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20150804 - Jay Weidner/Stanton Friedman Debate - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, August 04, 2015, 09:30:52 PM

I must've refreshed 100 times trying to beat mv to the first post.

I tap. That was 15 minutes wasted.

yay show

I'm up in this game of bet mv to the first post. too bad I'm the only one playing


Quote from: GeoNemesis on August 04, 2015, 10:12:17 PM
Several chunks of the first part of the show repeated in my stream, anyone else getting that?

Yes,  :(



There is no freaking way in hell that we didn't go to the moon with Apollo 11.  I've heard, seen, and read just about every damn conspiracy theory about it and none of them hold water.

That said, I'm sure this will be a fun show regardless.


Whew!  I just spent time in 2 threads at the same time.  Not kidding.  :o  I feel safe now.


Quote from: MV on August 04, 2015, 10:15:17 PM

Good grief .... ya got ONE job to do .. unlock the thread on time ... and whattyado??? Forget us like we are peasant children begging for alms.  :o


Let's get ready to rummmmmmmmbbbbbbbbbblllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeee


hey kids - here we go again... I always enjoy stanton friedman...


It would actually be harder to fake the moon landing than landing on the moon was.

Hey everyone! Glad Jay is on a first name basis with JFK.  ;D

Dixon Bawls

Quote from: phrodo on August 04, 2015, 10:16:56 PM
Good grief .... ya got ONE job to do .. unlock the thread on time ... and whattyado??? Forget us like we are peasant children begging for alms.  :o
Two farthings for a lump of shit?


Ah, yes, the ole Kubrick directed the moon landing conspiracy. ::)

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