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Hillary Clinton

Started by albrecht, June 21, 2014, 10:05:45 AM


Quote from: VoteQuimby on September 15, 2016, 11:51:54 PM
These idiots are turning Pepe into the coolest thing of this generation and I'm loving every second of it.  ;D


I started this way; and, I'd do it all over again.


Hillary campaign ripping off small donors with unauthorized charges

Clintons at it again. 

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is stealing from her poorest supporters by purposefully and repeatedly overcharging them after they make what’s supposed to be a one-time small donation through her official campaign website, multiple sources tell the Observer.

The overcharges are occurring so often that the fraud department at one of the nation’s biggest banks receives up to 100 phone calls a day from Clinton’s small donors asking for refunds for unauthorized charges to their bankcards made by Clinton’s campaign. One elderly Clinton donor, who has been a victim of this fraud scheme, has filed a complaint with her state’s attorney general and a representative from the office told her that they had forwarded her case to the Federal Election Commission.


Value Of Pi

Quote from: Paper*Boy on September 16, 2016, 06:50:45 AM
You are correct about Russia for the most part, and about Putin.  There was a window of opportunity to be on friendly terms with Russia in the 90s and Bill Clinton blew it.  Then Bush II came along and destroyed any remaining chance for us to salvage a decent relationship and be on good terms.   

Trump is an major ass, not even of average intelligence, and it's pretty clear he has little understanding about the rest of the world.  George Bush II was a disaster with his wars and his spending, along with his accomplices in the Republican House and Senate, who for the most part are the same people still 'leading' that party to this day

It's just that Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Holder, Lynch, and the rest of them are something far worse. 

We're really fucked in this country with the fascist-'Progressive' America-hating Left having taken over the Democrat Party, and the Wells Fargo type Wall Street-DC axis of easily bought self-dealing corporatists having taken over the Republican Party (of course the Wall St-DC axis funds the Ds as well, but they've got the majority in the R party and call all the shots there), and now this dumb piece of shit somehow getting the Republican Party nomination.

So yeah, Trump over Clinton.  It's a disaster of a choice, but one of them is clearly worse.

Yeah, there was a window but it was pretty slim. I doubt any American administration could've squeezed through it. Russian nationalism quickly took over where Communism left off, the metastatic corruption that pervades Russian society flourished in the new Russia, democracy never had a prayer, and the Russian people's attachment to strong, authoritarian leaders led inevitably to a guy like Putin.

He muzzles the opposition and press, invades Georgia, insists on controlling other former parts of the Soviet empire like Ukraine and invades when Ukranians resist, the West sanctions him and starts rebuilding NATO, and clank, the window is closed for the forseeable future.

So Russia is just going to be Russia, regardless of the crapola going on in our own polliticial system, which for all its faults, is still a godsend when compared with what the Russian people suffer with. That doesn't excuse the problems, but it's worth remembering.

Regarding Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign in which Trump has alleged that Hillary's campaign staff first circulated the Obama birther nonsense, Clinton's campaign manager from that year tweeted this today.



So there was a staffer who circulated this stuff.


Jason Chaffetz on Trying to Pry Information on Hillary Clinton - September 16, 2016.



Journalists are saying the rumor about Obama's birth came from Sidney Blumenthal.  It sounds like something he would do.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on September 16, 2016, 07:22:24 AM
You are correct about the fragility of our cocoon.  The debt alone is going to destroy us unless we renege on it and bring current spending back into line with tax revenue.  Then there's the extremely poor handling of foreign policy by this president, projecting weakness around the world and encouraging the rise of those who will be our enemies when they reach certain abilities - Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Islam.

To the extent you are saying Trump is a moron, will be a disaster, won't improve any of this, and will be out maneuvered and easily manipulated by especially Russia and China is correct.

What is not correct is he is some kind of Putin agent.  Your second quote above more accurately describes Hilary Clinton
The Obama/Hillary supporters never asked the question? Why is Putin such a threat? What, the improperly labeled Russian "reset button" didn't work?

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Paper*Boy on September 16, 2016, 07:22:24 AM
You are correct about the fragility of our cocoon.  The debt alone is going to destroy us unless we renege on it and bring current spending back into line with tax revenue.  Then there's the extremely poor handling of foreign policy by this president, projecting weakness around the world and encouraging the rise of those who will be our enemies when they reach certain abilities - Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Islam.

To the extent you are saying Trump is a moron, will be a disaster, won't improve any of this, and will be out maneuvered and easily manipulated by especially Russia and China is correct.

What is not correct is he is some kind of Putin agent.  Your second quote above more accurately describes Hilary Clinton

No, not some kind of Putin agent with a secret transmitter. That's almost pure Hollywood. What the KGB (insert latest acronym) does is try to influence politicians and governments in favor of Russian interests, like the CIA has at times but without any of the restraints CIA works under. They've never had much success in the U.S. until now.

To have guys like Manafort right in the ear of a presidential candidate is quite a feather in their cap. They ensured Manafort's sympathies years ago with lots of cash, knowing he could someday get into a position of real influence, like maybe White House Chief of Staff. The Russians plan ahead (that wonderful line, "The Russians don't take a dump without a plan, son" was right on) and occasionally hit paydirt.

As for Hillary, she has her weaknesses but being dumb enough to get manipulated by the Russians is barely on the list. She would never hire a Manafort or try to make excuses for one, like Trump did. Of course, this says nothing about how she would strengthen America's position around the world but being tougher than Obama and much smarter than Trump won't hurt.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on September 16, 2016, 03:42:31 PM
without any of the restraints CIA works under.

I rarely, if ever, see those two words used together. You're adorable! ;D

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 16, 2016, 03:58:27 PM
I rarely, if ever, see those two words used together. You're adorable! ;D

Not a surprise. Google Frank Church, Senate hearings, CIA and educate yourself. Your glorious leader would love to take the restraints off the CIA. Even he is more knowledgable than you on this subject.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on September 16, 2016, 04:07:56 PM
Not a surprise. Google Frank Church, Senate hearings, CIA and educate yourself. Your glorious leader would love to take the restraints off the CIA. Even he is more knowledgable than you.

Yes,, I'm familiar with Church hearings. In fact, I posted a video a couple pages ago about how it revealed how the CIA worked in collusion with major media sources to direct the message and steer us all like cattle. It's long been known that whatever the CIA can't get permission for officially is just done "off book." e.g., the Iran Contra scandal, which revealed not only the arms for hostages deal with Iran but also revealed that the CIA is one of the world's biggest drug dealers, essentially starting the crack epidemic in this country. How very naive your view is. So, before you try to engage the nation in your paranoid cold war fantasy maybe you should get your facts straight first and then attempt to be honest about them for once.

Oh, and BTW, the place the CIA was importing all that cocaine into? Mena, Arkansas where the offices of governor Bill Clinton resided and also Hillary's law firm.  ;)

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 16, 2016, 04:17:53 PM
Yes,, I'm familiar with Church hearings. In fact, I posted a video a couple pages ago about how it revealed how the CIA worked in collusion with major media sources to direct the message and steer us all like cattle. It's long been known that whatever the CIA can't get permission for officially is just done "off book." e.g., the Iran Contra scandal, which revealed not only the arms for hostages deal with Iran but also revealed that the CIA is one of the world's biggest drug dealers, essentially starting the crack epidemic in this country. How very naive your view is. So, before you try to engage the nation in your paranoid cold war fantasy maybe you should get your facts straight first and then attempt to be honest about them for once.

Oh, and BTW, the place the CIA was importing all that cocaine into? Mena, Arkansas where the offices of governor Bill Clinton resided and also Hillary's law firm.  ;)

So you already know about various CIA controversies and legislation but still you "rarely, if ever" see the words CIA and restraint used together? (How about waterboarding, does that ring a bell?)

For some reason, you feel the need to appear dumber than you actually are, which is already impressive. I know I'm impressed.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on September 16, 2016, 04:47:53 PM
So you already know about various CIA controversies and legislation but still you "rarely, if ever" see the words CIA and restraint used together? (How about waterboarding, does that ring a bell?)

For some reason, you feel the need to appear dumber than you actually are, which is already impressive. I know I'm impressed.

Yeah, how about waterboarding, Guantanamo and a myriad of foreign black sites where anything goes? Screw the Geneva Convention! The weird thing is they've had the data for years now that torture yields unreliable results. So, they must just keep doing it because they like it, I guess. And these are people you trust to form our foreign policy?!  ;D

I see that because you can't really refute what I'm saying that you're back to flinging poo again. So be it. I guess I can't expect anything more from a monkey.  :P


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 16, 2016, 03:58:27 PM
I rarely, if ever, see those two words used together. You're adorable! ;D

Hey, Jackstar

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  Adorable


Quote from: TigerLily on September 16, 2016, 05:06:34 PM
Hey, Jackstar

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  Adorable



Quote from: TigerLily on September 16, 2016, 05:06:34 PM
Hey, Jackstar

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  Adorable

Since I usually appreciate a good Jackstar post I'll just say thanks. I'm flattered. You're pretty cute too, the way you claim to be an anarchist but are supporting the biggest fascist on the ticket.  :D


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 16, 2016, 05:15:45 PM
Since I usually appreciate a good Jackstar post I'll just say thanks. I'm flattered. You're pretty cute too, the way you claim to be an anarchist but are supporting the biggest fascist on the ticket.  :D

But I'm not adorable like Jackstar always tells me? I'm crushed


Quote from: TigerLily on September 16, 2016, 05:31:48 PM
But I'm not adorable like Jackstar always tells me? I'm crushed

Typical Dem getting all caught up in semantics and losing the forest for the trees. Cute and adorable are in the same ballpark to me but if you want a promotion to adorable, fine. You're adorable!  :D

Value Of Pi

Quote from: TigerLily on September 16, 2016, 05:31:48 PM
But I'm not adorable like Jackstar always tells me? I'm crushed

Your last avatar was more adorable. Why mess with your physical presence here? (Maybe get a new hairstyle or something?) I think I warned Inglorious Bitch about showing some less adorable side of Audrey and she's chosen to stick with adorable.

A picture is worth a thousand words at least, no?

Quote from: Value Of Pi on September 16, 2016, 05:59:16 PM
Your last avatar was more adorable. Why mess with your physical presence here? (Maybe get a new hairstyle or something?) I think I warned Inglorious Bitch about showing some less adorable side of Audrey and she's chosen to stick with adorable.

I gotta agree with you, Pi.  The new photo is a bit butch not that there's anything wrong with that but TL has always struck me as a more feminine and adorable type.  Please change your avatar back, TL.

However, one small bone to pick.  When was Audrey not adorable?


Quote from: Value Of Pi on September 16, 2016, 04:07:56 PM
Not a surprise. Google Frank Church Olson, Senate hearings, CIA and educate yourself. Your glorious leader would love to take the restraints off the CIA. Even he is more knowledgable than you on this subject.

Also, keep in mind during this selection that it is now legal for the government/administration to outright use propaganda  to US citizens on our soil, the Smith-Mundt Act was, basically, eliminated. Here is an article from Foreign Policy magazine on the issue (haha the CFR is telling the American people to watch out. We live in a bizarre times in Obamaland.) That "free press" so many assume might not be so (of course well before this much of the press already was reading corporate or government press releases as new but now, if the administration or an agency wished to do so, could outright lie and put out straight propaganda to the people (the best propaganda, of course, usually has some truth or realism in it.)

what's wrong with you never seen bsg or something, Starbuck is fine af.  The crazy ones are always the hottest.

Quote from: Humilia Lepus Foramen on September 16, 2016, 06:09:15 PM
what's wrong with you never seen bsg or something, Starbuck is fine af.  The crazy ones are always the hottest.

No, I've never seen it.  I only know the old version.

Quote from: 21st Century Man on September 16, 2016, 06:11:59 PM
No, I've never seen it.  I only know the old version.

I'm not much of a TV fan, or of remakes for that matter, but this was one of the best sci-fi series of the 21st century.  Can't recommed it enough.

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