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TRIVIA CRACK locker room

Started by Tarbaby, May 08, 2015, 09:39:17 AM


How many people here are  playing TRIVIA CRACK? It's a free app forIOS or Android. I started about a week ago. One of the fun things is you can challenge people either singly or in groups, either random strangers or friends.
  My handle isCerdoGordo17.963 -- I challenge all BellGabbers!
  We can meet here to discuss questions.we have about the game.  There are questions that arise as One learns the game. Yet it is basically simple and you can jump in immediately and hit the ground running.
  If you are so inclined tell us your trivia crack handle here and we can have a huge group of friends/followers there to compete with. … as well as the random strangers.
  The main reason for this thread is to share trivia crack handles.


I was able to edit my alias there. It is now simply "gordocerdo".
  If you like trivia games I think you would like this one. For example I think Mudking and Jazmunda and Redacted and YumYumTree and Cat's Smile and Unscreened Caller would like it. And others.

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