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The Other Side of Midnight - Richard C. Hoagland - Live Chat Thread

Started by cosmic hobo, June 24, 2015, 09:00:52 PM

OT. Good call.
Excellent way to keep Roz in the conversation.



Way to take him to task, Roz! He just won't be taken to task. Valiant effort, nonetheless.  :)


Oh man I tuned in right when Roswell's called. I had to pull over! You rock Roswell's!!!!!


Quote from: Empress on September 14, 2016, 02:16:11 AM
lol it's just a fucking party line

there is a party in richard's mouth.... everybody is coming....


I just thought of the perfect replacement for the Dems: Bruce Jenner! He did win the '76 Olympics.  ;)

Quote from: zeebo on September 14, 2016, 02:13:28 AM
Roz totally influenced his mind
Roz must really be a NightSister to be able to influence the torsion field in such a manner. No wonder the Empress claims her as her own. ;)


Quote from: akwilly on September 14, 2016, 02:16:10 AM
Oh man I tuned in right when Roswell's called. I had to pull over! You rock Roswell's!!!!!

willy! She told Hoagie to get to the model


Quote from: TigerLily on September 14, 2016, 02:18:31 AM
willy! She told Hoagie to get to the model
I know! Right as I got in my truck I heard her! Freakin Awesome!!

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