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George Knapp

Started by ArtBellFan, April 27, 2008, 09:05:01 AM


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 23, 2015, 01:14:53 AM
Interesting Knapptoid:

George Knapp is such a stupidly gullible fuck that he became a victim of the same mortgage fraud on which he was reporting for his TV station.
When you read the link right through you find that he was already a victim and checked the house he had purchased years earlier while doing the story.  He did not start the story, report on it and then become a victim.

If you have paid attention to the "robosigning" foreclosure scandal you would quickly discover that there are lots of people who do not have the "right"" paperwork to prove ownership of the title.  There will be many people who pay off their mortgage only to find they do not own their house.

Good for Knapp finding out early.  Hopefully he was able to get it straightened out.

Quote from: paladin1991 on February 23, 2015, 01:24:26 AM
Yep.  I know it's wrong.  But I still laugh at the stupid shit that some ppl spew.  It feeds the trolls....

Yeah, but you make your nickels off what the truckers spew.

Quote from: wotr1 on February 23, 2015, 01:27:32 AM
When you read the link right through you find that he was already a victim and checked the house he had purchased years earlier while doing the story.  He did not start the story, report on it and then become a victim.

If you have paid attention to the "robosigning" foreclosure scandal you would quickly discover that there are lots of people who do not have the "right"" paperwork to prove ownership of the title.  There will be many people who pay off their mortgage only to find they do not own their house.

Good for Knapp finding out early.  Hopefully he was able to get it straightened out.

It's still hilarious.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 23, 2015, 01:26:31 AM

He's got his own problems with the third-stage syphilis he picked up at the family get-together . . . and can't be bothered with answers or riddles.
Fwiw, I did not have relations with your relation, your sister, your mom, your sister/mom, however that works for you folks.  But you did a great dueling banjo solo with your six fingers and slit eyed drooling toothless hoots as your own accompaniment.
Golf clap, brother.

Quote from: paladin1991 on February 23, 2015, 01:30:45 AM
Fwiw, I did not have relations with your relation, your sister, your mom, your sister/mom, however that works for you folks.  But you did a great dueling banjo solo with your six fingers and slit eyed drooling toothless hoots as your own accompaniment.
Golf clap, brother.

Nobody's interested in your inbred memoirs, Cooter.  Or your fantasies.

Well, maybe a trucker who wants a free one.

Knapp says to his "eternal shame," he publicized the claims of conspiracy/militia theorist William Cooper, whose short-wave radio broadcast had Timothy McVeigh -- the Oklahoma bomber -- as its biggest fan.

Here's the nutcase Knapp is talking about:


But in a recent interview with a reddit audience, 


Knapp said "the snakiest snake oil salesman I have encountered is Dan Crain aka Dan Burisch and his merry band of wackadoos."

No mention of William Cooper.  No remembering the longlasting shame.  No nothing.

That's because helping publicize a kook/freak like Cooper is something George Knapp would like everyone to forget . . . if possible. 

The cover art on "Behold a Pale Horse" is perfect

Quote from: Étouffée on February 23, 2015, 02:05:40 AM
The cover art on "Behold a Pale Horse" is perfect.


Yeah . . . it looks like he stole it from the kid next door.

Lovin' this bit on the Zamora case. One that has always fascinated me. George may need to tighten Sanford up a bit though. I'd like to hear some callers.

Quote from: FightTheFuture on February 23, 2015, 03:03:37 AM
Lovin' this bit on the Zamora case. One that has always fascinated me. George may need to tighten Sanford up a bit though. I'd like to hear some callers.

Stanford is talking too quickly for me since I don't know anything about this New Mexico crash story.

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 23, 2015, 03:27:01 AM
Stanford is talking too quickly for me since I don't know anything about this New Mexico crash story.

He is difficult to listen to, no question. But he has cleared up some long-standing questions I've had.

The Lonnie Zamora case is very compelling. If you're interested in the field of ufology, you'll really enjoy reading about it.

It matters little how fast this guest speaks.

The disposable Knappkin's chore is to help sell the kook's book  . . . in between selling Nerve Pain Plus and Carnivora.

And then the circus goes to the next town.

Another good show! Good night all.

My ISP went down at midnight, probably for maintenance, so once my streaming came back an hour into the second guest, I had a hard time concentrating on his fast-speaking style without context.  Also, I was into other things by then.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on February 23, 2015, 04:01:17 AM
My ISP went down at midnight, probably for maintenance, so once my streaming came back an hour into the second guest, I had a hard time concentrating on his fast-speaking style without context.  Also, I was into other things by then.

Here's a three-word summary:

More Knapp crap.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 23, 2015, 04:14:32 AM

Here's a three-word summary:

More Knapp crap.

who else would you have? lee cigar? the stoner?  submerging artists?


Quote from: wr250 on February 23, 2015, 06:11:56 AM
who else would you have? lee cigar? the stoner?  submerging artists?
Some people cannot be pleased at all, except in the constant ridicule of others. I'm guessing our fellow poster Major Ad Hominem (sorry, Ed Damien) is one of them.



Quote from: cweb on February 23, 2015, 07:42:56 AM
Some people cannot be pleased at all, except in the constant ridicule of others. I'm guessing our fellow poster Major Ad Hominem (sorry, Ed Damien) is one of them.

That's right, cweb.  I'm one of those "some people" your mommy and daddy tried to warn you against.

Sure, I love ridicule . . . satire. 

And I love Jonathan Swift, and I love Mark Twain, and I even love ol' Michael Savage when he's pissing all over Sean Hannity.

So what?  Ridicule and satire are good.  They're as American as apple pie and fat people.  They're as French as a croissant and body odor.  They're as Irish as a potato and a drunk.  They're as British as Monty Python and horrendous teeth.  They're as German as . . . never mind.  That one doesn't work.

Of course, "some people" don't like ridicule and satire.  Some of them really don't like it and massacred the funny folks at a magazine office in Paris last month.  We can't let them get away with that.  Let's make the world safer for ridicule!  I say "safer" because it's never going to be entirely safe for ridiculers.  You've always got the violently sensitive.  Even Jorch Noory was dumb enough to wish openly that he had our addresses.

I'll make this simple:

I couldn't ridicule fools like George Knapp if he didn't expose himself so easily to ridicule.  Right?

I wouldn't eat turkey if he and Jorch Noory weren't serving me free Thanksgiving dinner every night.

And behind the ability to ridicule something lies . . . guess what? . . .  the ridiculous!  You can't make the soufflé without the beaten-up egg yolks.

In any case, what's ad hominem about pointing out that George Knapp is the Sunday shill for the snake oils like Carnivora and the King David healing music?

What's ad hominem about pointing out that George Knapp has made himself the fellow host and colleague of the most dangerous stupid person in America, George Noory?  Knapp didn't have to do that. 

Ian Punnet, for example, as a theologian, had enough of the non-ethics of the show -- like the stoking of Sandy Hook as a "false flag" government operation -- and bailed.  If Knapp had a molecule of decency, then he'd do the same.  But he won't, because he wants to ride in the back of the snake oil gravy train of fear and paranoia upon which the show thrives.

What's ad hominem about pointing out that George Knapp publicized -- on television -- the ravings of this deceased kook


whose most famous fan was Timothy McVeigh, the man who blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City?

The smallest of the hominems there were children in their daycare center.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 23, 2015, 03:56:42 PM
Jonathan Swift

Hmm. Saying one thing to show the opposite thing.

Quote from: WildCard on February 23, 2015, 05:02:39 PM
Hmm. Saying one thing to show the opposite thing.

You're a wise man, Wild Card.

Almost like a human fortune cookie.

I enjoy anything you do.  Your P.T. Barnum comment defended the man as well as anything could.

And the photo of him really brought out his humanity.



Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 23, 2015, 03:27:01 AM
Stanford is talking too quickly for me since I don't know anything about this New Mexico crash story.

He also had the most complicated book-ordering scheme ever.   ::)


Quote from: Nebraska888 on February 23, 2015, 11:21:51 AM

Agreed, I quite enjoyed it.  So nice to hear actual conversations rather than the 3x5 card routine!

Also, I was surprised about Vallee  - I'd heard he wasn't that good on a previous show so didn't have high expectations, but I actually found alot of his thoughts pretty interesting.


Quote from: zeebo on February 23, 2015, 08:05:45 PM
Agreed, I quite enjoyed it.  So nice to hear actual conversations rather than the 3x5 card routine!

Also, I was surprised about Vallee  - I'd heard he wasn't that good on a previous show so didn't have high expectations, but I actually found alot of his thoughts pretty interesting.
thats because Knapp can tease out those interesting tidbits. noory moves to the next 3x5

It turns out that George Knapp was so awful last night that even Jacques Vallee complained about it to his fellow UFO researchers.

In typical French fashion, everything Vallee said was eminently quotable.

Here are only a few of -- as he called them -- "my exasperations with Knapp."

"George Knapp was so boring that he killed my interest in UFOlogy all by himself.  Now I am off to study ze plants.  They can't speak, and they have more interesting personalities."

"Sacre bleu . . . I thought somebody was kissing my ass while I was asleep."

"I could feel my croissant going stale as he spoke."

"At one point in ze awful interview I thought about suggesting that we hold hands metaphysically and try to contact ze living."

"George Knapp was such a terrible interviewer.  Imagine if he worked at a suicide hotline.  Brains would be blowing out all over America . . . coast to coast."

"Last night, I had a nightmare that George Knapp was speaking to me again."

"The interview was like an abduction, a rape, and a probing with ze handle of a tennis racket."

"All during ze interview, I was thinking 'How could somebody zis deceased be living in Las Vegas?'"

"Ze interview with George Knapp last night convinced me that there is no life on his planet."

"Somehow, two hours of my life are missing, and I think George Knapp put zem in his ass next to his metallic alien butt plug."

"He is a terrifically terrible interviewer.  Oh, my god.  A choice between George Noory and George Knapp is like a choice between Curious George and a George Romero zombie."

"If George Noory's spouse shot him -- and I was on ze jury -- I would give her France's highest civilian decoration, ze Legion of Honor."


Quote from: boba FETT on February 23, 2015, 12:39:22 AM
In a weird way it could be argued that he acted as a patriot.
When you make everyone aware of the fact that the government is breaking the law and violating the Constitution that should be pretty easy to do.


Quote from: zeebo on February 23, 2015, 08:05:45 PM
Agreed, I quite enjoyed it.  So nice to hear actual conversations rather than the 3x5 card routine!

Also, I was surprised about Vallee  - I'd heard he wasn't that good on a previous show so didn't have high expectations, but I actually found alot of his thoughts pretty interesting.

You know, you're right.....Vallee (sp) WASN'T as open and talkative last summer when he was on.  I remember that the interview went OK, but was a little let down.  Sunday's conversation was better.

Quote from: b_dubb on February 23, 2015, 09:16:39 PM
When you make everyone aware of the fact that the government is breaking the law and violating the Constitution that should be pretty easy to do.

Even with merritt, It's a case he won't win.

I thought the interview with Vallee was a little more focused last time.  This time it just seemed like a bunch of random observations with no real pay-off, but I wasn't listening that closely.

Juan Cena

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 23, 2015, 09:09:53 PM

"Last night, I had a nightmare that George Knapp was speaking to me again."

I had a nightmare last night where I was in a Marve super heroes movie, and Oprah was playing She-Hulk.

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