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The Michael Decon Program

Started by Corona Kitty, March 18, 2015, 03:57:00 PM

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Flower on January 03, 2017, 03:39:58 PM
Yorkshire pud is stretched to the max and now has a huge haemorrhoid hanging from his ass between his skinny legs.   *not funny*

Not funny? Me and the guys think it hilarious.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 03:44:54 PM
I'd like a house on wheels, know where I get a good deal? (Asking for a friend)

You'd look adorable with Laura pushing you around in this...

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Flower on January 03, 2017, 03:47:38 PM
job shaming is a sign of a low life.and you Yorkshire pud proved that about yourself again.   *not surprised*

Once again....please keep up. I know you're dim, but try.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2017, 03:48:31 PM
You'd look adorable with Laura pushing you around in this...
damn pud!


Quote from: Flower on January 03, 2017, 03:47:38 PM
job shaming is a sign of a low life.and you Yorkshire pud proved that about yourself again.   *not surprised*

We just want to know if Mickey D works at Mickey D's, that's all. Stop being such a spoilsport, petal.


At least we know who they're trying to line up for sponsorship:


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 03, 2017, 03:57:21 PM
At least we know who they're trying to line up for sponsorship:

that curvy bottle couldn't look any sexier


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 03, 2017, 03:57:21 PM
At least we know who they're trying to line up for sponsorship:

The term "personal lubricant" always made me laugh..."Use it wherever and whenever you want!"

A friend of mine used to buy it.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: akwilly on January 03, 2017, 03:59:45 PM
that curvy bottle couldn't look any sexier

It'll take her mind off things.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Chefist on January 03, 2017, 03:59:49 PM
The term "personal lubricant" always made me laugh..."Use it wherever and whenever you want!"

A friend of mine used to buy it.

At least you have friends to lubricate.

Corona Kitty

Job shaming? Oh I see what's happening here. Let me tell ya some facts, since I see you have got your facts wrong. I worked at my mothers resturant for many moons. I got tired of working there after awhile, ended up at some strange trophy shop, I also worked at a computer shop.
Then went back into working in food....at a del taco anyone ever heard of those things? Those were fun times people let me tell ya, the burger flipping didn't come til later but didn't last too long. I have burn marks to prove the dangerous life of flipping burgers people.

I now carry a gun on the job, I'm a security guard now a days.... does Daniel have a job yet? Last time I spoke to him he got fired from his job because he didn't get a raise, so he had to argue with his boss. Also his mom pays his internet. I don't love at home like Daniel does. I hope you get your life together Daniel, get a job & a girlfriend. Best of luck to Daniel in this world, I hope he doesn't end up like George Senda. However he's on the right path, oh you don't believe me? Then why is minimum wage such an issue to Daniel anytime he spoke about it so passionately? Don't worry to path to sendaismnis near.

Lol poor guy nice try Daniel but you've got your facts twisted.... have fun ordering prostitutes by the way :)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 04:07:51 PM
Job shaming? Oh I see what's happening here. Let me tell ya some facts, since I see you have got your facts wrong. I worked at my mothers resturant for many moons. I got tired of working there after awhile, ended up at some strange trophy shop, I also worked at a computer shop.
Then went back into working in food....at a del taco anyone ever heard of those things? Those were fun times people let me tell ya, the burger flipping didn't come til later but didn't last too long. I have burn marks to prove the dangerous life of flipping burgers people.

I now carry a gun on the job, I'm a security guard now a days.... does Daniel have a job yet? Last time I spoke to him he got fired from his job because he didn't get a raise, so he had to argue with his boss. Also his mom pays his internet. I don't love at home like Daniel does. I hope you get your life together Daniel, get a job & a girlfriend. Best of luck to Daniel in this world, I hope he doesn't end up like George Senda. However he's on the right path, oh you don't believe me? Then why is minimum wage such an issue to Daniel anytime he spoke about it so passionately? Lol poor guy nice try Daniel but you've got your facts twisted.... have fun ordering prostitutes by the way :)

You see!! There's scope there for you and Daniel to kiss and make up. Daniel? Be brave and grasp the opportunity..


Quote from: Flower on January 03, 2017, 04:13:06 PM
now everybody knows that you are stupid. so every time you post something others will know that it was posted by the stupid brit.  *yes!!*

You'll have to be more specific. There's competition for that accolade.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Flower on January 03, 2017, 04:13:06 PM
now everybody knows that you are stupid. so every time you post something others will know that it was posted by the stupid brit.  *yes!!*

I got nothing. :-\

I hadn't allowed for your rapier edged intellect. Damn.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 03, 2017, 04:14:31 PM
You'll have to be more specific. There's competition for that accolade.

The stupidest or the drunkest?

Corona Kitty

Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 03, 2017, 04:14:31 PM
You'll have to be more specific. There's competition for that accolade.

Although I wish you had aids, you are still one of my favorite posters.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Chefist on January 03, 2017, 04:18:29 PM
The stupidest or the drunkest?

Some say that they're not mutually exclusive.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 04:19:41 PM

Although I wish you had aids, you are still one of my favorite posters.

Its a pity his medical history and the reciprocation of the mutual admiration don't tally with your perception.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2017, 04:19:44 PM
Some say that they're not mutually exclusive.

Evidently the Danish are the drunkest nationality in the world. That's saying a lot given Russia's reputation.

This thread has had more drama and been better than the Falkie thread the last few days !!

That takes talent as well as the ability to fling shit well.

Bravo now EMO Daniel needs to rejoin the show.  ;D

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Laughing Gator on January 03, 2017, 04:25:23 PM
This thread has had more drama and been better than the Falkie thread the last few days !!

That takes talent as well as the ability to fling shit well.

Bravo now EMO Daniel needs to rejoin the show.  ;D

Daniel needs to fix the roof in the shed he lives in outside his mothers house, by default I hate his parents for making him, he's a disgrace. His entire family hates him it's obvious. The only way out I see for him in life is in a bathtub and a razor blade.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Flower on January 03, 2017, 04:25:37 PM
what gives you fucks the right to force others to kiss and make up. stop being such Mother Thresa's you fucking good doers let people be.
if they need to argue their shit let them argue don't get involved sometimes in life you need to argue your shit with the other party
so everything gets exposed and everything gets explained.

most times assholes like you who are sticking their noses in others people lives cause more problems. stay da fuck out of it unless asked.
enjoy the show and shut up you british bore.      *keep off*

You just knocked the edge off that rapier edge. Its do gooders, not good doers. Learn. Okay?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 04:28:22 PM

Daniel needs to fix the roof in the shed he lives in outside his mothers house, by default I hate his parents for making him, he's a disgrace. His entire family hates him it's obvious. The only way out I see for him in life is in a bathtub and a razor blade.

And you allowed a gun too? Hmmmm.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: username on January 03, 2017, 04:34:26 PM
Are you a pussy liberal?

Aged 14 I could shoot a five round grouping (4 inch cover)  at 100 yards with a Le Enfield .303.

What did you ask?

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