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20150805 - Flat Earth Debate - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, August 05, 2015, 05:42:00 PM


What is the flat earther doing during the break?

Furiously searching internet for more evidence?

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Stephen on August 05, 2015, 10:32:32 PM
naaa... the moon is hollow - everybody knows that...  /sarc
Correct, & it's full of cheese!


Quote from: popple on August 05, 2015, 10:29:24 PMThe north pole is supposed to be at the center of our flat circle and the south boarders around the entire flat circle lol The ice holds us all in or sumptin idk.
But south is at infinite distance, as on the complex plane.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on August 05, 2015, 10:31:26 PM
If the earth is flat how does he explain day/night changes. His various explanation to everything as perspective is not interesting
ON/OFF I/O pretty simply if there ALSO was a dome over the flat earth and "they" just flip a switch like you might do. Their light-bulb technology advancements also explain eclipses and the differences in the brightness/coloration of the "sun" through the ages.


My goodness.  Given Dr. Grindlay's interests and credentials, it would be so great to hear him speak about black holes etc.  I don't want to be critical, but this debate is ....well...wouldn't it be nice to hear the doctor speak about his interests?


Quote from: boxman on August 05, 2015, 10:27:24 PM
I think it would be best to just open the lines now...

Yah, this! Lol  ::)

It would be more fun if they were both less dickish. If not, yah, bring on the mouth breathers!!!


Yeah this debate is both entertaining and it makes me cringe, like if someone was ranting about black people while a large black man is standing behind them without them knowing.

even Nancy leader knows the earth is round...this guy is NUTTIER than Nancy Leider.


If the World is flat ? Why is there shape to My Nuts ?

just Asking ......


Quote from: sydtron on August 05, 2015, 10:33:38 PM

This show is amazing


or... Drink every time either says "with all due respect"...


This topic would make poor ol' JOrche's head explode!

Quote from: TenaciousJ on August 05, 2015, 10:28:56 PM
I'm all for good, awkward radio, but does anyone else feel bad for Dr. Grindlay being dragged into this moron fest?

He just hopes someone wil lread his research papers and contact him, you take what you can get and hope someone out there might have a piece of a puzzle you're working on, publicity helps, all of it, even in a bad context, all publicity good publicity!


Quote from: nextgenfm on August 05, 2015, 10:33:39 PM
What is the flat earther doing during the break?

Furiously searching internet for more evidence?
Nah, he is pointing at paper maps of the Earth going, SEE SEE?!?!

Quote from: b_dubb on August 05, 2015, 10:31:27 PM
Which group is more tedious: Flat Earth "theorists" or moon landing hoaxers?

QuoteJon’s Bio:

Jon prefers to remain anonymous.

This is exactly why disinfo shills exist. Good Job Jon. :)

Quote from: swordpoint9 on August 05, 2015, 10:34:24 PM
If the World is flat ? Why is there shape to My Nuts ?

just Asking ......

what does that have to do with A1 Sauce ?



This is a great show already. I hope it goes the full 3 hours. This guy is a nut job and makes entertaining radio.


Why do I feel like this guy is just a professional troll? Flat earth, Sun 3000 miles away.....he truly can't believe this crap deep down.


Wel my question iz for richard c hoag. Wer iz 19.5° on the pancake planet? Ah mayb the spot wer the sun syrup hytz the pancake😱 makez sense to me


Quote from: Stephen on August 05, 2015, 10:34:36 PM
or... Drink every time either says "with all due respect"...
No that will impinge on my RCH drinking game later!

I love how Dr. Grindlay talks to this dude like he's a petulant child. "Oh so that's what you believe, John. Is that you what you REALLY believe?"


I feel like everyone who's enjoying the show tonight is probably an Opie & Anthony fan. This is beautiful cringe radio.

Quote from: nextgenfm on August 05, 2015, 10:33:39 PM
What is the flat earther doing during the break?

Furiously searching internet for more evidence?

smoking a doobie


Quote from: nextgenfm on August 05, 2015, 10:34:44 PM
This topic would make poor ol' JOrche's head explode!

Flat earther would likely convince Jorch of his argument.

Jocko Johnson

Hey people, so is bella haven still a thing, is it still on the air?


BellGabbers, can you conceive of a flat world riding on the backs of 4 elephants riding on the back of a sea turtle floating through space? Not even for a second?


..and the sun is really a very large halogen PAR lamp stuck on an invisible pole somewhere in Siberia...

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