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The Other Side of Midnight - Richard C. Hoagland - Live Chat Thread

Started by cosmic hobo, June 24, 2015, 09:00:52 PM


Quote from: norland2424 on September 29, 2016, 03:04:48 PM
Yea dude it was a good show, she didn't talk to much about animals, she kept talking about aliens and human souls and stuff like that

Well...shit.  LOL!  I don't know what to expect anymore.  What is my life?

Quote from: ShayP on September 29, 2016, 03:09:09 PM
Well...shit.  LOL!  I don't know what to expect anymore.  What is my life?

You need to just be a nightly listener again like you were before. What else do you have in your life? Don't give me this time zone excuse because I've already invited you to live with Norland on the best coast.


Quote from: ShayP on September 29, 2016, 03:09:09 PM
Well...shit.  LOL!  I don't know what to expect anymore.  What is my life?

And hoagie told us a story on how he saved a bird that he used to fight bullies with

Quote from: norland2424 on September 29, 2016, 03:12:32 PM
And hoagie told us a story on how he saved a bird that he used to fight bullies with

He's literally the bird lady in Home Alone 2


Quote from: norland2424 on September 29, 2016, 03:04:48 PM
she kept talking about human souls and stuff like that

So nothing about Richard, Art or Heather?


Quote from: norland2424 on September 29, 2016, 03:12:32 PM
And hoagie told us a story on how he saved a bird that he used to fight bullies with

It wasn't a robin, it was a chicken hawk.


Quote from: norland2424 on September 27, 2016, 12:25:19 PM
Lol how did you even start listening to noory anyway?

probably if i thought about it i was looking for something weird to listen to..along the lines of things liek this


and while researching C2C came up and thoguht it might be what i was looking for...sadly..it wasnt really


Quote from: trostol on September 29, 2016, 07:46:59 PM
probably if i thought about it i was looking for something weird to listen to..along the lines of things liek this


and while researching C2C came up and thoguht it might be what i was looking for...sadly..it wasnt really

Well aren't we dark. Pfft.


How's the show so far. I'm still listening to LMH on C2C. Should I switch over?


Quote from: JesusJuice on September 30, 2016, 01:02:55 AM
How's the show so far. I'm still listening to LMH on C2C. Should I switch over?

just started, hes saying that NASA stole some idea of his

Quote from: JesusJuice on September 30, 2016, 01:02:55 AM
How's the show so far. I'm still listening to LMH on C2C. Should I switch over?

IT's 3 minutes in you cuck

Did the Government declare it's war on cash over? Because I haven't heard Pat Boone in awhile


Quote from: Empress on September 30, 2016, 01:08:32 AM
Did the Government declare it's war on cash over? Because I haven't heard Pat Boone in awhile

yes they are using pat boone money to fund isis


Quote from: JesusJuice on September 30, 2016, 01:02:55 AM
How's the show so far. I'm still listening to LMH on C2C. Should I switch over?

Damn, LMH vs. a Panel show.  My two faves on the same nite.   I can't pick.  :-\


Quote from: zeebo on September 30, 2016, 01:10:19 AM
Damn, LMH vs. a Panel show.  My two faves on the same nite.   I can't pick.  :-\

tune in, its a special panel show


Quote from: K_Dubb on September 30, 2016, 01:09:57 AM
Hoagie is happy tonight.

usual jokes aside i do think that this reminds him of the moon landings


Quote from: zeebo on September 30, 2016, 01:10:19 AM
Damn, LMH vs. a Panel show.  My two faves on the same nite.   I can't pick.  :-\

Ian Punnett was the first hour guest. You missed it.


Quote from: zeebo on September 30, 2016, 01:13:09 AM
but LMH is special every time  :(

they are tracking that Rosetta crash landing, and hoagies all happy


"The Pleaides are big players here."  I heard once that one should always suspect alien stories from places with cool names.  It's always like Rigel or Arcturus or the Pleiades, never star 85735B-1.


on coast to coast guests used to promote their books. on MITD and OSOM guests promote their facebook club page. not even a domain, a facebook page.

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