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20150723 - Nassim Haramein - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, July 23, 2015, 08:41:58 PM


Quote from: eddie dean on July 23, 2015, 11:20:12 PM
I love Art's curiosity about this stuff. His wheels are turning and he digs deep to understand what the guest is  saying.

Yes, you have to do a lot of deep digging to understand this guest.
Because it's getting deep fast...


Quote from: (Redacted) on July 23, 2015, 11:21:14 PM
Mind blown, pushing against the structure of time and space to continually accelerate.... (do with that what you will pervs) Now, how does one set a course?  Where would you go if you had warp drive?
Earth 2.0 to really see if it's all they're hyping - RIGHT away damnit set engines for Cruizin the stars!


Quote from: (Redacted) on July 23, 2015, 11:21:14 PM
Mind blown, pushing against the structure of time and space to continually accelerate.... (do with that what you will pervs) Now, how does one set a course?  Where would you go if you had warp drive?
Google Maps


It sounded like the guest was trying to describe Supercavitation.


Quote from: WOTR on July 23, 2015, 11:20:14 PM
Art asking him to repeat some things and clarify others.  Can you imagine Jorch doing anything other than just saying "yup, that right?"  Unreal the difference.

"EM drive? That's the Electric engine by our boys in Detroit, good ole GM!" - Dave


"I've gotta break when I've gotta break..." years of radio conditioning has shaped Art's bladder...

About time we had some ELO!

I'm a happy camper!

;D ;D ;D


Quote from: steelbot on July 23, 2015, 10:44:16 PM
By the way, hello Dubious One Kenobi! - Onan, Jaz, Redacted, Eddie, Coaster, any and all peeps running around - MV - ;)

hey steelbot. Been driving so could not respond til now.

Art sounds amazing through my car stereo.


Quote from: (Redacted) on July 23, 2015, 11:21:14 PM
Mind blown, pushing against the structure of time and space to continually accelerate.... (do with that what you will pervs) Now, how does one set a course?  Where would you go if you had warp drive? 

To be fair you have to push against spacetime with any type of thrust, or else it isn't thrust.


Quote from: Ward on July 23, 2015, 11:15:07 PMDarn it, Art doesn't remember his interview with Bob Lazar. He talked about the gravity amplifier and the ship falling toward a gravity point.
Or the Tom Swift novel about the Space Kite.

Quote from: Sabu2K on July 23, 2015, 11:17:25 PM
i always hit 4 outta 5 on parlays..its maddening. I bet marlins to cover the bet so i'm  even but still annoying.
Good job. Don't ever bet on the Dodgers, period. ;D


Reactionless drive... I'm replacing the backyard nuclear power plant with one of those...


Quote from: jazmunda on July 23, 2015, 11:23:35 PM
hey steelbot. Been driving so could not respond til now.

Art sounds amazing through my car stereo.
Yes Sir, No worries bud, we're all busy round the world and the cosmos here  8) Just feel like a newb again and getting back to reality of  Art being back on the Air!


Quote from: steelbot on July 23, 2015, 11:19:16 PM
that avatar needs to be animated zeebo lol - Heya buddy! i'm only partially -stoned :)

Let me know if you get the munchies, I can always make some tasty lightsaber-kabobs.


Quote from: Robert on July 23, 2015, 10:49:00 PM
That's actually a reasonable interpret'n, even if the antidepressants did the shooters generally some good.  They do run the danger of getting you off your duff & doing something really horrible instead of something good.

Remember how in The President's Analyst the title character thought it was great that his client could take out his anger by actually killing people, & wished all his patients could.

This is a False Equivalency. MILLIONS of people take anti-depressants, including me. Only a small handful of loners end up shooting other people. Blaming big Pharma is about as idiotic as blaming the maker of GMC Trucks because some racists in Texas tied up a black man to the back and dragged him through the desert to his death.

Also, since when is a fictional movie from the 1960's a valid reference for anything REAL?


Yeah, "eminent" is a good word, but "imminent" is probably what he meant.


This is just.. so refreshing.  Imagine Noory doing this interview; just reading off a list of questions after the guest is done speaking.  Art is interested!  He BUILDS on the comments of the guest.  So glad he's back. I'd say, SO GLAD YOU HAVE NO IDEA, but I know better.  You all have the exact idea.


whoo hoo i'm back! not sure what happened but couldn't get to the site at all. 


guest said something about a gravity wave invention that propagates at 64 times the speed of light, & Art did not follow up on that. hmph


"Push Me, Pull You Drive" a quote from some author, I forget who...

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