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Why work for money? I don't believe in working. Work is for Suckers

Started by Foodlion, July 10, 2014, 12:20:41 PM


This lazy slob is laughing at you all. She just don't want to work, and she doesn't care about a single thing in this world. She just doesn't care.

Ill never have a job

More reasons why we don't need Universal Health Care. Now she's going to get free medical for life thanks to your tax dollars. Muhahahahaha

Seriously fellas, we are all fucked. The hard workers are being out numbered by unintelligent dumb lazy people that breed like rabbits and consume massive amounts of resources in food.


Quote from: Foodlion on July 10, 2014, 12:20:41 PM
This lazy slob is laughing at you all. She just don't want to work, and she doesn't care about a single thing in this world. She just doesn't care.

Ill never have a job

More reasons why we don't need Universal Health Care. Now she's going to get free medical for life thanks to your tax dollars. Muhahahahaha

Seriously fellas, we are all fucked. The hard workers are being out numbered by unintelligent dumb lazy people that breed like rabbits ,listen to the snooron religiously,  and consume massive amounts of resources in food.



Quote from: Foodlion on July 10, 2014, 12:20:41 PM
This lazy slob is laughing at you all. She just don't want to work, and she doesn't care about a single thing in this world. She just doesn't care.

Ill never have a job

More reasons why we don't need Universal Health Care. Now she's going to get free medical for life thanks to your tax dollars. Muhahahahaha

Seriously fellas, we are all fucked. The hard workers are being out numbered by unintelligent dumb lazy people that breed like rabbits and consume massive amounts of resources in food.
How come every time I see these people online, in the news, on the street they have tattoos, odd colored hair, piercings, and are usually fat? Doesn't that stuff cost money? How/why do we allow people getting foodstamps or live in public housing have tattoos? Why are we giving fat people SNAP and other free food? Hint, you aren't starving if you are fat. That shows that they have disposable income. Heck many of the "dreamers" Obama is telling to come to the USA are all tatted up. Granted those are usually prison and gang tattoos but still.
ps: at least she said she will never have a kid. Thank goodness for that, at least. Break the cycle.


Quote from: albrecht on July 10, 2014, 03:53:42 PM
Hint, you aren't starving if you are fat.
That may or may not be true.  Many people who are fat eat what we call po' food in my neck of the woods.  Beans, rice, white potatoes, corn bread, etc.  These things are eaten because they are inexpensive, and since they have a high carb content, play havoc with glucose.  Some of these people go into metabolic syndrome, and they are slowly starving to death while continuing to pack on weight. 

America is a package deal.

It may or may not be our undoing.

The aspect that gives me the shakes are those eternally using Section 8. I'm speaking simplistically, but it just seems like we are lining the pockets of lazy landlords who don't even have to try. There's a lot of corruption and little auditing as far as I can tell.

The woman in the video hurt my feelings and she must pay.


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on July 10, 2014, 06:04:10 PM
America is a package deal.

It may or may not be our undoing.

The aspect that gives me the shakes are those eternally using Section 8. I'm speaking simplistically, but it just seems like we are lining the pockets of lazy landlords who don't even have to try. There's a lot of corruption and little auditing as far as I can tell.

The woman in the video hurt my feelings and she must pay.
Low-income and Section 8 housing, particularly in liberal areas but likely everywhere, is quite a scam. I have a friend who is going to make several million because a developer wants his 5 acres for a section 8. They came to him. Because the builders get some kind of tax break and zoning break from the city to build expensive condos in another part of town- if they built "low income" housing in another area. And my friend's property happens to be in a perfect location for "low income" (on outskirts of town but close to bus lanes and highways.)


Quote from: Juan on July 10, 2014, 05:59:29 PM
That may or may not be true.  Many people who are fat eat what we call po' food in my neck of the woods.  Beans, rice, white potatoes, corn bread, etc.  These things are eaten because they are inexpensive, and since they have a high carb content, play havoc with glucose.  Some of these people go into metabolic syndrome, and they are slowly starving to death while continuing to pack on weight.
Most of the world lives on things like rice and beans. Much of the world would love to be poor and "starving" in America.

Bart Ell

Quote from: albrecht on July 10, 2014, 06:46:01 PM
Much of the world would love to be poor and "starving" in America.

Much of the world expects Americans to say things like that


On the other hand ... do you really want someone that damaged working?


Quote from: Bart Ell on July 10, 2014, 06:48:58 PM
Much of the world expects Americans to say things like that
Well, it is true. Other wise they wouldn't be risking life and limb, literally, to come over to the USA or other Western nations. Even to Spain (which is in a worse economic shape with their youth unemployment.) Some of the videos look like World War Z they way the swarm the fences there. And look at the way they swarm the train (tragically derailed recently) to try to get to the USA. Those on make-shift boats coming to Australia (they even quarantined them on some island), or coming over from Haiti or Cuba on the weakest of make-shift of rafts. Tell me I'm wrong. Clearly most of the world would LOVE to be able to get free food, have cable tv, have a car, have a place to sleep with heating and air-conditioning: which most of the "poor" in the USA have and also in most western nations which also takes on so many immigrants and gets them on the dole.

Bart Ell

Quote from: albrecht on July 10, 2014, 07:21:14 PM
Well, it is true. Other wise they wouldn't be risking life and limb, literally, to come over to the USA or other Western nations.

I see we are already expanding the scope of where these people would love to be poor and starving.


Quote from: Bart Ell on July 10, 2014, 07:32:07 PM
I see we are already expanding the scope of where these people would love to be poor and starving.
Yes, they are coming like a plague here in the USA but, generally, any Western nation faces this problem. Even when they are in very dire straits the rest of the world thinks they are a paradise. Which they are compared to the conditions in their countries. My point is proven simply by looking at the news! You claim that nobody wants to come to the USA? Seriously? I wish that was the case (and, who knows, at the current rate of immigration and government policy that point could come sooner than we think.) But I never claimed that they didn't want to go to other countries either. Simply that for much of the world they would love to be a "poor" person in the USA. Generally speaking they get a better deal if they can flee to a European country as they, generally, have more government give-away programs (but that is changing.)

Bart Ell

Quote from: albrecht on July 10, 2014, 08:01:36 PM
You claim that nobody wants to come to the USA? Seriously?
Nope, never said or wrote that. I just pointed out that much of the world would expect an American to think that that is where they would like to be poor. They would like to be poor in the closest country to them that is offering handouts.

Turks in Germany, Mexicans in America, sickly Americans in Canada....


Quote from: b_dubb on July 10, 2014, 07:06:26 PM
On the other hand ... do you really want someone that damaged working?

Sadly, that's one hell of a good point. She serves best out of the work force.

On the flip side, she can play the guitar and 5 other musical interments.

Fucked up 

She'll never go hungry with that kind of talent.


Quote from: Bart Ell on July 10, 2014, 08:11:38 PM
Nope, never said or wrote that. I just pointed out that much of the world would expect an American to think that that is where they would like to be poor. They would like to be poor in the closest country to them that is offering handouts.

Turks in Germany, Mexicans in America, sickly Americans in Canada....
The Turks in Germany, for the most part, were encourage to emigrate to Germany when they needed workers. Unfortunately they never properly assimilated and had more children and also brought more over. German is not "next to" Turkey, by the way. Is it not just Mexicans coming to the USA illegally, in fact most of the current swarm in the news now are from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador (again, not the "closest country to them".) Also a lot of various Asians (China is hardly "closest to" the USA!) So far, I have yet to see hordes of Americans fleeing to Canada illegally- even for healthcare. Maybe during Vietnam war you could assert that (though, in most cases, they were welcomed to flee there.) In fact many Canadians come down to the USA (for healthcare, to buy things like cigarettes, and especially as "snowbirds" for the winter. In both cases legally.) You don't seem to have much of a handle on the facts or even basic geography. Turkey is "closest to" Germany!?! And how to you explain the Somalians in Oslo? My map might be wrong but Norway hardly "closest to" the Horn of Africa?

Bart Ell

Are we leaving out the "offering handouts" part of the sentence on purpose?

So what you are communicating is that there are lots of places besides America that these people would love to be poor in? I agree.
See how easy that was?
Much of the world would love to be poor and "starving" in a country like America? Yes
Much of the world would love to be poor and "starving" in America? Nottasomuch

Bart Ell

Quote from: albrecht on July 10, 2014, 08:22:29 PM
So far, I have yet to see hordes of Americans fleeing to Canada illegally- even for healthcare.

I watch the busloads of sick Americans come over to fill their prescriptions almost hourly. Sure, it starts as a one day trip but the next thing you know they are opening White Castles and chanting USA at the fireworks every Friday and Sunday at 10pm.


Quote from: Bart Ell on July 10, 2014, 08:39:01 PM
Are we leaving out the "offering handouts" part of the sentence on purpose?

So what you are communicating is that there are lots of places besides America that these people would love to be poor in? I agree.
See how easy that was?
Much of the world would love to be poor and "starving" in a country like America? Yes
Much of the world would love to be poor and "starving" in America? Nottasomuch
I hardly blame them. If I lived in many of their countries I would want to flee to the USA (or elsewhere) but that still doesn't mean we should have open-border policies. As we see in that video at the top of the thread, we have enough problems here. Why import more? Even the nice, "socialist" European countries have more effective immigration policies than the US. Australia is trying to hold the line rather well and putting them on various islands in camps. Canada enforces their borders and explicitly states that criminality would prohibit immigration there. But Obama is giving them bus tickets or releasing them on their own recognizance to "appear" later for a hearing! Or unilaterally calling them his "dreamers"!
To wit: (from Canada's, the place of great healthcare, IRPA law)
There are a number of reasons you can be found inadmissible, denied a visa or refused entry to Canada such as:

    human or international rights violations
    organized criminality
    health grounds
    financial reasons
    non-compliance with IRPA or
    having an inadmissible family member

eddie dean

Quote from: Foodlion on July 10, 2014, 08:14:25 PM
Sadly, that's one hell of a good point. She serves best out of the work force.

On the flip side, she can play the guitar and 5 other musical interments.

Fucked up 

She'll never go hungry with that kind of talent.

Her real talent is wolfing down pork chops in a single bound.

Bart Ell

Quote from: eddie dean on July 10, 2014, 08:52:30 PM
Her real talent is wolfing down pork chops in a single bound.

She claims she licks a mean puss, too.


Quote from: eddie dean on July 10, 2014, 08:52:30 PM
Her real talent is wolfing down pork chops in a single bound.
She could get a "reality" television show and, sadly, likely get ratings. Or join the "competitive eating" circuit. So far I have not seen if pork-chop eating contests exist but knowing my country- it likely does somewhere.

Quote from: Foodlion on July 10, 2014, 08:14:25 PM
Sadly, that's one hell of a good point. She serves best out of the work force.

This person is unemployable.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on July 10, 2014, 10:02:17 PM
So are all of those Kardashian people and the hangers-on around them.
I just figured they were existing off Wheaties residuals n maybe some TMZ walking around money.

Just think of what this human waste of a hog smells like after rooting about in the bottom of a skip trying to find its hourly meal to feed its face. "I just want to be trendy and musical and shit" Well, with that lifestyle, life itself will make you redundant and you'll be dead soon. And if you don't bloody care about that, then NO one can help you.


Quote from: Sumthins Goin On on July 11, 2014, 05:50:06 AM
Just think of what this human waste of a hog smells like after rooting about in the bottom of a skip trying to find its hourly meal to feed its face. "I just want to be trendy and musical and shit" Well, with that lifestyle, life itself will make you redundant and you'll be dead soon. And if you don't bloody care about that, then NO one can help you.
Which brings up a valuable point.  We can cut off all of the public assistance to unemployable people and pretend they'll somehow figure it out on their own (usually involves crime) or we can continue to assist those truly incapable of helping themselves to live the meager existence of public assistance.

I know the popular notion is that these lay abouts are watching HBO getting pizzas delivered to their McMansions, but the reality is far different.  They live futile lives, and they know it.  They know they cannot work because they are deficient; they know the best they can hope for is Uncle Sugar feeds them, clothes them, houses them, and gives them a decent signal to watch Jerry and Maury everyday.  But that's it.  No aspirations of better living, no vacations in Aspen, no heading out and buying a new pair of shoes, just because or dining at the newest hot spot in town.
In fact, the "hot spot" for these people is the Dollar Menu; processed, bleached out crap that makes their health worse, not better.

MV asked earlier about the difference in the price of a McDouble vs Broccoli; in 2008, according to USDA , Frozen Broccoli was $1.48, on average per pound while a McDouble then was a buck.
However, when you drill down, you see that the price for produce in poorer areas is actually higher than the national average.  The chain stores harrumph about logistics costs, but they all know they can get a bunch of that sweet SNAP money from the indigent.  Not to mention how difficult it is to find stores in poorer areas.
In CT, we offer supplements for people to use vouchers at Farmer's markets (usually available July through October).  In Waterbury, they set up down town on Thursdays and are usually sold out before the 2pm closing time.
Given a chance, many poor people try to eat healthy.  The alternative isn't going to be a massive die-off of the poor (keep jerking, Albrecht) but a massive surge in crime.  People will ultimately come to the conclusion: why should I die so a rich man can live easier?

What conclusion would you reach?  (And don't bullshit me about how you'd "work hard and make ends meet" on $8.70 and hour, 30 hours a week, either.)

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