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Yesterday, I lurked at the Nighthawk Zone

Started by MV/Liberace!, September 11, 2008, 04:49:42 PM

Quote from: starrmtn001 on March 26, 2010, 11:00:16 PM
I did years ago - and got banned soon after for making a non-offensive pun about something snoory said.  It was a Malaprop of some sort - funnier 'n hell and I said as much.  Probably the last post I ever made there.

:'( -NOT!        :D

OMFG starrmtn001 --- do you live with the cat in your avatar?! (Or are you the cat in your avatar?) That is SRSLY the most adorable pose ever. Sorry to go off-topic but I just flip-out anytime I see a cat, especially really sassy ones like the one in your avatar!


Quote from: starrmtn001 on March 26, 2010, 10:30:22 PM
The nightsuck zone has closed it's forum to pubic . . . I mean . . . public viewing.  A few days after Google's warning about computer harm, the site was up again.
Now today, this (a copy/paste from their home page):
The following errors were found:    The board administrator   requires all members to log in
You must already have registered for an account before you can log in.  If  you do not have an account, you may register by clicking the 'register'   link near the top of the screen

Wonder what they're trying to hide?    ???    ;:)   :P   

I was curious whether nightsuck zone would remember me after all of these years if I tried to re-register, you know, just for the halibut.  Here is the latest message for wanna-be nightsuckers:

         Board Message        Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature,   or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the   help files for more information.

    The error returned was:   
The board administrator   is no longer accepting any new registrations at the moment.   


Quote from: RecoveringNoorholic on April 03, 2010, 11:48:27 PM
OMFG starrmtn001 --- do you live with the cat in your avatar?! (Or are you the cat in your avatar?) That is SRSLY the most adorable pose ever. Sorry to go off-topic but I just flip-out anytime I see a cat, especially really sassy ones like the one in your avatar!

No, she's not my cat.  She's visiting while her people are on vacation.  Her name is Toast.  She will dart in front of you, just grazing your legs and feet, ergo almost tripping you if you don't let her out when she wants to go out.  Hence her name.  In the picture, she's not posing.  That's the way she sits naturally.  She's a sweetie and I love her dearly.  I am definitely a Cat person.

Quote from: starrmtn001 on April 10, 2010, 08:41:12 PM
No, she's not my cat.  She's visiting while her people are on vacation.  Her name is Toast.  She will dart in front of you, just grazing your legs and feet, ergo almost tripping you if you don't let her out when she wants to go out.  Hence her name.  In the picture, she's not posing.  That's the way she sits naturally.  She's a sweetie and I love her dearly.  I am definitely a Cat person.

WOW - cats are formal animals but that cat really has a superior sense of etiquette if she sits like that naturally.


I was a member twice and got kicked off both times for saying something negative toward noory. The person named bad boy is stupid, he repeats things said in the show like nobody has a radio. I wanted to start doing what he was doing to annoy him but I got kicked off too fast.


Quote from: hal-9000a on April 23, 2010, 10:54:45 PM
I was a member twice and got kicked off both times for saying something negative toward noory. The person named bad boy is stupid, he repeats things said in the show like nobody has a radio. I wanted to start doing what he was doing to annoy him but I got kicked off too fast.
how is it that they have a community there if 1) nobody can ever sign up and 2) they're constantly kicking people out?  is it a ghost town over there?


Quote from: MV on April 24, 2010, 05:38:31 AM
how is it that they have a community there if 1) nobody can ever sign up and 2) they're constantly kicking people out?  is it a ghost town over there?

This is the only C2C-focused forum that provides for freedom of speech (within sane boundaries).


Quote from: Marc Knight on April 24, 2010, 02:22:24 PM

This is the only C2C-focused forum that provides for freedom of speech (within sane boundaries).

HERE HERE!  I'll second that! ;D

I'd rather we talk about starrmtn001's cat some more. 



Since I made the initial post nhz has been open, closed, open, closed . . . .  Haven't checked lately so I don't know or really care what phase they're in.

MV makes a good point.  If they're not letting in new members, is it a ghost town?  Probably.  And ghost town forums usually don't last when the funds dwindle.

I like CoastGab.  It thrives!


Quote from: MV on April 24, 2010, 05:38:31 AM
how is it that they have a community there if 1) nobody can ever sign up and 2) they're constantly kicking people out?  is it a ghost town over there?
It's  not a ghost town it seems that they are all noory worshipers and if your negative toward noory then you won't last long.


The Nighthawk zone has just got to be owned and run by UFO Phil.
I remember checking out the place before I was so dismayed with Noory, and even back then I couldn't stand the postings on there.


Several years ago I got banned by BB because of something I said about him in a PM!  Yup, he is such a egotistical @$$ that he reads all "personal" (or is it "private"?) messages. 


Quote from: puddintame on May 28, 2010, 10:34:56 PM
Several years ago I got banned by BB because of something I said about him in a PM!  Yup, he is such a egotistical @$$ that he reads all "personal" (or is it "private"?) messages.

Now that you mention it, I think that happened to me too.  How paranoid does one have to be to read private messages addressed to another forum member??? >:(


Quote from: puddintame on May 28, 2010, 10:34:56 PM
Several years ago I got banned by BB because of something I said about him in a PM!  Yup, he is such a egotistical @$$ that he reads all "personal" (or is it "private"?) messages.
wow.  i'm surprised that any modern forum software would even make that possible.  maybe they're not using something particularly advanced over there.


Quote from: MV on May 30, 2010, 09:06:11 AM
wow.  i'm surprised that any modern forum software would even make that possible.  maybe they're not using something particularly advanced over there.

It was a long time ago when I was young and innocent.  Maybe he has upgraded?  But he probably wouldn't want to give up being able to snoop.  What a jerk.

I used to be a long time member over there. God help you if you say one critical thing about George Noory. Also the community over there is a little... strange... I was a member for a few months but lost interest once I saw how BB was censoring and lording over the community. I never understood why the only web community shilled was always so dead, then I realized it's because BB keeps banning people. I still show up once in awhile when Knapp is the host but that place is such a ghost town I've only been back maybe once in the last year.


Quote from: GuerrillaUnReal on June 02, 2010, 11:51:15 PM
I used to be a long time member over there. God help you if you say one critical thing about George Noory. Also the community over there is a little... strange... I was a member for a few months but lost interest once I saw how BB was censoring and lording over the community. I never understood why the only web community shilled was always so dead, then I realized it's because BB keeps banning people. I still show up once in awhile when Knapp is the host but that place is such a ghost town I've only been back maybe once in the last year.
a similar message board is the fantastic forum.  i signed up for an account there in 2006 and was banned before i even posted my first message.  it appears that the FF is pretty much dead, now.  i'm not saying coastgab is grand central station or anything, but today, we get a comparable amount of traffic... and that's a significant change for the FF.  it's pretty surprising because not only did art regularly mention that forum, but he also posted there (and i think still does from time to time).  one of the biggest problems i found with that place was the site design.  when you land there, you can't figure out wtf is going on and what the site's purpose is.  their design is totally 1998 and is in desperate need of an overhaul.  when you type fantasticforum.com into your browser, it should just land people on the message board rather than drop that 1990s dreck in your face.

You know what's interesting is I notice a dramatic decline in activity on both websites from about 2007 until now. FF is practically a ghost town as well now compared to it's peak. It's funny to go through FF's archives and watch their activity decrease as the realization that Noory was permanent set in. Not unlike how I'm sure Ancient Indian civilizations abandoned their great cities when a deadly pandemic broke out. Also NHZ which used to have a dozen or more people a night is now basically the same three or four people posting every night about how much they like Noory. Like I said those people are a little... strange. I don't think there is a definitive C2C web community anymore. They all turned on George so hardcore and eventually all of them seem to have burned out and just have remnants of former fans now. I think CoastGab is actually one of the more active ones (it shows up second in my google search for C2C forums) because of the freedom allowed here and the stream.


Quote from: GuerrillaUnReal on June 04, 2010, 07:37:43 AM
It's funny to go through FF's archives and watch their activity decrease as the realization that Noory was permanent set in.

Interesting observation.  We'll call this the "Nooron Syndrome".


Quote from: GuerrillaUnReal on June 04, 2010, 07:37:43 AM
Not unlike how I'm sure Ancient Indian civilizations abandoned their great cities when a deadly pandemic broke out.



I looked at it a few years ago, and it bored me to tears. It was so generic and vanilla. It was like a forum full of Stepford posters. The dialogue was exactly like the following example.

Cult Leader: "George just asked the guest how he was."
Person 1: "Hi, everybody."
Person 2: "Hi."
Person 3: "Hi."
Person 2: "Bye, everybody."

BTW, why does Noory still give shout-outs to dead forums each Friday night?


Quote from: Supernormal on June 13, 2010, 02:46:31 AM
I looked at it a few years ago, and it bored me to tears. It was so generic and vanilla. It was like a forum full of Stepford posters. The dialogue was exactly like the following example.

Cult Leader: "George just asked the guest how he was."
Person 1: "Hi, everybody."
Person 2: "Hi."
Person 3: "Hi."
Person 2: "Bye, everybody."

BTW, why does Noory still give shout-outs to dead forums each Friday night?

"Stepford Posters."   I love it. ;D

Wow, you sure nailed it, spot on.  I don't listed to snoory so I don't know who he shout-outs to.  I do know he won't shout-out to The Fantastic Forum.  I remember when he posted his "threat to sue" The FF simply because some of the members were posting the obvious.

What a dweeb.  George Noory Sucks and so does his Nightsuck Zone!


Quote from: starrmtn001 on June 13, 2010, 11:27:25 AM

"Stepford Posters."   I love it. ;D

Wow, you sure nailed it, spot on.  I don't listed to snoory so I don't know who he shout-outs to.  I do know he won't shout-out to The Fantastic Forum.  I remember when he posted his "threat to sue" The FF simply because some of the members were posting the obvious.

What a dweeb.  George Noory Sucks and so does his Nightsuck Zone!

Noory will have to conduct a seance if he wants to shout out to some of these forums.

Noory Voice: "Ghost whisperer, Mary Ann Winkowski, will be contacting some of our dear departed Coast boards."


Oh yeah, I tried FF also.  They have a few regulars who all know each other from their glory days.  They chat a bit, but if a newby tries to say anything, the Mod "Pal" pretty much tells you that you are off topic and that you should shut up and listen to the show.  Only they don't listen to current shows unless it is Art.  ???  The GIS voices have more to say than she allows any non-clan people to say.
All the "others" are pretty much a big nuttin' honey--zip--nada.   


Quote from: starrmtn001 on June 13, 2010, 11:27:25 AM

"Stepford Posters."   I love it. ;D

Wow, you sure nailed it, spot on.  I don't listed to snoory so I don't know who he shout-outs to.  I do know he won't shout-out to The Fantastic Forum.  I remember when he posted his "threat to sue" The FF simply because some of the members were posting the obvious.

What a dweeb.  George Noory Sucks and so does his Nightsuck Zone!

as i recall, the "lie" said about snoors at the FF was that his scifi TV show was going to be self financed.  this supposed untruth was enough to get snoors to threaten a lawsuit.  either he knows nothing about libel/slander/defamation laws and/or standards, or he thought the people running the FF were dumb enough to feel intimidated by him.

noory needs to learn that a message board is a PUBLIC forum and thus will host a number of varying ideologies, thoughts, and opinions... some of which aren't congruent with his views (or anybody else's).  kind of funny (or sad) to watch free speech threatened by someone who makes his living as a result of the freedoms affirmed by the first amendment.


Quote from: Supernormal on June 13, 2010, 02:46:31 AM
I looked at it a few years ago, and it bored me to tears. It was so generic and vanilla. It was like a forum full of Stepford posters. The dialogue was exactly like the following example.

Cult Leader: "George just asked the guest how he was."
Person 1: "Hi, everybody."
Person 2: "Hi."
Person 3: "Hi."
Person 2: "Bye, everybody."

BTW, why does Noory still give shout-outs to dead forums each Friday night?

I don't get the point of that forum.  If the guy is just writing what is being talked about there are better options, like maybe a blog or something.


Quote from: MV on June 14, 2010, 02:05:58 PM
  kind of funny (or sad) to watch free speech threatened by someone who makes his living as a result of the freedoms affirmed by the first amendment.

With all due respect Master Michael...
Can you, please, show me the section which protects "freedom to shamelessly shill with utmost mendacity"?  I believe, at least historically, that right is reserved alone to those IN power and the economic scumbags who put them there, but I may be wrong....
it happened once before many years ago and it involved "Funkytown" but I really don't wanna talk about it....


Quote from: punkinpie on June 19, 2010, 12:54:41 AM
I don't get the point of that forum.  If the guy is just writing what is being talked about there are better options, like maybe a blog or something.

It's for folks who don't have radios. ;-) To each their own.

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