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Started by Quick Karl, June 10, 2014, 04:34:29 PM


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on October 28, 2014, 04:55:07 PM
A month ago, ISIS’s advance looked unstoppable. Now it’s been stopped.

Watching the news, you could be forgiven for thinking that ISIS is an unstoppable juggernaut, sweeping Iraq and Syria in an unending, unstoppable, terrible blitzkrieg.

But you'd be wrong. The truth is that ISIS's momentum is stalled: in both Iraq and Syria, the group is being beaten back at key points. There are initial signs â€" uncertain, sketchy, but hopeful â€" that the group is hurting more than you may think, and has stalled out in the war it was for so long winning. ISIS isn't close to being destroyed. But they are reeling.

This news will upset McCain and Obama. I just hope the new "rebels" we are arming will quickly increase their radicalism.



Uh-oh 404!

I guess this 19 year old mortarman, was just there to provide advice, and nothing else...


The motorman was just advising on motors or how to keep vehicles running, I assume...


Candians don't count in official tally says British official...

edit:  I apparently misrepresent motar as motar... my spelling mistake!


Nevermind, I apparently misrepresented motorman as mortarman (sp) such a rookie mistake...


Clearly, and let me be clear, no ground troops are involved therin!

Not a single motorman, or anyother vehicle mechanic...  &tc, let me be clear, or transparent, on the matter...


If you missed the PBS Frontline program on ISIS that aired Tuesday night, go watch it on the website.  It's quite informative and pulls no punches regarding the Obama WH.  It shows the depth of the snake pit we've adopted. 



Okay a nice insurance commercial to start...

first guy says from nothing (JV {sic} lowblow when was this thing produced?) to something in 12 months...  Okay...

Okay 2011 we leave Iraq as promised...

In fact in the first two minutes we have the "Iraq leaders ready to go it alone" 

So in 2011 we have Iraq ready and (I assume 2014) less twelve months so call it two years?  Is that generous?

Anyhow, on past the two minute mark...

I actually note a "PT belt" at about 00:01:49...

this already looks ridiculous...

I happened to be a fobbit in the 'stan when this all went down apparently...  sounded stupid there, and still sounds stupid...

Now around 00:02:14 a "former Iraqi gov't spokesman" chimes in...

He has something to say (note this is three years ago?)

El Presidente speaks about 00:02:20, he says something I assure you, but still about three years ago... 

Then El Presidente is cut off about 00:02:25 by some New York Times guy by the name of Micheal Gordon, who has something to say...

When he said it we are left with context...

He says what ever he says until 00:02:38 where we hear El Presedinte again...  who says some stuff, presumeably from the same time frame (circa 2011) which I note was three or four (at this point what does it matter?) anyhow, back to the piece...

Then at about 00:02:50 we cut to some PBS commentator who questions someone, let's see who it is... Oh he is a 'correspondent' named Micheal Smith...

WHO is he talking to?

Ah, somebody who voted for Obama.  (around 00:02:53-00:03:01) The guy's name is: Ali Khedry (sp) someone who was a 'senior advisor at the US Embassy in Bagdahd between the years 2003-2009" (sp)...  what's he got to say?  Wow like five or six years ago minimum!

Is this enough of a puff piece to say anything at this point?  And at this point does it matter?  I'll still watch the thing, I doubt it is laughable past the intro, but I'll give it the chance it was intended to receive...

So around 00:03:05-? we get a PBS commentator unattributed, narrator saying some stuff...  This HAS to get good...

A pic of Bagdad...  geez...  I watch and quit commentating...  Have to frame the fall of Bagdad correctly, dammit, there *I* go commentating well while I am at it, they were ready and it isn't the good ole USA's fault...

This is all apparently self evident three or four years ago BTW...

I'm done.  Hey!  Dumbass Iraqi here is the deal you have, no it's not a deal, this is what you get, quit crying.

Facts are facts, we are out of Iraq as promised...

I hit the post button, you can absorb propaganda as you like, and I will as I enjoy...  Consequences are on Malaki or whoever is/gets charge of the situation, good luck, we broke it: you paid for it...


Actually I stopped watching, it was indeed too horrible, but not in any way attributed to the uniform I once wore.  I agree Obviously, Bush's fault...


Quote from: pate on October 29, 2014, 01:51:18 PM
Actually I stopped watching, it was indeed too horrible, but not in any way attributed to the uniform I once wore.  I agree Obviously, Bush's fault...
Nevermind. Sean and Bill and Rushbo will give you The Truth.  Like they did in 2003.


You know it is a relief to hear that, I am so tired of fighting...  I will gave all I need tomorrow... when I hear about it...

More mass slaughtering of folks we worked VERY closely with in Iraq. Yay us!!

Our word and our honor means nothing, but at least we don`t have "boots on the ground." Yay!

Sleep well, barry.


Quote from: FightTheFuture on November 07, 2014, 01:34:49 PM
Drop your cocks, and grab your socks, lads; back to the sandbox for you


It's going to be a lot harder now than it needed to be

It's odd that he waited until after the election to announce (leak) this, it would have helped more than hurt his party

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: FightTheFuture on November 07, 2014, 01:34:49 PM
Drop your cocks, and grab your socks, lads; back to the sandbox for you


Make your minds up! Two months ago, you said they'd been pulled out prematurely. You either want them there, or you don't.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 07, 2014, 02:03:46 PM

Make your minds up! Two months ago, you said they'd been pulled out prematurely. You either want them there, or you don't.
Unfortunately military (in this case, really domestic political) options are often not that simple.) Arguably we should've never been there (certainly the WMDs, that are now are admitted, was not up-to-snuff as the "sexed up" intel reports had claimed. They were there but not the stuff we were looking for), but once there pulling out early and letting into go into chaos (after arming "rebels" and defecting Iraqi troops) for purely domestic political reasons and then going back in makes the job even harder. If we would've not armed rebels and not armed disloyal Iraqis and stayed we wouldn't have the ISIL/ISIS/SI or as much destabilization. Now, unfortunately, we are going to have "any war is good war at any time" McCain and this guy Obama trying to save whatever legacy he has at this point needing to prove he's tough, so look for more escalation- and a harder fight.


The eternal game of whack-a-muslim continues.  Why can't we just let them slaughter each other in peace?  I know what America will be doing when the Y3K comes. 

Quote from: VtaGeezer on November 07, 2014, 05:52:18 PM
The eternal game of whack-a-muslim continues.  Why can't we just let them slaughter each other in peace?  I know what America will be doing when the Y3K comes.

If only the world could be so simple.


The good news is that ISIL leader al-Baghdadi was critically wounded if not killed in a US airstrike near Mosul on Saturday.
The bad news is that even if we manage to destroy ISIL, it will only prolong the black comedy of Americans trying to fix the Islamic Middle East. 

ISIL is just a particularly nasty sideshow...the main event starts when the Muslim fundies in Islamabad get control of Pakistan's nukes. 


Quote from: VtaGeezer on November 09, 2014, 02:23:58 PM
The good news is that ISIL leader al-Baghdadi was critically wounded if not killed in a US airstrike near Mosul on Saturday.
The bad news is that even if we manage to destroy ISIL, it will only prolong the black comedy of Americans trying to fix the Islamic Middle East. 

ISIL is just a particularly nasty sideshow...the main event starts when the Muslim fundies in Islamabad get control of Pakistan's nukes.
Until I see his head on a pike and confirmed DNA I will not believe it. There have been too many Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and other Muslim leaders who have been "killed" or "grievously wounded" in the past- just to pop up again a few months later because intel was wrong, mistaken identity, or whatever.
But you are right, him dying doesn't fix the problem of the middle-east. And I'm guessing with McCain empowered and Obama seeking to prove he is not a Muslim sympathizer (or Muslim himself) we will still even more wars and deaths of our soldiers.


The USA has entered into a period of never ending warfare. I fucking hate it. Thanks Dubbya/Cheney/Rove you fucking asshole demons.

Quote from: b_dubb on November 09, 2014, 05:46:39 PM
The USA has entered into a period of never ending warfare. I fucking hate it. Thanks Dubbya/Cheney/Rove you fucking asshole demons.

Didn't that happen in 1941?

If ISIS hadn't attacked peaceful villages, carted the young women off as slaves and killed everyone else, and posted video of them beheading western captives, the reaction would be much different.  No one was too worried about Syria before that, or Libya post Benghazi.

Turkey has always wanted to return to ruling the lands of the old Ottoman Empire, and Persia wants to rule an Islamic caliphate.  The Sunnis will end up under Turkey and the Shia majority areas under Iran - the two of them can fight forever for all anyone cares.  By then the West won't need their oil

Hopefully, when the worst of it - ISIS, al Qaeda, etc - are marginalized, we will mostly stay out of it


Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 09, 2014, 10:49:30 PM
If ISIS cartels, corrupt officials, etc hadn't attacked peaceful villages, carted the young women off as slaves and killed everyone else, and posted video of them beheading western captives, the reaction would be much different.
Corrected. This is just around our open-border and, hopefully, they will become "dreamers" or granted amnesty!
-very F*cking Warning TO NOT LOOK:
but so much else, just another day in Ol Mexico. Let's get them here says our "Dear Leader" Obama.
(I won't even post more or even the details of the daily diseases, DUI accidents, rapes, murders, crimes, etc or mention the other costs of illegals (and some legals)...health care, schooling for their brood, court costs, prison costs, prison gangs, etc.) Let them "dream"...anything to Balkanize, sorry, "fundamentally transform" the country. Because corruption, crime, disease, and an uneducated populace will, of course, force "change."

Another video has surfaced depicting the beheading of another American. Peter Kassig, God rest his soul, was butchered by the subhuman, flea infested, savage dwellers of the desert.

How much longer will we allow these barbarians to walk the earth?

Yorkshire pud

A video posted online claims to show that Islamic State militants have killed the captured US aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig.

In the video, a masked militant stands over a severed head which he says is that of Mr Kassig.

The US says it is working to determine the authenticity of the video, which also shows a mass beheading of Syrian troops.

Mr Kassig, also known as Peter, was captured last year.

His family, who live in the US state of Indiana, said they were awaiting confirmation of the reports about their "treasured son" and had nothing more to say at this time.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: FightTheFuture on November 16, 2014, 06:38:46 AM
Another video has surfaced depicting the beheading of another American. Peter Kassig, God rest his soul, was butchered by the subhuman, flea infested, savage dwellers of the desert.

How much longer will we allow these barbarians to walk the earth?

His God is Allah; he converted to Islam. It also proves the rule that not all Muslims are bad people.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 16, 2014, 07:37:52 AM
His God is Allah; he converted to Islam. It also proves the rule that not all Muslims are bad people.
Not all bad people; just very accommodating of them.  The butchery in the name of Islam (which didn't start with ISIS) should elicit much stronger action from Muslims than a few posting selfies while solemnly proclaiming "Not in my name". There's no flood of "good" Muslims or even their donations into Iraq or Syria to fight against the barbarians who are supposedly defiling their religion.  And polls show that the numbers of "good" Muslims who support things like death for apostasy, suppression of free speech, honor killings, and more medievalism, is shocking.  You won't hear "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing” in a mosque, unless the speaker is collecting cash for an extremist group.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: VtaGeezer on November 16, 2014, 10:21:02 AM
Not all bad people; just very accommodating of them.  The butchery in the name of Islam (which didn't start with ISIS) should elicit much stronger action from Muslims than a few posting selfies while solemnly proclaiming "Not in my name". There's no flood of "good" Muslims or even their donations into Iraq or Syria to fight against the barbarians who are supposedly defiling their religion.  And polls show that the numbers of "good" Muslims who support things like death for apostasy, suppression of free speech, honor killings, and more medievalism, is shocking.  You won't hear "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing” in a mosque, unless the speaker is collecting cash for an extremist group.

I agree; I also think fear is a motivator too. We're having a problem at the moment with Muslim girls being sexually exploited but threatened with worse if they go to the police. No win situation.

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