

Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 14, 2015, 08:03:29 PM
Apparently we can expect this for all the Thursday Night games. 

Doesn't anyone at the NFL Corporate Office have any taste whatsoever at all?  Whose grand idea was it to have both teams wear full color pants and jerseys for these games?

My guess is Nike.

eddie dean

Quote from: starrmtn001 on November 15, 2015, 02:08:11 AM
Thank you for singing Happy Birthday to me nooropathy.  That was lovely. :D

Indeed. :)
Happy Birthday Starrmtn


Fun show last night. Had fun in chat as well with everyone.

Starr... Hope you had a wonderful Birthday!

Apparently midget tossing is frowned upon when you toss them by the facemask.

eddie dean

Quote from: HedgehogNorman on November 15, 2015, 01:04:11 PM
Apparently midget tossing is frowned upon when you toss them by the facemask.

Menzel lost his contacts on that play too.

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