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20150806 - Michael Rugg, Bigfoot Museum - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, August 06, 2015, 08:45:12 PM

Quote from: sydtron on August 07, 2015, 12:14:02 AM
Well. Since my family is asleep when I get home. I go down to the finished basement to my computer.  Fire up tune in and Skype.  Put the headphones on and light a smoke.  Maybe some tequila.   Then listen to Hoagland afterwards.
I miss basements. I always get creeped out listening to Art in em. Used to have my PC, Modeling (Yeah, Games-Worshop), and art things set up in our old place with a mini fridge. Good times.


Snifter of Port , Torano exodus 1950 Cigars , Clean some of My Guns from the days work and Try to keep up with the post in between !


Quote from: ASC on August 07, 2015, 12:19:34 AM
yes, indeed. No rain yet. said isolated thunderstorms on google weather.

my lawn is so dry static electricity could turn it in to char
Yikes!  Doing a rain visualization for your area.  Hey, can't hurt eh? ;)


Quote from: Claudius on August 07, 2015, 12:13:19 AM
So Bigfoot speaks Native American, Spanish, "pigeon English" whatever that is, and just a dash of Chinese. Yeah because that's how languages work.

that's nothing... tune into Bella-Haven tonight and i'll have my pet bigfoot speaking sweet bigfoot native grunts to charm the girls.
Me Bigfoot and I have Big Feet... wink wink 

Quote from: ASC on August 07, 2015, 12:16:02 AM
John Candy was a hero because he and his polka buddies helped Kevin McCallister's mother get home to her unattended child.


Quote from: Royal_Tenenbaum on August 07, 2015, 12:17:41 AM
I am debating buying another 360 (my 4th one died a year ago, been on PC since). I too can't justify the X Bone price. I love Hockey games though. I still play Blades of Steel to this day.

You and I would be friends. Yeah totally, I am a huge hockey fan. I used to be somewhat productive in my real life until three hours of Art Bell and two hours of Bella-Haven nightly. The plus side is I've made the Canucks an elite team in NHL '15 which feels good since it would be more likely to find a Swedish Unicorn in real life than for the Canucks to win a Cup.  :'(

Quote from: MABUSE on August 07, 2015, 12:14:49 AM
Laphroig! Yummmmmmmmmmmm!!!  Ardbeg I've not tried.
As to the Absinthe, its a home brew so every batch is bit different, but it requires strict quality control testing, usually around 1/4 bottle on Friday nights. :-*
Ardbeg is even "peatier". I like 'em smokey.  ;) I've always wanted to home brew, but I would make Mead.


That was me! Lol. Not a great answer to my trail cam question.


"Dave Twinkletoes"...  now THAT was a BellGab reference, lol.


Quote from: swordpoint9 on August 07, 2015, 12:21:00 AM
Snifter of Port , Torano exodus 1950 Cigars , Clean some of My Guns from the days work and Try to keep up with the post in between !

OK partying at your house next.  I'll bring the Hoppes and a Fonseca.

Quote from: Claudius on August 07, 2015, 12:13:19 AM
So Bigfoot speaks Native American, Spanish, "pigeon English" whatever that is, and just a dash of Chinese. Yeah because that's how languages work.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on August 07, 2015, 12:19:56 AM
:D  Thanks, man.  I thought SCTV was a hell of a lot funnier than Saturday Night Live.  I also liked another show that was on briefly with Michael Richards who was later on Seinfeld.  Fridays.  I doubt few people remember that show due to its short run.

Jamaican Chef, do we baste it no no no no.
Lude man super hero, 714 roorer on his shirt
etc etc


Quote from: 21st Century Man on August 07, 2015, 12:19:56 AM
...I also liked another show that was on briefly with Michael Richards who was later on Seinfeld.  Fridays.  I doubt few people remember that show due to its short run.

Please, this is bellgab, home of obscure knowledge.  I don't remember much of it except the skit where he was playing with his plastic army men which was weird and hilarious.

Quote from: VoteQuimby on August 07, 2015, 12:21:58 AM

You and I would be friends. Yeah totally, I am a huge hockey fan. I used to be somewhat productive in my real life until three hours of Art Bell and two hours of Bella-Haven nightly. The plus side is I've made the Canucks an elite team in NHL '15 which feels good since it would be more likely to find a Swedish Unicorn in real life than for the Canucks to win a Cup.  :'(
Dalek Prime on XBLA, Royal_Tenenbaum on Steam. :D I may finally buy a new 360 at the end of the month.


Quote from: MABUSE on August 07, 2015, 12:22:33 AM
OK partying at your house next.  I'll bring the Hoppes and a Fonseca.
Anytime your in Central Ohio ! Welcome ...


Dave Paulides doesn't think Sasquatch is responsible for the abductions.  He is just listing facts. He never names any cause.


OK gang, I am outta here for now.  I'll try and pop in tomorrow!


Did I just hear that Art is going to have bigfoot on the show?


Quote from: WhiteCrow on August 07, 2015, 12:25:01 AM
Did I just hear that Art is going to have bigfoot on the show?

Depending on his schedule (bigfoot's).

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