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George Knapp

Started by ArtBellFan, April 27, 2008, 09:05:01 AM


Filling in for George, John B. Wells is joined by British astronomer Dr. David Darling for a discussion about the strange ways the world could end. Could it be an asteroid hurtling toward us from outer space, or a super-volcano covering the Earth under a cloud of ash? Open Lines follow in the latter half.

Oh boy!  More end of the world stuff.  There's nothing I love more after a hard, stressful day than to go to bed, turn on the radio and listen to John B. Wells tell me about the end of the world.  I love it.  Boy, just imagine.  A super volcano erupts covering us in ash. The power goes out.  We're trapped in our homes, in the dark.   We slowly die a miserable death.  Yessir, this is my idea of entertainment. Thank you John B. Wells for your constant updates about how we're all going to die and for offering to sell us radiation detectors and water filtration systems.


Quote from: stevesh on April 18, 2012, 04:02:39 AM
Check post #11302 in the George Noory Sucks! thread. The whole thing never happened, in my opinion.

Anyone who has experienced cab rides can tell horror stories.  I used to work for a major publishing company.  The company was hosting a gathering in Washington, D.C.  We had to take cabs from the hotel in Alexandria, VA to the restaurant several miles away.  I shared a cab with a  fellow employee.  The cab was an ancient Chevy Caprice and the red engine light was flashing the whole time.  The driver spoke farsi or some middle eastern language with a bit of broken english scattered in here and there.  They take you on the longest route to get the biggest fare and this guy went through the absolute worst part of DC and, if you've been to DC, you know there are some blighted, high-crime area you do not want to be in.  I thought, damn, this is my last night on earth.  This damn cab is going to break down and we're all going to be murdered.  Your imagination tends to run away with itself.  Well, needless to say, the old Caprice kept running, the Iranian driver (or whatever he was) got us to our restaurant.  During dinner, all I could think of was another harrowing ride back to the hotel.  My point is. . . . I guess . . . that cab rides, even in "limosines" are quite often thrill rides through the bad part of town with drivers who don't speak English.  And if D.C. can be scarey, imagine Mexico.  So, I am guessing that someone who SEEMS to believe in all manner of conspiracy theories (at least that's the image he presents on the radio) could easily believe a cab or limosine ride gone wrong means someone is out to kidnap him.  I could be wrong . . . but  . . just a thought.


Quote from: fabucat on April 17, 2012, 09:31:31 PM
I guess that you could listen to Noory and Wells to reaffirm your world view.

Nope.  Sorry.

Looking forward to hearing tonight's show. The zodiac killer is a fascinating case.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Agent : Orange on April 21, 2012, 07:28:18 PM
Looking forward to hearing tonight's show. The zodiac killer is a fascinating case.

         Very fascinating. The Graysmith books/movie make a convincing case against Arthur Leigh Allen...but the guest tonight has another suspect who seemingly fits the profile as well. And actually looks more like the sketch than Allen did.

          If one caller says "I think the Unabomber...": I'll strangle the closest living thing.

Lovely Bones

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 21, 2012, 08:46:15 PM
         Very fascinating. The Graysmith books/movie make a convincing case against Arthur Leigh Allen...but the guest tonight has another suspect who seemingly fits the profile as well. And actually looks more like the sketch than Allen did.

          If one caller says "I think the Unabomber...": I'll strangle the closest living thing.

I got interested in Zodiac after we saw the Graysmith movie, but when I started researching I discovered all the Zodiac people on the net uniformly considered Graysmith about one step up from a chimpanzee.  I was immersed in another case at the time and didn't get that far with Zodiac, so I forget what their gripe was.  Maybe Knapp and Co. will raise that tonight. 

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Lovely Bones on April 22, 2012, 07:36:26 AM
I got interested in Zodiac after we saw the Graysmith movie, but when I started researching I discovered all the Zodiac people on the net uniformly considered Graysmith about one step up from a chimpanzee.  I was immersed in another case at the time and didn't get that far with Zodiac, so I forget what their gripe was.  Maybe Knapp and Co. will raise that tonight.
Ironically, the movie(which I liked) added to my increased skepticism of Graysmith too. He's not a trained investigator, he's an erstwhile cartoonist, and his books on The Unabomber and "Amerithrax" were quite underwhelming. Seeing the film really revealed how out of his depth he was.
          Pre-Internet, I thought he was the authority on the Zodiac...but I now him as merely the most prominent, or best salesman.

Lovely Bones

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 22, 2012, 08:38:13 AM
Pre-Internet, I thought he was the authority on the Zodiac...but I now him as merely the most prominent, or best salesman.

And ironically, I think the movie helped with that, with Jake Gyllenhall (sp?) giving such a sympathetic and likable performance of a guy spinning out of control with his obsession. 

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Lovely Bones on April 22, 2012, 09:12:24 AM
And ironically, I think the movie helped with that, with Jake Gyllenhall (sp?) giving such a sympathetic and likable performance of a guy spinning out of control with his obsession.
Probably a mitigating factor. "Yeah Bob, we're going to portray you as an obsessive dork...but don't worry it will be a good actor in the role"
           Very well acted film, though there's a bit of padding toward the end. Realistically, precious little has occurred in the case since roughly 1974. Allen died in '92.


I, too, am looking forward to Knapp tonight.  He never disappoints.


i like Knapp BUT ... he introduced the world to 3 of the biggest UFO lunatics out there: John Lear, William Cooper and Bob Lazar.  why did he win that Emmy?  was it purely ratings based or ... ?


Overall a fairly solid show.  It is funny how Knapp can have a guest on talking about government conspiracy and pull the interview off vs. Wells who just makes a mess of it.  (Yeah, I will confess that I tuned in yesterday for about 5 minutes until I got sick of the host.)  I suppose a large part is that he is not jumping right on board leading the way to conspiracy hell but instead acts as an interviewer.  To be fair, Pepper was definitely a better guest as well.

The good news of the evening?  Knapp will be filling in for Noory again next Sunday.  Even if you do not care for Knapp, at least he isn't Noory.

Lovely Bones

Quote from: WOTR on April 23, 2012, 05:12:15 AM

The good news of the evening?  Knapp will be filling in for Noory again next Sunday.  Even if you do not care for Knapp, at least he isn't Noory.

Oh, Hooray!  How many more of Noory's kids can we marry off in the near future? 


Check your calendar, there are five Sundays in this month.  Mr. Knapp is simply filling for that last weekend rather than one of the special hosts.  George is off on that day anyway.  Now, if that were on the first Sunday of the month then that would be an accurate statement.


 Is it me or did Knapp play some more Art Bell bumpers last night? Classical gas? Does Knapp know something we dont?


Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on April 23, 2012, 08:31:58 AM
Check your calendar, there are five Sundays in this month.  Mr. Knapp is simply filling for that last weekend rather than one of the special hosts.  George is off on that day anyway.  Now, if that were on the first Sunday of the month then that would be an accurate statement.

I guess I can live with Knapp instead of the emerging artists :P


Quote from: Nebraska888 on April 22, 2012, 02:50:00 PM
I, too, am looking forward to Knapp tonight.  He never disappoints.

Except during the "wild horse" hours


Quote from: WOTR on April 23, 2012, 05:12:15 AM
Knapp will be filling in for Noory again next Sunday.  Even if you do not care for Knapp, at least he isn't Noory.
actually Knapp isn't filling in for Noory next Sunday - its just the rare 5th Sunday of the month that has no regular assigned host.
Noory's regular Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, the weekend after that, when Noory again has his terrible emerging artists music.
Knapp gets 3 Sundays this month - excellent.  :)

analog kid

Quote from: b_dubb on April 22, 2012, 11:00:21 PM
i like Knapp BUT ... he introduced the world to 3 of the biggest UFO lunatics out there: John Lear, William Cooper and Bob Lazar.

You say that like it's a bad thing.  :D Those guys were fun to listen to.


Quote from: analog kid on April 23, 2012, 02:16:23 PM
You say that like it's a bad thing.  :D Those guys were fun to listen to.
well because of the bullshit factor. maybe a good show. not the best journalism imo


Quote from: WOTR on April 23, 2012, 05:12:15 AM
Overall a fairly solid show.  It is funny how Knapp can have a guest on talking about government conspiracy and pull the interview off vs. Wells who just makes a mess of it.  (Yeah, I will confess that I tuned in yesterday for about 5 minutes until I got sick of the host.)  I suppose a large part is that he is not jumping right on board leading the way to conspiracy hell but instead acts as an interviewer.  To be fair, Pepper was definitely a better guest as well.

The good news of the evening?  Knapp will be filling in for Noory again next Sunday.  Even if you do not care for Knapp, at least he isn't Noory.

Ohhhhh, I am so with you and every word you typed!  I am a Knapp fan........and I would love to hear him every day of the week compared to GN!



"The Mafia is a shell of its former self because of federal prosecutions, internal warfare, and competition from other organized crime groups. But a few old-style wise-guys have survived prison and the Mob Wars, and will speak with George Knapp about their previous lives in this 4-hour special. Crime writer Denny Griffin also joins the group, which includes Henry Hill, whose story was portrayed in the Scorecese film Goodfellas, Frank Cullotta, a Chicago hit-man, and mobsters Andrew DiDonato and Billy Cutolo Jr., who survived bloody wars between rival Mafia families."

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: 999 on April 26, 2012, 09:38:52 PM

"The Mafia is a shell of its former self because of federal prosecutions, internal warfare, and competition from other organized crime groups. But a few old-style wise-guys have survived prison and the Mob Wars, and will speak with George Knapp about their previous lives in this 4-hour special. Crime writer Denny Griffin also joins the group, which includes Henry Hill, whose story was portrayed in the Scorecese film Goodfellas, Frank Cullotta, a Chicago hit-man, and mobsters Andrew DiDonato and Billy Cutolo Jr., who survived bloody wars between rival Mafia families."
The biggest Mafia crime family now is the "Witness Protection" crew. They've got more canaries than 1000 bird sanctuaries. I'll tune in though...Henry Hill used to be hilarious on Stern, he was basically a wack packer by 1995.


Great show last night with George Knapp.

Okay, here is my suggestion for the coast folks. Take this type of a subject like mafia issues, make that the subject and entire week long, and let every host tackle it. Same guests, different host, different day. On Friday during open lines, Art Bell can host and take calls on which host should be canned based on how they handled it. Oh and Art Bell can take over the show again too..


Half way through mafia show and I count two F bombs already. Nice. Good show. A nice change of topic. UFOs are getting old


Quote from: HorrorReporter on April 30, 2012, 08:17:58 AM
Okay, here is my suggestion for the coast folks. Take this type of a subject like mafia issues, make that the subject and entire week long, and let every host tackle it. Same guests, different host, different day. On Friday during open lines, Art Bell can host and take calls on which host should be canned based on how they handled it. Oh and Art Bell can take over the show again too..
Its funny that you should mention the idea of the same guests and different hosts.  I was thinking of that idea last night as well as I listened to Knapp pull off a pretty good interview and realized that he actually seems to have some credit with the mafia guys.  I got around to thinking that after a single night of being interviewed by Noory they might choose to reenact the old days and demonstrate how to make somebody disappear into a hole in the desert. 

Can you imagine the awkward silences as Noory tells a story about one day sitting four booths over from somebody he suspected might have been connected to the St.Louis mob?  The guest asking what makes Noory suspect that they were connected and getting the response that they had Italian accents and were wearing gold chains.  Oh, and they just looked shifty.  Not to worry Noory would say, he has nothing against criminals- they are the better part of his audience and he loves hearing from prisoners.  He just does not like the pedophiles and murderers.  Realizing that his guest has killed more men than most over more trivial matters Noory quickly backtracks, starts tripping over his tongue and asks his present guest for his number just in case he wants to do a show on murderers in the future (being as he already has the number of a pedophile.) 

The poor guest trying to figure out what the point of Noories disjointed stories are starts to loose his cool.  The old mob guy starts in him starts to show.   The audience is treated first hand to a verbal beat down given by a truly dangerous man without any risk to themselves.  Great radio- and Noory takes his final car ride in the trunk of a Lincoln before the next nights show and disappears into a small hole in the desert!


An interesting show. GK did well it especially well of because of the Vegas angles.  UFOs are indeed becoming pretty threadbare fare. Nothing new...especially since with i-Phones virtually everywhere for years now, there's still not one convincing pic or video.

Ben Shockley

Quote from: b_dubb on April 30, 2012, 11:31:09 AM
Half way through mafia show and I count two F bombs already...
I caught the one from DiDonato at about 55:30 in the second hour.   Where's the other?

Fly By Night

Quote from: Ben Shockley on April 30, 2012, 03:31:34 PM
I caught the one from DiDonato at about 55:30 in the second hour.   Where's the other?

There were most definitely two f bombs and a bullshit.
Man, that was a great show. Those guys were on point talking about the mob today. Knapp is wonderful

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