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The Michael Decon Program

Started by Corona Kitty, March 18, 2015, 03:57:00 PM

Corona Kitty

Quote from: whoozit on January 03, 2017, 05:11:32 PM
The mall generally frowns upon armed guards.  ;)

I wish I worked there actually.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: mikuthing01 on January 03, 2017, 05:11:12 PM
do you wipe your ass left handed too?

I'm right handed, when you are trained.... you learn to use both. You know like your mother does.


Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 05:13:18 PM

I'm right handed

do you draw from your left hip or take photos in the mirror?

Quote from: Flower on January 03, 2017, 05:12:15 PM
third snitch detected. Yorkshire pud.
first is Roswells,Art
second 21st CenturyMan

Son, your schtick is getting old.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: mikuthing01 on January 03, 2017, 05:13:48 PM

Nah kittylives matter

Speaking of which I've been feeling like a horrible person lately.... I want to send george senda some cat food.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: mikuthing01 on January 03, 2017, 05:14:17 PM
do you draw from your left hip or take photos in the mirror?

Generic phone app, I'm not much of an expert in these strange iPhone apps.


Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 05:16:02 PM

Generic phone app, I'm not much of an expert in these strange iPhone apps.

So what gen glawk is that and whats it chambered in? Please dont say .40

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 05:12:06 PM

ive never seen you this upset before LOL

Upset? Far from it. You're in the ring performing for the gallery. Sure, you're stumbling around a bit, but that's to be expected with all that smoke. Laura will be along to tell us how macho but out of it you are soon enough.

Carry on.  ;D

Corona Kitty

Quote from: mikuthing01 on January 03, 2017, 05:19:25 PM
So what gen glawk is that and whats it chambered in? Please dont say .40

I hate to disappoint my only brony :/


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2017, 04:54:49 PM
Heavy bastard, kicked like a twat.

I own an M-1 Garande...Weight minimized error from trembling...But, exhausted troopers on long marches...

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2017, 05:21:29 PM
Upset? Far from it. You're in the ring performing for the gallery. Sure, you're stumbling around a bit, but that's to be expected with all that smoke. Laura will be along to tell us how macho but out of it you are soon enough.

Carry on.  ;D

You're pretty upset, let's play a game ....

Let's get to know each other... you seem to know the basics let's start with the basics on who you are.

What is your name?

What do you do for a living?

Are you married?

Do you have kids?

Where are you located?

May I see a photo of you?

You see we are off to a fun start everyone is free to join in.... I can't wait to see some answers.

I'll wait.


Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 05:21:56 PM

I hate to disappoint my only brony :/

eh, oh well at least .40 ammo is always available. Is it your personal gun or is it assigned to you? Do they allow you to put after market parts in it or do they make you keep it factory? I have a 3.5# Ghost trigger connectors in my glocks because they are cheap but i am thinking about upgrading to something better because i hate the way they break

Quote from: Flower on January 03, 2017, 05:16:55 PM
but your snitching is very recent you old prick.   *fresh snitch detected*

Snitching?  Never snitched.  You sure are taking this personally since you're not TheOne. Are you his boytoy or something?  Do you take a ride with him along the Hershey highway late at night?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 05:24:00 PM
You're pretty upset, let's play a game ....

Let's get to know each other... you seem to know the basics let's start with the basics on who you are.

What is your name?

What do you do for a living?

Are you married?

Do you have kids?

Where are you located?

May I see a photo of you?

You see we are off to a fun start everyone is free to join in.... I can't wait to see some answers.

I'll wait.

Oh bless you. You make me all gooey inside.

I'm not familar with the heady world of celebrity and broadcasting, so is your approach in this thread normal talk show host behaviour? Radio station owners asked.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: mikuthing01 on January 03, 2017, 05:26:47 PM
eh, oh well at least .40 ammo is always available. Is it your personal gun or is it assigned to you? Do they allow you to put after market parts in it or do they make you keep it factory? I have a 3.5# Ghost trigger connectors in my glocks because they are cheap but i am thinking about upgrading to something better because i hate the way they break

You seem to know you're shit,  that is all very true. These are just standard issued, acceptable everywhere very easy to use. Very easy to repair & clean. Personal gun, I have a few others however. we can't do any of that though, they don't let us do much in terms of keeping it stock. I'd like to carry on to a more dangerous job however..... nothing like being shot at in the street. That will remind you that you are alive. That's another story for another time.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2017, 05:31:57 PM
Oh bless you. You make me all gooey inside.

I'm not familar with the heady world of celebrity and broadcasting, so is your approach in this thread normal talk show host behaviour? Radio station owners asked.

I'm still waiting for your answers as we all are, don't obfusicate.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: 21st Century Man on January 03, 2017, 05:30:31 PM
Snitching?  Never snitched.  You sure are taking this personally since you're not TheOne. Are you his boytoy or something?  Do you take a ride with him along the Hershey highway late at night?  Inquiring minds want to know.


You're welcome to play, we are waiting for you too.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 05:33:15 PM

I'm still waiting for your answers as we all are, don't obfusicate.

What is there to tell? If you look in the forum, the answers are there.

You're far more entertaining than I could ever be; and you're not even trying. Effortless. ;D

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2017, 05:35:43 PM
What is there to tell? If you look in the forum, the answers are there.

You're far more entertaining than I could ever be; and you're not even trying. Effortless. ;D

Oh you want me to actually spend time looking through your posts?  LOL you're too funny.


Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 04:07:51 PM
Job shaming? Oh I see what's happening here. Let me tell ya some facts, since I see you have got your facts wrong. I worked at my mothers resturant for many moons. I got tired of working there after awhile, ended up at some strange trophy shop, I also worked at a computer shop.
Then went back into working in food....at a del taco anyone ever heard of those things? Those were fun times people let me tell ya, the burger flipping didn't come til later but didn't last too long. I have burn marks to prove the dangerous life of flipping burgers people.

I now carry a gun on the job, I'm a security guard now a days.... does Daniel have a job yet? Last time I spoke to him he got fired from his job because he didn't get a raise, so he had to argue with his boss. Also his mom pays his internet. I don't love at home like Daniel does. I hope you get your life together Daniel, get a job & a girlfriend. Best of luck to Daniel in this world, I hope he doesn't end up like George Senda. However he's on the right path, oh you don't believe me? Then why is minimum wage such an issue to Daniel anytime he spoke about it so passionately? Don't worry to path to sendaismnis near.

Lol poor guy nice try Daniel but you've got your facts twisted.... have fun ordering prostitutes by the way :)

Ok so you are a rent a cop and you have a sixty year old girlfriend. We are so very impressed.

And you also stole somebody else's internet radio program. You are quite the catch.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Amdusias on January 03, 2017, 05:37:38 PM
Ok so you are a rent a cop and you have a sixty year old girlfriend. We are so very impressed.

And you also stole somebody else's internet radio program. You are quite the catch.

I do my own program which is why you're here :)


Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 05:39:38 PM

I do my own program which is why you're here :)

Actually I am here because I enjoy a good train wreck.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Jackstar on January 03, 2017, 05:38:05 PM

This game is never fun when no one wants to tell us their jobs and their full names and a cute photo of themselves... you ask that to anyone on here and people lose their minds lol.

Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 05:35:10 PM


You're welcome to play, we are waiting for you too.


I just might take you up on that.  ;)


Quote from: Amdusias on January 03, 2017, 05:40:46 PM
Actually I am here because I enjoy a good train wreck.

I am here for glock talk

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Amdusias on January 03, 2017, 05:40:46 PM
Actually I am here because I enjoy a good train wreck.

I have a lot of shows and a lot more posting in me, enjoy the ride

Quote from: Flower on January 03, 2017, 05:40:02 PM
so coward answer tha question i asked you before
how many times you snitched on your brother and set him up and lied to your parents blaming him for what you actually did just to save your own skin.
you are avoiding this question because you were (and are) a scum bag snitch who were selling your brother behind his back
just to look good in front of others. same like you did to theone trying to pin it on him you dirty scum.

WTF are you talking about?  I have never talked to you about my brother other than a few tidbits today.  You say that you aren't theOne so I don't see what your problem is.

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