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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: bateman on January 14, 2017, 10:49:49 PM
Just wrapped up the latest Martinez Tonight! and enjoyed it immensely. 10/10 would listen again.

I enjoyed it too. I need to listen to the first two shows but would prefer to torrent bootleg copies to make it feel more authentic. Stick it to the man.


Quote from: WhiteCrow on January 14, 2017, 05:33:34 PM
Pffffft.. I won't be satisfied until the Pope and the Prime Minster of Canada are wearing my Hoodies

Send them to Mad Dog Mattis.  He'll make sure those pussies wear them.


Quote from: WhiteCrow on January 14, 2017, 11:55:44 PM
Wonderful idea brig..you know I always wanted to make Nancy and Rosie proud of me..

Only if ... the circle of bust plus whatever his name .. Would encourage thier Master to make the Haven his new home. A kinder,  gentler and more compassionate Big Guy.

Unboxing and shopping tips videos for ALL the lovely Havenites.

I' m going to post  a "welcome" tune in the Haven for George. Oh boy ..I'm excited with anticipation

..Maybe Jason ...aka "The Real YouTube Star" will post in the Haven too!!!


Oh, C'mon WhiteCrow, you serve coffee in the lobby of a bank for a living, surely you can write a more enthusiastic invitation than that...

Make it sound like a dream come true, make it all bold text, make it all CAPS, post it in every thread, and make sure the Circle of Trust (+Justin), George and Jason SEE it for heavens sake.

...and be consistent, send inboxes, make phone calls, call them on Skype, offer money if you have to, never give up. Make it happen! 


Quote from: Orangey on January 14, 2017, 11:06:30 PM

For those who missed the show.


sorry pussy, but I was WORKING.  Looks like all you slackers were in the Marpenis Tonight deal while I was off Making America Great Again.


Quote from: Penis mv on January 15, 2017, 02:13:02 AM
sorry pussy, but I was WORKING.  Looks like all you slackers were in the Marpenis Tonight deal while I was off Making America Great Again.
A grateful Nation thanks you for your service.

Quote from: Jason Callan on January 14, 2017, 03:52:10 PM


For fucks sake George. Can you work harder to make a shittier video?

I know looking up all those pictures and writing jokes for them took a lot out of you but you still had more work to do. All you had to do was a bit of editing so you tell the dumb joke then show the pic, then tell a joke then show a pic and so on.
It would have been the most creative thing you have done yet.

But instead you just took a dump and filmed it. Were we really supposed to memorize your jokes then laugh when we finally saw the pics? George, you are made of fail.


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on January 15, 2017, 02:43:46 AM
For fucks sake George. Can you work harder to make a shittier video?

I know looking up all those pictures and writing jokes for them took a lot out of you but you still had more work to do. All you had to do was a bit of editing so you tell the dumb joke then show the pic, then tell a joke then show a pic and so on.
It would have been the most creative thing you have done yet.

But instead you just took a dump and filmed it. Were we really supposed to memorize your jokes then laugh when we finally saw the pics? George, you are made of fail.

EVERYTHING he touches, he DESTROYS. (Popcorn gif)


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on January 15, 2017, 02:43:46 AM
For fucks sake George. Can you work harder to make a shittier video?

I know looking up all those pictures and writing jokes for them took a lot out of you but you still had more work to do. All you had to do was a bit of editing so you tell the dumb joke then show the pic, then tell a joke then show a pic and so on.
It would have been the most creative thing you have done yet.

But instead you just took a dump and filmed it. Were we really supposed to memorize your jokes then laugh when we finally saw the pics? George, you are made of fail.

Yes, but at least he has a different facial expression in the thumbnail of each video, so that we can tell which one is which.


Quote from: brig on January 15, 2017, 02:55:58 AM
Yes, but at least he has a different facial expression in the thumbnail of each video, so that we can tell which one is which.
My my.  :o

I, for one am glad you're on our side brig.

All Hail the Annulus!


Quote from: Ciardelo on January 15, 2017, 03:06:31 AM
My my.  :o

I, for one am glad you're on our side brig.

All Hail the Annulus!

Oh yeah, I had forgotten about them.  How's Mike and Daniel doing?



Quote from: brig on January 15, 2017, 03:08:55 AM
Oh yeah, I had forgotten about them.  How's Mike and Daniel doing?

TRUST ++++

It appears Mike (with a "y" instead of "i") and Daniel (with a large gaping hole of butthurt) have both knocked off the sideshow, much to the chagrin of frequent BellGab (THE Alexander Bell Forum!) readers.

The world is a poorer place without the tightly scripted drama...also we miss the ministrations of one Lonely Laura...she took to posting racy pics for our pleasure(?).

Well no matter, one must keep their eye on the prize.

The Annulus (plus brig) stands steadfast and strong.


Quote from: Ciardelo on January 15, 2017, 03:22:50 AM
TRUST ++++

It appears Mike (with a "y" instead of "i") and Daniel (with a large gaping hole of butthurt) have both knocked off the sideshow, much to the chagrin of frequent BellGab (THE Alexander Bell Forum!) readers.

The world is a poorer place without the tightly scripted drama...also we miss the ministrations of one Lonely Laura...she took to posting racy pics for our pleasure(?).

Well no matter, one must keep their eye on the prize.

The Annulus (plus brig) stands steadfast and strong.

I appreciate the outline.  It proved to be too much for me to keep up with. I used to enjoy the back and forth between them on their original show. Even after that, for a while, the back and forth between them on their threads was entertaining, but alas, I got all caught up in the George and Jason drama now, and I'm afraid there is no going back.

Yeah, the LL thing, really, no surprises there.


Quote from: brig on January 15, 2017, 03:30:52 AM
I appreciate the outline.  It proved to be too much for me to keep up with. I used to enjoy the back and forth between them on their original show. Even after that, for a while, the back and forth between them on their threads was entertaining, but alas, I got all caught up in the George and Jason drama now, and I'm afraid there is no going back.

Yeah, the LL thing, really, no surprises there.
Obviously. Well, given the nudies she posted.


Quote from: Ciardelo on January 15, 2017, 03:35:49 AM
Obviously. Well, given the nudies she posted.

I only saw one, in the dark with very poor lighting, and much edited out. I really wasn't sure if, well, never mind.


Quote from: brig on January 15, 2017, 03:37:52 AM
I only saw one, in the dark with very poor lighting, and much edited out. I really wasn't sure if, well, never mind.
OK, sure she might have the body of a 10 year old boy, but here in the Jason Callan forum we do not engage in body shaming do we?


Quote from: Ciardelo on January 15, 2017, 03:41:00 AM
OK, sure she might have the body of a 10 year old boy, but here in the Jason Callan forum we do not engage in body shaming do we?

Of course not. We try to abide by the Rules of the Master. Try being the key word here. I blush to think how often we fail to comply with our own guide lines, as he has defined them for us.

*I think Ol Gerry would be really proud of me for saying that*.

Quote from: Ciardelo on January 15, 2017, 03:41:00 AM
OK, sure she might have the body of a 10 year old boy, but here in the Jason Callan forum we do not engage in body shaming do we?
Trump was elected, so enough of this PC crap !
body shaming, shit
hell, it is just a simple observation, when someone states
George, the fat fucktard, has spent well over 60 years to turn a body and mind into what we ALL know as a Falkie
name another, just one, that has been able to achieve such a FUCKIN warped mind and body shape as our beloved Falkie
damnit ! it takes effort to fuck up a body and mind ! effort, I say !
and nobody has every "achieved" the success our beloved Falkie has !
some have attempted, only to die by horrific methods

may I point out something
Jason is a big boy, with a very nice personality and talent
George is a MORBIDLY OBESE FAT fucktard, with NO personality at all (mental derangement etc) and absolutely NO talent
Jason = GREAT


Jason, you realize they are trying to replace senda right? Thats why they found you. You youtubers are dense as fuck. But carry on...


When senda is dead, these folks will be bored as hell. And im sure they will flood this page praising your unboxing videos. They are using you to piss off the fuck up. You are bellgabs second level. Get ready to be played.


Quote from: coaster on January 15, 2017, 07:54:36 AM
When senda is dead, these folks will be bored as hell. And im sure they will flood this page praising your unboxing videos. They are using you to piss off the fuck up. You are bellgabs second level. Get ready to be played.

Unless I'm mistaken, we are all here to piss George off. Also, I consider Jason a friend...I would never "play" him. He's genuinely a nice guy, who isn't grifting anyone.


Quote from: Chefist on January 15, 2017, 08:06:29 AM
Unless I'm mistaken, we are all here to piss George off. Also, I consider Jason a friend...I would never "play" him. He's genuinely a nice guy, who isn't grifting anyone.

You are mistaken... Sir!   fundamentally mistaken. 

Quote from: WhiteCrow on January 15, 2017, 08:18:10 AM
You are mistaken... Sir!   fundamentally mistaken.

I think you might be right. I am here to screw up Senda's grifting ways and expose them. The fact that it pisses him off is just a bonus and sometimes pissing him off causes him to screw up his plans himself.

BTW, been watching A Series Of Unfortunate Events on Netflix. I loved the books and the series is awesome.


Quote from: coaster on January 15, 2017, 07:54:36 AM
When senda is dead, these folks will be bored as hell. And im sure they will flood this page praising your unboxing videos. They are using you to piss off the fuck up. You are bellgabs second level. Get ready to be played.

Coaster, when George is gone, I'll miss him. I think I've been completely honest about my lack of interest in Jasons food, movie, and metal videos. For me, they are as boring as boring gets, the same as my own videos, but alas, I know my videos are boring and bad, so if people poke fun at them and me, it's all good, it's bellgab. I was honest about it, because I think Jason is a very nice likeable guy, and I will enjoy getting to know him as a bellgabber.  Nothing more, nothing less.  I was also being honest, even though I might be wrong, when I said I think Jason is better suited to the BellaHaven thread, than the Falkie thread, but I trust Chefist, being Jasons good friend, to know what's best for Jason. Chefist knows Jason, and he know's the posters in this thread, so I have to trust that if indeed Jason is being played by the bellgabbers, as you suggest, that Chefist and Jason are both in on the game. It's bellgab, where different strokes for different folks, is the way of the world, so I'm sure Chefist and Jason both know that different bellgabbers are here for different reasons.

All that said, even though George has left his thread, I remain here because the people of the Falkie thread, still talk about him here, and I still enjoy talking to them. This will always be the Falkie thread for me, and I doubt I will ever be a fan of Jasons videos. Georges Life Well Lived, is an unusual story that has been unfolding for a long time, and I hope will go on for a long time to come.

Do I think you are right about some bellgabbers playing Jason?  Of course there are, and of course Chefist and Jason are familiar enough with bellgab to know that.

If they aren't, I don't know what to say...

This is NOT, repeat NOT Facebook. We are not affectionately referred to as sewergab for nothing.

Nobody will ever be able to replace George as far as I'm concerned.

Quote from: coaster on January 15, 2017, 07:46:05 AM
Jason, you realize they are trying to replace senda right? Thats why they found you. You youtubers are dense as fuck. But carry on...

Nah, Jason is just the current sideshow, and he's enjoying the ride.  Falkie will endure.


Quote from: coaster on January 15, 2017, 07:54:36 AM
When senda is dead, these folks will be bored as hell. And im sure they will flood this page praising your unboxing videos. They are using you to piss off the fuck up. You are bellgabs second level. Get ready to be played.
Still here?  You should fuck off fm this thread. 

Quote from: coaster on January 15, 2017, 07:46:05 AM
Jason, you realize they are trying to replace senda right? Thats why they found you. You youtubers are dense as fuck. But carry on...

Oh, dear.

Quote from: coaster on January 15, 2017, 07:54:36 AM
When senda is dead, these folks will be bored as hell. And im sure they will flood this page praising your unboxing videos. They are using you to piss off the fuck up. You are bellgabs second level. Get ready to be played.

I wonder if Jason has checked his computer for bugs? I bet mv is watching him (as I type this) through many, well hidden,spy cameras...

Quote from: coaster on January 15, 2017, 07:54:36 AM
When senda is dead, these folks will be bored as hell. And im sure they will flood this page praising your unboxing videos. They are using you to piss off the fuck up. You are bellgabs second level. Get ready to be played.

Coaster, why don't you take some of your Jack Daniel's money and send it to Falkie for a "new electric blanket so he doesn't freeze" --- grift du joure. See how he spends your money and how he treats you and then see how you feel about that grifter.

A two-parter here as Senda tries to figure out a way to rid his devices and apartment of the cabal's bugs permanently.

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