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The Other Side of Midnight - Richard C. Hoagland - Live Chat Thread

Started by cosmic hobo, June 24, 2015, 09:00:52 PM

Quote from: Kevin Sorbo on August 28, 2015, 01:01:33 AM
When the music begins playing I can't help myself from smiling and laughing -- classical conditioning.  :)
The same here, pure positive thinking I think...genuine thoughts


i'll be posting this for a little bit.....so sorry if this is a repeat but FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER


Share my twitter handle to people that want to suggest guests and topics, or people that might want to BE guests.


Quote from: morgana213 on August 28, 2015, 01:05:50 AM
Hey Brig!  Hope you are doing well this fine Braaping evening!

Brappings to you as well morgana!  ;D


I love this show...Art coming back is like Johnny Appleseed!

I might start dropping elbows on my jacket, or on nothing at all, just because it's funny when Flair does it


Rich........get 'behind the counter' Pseudoephedrine from drug store. I get Advil Cold & sinus. Always works on my desert sinus headaches.


Quote from: ASC on August 28, 2015, 01:08:00 AM
I might start dropping elbows on my jacket, or on nothing at all, just because it's funny when Flair does it

I'm doing Jimmy Snuka splashes on my bed now from my dresser.  I'm 44.


Quote from: ASC on August 28, 2015, 01:07:03 AM

I've spent more on spilled booze in all the bars I've travelled the world to than you make in a year!


Quote from: bstuart on August 28, 2015, 01:01:36 AM
I don't know why, but I've been looking forward to RCH's show more than Art's lately.  :o

I posted that to Saucy the other night.  Never thought I'd see the day.

Quote from: ShayP on August 28, 2015, 01:08:57 AM
I'm doing Jimmy Snuka splashes on my bed now from my dresser.  I'm 44.

In February one of my sons jumped off his bed to give his brother a leg drop, and in the process smashed his ceiling fan and needed stiches. Wrestling was outlawed by the Mrs since.


Hi All,

Just started listening a little late... Did I already miss the part where he complained about Hillary's email server?


Oh geez Dick... Why don't you talk about The TMers meditating NASA SkyLab from crashing back to earth.... Total fail....


Quote from: ASC on August 28, 2015, 01:10:51 AM
In February one of my sons jumped off his bed to give his brother a leg drop, and in the process smashed his ceiling fan and needed stiches. Wrestling was outlawed by the Mrs since.

Very smart lady.  ;)  ;D


I'm a new braapsatista.  Now that I have archive access and there are so many shows. I was hoping you veteran braapsters could tell me your favorite top 4 or 5 shows to download.  I can start with them then work my way through the rest.  Thanks!  And can proudly add Braaps!


Goddamnit!  whoever calls the Telethon phone, should really talk to Richard.  He has a sad.. .

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