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Started by Quick Karl, June 10, 2014, 04:34:29 PM

Quote from: Quick Karl on September 03, 2014, 10:49:53 AM
Ann Coulter makes me sick to my stomach - she's a bad comic book author, sans illustrations, and nothing more.

Gee, she always says nice things about you..

Quick Karl

Quote from: Paper*Boy on September 03, 2014, 09:08:53 PM

Gee, she always says nice things about you..

;D ;D ;D

She's just a shill selling books. She tries to talk-story that appeals to non-liberals but she does more harm than good, while getting rich. She probably motivates more liberal voters that hate her than Constitutional voters that might agree with some of her points.

I see no clear way forward... These people are powered by hatred, fear, resentment, superstition, ignorance.  Killing a thousand, a hundred thousand, a million may simply generate more extremists seeking vengeance.  I was chatting with a fellow professor (he's in anthropology) who is quite leftist, and he is now advocating a massive military response against ISIS.  Can it be undertaken without equally massive casualties to innocent non-combatants? 

The Middle East is an epic cluster fuck.

Quick Karl

Quote from: West of the Rockies on September 03, 2014, 09:56:15 PM
I see no clear way forward... These people are powered by hatred, fear, resentment, superstition, ignorance.  Killing a thousand, a hundred thousand, a million may simply generate more extremists seeking vengeance.  I was chatting with a fellow professor (he's in anthropology) who is quite leftist, and he is now advocating a massive military response against ISIS.  Can it be undertaken without equally massive casualties to innocent non-combatants? 

The Middle East is an epic cluster fuck.

Do we fight or do we surrender?

This problem isn't just going to go away if they destroy Israel or oust the Saudis - they really do think they are going to take over the world and convert everyone to Islam. Failure to comprehend that is fatal.

Academics can wax endlessly about all of the betrayals the British and Americans foisted upon the Saudi Princes after they helped them defeat the Ottoman's, and the burning resentments that remained thereafter, but right now none of that matters -- either we kill more of them or they kill more of us.

This is a street fight, not a college debate.

I vote they die and we live.

Quote from: Quick Karl on September 03, 2014, 09:38:41 PM
She's just a shill selling books. She tries to talk-story that appeals to non-liberals but she does more harm than good, while getting rich. She probably motivates more liberal voters that hate her than Constitutional voters that might agree with some of her points.

It used to be the Alinsky-ites and their drones would trash Republicans and Conservatives continuously as a political tactic, and the Rs and Cs thought it was beneath their dignity to respond to such crap.  You know - the R's and Cs were racists, anti-women, hated kids and old people, wanted to pollute the air and water, and all the rest of the garbage we still hear today. 

Regardless of what you think of her, Ann Coulter was among the first to finally say the hell with that, and got down part of the way to their level and started firing back in-kind.

It really wasn't until the election of this America hater and would be dictator - and the creation of Occupy to attack and trash our cities -that a large number of others also finally said enough is enough and began to do the same. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Quick Karl on September 03, 2014, 07:45:56 PM
Whether we (the collective we) want top admit it or not, we ARE in a Religious war, and my money says they aren't going to spare your neck just because you tell them you aren't a Christian or Jew...

And you think someone who makes duck callers is the font of knowledge? We really are fucked if that's true. You're too fucking dim to realise he's advocating exactly what the ISIS murderous thugs are doing to anyone who stands in their way; Muslims included. Convert to Christianity or else? You subscribe to the same totalitarian fascism ISIS are carrying out, only with a bible instead of the Koran.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on September 03, 2014, 09:56:15 PM
I see no clear way forward... These people are powered by hatred, fear, resentment, superstition, ignorance.  Killing a thousand, a hundred thousand, a million may simply generate more extremists seeking vengeance.  I was chatting with a fellow professor (he's in anthropology) who is quite leftist, and he is now advocating a massive military response against ISIS.  Can it be undertaken without equally massive casualties to innocent non-combatants? 

The Middle East is an epic cluster fuck.
That really is the problem.  I know people who used to be for almost unlimited immigration who are now having second thoughts and are starting to support the idea of revoking passports and not allowing everybody into the country (even if they hold a passport.)  It could be that this has been a bit of a wake up call.

The only problem is that you are correct- killing huge numbers really has the possibility of strengthening them.  I look at Palestine as an example of how killing thousands over decades has worked out.

a war almost seems inevitable.  This one seems like it will have no end (has war in the middle east ever shown signs of ending?)  However, demanding conversion is simply stupid.   


Quote from: Quick Karl on September 03, 2014, 07:45:56 PM
Whether we (the collective we) want top admit it or not, we ARE in a Religious war, and my money says they aren't going to spare your neck just because you tell them you aren't a Christian or Jew...
Actually, I do consider myself a Christian.  Not the "good" kind who demands everybody convert on pain of death.  I'm also not generally judgmental enough.  I have serious flaws to be a "good Christian."  Maybe they would let me live because I am not pious enough?

I know full well that if I show up in the middle east they would have my head in a second.  I have said several times that war will be necessary.  I just do not happen to support the idea that they need to be like me in order to live.  It is easy to utter the phrase "I convert" and then build a bomb...  Or do we demand to see gifts of the spirit and wait for them to talk in tongues, prophesy, work miracles and perform healings prior to accepting that they have repented?  What do we do with them in the mean time?


Quote from: West of the Rockies on September 03, 2014, 09:56:15 PM
I see no clear way forward... These people are powered by hatred, fear, resentment, superstition, ignorance.  Killing a thousand, a hundred thousand, a million may simply generate more extremists seeking vengeance.  I was chatting with a fellow professor (he's in anthropology) who is quite leftist, and he is now advocating a massive military response against ISIS.  Can it be undertaken without equally massive casualties to innocent non-combatants? 

The Middle East is an epic cluster fuck.
It could be the only strategy to fight them is adopting the radical Muslim logic: that there are no innocent non-combatants? Which would really go against our values and result in much slaughter. But unless their society and religion evolves (think Reformation, modernization, etc like Christianity had centuries ago) and thier economy improves for the rabble in the streets I don't see how limited airstrikes and drones will solve the problem.

It is almost primitive. Kill them all or somehow get them to evolve (how to do that from the outside?), or it will continue forever. A part of me says kick them all out of Europe and the US, stop all travel to the region, and blockade (with Naval vessels, airstrikes, drones, etc.) And sanctions with anybody who trades with them. Seize the assets of the various countries held in our banks (both private and Federal Reserve banks) to help pay for the blockade. No humanitarian aid, no military sales, and no commerce with the region. Get our gas and oil from other countries (and our own reserves) and develop alternatives. Maybe coupled with limits on financial speculation in the oil& gas markets and money saved from military operations, protecting shipping lanes in the region, propping up corrupt regimes of so-called "royal houses", and "boots on the ground" the final cost for our fuel won't rise that much.

Let them kill each other off and, maybe, come back in a century and see if they have grown up.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 04, 2014, 02:18:03 AM
And you think someone who makes duck callers is the font of knowledge? We really are fucked if that's true. You're too fucking dim to realise he's advocating exactly what the ISIS murderous thugs are doing to anyone who stands in their way; Muslims included. Convert to Christianity or else? You subscribe to the same totalitarian fascism ISIS are carrying out, only with a bible instead of the Koran.

Do you want to know the funny part?  Mainstream Muslims (at least the ones I associate with) view these extremists the same way we view OUR extremists.  Those guys in the video are their version of the ignorant inbred nose-pickin hog-rapin banjo-swingin hillbilly retards that masturbate to episodes of Duck Dynasty and fellate their popguns.  Not that I am speaking of anyone specifically in this forum; just that particular species of three-toed submoron.

Their retards are braver than our retards, sadly enough.  Their retards are out there acting on their fucked up ideology, while ours sit safely at a computer and play Keyboard Kommando.

Quick Karl

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 04, 2014, 10:46:03 AM
Do you want to know the funny part?  Mainstream Muslims (at least the ones I associate with) view these extremists the same way we view OUR extremists.  Those guys in the video are their version of the ignorant inbred nose-pickin hog-rapin banjo-swingin hillbilly retards that masturbate to episodes of Duck Dynasty and fellate their popguns.  Not that I am speaking of anyone specifically in this forum; just that particular species of three-toed submorons.

Their retards are braver than our retards, sadly enough.  Their retards are out there acting on their fucked up ideology, while ours sit safely at a computer and play Keyboard Kommando.

You sound like someone called you out for being an asshole and now you're angry and cant get over it?

Quote from: Quick Karl on September 04, 2014, 10:54:25 AM
You sound like someone called you out for being an asshole and now you're angry and cant get over it?

O hai Buick!  I remember this game: peeps post their opinion about something, and you say, "So you're saying..." or "What you mean is..." or "You sound like..." and then you insert some utterly unrelated wet flatulence from that hole under your nose.  Sorry, Doris, don't have the interest to play today.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 04, 2014, 10:46:03 AM

Their retards are braver than our retards, sadly enough.  Their retards are out there acting on their fucked up ideology, while ours sit safely at a computer and play Keyboard Kommando.
You actually want people being beheaded or stuff like OKC or Sandyhook? Are you crazy? Why would you want our crazies to act out? I would much rather they sit in their bunkers in the hills and grease their guns or play Keyboard Kommando than act on their possible craziness. (Not that I think any specific posters here are crazy or would do stuff like that.)

And although I always thought it was suspicious how the FBI, ATF apparently had undercover agents at Elohim City and McVeigh was (like so many of our eventual sniper crazies) military trained, I don't want another OKC. And would've much rather McVeigh stayed playing video games or ranting at his compound.

Quote from: albrecht on September 04, 2014, 11:38:44 AM
You actually want people being beheaded or stuff like OKC or Sandyhook? Are you crazy? Why would you want our crazies to act out? I would much rather they sit in their bunkers in the hills and grease their guns or play Keyboard Kommando than act on their possible craziness. (Not that I think any specific posters here are crazy or would do stuff like that.)

I finally understand how Bill Maher felt.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 04, 2014, 11:44:23 AM
I finally understand how Bill Maher felt.
When had that long mullet and was on Murder, She Wrote and Newhart or his more modern incarnation as the cynical "comic?"

Quick Karl

Quote from: albrecht on September 04, 2014, 11:53:08 AM
When had that long mullet and was on Murder, She Wrote and Newhart or his more modern incarnation as the cynical "comic?"

Mullets and Bill Maher are cancers on the human race.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 04, 2014, 11:55:26 AM
Yeah, I remember that. I never liked the guy even when he was on tv shows, so didn't really care that much. I don't know that the act is particularly brave if your ideology is, and you truly believe, that by committing suicide by flying planes into buildings or suicide-vest bombing you are becoming a martyr, a hero to your people, your family gets a check cut to them, and you get all those virgins. Though I don't think it is bravery either to press a button in which a cruise missile is sent to kill people at some target that you might not even know. That is just a job and following orders to press that button. Fighting on the ground or hand-to-hand, on either side, is bravery even if misguided.


This sounds familiar... a brother from another mother?


Quote from: Quick Karl on September 04, 2014, 11:56:40 AM
Mullets and Bill Maher are cancers on the human race.

So is a guy who brings on a person who is famous for having a long beard and making duck calls to have a serious discussion about the rise of a dangerous terrorist group halfway around the world and the political, sociological and military ramifications surrounding the situation.


Can we just Nuke the planet and call it a day? I think we as humans are to far gone to do anything good so lets just end it with a ban!!1

Quick Karl

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 04, 2014, 07:40:23 PM
So is a guy who brings on a person who is famous for having a long beard and making duck calls to have a serious discussion about the rise of a dangerous terrorist group halfway around the world and the political, sociological and military ramifications surrounding the situation.

No different than having that discussion with you.

Are you ever going to get over the fact that I dislike you, or are you going to carry on forever?


This thread might as well be called "Fonzi  on ISIL: ‘Convert them or kill them’". Who gives a fuck about a redneck and his opinions built around a poorly translated thousands year old book.

Quote from: b_dubb on September 05, 2014, 02:33:47 AM
Who gives a fuck about a redneck and his opinions

Robertson isn't even a genuine redneck.  The whole duck dynasty thing is a sham.  Before DD Robertson was just another fungible clean cut WASP.  He and the others grew out their hair and created these characters.  And neocons, who have been scientifically proven to be stupider than other people, fell for it like it was their first sheep.

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 05, 2014, 08:06:45 AM
Robertson isn't even a genuine redneck.  The whole duck dynasty thing is a sham.  Before DD Robertson was just another fungible clean cut WASP.  He and the others grew out their hair and created these characters.  And neocons, who have been scientifically proven to be stupider than other people, fell for it like it was their first sheep.

Gee, Obama is a stupid neocon. Who`d a thunk it??


Quote from: FightTheFuture on September 05, 2014, 08:16:14 AM

Gee, Obama is a stupid neocon. Who`d a thunk it??


Unfortunately, the site will not display for me.  There are more than 30 different personal information trackers and scripts running on that site, so my browser protections won't display it.  Why does that site allow so many entities to track you, I wonder?

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 05, 2014, 08:26:05 AM
Unfortunately, the site will not display for me.  There are more than 30 different personal information trackers and scripts running on that site, so my browser protections won't display it.  Why does that site allow so many entities to track you, I wonder?

Quote from: FightTheFuture on September 05, 2014, 08:36:35 AM
I have sex with farm animals

Obama is a phony and a poser, doing things for political effect rather than sincerity.  Except when his handlers report that he watches Duck Dynasty.  That actually happened and was not pandering to the right.

Got it.

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