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20150719 - Art Bell Open Lines Test Show - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, July 19, 2015, 12:33:56 PM

Dr Who

Well that went well not bad for a test.MV you need to promote resected now.


Quote from: phrodo on July 20, 2015, 12:30:52 AM
Since his ISP is via microwave -- any rain will cause interruption in service because it will block the signal. Just like satellite TV starts tiling up and loses picture during heavy rain. Maybe Art needs a hardwired ISP for backup??
Fiber is only in big cities right now...I'm in Tucson and it JUST got installed next to me...


Show started out great, then went to absolute shit. I bet Art's nervous about tomorrow.


I guess I should be happy, but this show hasn't gone well at all.

I look forward to the eventual reason we are given as to why this show ends as well.

I really hope I'm wrong. I want Art to be successful and financially well. But this just seems like reasons for the eventual implosion of the show.

Hmm...that's really about all I can say. Hmm... See you all in six weeks I guess?


Quote from: TazarYoot on July 20, 2015, 12:30:17 AM
Awesome Test Show, I'm happy I got through, first time talking with Art for me.

Hey, you were great. Glad you made it, too. Call in often, especially with news commentary.


I heard Art say he gets his internet via microwave technology.  Interesting.  I never heard of that. 

Even though it's a test show it sucks for him to sign off early.   :-\

Will this show be in the archive? I hope so.

If they don't achieve it, maybe keith will post it to youtube. or something.


Test show over.
I guess Art and Keith and other tech gurus will be discussing ways to avoid tonight's glitches during the real show.
The show served its purpose.


Art kept his composure even with the all tech troubles, what a pro.  He'll figure this out.


Art Bell hosting the GabCast was kind of weird!

But still way better than Noory...


Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on July 20, 2015, 12:31:03 AM
Serious question - what happens to the radio stations that will carry the show if it drops like it did tonight?
been wondering that too. Seems unacceptable for stations to broadcast.


Tech issues and all, it was great to hear Art's voice again. Whatever is wrong will be fixed eventually, I'm sure.


Quote from: ShayP on July 20, 2015, 12:32:11 AM
I heard Art say he gets his internet via microwave technology.  Interesting.  I never heard of that. 

Even though it's a test show it sucks for him to sign off early.   :-\

Actually, he was only supposed to go 2 hours tonight.

Art and Keith will be working tonight and all day tomorrow, no doubt. It'll all work out. This is all very, very new and they're finetuning.


You guys are being overly-critical.

All will be fine.

Expect some hiccups first week,


Looks like Pharump is getting some inclement weather. Either way is was Quite a night! Hopeful  for tomorrow!  Thanks MV and BellGab! Goodnight.


Quote from: Riley Martian on July 20, 2015, 12:30:45 AM
Awkward ending to the show. Started really strong.
Right. He didn't even mention redacted. Oh well. This is a test. Only a test.


That was the best radio I've heard since Dark Matter, even with the hiccups. This is going to be a great show.

The Berky water filter can even remove the taste of steaming rotten pizza rolls and turmeric leaving clean clear water....


Quote from: nooryisawesome on July 20, 2015, 12:29:53 AM
Did not go well tonight. Hope Keith can fix the issues.
I disagree.  I think that it went great, with a few small issues.  I would not want constant dropped packets, but even if it took the first week to fix, I would not complain.

I think that there will be a few problems here and there, but that is all part of the ride.


Quote from: TazarYoot on July 20, 2015, 12:31:57 AM
I asked about Madman, the Ouija Board and Loreena McKennitt.


good call TazarYoot  when i called in when art was on Sirius i asked Art to tell his Ouija Board story and he chickened out then as well ;)


I'm joining the "Redacted did an excellent job" group.  She was poised, smart, good timing and great radio voice!   Not sure what her role will be in the future, but I enjoyed hearing her tonight.  (I kept picturing Emma Peel in my head)

Quick Karl

Quote from: phrodo on July 20, 2015, 12:30:52 AM
Since his ISP is via microwave -- any rain will cause interruption in service because it will block the signal. Just like satellite TV starts tiling up and loses picture during heavy rain. Maybe Art needs a hardwired ISP for backup??

There ya go!

Riley Martian

Quote from: Ward on July 20, 2015, 12:31:09 AM
oh gosh  noooooooooo

"see you tomorrow night... i think i hope"

this is not a good omen
It's always something..

And if the stations are going to carry the show, Art needs to fix the technical issues ASAP.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: ADG12311990 on July 20, 2015, 12:21:46 AM

Haha. Good point, Bud Dickman is a heck of a tech and a producer!
Ted Bell would love to sponser,  maybe even...Hong Kong Charlies Restaurant too! Dickman also now has that bob leonard. mavis' nephew to help get it done. David g. Hall gen mgr be on the phone the those intranet guys...Fr McQuarters and pastor Renick could take over for Fr Martin!

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