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The Other Side of Midnight - Richard C. Hoagland - Live Chat Thread

Started by cosmic hobo, June 24, 2015, 09:00:52 PM


Quote from: Mad_Martian on August 30, 2015, 03:11:46 AM

//// PROVE ME WRONG! ///////





No one here is going to waste 146 hours watching your insane, delusional bullshit!
No one here is going to join your campaign to stop the voices in your head!
No one here is going to hold your hand and take you to see the professional you so desperately need to see!
STFU and take your fucking meds!


Perhaps MV will move these videos out of the live chat thread and into the other Hoagland thread.  :D  Maybe Mad Martian can respect the board's admin and CREATOR's wishes and just stop posting them in this thread as initially requested.  ;)

Quote from: ShayP on August 30, 2015, 07:23:29 AM
Perhaps MV will move these videos out of the live chat thread and into the other Hoagland thread.  :D  Maybe Mad Martian can respect the board's admin and CREATOR's wishes and just stop posting them in this thread as initially requested.  ;)

Totally AGREE with you Shay... it spoils it for us all.... includng Hoagie and the TEAM overall.

So negative actions and thoughts has no place in this forum. Club 19.5 has only positive vibes...with the utmost respect and loyalty to Hoagie.

I'm listening to the last week of replays of Hoagie's show while I work at my computer. What an amazing show. Who knew that Richard would be so talented? He is so knowledgeable, well spoken and treats his guests with respect. How ironic that he got this show because Whorge reneged on a bet.

I'm glad Art had the foresight to give him a show, which frankly is one of the better ones on the network. Art, Hoagie and Steve Warner knock it out of the park. In the one short month that Richard has been on, he is head and shoulders, 100 percent better than Snoory as a host and does everything himself, unlike the Snoron who needs a team to prop him up and wipe his ass.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 30, 2015, 06:04:30 PM
...I'm glad Art had the foresight to give him a show, which frankly is one of the better ones on the network...

Who'd 'a thunk it? I mean, sure, the man can talk but damn... the man can TALK!

Quote from: BellBoy on August 30, 2015, 06:15:19 PM
Who'd 'a thunk it? I mean, sure, the man can talk but damn... the man can TALK!

I would have thought he would speak over his guests or not let them get a word in edgewise, but no. Richard is actually subdued at times on his own show.

I sure hope they give him an extra hour. Not for nothing, but I don't give a crap about the replays of other shows on after Richard.

BTW, Bellboy, I like your avatar. Had to look it up in google images. I thought it was French Stewart when I first saw it.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on August 30, 2015, 06:19:37 PM
I would have thought he would speak over his guests or not let them get a word in edgewise, but no. Richard is actually subdued at times on his own show.

I sure hope they give him an extra hour. Not for nothing, but I don't give a crap about the replays of other shows on after Richard.

I think personally, if RCH is up for it, they should let him go all the way to dawn!

Quote from: BellBoy on August 30, 2015, 06:22:36 PM
I think personally, if RCH is up for it, they should let him go all the way to dawn!

Hell, yeah. They could say Wake up with Richard or something like that to promote it. (or wake up with Dick for those of us who have the emotional maturity of a 13 year old  ;D)


I'd like the third hour myself. I'd have to listen to it the next day in the archive, 4 am is my limit, but it would be nice especially for those interviews where Hoagland gets really engaged with the guest's material and avoids the Mars stuff.

I agree though. Art, Hoagland and Bateman have really outstanding programs.


Quote from: norland2424 on August 31, 2015, 12:03:11 AM
i was reading my local news when i saw this article, hoagie does have the power  ;D

Dave must be so mad. He and that guest also going on about "intention experiments" that never pan out and RCH does a quick off-the-cuff one on his show and boom....saves Florida.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 31, 2015, 12:01:00 PM
That's just showing off!  ;D

Well done Stuart, fascinating stuff.
Folks here asked me to post it when it comes out! :P


Quote from: albrecht on August 31, 2015, 12:04:09 PM
Dave must be so mad. He and that guest also going on about "intention experiments" that never pan out and RCH does a quick off-the-cuff one on his show and boom....saves Florida.

And don't forget, Bellgab cured Hoagland's sinus headache with our intention experiment.


Quote from: alienated on August 28, 2015, 03:08:54 AM
Braaaps everyone.

This would explain Hoagie's comment about him and Robin being in a "heavy heavy metal club": Tholus was a death metal band based out of the SF Bay area in about 2007.  Their album release, "Constant", was inspired by...Richard C Hoagland.  Every track on the album has audio clips of RCH included in the music, with permission given by RCH.

QuoteUpon conception of Constant, Dave Murray [drummer] had made contact with a long time Tholus inspiration - Richard Hoagland (Monuments of Mars, CNN). Hoagland granted the band permission to use his voice throughout the record and inevitably his words further inspired the direction of the album, making the final product a thematic journey of blistering extraterrestrial approved death metal.  Tholus remains in the Bay Area California, promoting, playing and conceiving their next work. All the members stay insanely busy playing in many other music groups

What does the RCH death metal genre sound like?  Here you go...


Further on the surprisingly musical RCH, someone on open lines needs to ask him about the purported Columbia Records deal he and his siblings once had as a rock opera band.  No fooling. :D


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on August 31, 2015, 12:36:12 PM
That's awesome, astroguy.  I was just curious though, is it typical for a planetary scientist to make these sorts of animations for NASA or do they have a graphics arts department you would normally work with?
Any of the above.  I have not been involved with any other mission, so I really don't know how it's done with others.  With New Horizons, there's us (scientists), there's the journalists who may have some tools that they use, and there was a graphics team at JHU/APL who did all the stuff during July.

But there's almost a slight distrust between the media folks and the scientists.  We (scientists) have so much experience with saying something that gets twisted into something we didn't mean by the media, while the media hates the scientists being so reserved in what they're saying.  I actually did a 10-minute interview with some of our embedded journalists with New Horizons where they basically said as much for the latter point.

Consequently, we like to do our own stuff.  And so if you're a scientist who can create a visualization almost as good or just as good (or maybe better) than the media person who otherwise would do it, you're going to do it because you know exactly what you want versus trying to represent that to a media person and go through unnecessary iterations.

As a side note to all this, NASA also has an "SVS" or Scientific Visualization Studio which does a lot of stuff.  I'm internet friends with one of the leads (Tom Bridgman) and we had a presentation at a conference together about using pseudoscience claims as a teaching moment in the classroom.  (Though as with me, his work in that area is completely separate from his day job.)


Quote from: astroguy on August 31, 2015, 01:07:37 PM
...there's almost a slight distrust between the media folks and the scientists.  We (scientists) have so much experience with saying something that gets twisted into something we didn't mean by the media, while the media hates the scientists being so reserved in what they're saying.

I wish scientists would speculate more.  Your educated guesses are way better than the average guy, and if they're qualified as such there's no harm done.  Maybe print them in purple letters or talk in a special voice when you're speculating, just so there's no doubt.

I'd love to know what a bunch of you guys talk about Pluto over beers.


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 31, 2015, 01:43:30 PM
...I'd love to know what a bunch of you guys talk about Pluto over beers.

Is there such a thing as Pluto gossip?  Inquiring minds want to know.


Quote from: lonevoice on August 31, 2015, 12:43:59 PM
This would explain Hoagie's comment about him and Robin being in a "heavy heavy metal club": Tholus was a death metal band based out of the SF Bay area in about 2007.  Their album release, "Constant", was inspired by...Richard C Hoagland.  Every track on the album has audio clips of RCH included in the music, with permission given by RCH.

What does the RCH death metal genre sound like?  Here you go...


Further on the surprisingly musical RCH, someone on open lines needs to ask him about the purported Columbia Records deal he and his siblings once had as a rock opera band.  No fooling. :D
That is friggin awesome. Good metal and RCH's voice. So bizarre that it turns out pretty good.


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 31, 2015, 01:43:30 PM
I wish scientists would speculate more.  Your educated guesses are way better than the average guy, and if they're qualified as such there's no harm done.  Maybe print them in purple letters or talk in a special voice when you're speculating, just so there's no doubt.

I'd love to know what a bunch of you guys talk about Pluto over beers.
Bringing this thread back to its main subject matter, we don't want to sound like Richard where we speculate about everything without much of any evidence at all.  It's really a completely different mindset / way of thinking about things where we may see something, and then we want to gather more information about it so that we have a solid case built on lots of evidence.  Speculation is still speculation, even if it's more informed speculation than someone else's.

For example, I was listening to Richard's Thursday/Friday program of Faux-Open Lines and the three were speculating like crazy and just saying whatever they wanted.  When the question came up of "How does NASA explain it?" the answer was that they say it's a mystery.  I'm certain that people on the Dawn team have several ideas about how the "pyramid" can be explained geophysically, but they wait until they have more/better data so they can differentiate between different models.  That's why NASA's silent while Richard isn't, it's a different mindset.

Quote from: zeebo on August 31, 2015, 01:50:42 PM
Is there such a thing as Pluto gossip?  Inquiring minds want to know.
Of course.  Though many prefer a "no shop talk" when out, just like normal people.


Quote from: lonevoice on August 31, 2015, 12:43:59 PM
This would explain Hoagie's comment about him and Robin being in a "heavy heavy metal club": Tholus was a death metal band based out of the SF Bay area in about 2007.  Their album release, "Constant", was inspired by...Richard C Hoagland.  Every track on the album has audio clips of RCH included in the music, with permission given by RCH.

What does the RCH death metal genre sound like?  Here you go...


Further on the surprisingly musical RCH, someone on open lines needs to ask him about the purported Columbia Records deal he and his siblings once had as a rock opera band.  No fooling. :D

This hurts my ears. :o


Quote from: lonevoice on August 31, 2015, 12:43:59 PM
This would explain Hoagie's comment about him and Robin being in a "heavy heavy metal club": Tholus was a death metal band based out of the SF Bay area in about 2007.  Their album release, "Constant", was inspired by...Richard C Hoagland.  Every track on the album has audio clips of RCH included in the music, with permission given by RCH.

What does the RCH death metal genre sound like?  Here you go...


Further on the surprisingly musical RCH, someone on open lines needs to ask him about the purported Columbia Records deal he and his siblings once had as a rock opera band.  No fooling. :D

Omg how am I just now learning about this. Thanks to you and morgus for being the great record keepers.


Quote from: astroguy on August 31, 2015, 01:59:13 PM
...we don't want to sound like Richard where we speculate about everything without much of any evidence at all.  It's really a completely different mindset / way of thinking about things where we may see something, and then we want to gather more information about it so that we have a solid case built on lots of evidence.  Speculation is still speculation, even if it's more informed speculation than someone else's.

Yeah but your guys' guesses are going to be a lot closer to the truth, so in the absence of the evidence you're waiting for they're still valuable.  One could argue that the dearth of informed speculation leaves more room for wild theories.  For example, I'd love to know some real scientist's idea about that thing Hoagie was talking about that looked like a jello mold that crawled out of the crater right next to it.


Quote from: lonevoice on August 31, 2015, 12:43:59 PM
What does the RCH death metal genre sound like?  Here you go...


Further on the surprisingly musical RCH, someone on open lines needs to ask him about the purported Columbia Records deal he and his siblings once had as a rock opera band.  No fooling. :D

Haha! this is great!  Hoagie is full of surprises. More so with your remark about he and his siblings.  Rock opera band!?  That's too much to handle.  ;D

On a side note....I do love me some heavy metal.  Not so much the vocal stylings of the posted band....but I do appreciate those of that genre.  8)

C is for Cydonia, that's good enough for me.....umm num num num num....

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