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Connie Willis

Started by GeorgieForPresident2216, October 18, 2014, 11:11:51 PM


I have yet to decide whether Lisa Garr is:

1.  Extremely intelligent and a bit bored by her guests.

2.  Just trying to hold her own with guests she feels are smarter than she

3.  Not really listening and trying to remember which button to push when the music starts to play.

Either way, she puts me right to sleep.


Quote from: SheilaVG on January 31, 2015, 11:42:12 PM
I have yet to decide whether Lisa Garr is:

1.  Extremely intelligent and a bit bored by her guests.

2.  Just trying to hold her own with guests she feels are smarter than she

3.  Not really listening and trying to remember which button to push when the music starts to play.

Either way, she puts me right to sleep.

She is not Coast "material".....NPR is calling!


Entire show on Montauk Chronicles.....

After doing some research through previously classified U.S. Department of Defense files, I discovered that a Naval Reserve officer named Jorch Noory was once a willing participant in a top-secret experiment called the "Monsuck Project."

And it worked.


I wish Knapp was doing this interview. I wonder if Connie visits Bellgab. She seems to be giggling less enthusiastically and isn't making weird food references. Now, Connie, if you could just stop giggling, period, it'd help all women in being taken seriously.

Juan Cena

Quote from: goldendeal on February 15, 2015, 12:36:19 AM
Entire show on Montauk Chronicles.....

Also, it sounds 100% bullcrap.

I bet Snoory's upset he doesn't get to talk about young boys supposedly experimented on and murdered.

Quote from: Juan Cena on February 15, 2015, 12:59:09 AM

I bet Snoory's upset he doesn't get to talk about young boys supposedly experimented on and murdered.

I'll be damned if you didn't just take the words right out of my Snore-hole.

Hulk Hoagland

This broad  is a fucking bore


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 15, 2015, 12:42:31 AM
After doing some research through previously classified U.S. Department of Defense files, I discovered that a Naval Reserve officer named Jorch Noory was once a willing participant in a top-secret experiment called the "Monsuck Project."

And it worked.

Remember the Philadelphia experiment. ? Jorch was in the similar but lesser known St Louis experiment…

Juan Cena

Quote from: BattyBrooke on February 15, 2015, 12:58:17 AM
I wish Knapp was doing this interview. I wonder if Connie visits Bellgab. She seems to be giggling less enthusiastically and isn't making weird food references. Now, Connie, if you could just stop giggling, period, it'd help all women in being taken seriously.

That Knapp hasn't touched this story before makes me less inclined to give this story any kind of credence.


Is it just me, or does she laugh/giggle at the most inappropriate times?

The guest will be explaining something, dead serious, then out of nowhere she'll chuckle and the guest will go silent for a second or two, as if to say, "Did I miss something?"

I find it to be pretty annoying--distracting, even.

Juan Cena

Quote from: goldendeal on February 15, 2015, 01:02:35 AM
Remember the Philadelphia experiment. ? Jorch was in the similar but lesser known St Louis experiment…

Snorge was a mean baby? That explains a lot.

Juan Cena

Quote from: Bellathor on February 15, 2015, 01:05:17 AM
Is it just me, or does she laugh/giggle at the most inappropriate times?

The guest will be explaining something, dead serious, then out of nowhere she'll chuckle and the guest will go silent for a second or two, as if to say, "Did I miss something?"

I find it to be pretty annoying--distracting, even.

Connie's gotta quit smoking the ganja before she goes on the air.

Quote from: goldendeal on February 15, 2015, 01:02:35 AM
Remember the Philadelphia experiment. ? Jorch was in similar but lesser known St Louis experiment…

Goldendeal, your research has outdone itself this time.

That kid looks like he's destined for an unusual future . . . like never really getting English and cooking his esophagus with over-microwaved snack food.

Quote from: Juan Cena on February 15, 2015, 01:08:28 AM
Connie's gotta quit smoking the ganja before she goes on the air.

She ate a whole pot pot pie.

This crazy guest -- Preston Nichols -- just claimed that he sound-engineered at Montauk the Rolling Stones song that just played, "Street Fighting Man."

Except that song is called "Gimme Shelter."

He doesn't even know the title of the song he claims to have been a part of at Montauk.

I think this character was part of "The Jim Beam Project."

I've heard a lot of drunks speak in my life, but this guest sounds like the bar stool is sitting on him.

Kids were "beatened"?


Since the show is bombing perhaps Willis can save it by changing the subject to the   Montauk Monster.....just tell this talking Ambien she booked the wrong guest and dismiss him  back to his rocker...

Did this guest just describe jacking off with a glowing orb?

Hulk Hoagland

What's worse? Listening to this guest slur his way through blatant lies or Connie nervously giggling to end her sentences?

Juan Cena

Okay, pedophelia. This interview just became awkward. :o

Juan Cena

Quote from: Hulk Hoagland on February 15, 2015, 01:25:36 AM
What's worse? Listening to this guest slur his way through blatant lies or Connie nervously giggling to end her sentences?


Connie's a little sick.

The guest mentioned sexual abuse done on young boys, and did she really want to discuss it?

Connie:  "Well, it is Valentines Day."

Goodbye, Connie.

This ranks up there with guest-host Katherine Albrecht joking about having to use Zyklon B on the mice problem in her basement.

Juan Cena

Quote from: goldendeal on February 15, 2015, 01:24:32 AM
Since the show is bombing perhaps Willis can save it by changing the subject to the   Montauk Monster.....just tell this talking Ambien she booked the wrong guest and dismiss him  back to his rocker...

Oh, Connie's way past Ambien.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 15, 2015, 01:23:41 AM
I've heard a lot of drunks speak in my life, but this guest sounds like the bar stool is sitting on him.

Kids were "beatened"?

Just wait, soon he will invite Willis to a real hootenanny....


Noory's head would've exploded by this point in the interview.

But his penis would be glowing.

Now if only Connie would accidentally call it "The Mon-cock Project."

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