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Obama to announce immigration order in Las Vegas on Friday

Started by Quick Karl, November 19, 2014, 11:44:07 AM

Quick Karl


Americans' birthright is now a weapon in a political girl-fight...

Barak Obama does not have the courage to face the fact that the American People REJECT his contempt for America and Americans, so he is going to GIVE your birthright to invaders, just to get back at you.

This will be the legacy of "America's First Black President."

Bart Ell

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...
Wait a minute, changed our minds!
We closed the door after we got here
So sorry, try again soon


Quote from: Bart Ell on November 19, 2014, 11:49:58 AM
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...
Wait a minute, changed our minds!
We closed the door after we got here
So sorry, try again soon
OOOOh, your sarcasm strikes home, Sir!  You have changed my mind.  Let's move them into your apartment building just as soon as we grant them citizenship.  Language problem?  Health issues?  You can work that out with them. 
Kum bey yaa


Quote from: Bart Ell on November 19, 2014, 11:49:58 AM
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...
Wait a minute, changed our minds!
We closed the door after we got here
So sorry, try again soon
That was written far after the country was founded. And although Obama would likely cite that passage from a famous poem (and put on the French statue's plaque later) when he grants amnesty to millions of criminals his fellow Sunnis would not like the idea of quoting a Jewish woman; who also was at the forefront of the Zionist movement.

Interesting they actually checked for diseases at Ellis Island and didn't take illegals (we also had a quota system at that time to keep the country safe and not disrupt society or the economy by en masse amnesty or importation of undesirables.)


Quote from: albrecht on November 19, 2014, 12:02:49 PM
That was written far after the country was founded. And although Obama would likely cite that passage from a famous poem (and put on the French statue's plaque later) when he grants amnesty to millions of criminals his fellow Sunnis would not like the idea of quoting a Jewish woman; who also was at the forefront of the Zionist movement.

Interesting they actually checked for diseases at Ellis Island and didn't take illegals (we also had a quota system at that time to keep the country safe and not disrupt society or the economy by en masse amnesty or importation of undesirables.)
Shhhhhh.  Do not attempt to use reason.  It is equated with Jedi mind tricks.

Quick Karl

Everyone that supports handing America's birthrights to invaders should be forced to house and feed them, and pay for their healthcare.

Oops I forgot, healthcare is now free, isn't it?

Bart Ell

Quote from: paladin1991 on November 19, 2014, 12:00:21 PM
OOOOh, your sarcasm strikes home, Sir!  You have changed my mind.  Let's move them into your apartment building just as soon as we grant them citizenship.  Language problem?  Health issues?  You can work that out with them. 
Kum bey yaa

You point at the grass and make a scissor gesture or point to the floor and make the vacuum gesture.
Where is the problem?

Bart Ell

Quote from: Quick Karl on November 19, 2014, 12:17:44 PM
Oops I forgot, healthcare is now free, isn't it?

It has been for ages in the better countries.

Quick Karl

Quote from: paladin1991 on November 19, 2014, 12:13:52 PM
Shhhhhh.  Do not attempt to use reason.  It is equated with Jedi mind tricks.

Use the Force, Luke...


Quote from: Bart Ell on November 19, 2014, 11:49:58 AM
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...
Wait a minute, changed our minds!
We closed the door after we got here
So sorry, try again soon

An unfortunate side-effect of enabling tens of millions of illegals to remain here, and in effect encourage more to come, is that US citizens are now "tired and poor, huddled masses yearning to be free."  The liberal paradox is where, on the one hand, they want unsustainable and uncontrolled immigration, while at the same time decry the need to (re)build our infrastructure to accommodate the influx of millions of human beings.  Liberals want Mexico to move here, but won't support the development of power plants and the primary energy needed for them to support the increase in population. 

Like usual, liberals tend not to see the simplest connections involved with public policy....  for example, are you willing to pay much more in taxes to save hundreds of hospitals across the South who (have) or are going bankrupt because they cannot support thousands of non-paying illegals?

Are we paying attention to the social impact of thousands of US citizens who are now deprived of reasonably close hospital care and who now have to travel hundreds of miles because of hospital closings?  How about people who are forced to sell their homes because they cannot afford to pay their property tax because of a doubling or tripling of illegal children enrolled in schools in the past few years.... 

The media doesn't reveal the real social disaster associated with uncontrolled immigration.... especially the impact on illegals themselves who fall into a subsistence living that provides them with little or no escape from poverty in the USA.

The real answer is rooted in the need to reform the corrupt Latin American governments and their criminalized social systems.


Quote from: Bart Ell on November 19, 2014, 12:32:29 PM
Education problem?

So why do so many want to move here? Clearly the education is so much better in Mexico and Guatamala. Simply stay home then. No amnesty. Oh, wait. Importing millions of illegals, including children, who are not even fluent in their own language, but certainly don't know English, will help our school systems.
Btw: that vid reminded me of Obama. How the Europeans make fun of him (yes, those socialists who he claims to love even make fun of him.)


Bart Ell

Quote from: albrecht on November 19, 2014, 12:46:49 PM
So why do so many want to move here?

Big fake tits.
You got lots of them.

Quote from: albrecht on November 19, 2014, 12:46:49 PM
Btw: that vid reminded me of Obama. How the Europeans make fun of him (yes, those socialists who he claims to love even make fun of him.)

They also made fun of Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan... They may have liked JFK but only because he got some fine tail.

Yorkshire pud

Look on the bright side; More immigrants from other countries (apart from Germany) will bring the average weight of the average American down. Well, a bit anyway.


Quote from: Marc.Knight on November 19, 2014, 12:30:45 PM

"...enabling tens of millions of illegals to remain here, and in effect encourage more to come..."

The shame of it is that by tomorrow night this will probably be one of the wiser comments.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 19, 2014, 12:59:33 PM
Look on the bright side; More immigrants from other countries (apart from Germany) will bring the average weight of the average American down. Well, a bit anyway.
Would be nice but that won't happen. The incident of obesity and diabetes in the illegals we already have here (primarily from Mexico and Central America) is amazing. Presumably those are the illegals this guy Obama wants to grant amnesty. So 1) many are already here and 2) many are unhealthy. So you are wrong, again.
(A note on last paper, Hispanics, by government rule can self-identify as "white" in studies. This help, most obviously, by inflating education numbers and "smoothing out" the disparity between races/ethnicities in certain crime figures but also impacts health surveys.)

Also rumors claim Obama is not going to give Obamacare to the criminals he is granting amnesty. So our ERs, charities, and States will still have to pay for their healthcare since illegals won't likely buy insurance and the jobs "Americans won't do" don't usually provide it.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 19, 2014, 12:59:33 PM
Look on the bright side; More immigrants from other countries (apart from Germany) will bring the average weight of the average American down. Well, a bit anyway.
As long as we don't let Brits in, our dental standards will remain high. ;D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: albrecht on November 19, 2014, 01:07:25 PM

Also rumors claim Obama is not going to give Obamacare to the criminals he is granting amnesty. So our ERs, charities, and States will still have to pay for their healthcare since illegals won't likely buy insurance and the jobs "Americans won't do" don't usually provide it.

Now you have me really confused; If what you say is true, why doesn't everyone in the US avail themselves of that privilege? Surely not altruism? Or, is it because having no profit based insurance (to the insurance company) policy means your health provision isn't a bed or roses?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: paladin1991 on November 19, 2014, 02:22:50 PM
As long as we don't let Brits in, our dental standards will remain high. ;D

Pah...I'll see your too white veneers and raise you my gummy smile.

Quick Karl

Quote from: Marc.Knight on November 19, 2014, 12:30:45 PM
The real answer is rooted in the need to reform the corrupt Latin American governments and their criminalized social systems.

Are you crazy or something? EVERYONE KNOWS that all of those corrupt Latin Governments are really just the puppets of White Constitutionalists and Conservative Republicans.

What the F are you smoking anyways?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 19, 2014, 02:27:53 PM

Now you have me really confused; If what you say is true, why doesn't everyone in the US avail themselves of that privilege? Surely not altruism? Or, is it because having no profit based insurance (to the insurance company) policy means your health provision isn't a bed or roses?
Some do but most Americans want decent service and are honest and don't wish to abuse the system (or want a doctor of their choice, better facilities, etc) so buy insurance or have it provided to them by their employer. (In my ideal world people would pay out of pocket and have limited insurance or co-ops for catastrophic things but the inflation of the healthcare makes this prohibitive for most people as even basic procedures or doctor visits are $$.)

Illegals don't care and will do the ER route because even an over-crowded ER waiting room filled with ill illegals is often better than facilities in their home countries and because they can get it for free (and find an "abagado" to sue if they feel they were not treated properly.)


It's interesting how all the talking heads on both sides are ignoring the white elephant in the room (or lack of an elephant as the case may be). All this amnesty boils down to is an attempt to make the presidency permanently Democratic. They're importing voters with the intent of seizing permanent power.

When you frame it in those terms, it becomes an organized and illegal act of sedition on the part of the Democratic Party.

Quote from: Bart Ell on November 19, 2014, 11:49:58 AM
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...
Wait a minute, changed our minds!
We closed the door after we got here
So sorry, try again soon

Yes, 'yearning to breath free'.

Not 'yearning to come here and get handouts'.

Not 'yearning to come here and expand the reach of their gangs'.

Not 'yearning to come here and expand the reach of their cartels'.

Not 'yearning to come here and kill Americans and blow things up'.

Not 'yearning to come here and spread infectious diseases'.

Not 'yearning to come here and live in ethnic enclaves, refusing to assimilate'.

And not 'yearning to come here to be part of a permanent Marxist/Socialist Democrat majority'.

Perhaps someone can tell us why we shouldn't have an orderly legal immigration process where we - the citizens of this country - decide who comes here?


Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 19, 2014, 10:57:51 PM

Perhaps someone can tell us why we shouldn't have an orderly legal immigration process where we - the citizens of this country - decide who comes here?

We have the highest (controlled) "legal" immigration rate in the world.  Nothing wrong with that.  If Obama circumvents the constitution tonight he will not be doing the Democrats any favors, and more importantly, he will be harming the integrity of this country.

Quick Karl

Quote from: Marc.Knight on November 20, 2014, 09:09:19 AMIf Obama circumvents the constitution tonight he will not be doing the Democrats any favors, and more importantly, he will be harming the integrity of this country.


As if he, or any one of his supporters cares, one shit about that...

What the heck is wrong with you man?

If Obama does what I think he is going to do, he will arouse the ire of a tepid GOP.

This will, ultimately, backfire in Obama`s face, and create great consternation within the Democrat party. In other words, 2016 could be an unprecedented year of good fortune for the GOP.


Its about fucking time twice-elected pussy Obama showed some backbone and gave those hack assholes Boehner and McConnell some of their own medicine. I can't wait to watch the tantrums and hysterics.


I can see it now.  O does his thing.  Amnetistas rejoice and the hidden Tsunami races across this once great land.  The cost  of it starts to sink in and the next 24 years are a Republican paradise as Repubs are elected and re-elected.

During those years, the ppl will not want to carry the burden and cry out for mass deportations.  Then there will some shit sandwiches to swallow.  Imagine the riots fm coast to coast (Noory will have a deathgasm).  Where will we send them and more importantly, who will take them?

We can put them all, Guatamelons, MExicans, Salvadorans, Iraqi's, Irish....all illegals made legal by the sweep of O's dick....on a charter bus to Mazatlan.  Citizenship revoked, of course. 

Of course, the AmerIndians might file a case before the Supreme Court to divest the continent of all illegals and their anchor babies, no matter how far back we have to go to determine citizenship.   

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