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Why Banned From The Chat?

Started by gnooryblows, July 28, 2015, 08:35:07 PM


Yeah those Jews man, just out to get ya!


Has the low T issue been resolved?

too bad I wasn't there to see the ban

Bravo, mods, Bravo.

Brother just can't take a hint and leave peacefully.


Quote from: bateman on July 28, 2015, 09:40:22 PM
Has the low T issue been resolved?

i'm not sure. i was under a great deal of stress during that time and they say that can do it. my sex drive has recovered though, thanks for asking.


honestly bateman like i masturbate constantly now. already 3 times today and i'm prob gonna do 3 times more before i go to bed.


Quote from: ASC on July 28, 2015, 09:41:10 PM
too bad I wasn't there to see the ban

Bravo, mods, Bravo.

Brother just can't take a hint and leave peacefully.

ok why? what did i do to you?


Your ranting about Jews and how "the numbers are inflated", and how they are a "shifty" bunch who believe all non-Jews are subhuman may have landed you in time out. You stay in Saddam's playpen and think about what you've done!  ;D


Quote from: Claudius on July 28, 2015, 09:42:39 PM
Your ranting about Jews and how "the numbers are inflated", and how they are a "shifty" bunch who believe all non-Jews are subhuman may have landed you in time out. You stay in Saddam's playpen and think about what you've done!  ;D

i've not ranted about the jews. i took small part in a discussion that was already open about the topic and all i said was that people should be open minded. yeah i said jews are smart and shifty, you've got ot watch out. it IS true that they have higher IQs than any other cultural group on earth and it IS true that they own the banks and corporations and media and shit. like they are a true and serious force on the earth and if you have any personal experiences as i have (two jewish exes from prominent, respected families that you HAVE heard of) you are gonna come to understand they are extremely tight nit and extremely wary of outsiders and flat out blatantly racist.

they open believe they are 'gods chosen people' and they absolutely believe they are superior to every other race and culture on earth, these are simple facts.

i didnt rant though. you are the one ranting in bringing the discussion into a thread where it doesnt belong.

Quote from: gnooryblows on July 28, 2015, 09:42:25 PM
ok why? what did i do to you?

Let's just say I speak on behalf of the "tards" out there. A lot of them are non verbal. Some of them weren't born lucky enough to be able to utilize those same vocal chords you take for granted. A gift so precious, one of which you use to put people down and try and make yourself feel better.

Well it failed. You should either sign up with a new gimmick, or find another place to spew your filth.

Good Riddance!


Quote from: ASC on July 28, 2015, 09:49:17 PM
Let's just say I speak on behalf of the "tards" out there. A lot of them are non verbal. Some of them weren't born lucky enough to be able to utilize those same vocal chords you take for granted. A gift so precious, one of which you use to put people down and try and make yourself feel better.

Well it failed. You should either sign up with a new gimmick, or find another place to spew your filth.

Good Riddance!

ok so it was because i made that post about the special olympics gif on google? i'm sorry, but they did look tarded. i dont understand what the issue is and if you want a place to appropriate your rage, then maybe you should direct it at google and tell them to stop misrepresenting......or accurately represent.......special olympics contestants.

i dunno, it sounds funny or like im giving you some shit but i'm serious. i made that post and some guy attacked me for it so i asked him if his children were tarded or whatever. i've had tarded family members so i dont understand what the issue is. i mean, i certainly didnt mean anything negative toward you or your people but like, lets call a spade a spade, that GIF looked like tarded people.

and i didnt make the post to be like 'oh haha look at the tards' i made it to point out the insensitivity of google. not that i care too much, but i decided to point it out. i dont know why everyone jumps immediately to say 'oh blah blah you are awful for posting that and thinking that'. like dont get pissed at me, get pissed at GOOGLE, you know?

LOTS of people were pissed at that black dude running on a watermelon thing too. im not the only one and people were giving me shit about that too. so when they made the tarded special olympics gif......i dunno.......it seemed relevant.

you guys dont have to take the rage out on me lol.take it out on the insensitive multinational corporation that offended you.


like seriously i didnt say anything on that thread like 'tarded people are bad' or anything like that.
i didnt even use the word 'retarded' specifically because i thought that would piss people off. i said specifically 'spastic' or whatever. but then people were pissed anyway, so i just said 'tarded'.

like, i dont even know why you are mad at ME about that.

Bellgab is a place that welcomes all kinds of people. Some people are way out there, and that is their right to be. Most of us are accepted for who were are.

In your case, with zero alliances and a lot of people pointing you to the door, there must be due cause for your reputation.

I'm off to listen to the Great Art Bell, maybe in the chat room 99.9% of us aren't banned from. Good luck in your quest.


Quote from: ASC on July 26, 2015, 07:08:19 PM

only thing tarded here is your comment.

must be some level of sad to feel the need to troll the Special Olympics. You probably have an inverted penis.

ok yeah this is what you said to me and i'm the bad guy?
i just pointed out some shit that google did thats it. its insane that you would take that frustration out on me.

You're the "Art killed his wife" guy

good night.


Quote from: gnooryblows on July 28, 2015, 08:52:01 PM
are you the one that requested i get banned from the chat for no reason?

Banned from the chat room.

(Smiley face shaking head, what's the problem here)


Quote from: ASC on July 28, 2015, 10:09:11 PM
You're the "Art killed his wife" guy

good night.

yeah ok and everything goes back to that. is that the reason everyone hates me? genuinely? is that actually it? like at the time that info was out there, printed on the web in various places, i had read it and i said that and i had a discussion about it and i have many times since said i dont really think that happened. now its just a thing people say to me when they have nothing worthwhile or constructive to say to me.

i mean here you are, and i'm not saying anything bad to YOU dude, but you are calling me an asshole with an inverted penis who hurls murder accusations around like its nothing.

honestly, if not for people bringing this up all the time it would have been completely forgotten about by now and everyone knows i dont really believe that art murdered his wife and never actually SAID that he did, i just cited a couple articles on the net and the info contained therein, so wtf?

I'm a fair person

you give me 5 threads you've either helped or said something nice and I will give you a new chance at a first impression.


if that really is the thing. like in the waaaaay off chance that thats really the reason, and its not just people trolling me for the sake of trolling me about that, you all should know that there were certain circumstances and nuances leading up to that which make it seem much worse than it was.

like come on, i was just writing about what i read and i never definitely said it either way so it was never an 'accusation' no matter what. it was only a 'discussion' WHICH i didnt even want to have but if you go back to the thread it got teased out of me.

omg i am totally wasting my time with this topic right now so i'm gonna stop right here. if you wanna shit on me for that, then thats fine, but i dont think thats the real issue everyone on this board has with me.


Quote from: ASC on July 28, 2015, 10:16:42 PM
I'm a fair person

you give me 5 threads you've either helped or said something nice and I will give you a new chance at a first impression.

ho now, i'm not about helping people. i'm not mother teresa. and i dont have to prove myself to you.

i dont help random strangers on the internet but i'm not malicious toward them, dont follow them around and attack them, or hate them because hold different experiences and beliefs either


I dont hate you. I kind of pity you actually. Living a life of hatred but be miserable and exhausting. Perhaps one day you will pull your head out of your ass. Lets hope. Cheers.


Quote from: WhiteCrow on July 28, 2015, 10:09:21 PM
Banned from the chat room.

(Smiley face shaking head, what's the problem here)

Damn. Even WC lol'ing at you


Quote from: coaster on July 28, 2015, 10:21:34 PM
I dont hate you. I kind of pity you actually. Living a life of hatred but be miserable and exhausting. Perhaps one day you will pull your head out of your ass. Lets hope. Cheers.

you arent one of the people causing a problem though.

i dont care if you pity me or think i'm a moron or a loser or pathetic lol. its cool dude.

i dont understand the enormous number of users here though out to literally sabotage me.


i'm an art bell fan and i want to stay on the forum so i dunno. thats the whole thing. i dont want these issues following me around and causing issues.


Quote from: gnooryblows on July 28, 2015, 10:22:39 PM
you arent one of the people causing a problem though.

i dont care if you pity me or think i'm a moron or a loser or pathetic lol. its cool dude.

i dont understand the enormous number of users here though out to literally sabotage me.
Fair enough. To be honest, it would probably just be easier to ignore you. Why waste my time, right? Good luck.


Quote from: coaster on July 28, 2015, 10:27:01 PM
Fair enough. To be honest, it would probably just be easier to ignore you. Why waste my time, right? Good luck.

lol yeah just click ignore if my existence is such a massive affront to your sensibilities.


Quote from: gnooryblows on July 28, 2015, 10:22:39 PM
you arent one of the people causing a problem though.

i dont care if you pity me or think i'm a moron or a loser or pathetic lol. its cool dude.

i dont understand the enormous number of users here though out to literally sabotage me.

Sabotage you? You do realize that this is just a forum right? Are members of this forum calling your work (or whatever) and harassing you and trying to get you fired?
Well I don't pity you, it takes work to be a critical thinker, its much simpler to be a true believer or to believe in conspiracies.   


Quote from: Claudius on July 28, 2015, 10:28:03 PM
Sabotage you? You do realize that this is just a forum right? Are members of this forum calling your work (or whatever) and harassing you and trying to get you fired?
Well I don't pity you, it takes work to be a critical thinker, its much simpler to be a true believer or to believe in conspiracies.

yes this is just a forum and in said forum users are trying to sabotage within the context that they are able to.

beyond that, yeah, there has actually been a guy trying to legitimately get a lawsuit started against me. so stick that in your pipe and smoke it.


Quote from: gnooryblows on July 28, 2015, 08:35:07 PM
w250 or whatever bans me for no reason.
i mean what the hell?

Are you not being a good lil Gabber?  I suggest you straighten out and fly right little Mr ;D


Quote from: ksm32 on July 28, 2015, 10:32:58 PM
Are you not being a good lil Gabber?  I suggest you straighten out and fly right little Mr ;D

you trollin' me now? i thought you were my fanclub, lol

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