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Would you punch a baby in the face for a billion dollars?

Started by DigitalPigSnuggler, October 27, 2014, 01:09:59 PM


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on October 27, 2014, 01:09:59 PM
Is the baby in question, in Norry's terminology, a "mean baby?"

But even then I'd said no. You'd likely kill it, even you tried to pull the punch, and it would likely cost you a million these days for the legal defense and subsequent appeals. Since you would lose because no jury or judge is going to like the "they gave me a million dollars to do it" defense. Probably charge you with a contract killing making it automatically a capital offense also, or if "mean baby" even survived an automatic attempted murder charge.

Plus babies, even if "mean," can't hurt you and shouldn't be punched, and so I'm frequently reminded by PSA ads, even shaken or allowed to sleep on their stomachs!

Quote from: The General on October 27, 2014, 01:26:08 PM
Just the kind of stimulating intellectual post that I've come to expect from you.

I'm willing to punch you in the nuts for nothing, if that helps.

No, but I would punch anyone who made me that offer, although I'm guessing you're using this as some sort of metaphor.

Quote from: albrecht on October 27, 2014, 01:25:18 PM
Is the baby in question, in Norry's terminology, a "mean baby?"

But even then I'd said no. You'd likely kill it, even you tried to pull the punch, and it would likely cost you a million these days for the legal defense and subsequent appeals. Since you would lose because no jury or judge is going to like the "they gave me a million dollars to do it" defense. Probably charge you with a contract killing making it automatically a capital offense also, or if "mean baby" even survived an automatic attempted murder charge.

Plus babies, even if "mean," can't hurt you and shouldn't be punched, and so I'm frequently reminded by PSA ads, even shaken or allowed to sleep on their stomachs!

Yeah, but just think of all the cool things you could do with a billion dollars.   ;)


Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on October 27, 2014, 01:29:40 PM
Yeah, but just think of all the cool things you could do with a billion dollars.   ;)
A billion. Now that is another matter. I misread as a million. If that baby was really mean than maybe. With a billion you'd be able to get off of just about any crime or flee jurisdiction. It is morally still wrong but if he was just so mean....and give a few mill of it to a "mean baby" charity to ease one's conscience.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on October 27, 2014, 01:29:24 PM
No, but I would punch anyone who made me that offer, although I'm guessing you're using this as some sort of metaphor.

Let's hope so eh?

Eddie Coyle

      There are babies I'd kick from the Goodyear blimp and I'd pay for the privilege of doing so.

Heather Wade

Are there witnesses to this baby punching?  Do I get to choose the baby or is it pre-selected for me?  Is there a contract or paperwork in legalese so I can prove my billion was procured by punching said baby?  Does the baby have any recourse against me after the punching?  Are the baby's parents involved in any way?

I want to see the billion first, then we'll talk.  I'm leaning toward yes. 
(So sue me, one punch in the face will heal, likely the baby won't remember it; a billion will last me the rest of my life.)


How hard?

Hard enough to kill it? No.

Hard enough to make it stupid?  No.

Hard enough that it grows up looking like Sylvester Stallone? Sure. 

Character is what you do when you think no one is looking...

On the other hand, sometimes to do a great right, you must do a little wrong...

It's a conundrum, shrouded in myth, wrapped in a diaper.  I am going to answer with a lean "no."  Not gonna do it... Wouldn't be prudent.


If I had traveled back in time,  and had the opportunity to punch baby George Noory in the face, I definitely would.  For the money of course...

Quote from: FightTheFuture on October 28, 2014, 10:21:20 PM
This forum has achieved a new low.


It is an odd thread... Not sure how it relates to politics (but then again, one of your fellow righties did bring Obama into the mix)...

My original impulse was to scold the whole notion of punching babies, but I probably do too much chastising on this forum as it is.  Then I thought of just ignoring the thread.  Maybe my humor detector is on the fritz again.

On a brighter note, how 'bout those Royals!

Quote from: West of the Rockies on October 28, 2014, 10:37:49 PM
Not sure how it relates to politics

Because the Obama haters would find a way to inject a "fuck Obama" comment in a thread about pink koalas hugging a rainbow.  I figured this one would go that way, and I was right....AGAIN.

Quote from: West of the Rockies on October 28, 2014, 10:37:49 PM
On a brighter note, how 'bout those Royals!


said the man from the Bay Area

Quote from: West of the Rockies on October 28, 2014, 06:56:56 PM

It's a conundrum, shrouded in myth, wrapped in a diaper.   

That's the best description of human history ever, Westie! 


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on October 27, 2014, 01:09:59 PM

You seem to be a big baby

like the guy on camera left (I get my directions confused)

A Whiter Shade Of Pale - Procol Harum

Oh not that one, that guy... hehe

The Moody Blues - Departure/Ride My See-Saw

decide for yourself the useless...


I will.  I must travel back in time.  I will punch baby george in the head.  That will probably make him a mean baby.  Thus, I must hit him in the head.  Again.

Then I will return to our time.  Toss a quarter in to homeless Tommys tin cup, head home and listen to Art Bell pontificating on Coast2Coast and THEN, listen to him question his own pontifications.

I'll probably be his unscreened wild card caller.

ETA: And Ed Dames never saw it coming.


We're all supposed to be shocked by someone saying they would hit a baby in the face for "1...billion dollars". Yet 1 political party supports killing babies by the millions because it's an inconvenience. Sure is interesting.

analog kid

Quote from: Gd5150 on October 29, 2014, 03:55:34 PM
We're all supposed to be shocked by someone saying they would hit a baby in the face for "1...billion dollars". Yet 1 political party supports killing babies by the millions because it's an inconvenience. Sure is interesting.


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