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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on May 22, 2016, 01:56:38 PM
I have not spoken down to him so no, I am not condescending to him.

He makes his poor and criminal choices with a sound mind.

Dream brother .. in your dreams .. your world of rationalizing may me sorted out

How am I doing IB? 


Quote from: Rally Squirrel on May 22, 2016, 01:56:38 PM
I have not spoken down to him so no, I am not condescending to him.

He makes his poor and criminal choices with a sound mind.

Just what criminal choices am I making at the present time, stalker ?

Answer :


To those who keep saying I should go back to work, hear this :

I now have two crushed disks at the base of my spine.
This was told to me in February by my doctor.
I stood for about 20 minutes cleaning out shelves in my refrigerator and talking to Kathy.
When I got done my lower back was severely in pain.
I then walked to go to the bank and to feed my Orangey cat late yesterday afternoon.
When I got to where Orangey was, I could barely walk and as the evening went on it got worse to where I was shuffling and barely able to walk.
I am receiving nothing for the pain and will see next month if physical therapy will help or not.

This is for those who are so deluded as to think and to keep bringing up the bs that I am either a fraud or should go back to work.

As to my seeking " attention ", well, of course I am.

Attention gets me views.

Even the trolls, haters and stalkers watch my videos.

A lot of you waited in chat last night to hear me.

The troll Spock saw me come in under a different handle and announced it was me.
Later he inboxed me with insults.
The evil Little Chris said he called the asshole Crapist and said they were laughing their asses off at me.
I am having the last laugh.
EOD claims they did not know Crapist was calling in the show yet I have received inboxes and emails saying people felt the whole thing was fishy and suspicious.
I did not fall into their trap and disappointed the trolls and the evil Crapist.
Little Crap & Mr. Spock's inboxes are now being deleted unread.
Just keep wasting your time in writing them.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 22, 2016, 02:15:13 PM

As to my seeking " attention ", well, of course I am.

Attention gets me views.

Even the trolls, haters and stalkers watch my videos.

A lot of you waited in chat last night to hear me.

The troll Spock saw me come in under a different handle and announced it was me.
Later he inboxed me with insults.
The evil Little Chris said he called the asshole Crapist and said they were laughing their asses off at me.
I am having the last laugh.
EOD claims they did not know Crapist was calling in the show yet I have received inboxes and emails saying people felt the whole thing was fishy and suspicious.
I did not fall into their trap and disappointed the trolls and the evil Crapist.
Little Crap & Mr. Spock's inboxes are now being deleted unread.
Just keep wasting your time in writing them.

This was my point to NXOEED. The bottom line is that Chicken George really wants our attention, negative or positive.  :)


Quote from: brig on May 21, 2016, 04:07:00 AM
Then I stand corrected.  Must be that all the so called "cyber bullies" George speaks of, were very well behaved that night, and showed great restraint. Something about the FalkieCasts felt very controlled to me.   Must Just be me.

My bad.

Praise MV!

Yup, everyone who got through was put on the air.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 22, 2016, 02:15:13 PM
Just what criminal choices am I making at the present time, stalker ?

Answer :


Well, using Kathy's credit card on your PayPal is a crime and that is just one illegal thing you have confessed to recently.

How about deciding to buy a book on UFOs rather than paying a fine? That is a criminal decision.

You have made and continue to make criminal decisions.


Quote from: MV on May 22, 2016, 02:27:15 PM
Yup, everyone who got through was put on the air.

George is PISSED at you MV! Says you gave him a lemon of a computer...Do you have a response to him?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on May 22, 2016, 09:57:28 AM
Who were these messages sent to?

Quote from: chefist on May 22, 2016, 10:36:07 AM

Why is littlechris too chickenshit to post himself? I haven't forgotten about my promise to him.

Bock bock.

MR. Spock

Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 22, 2016, 02:15:13 PM
Just what criminal choices am I making at the present time, stalker ?

Answer :


To those who keep saying I should go back to work, hear this :

I now have two crushed disks at the base of my spine.
This was told to me in February by my doctor.
I stood for about 20 minutes cleaning out shelves in my refrigerator and talking to Kathy.
When I got done my lower back was severely in pain.
I then walked to go to the bank and to feed my Orangey cat late yesterday afternoon.
When I got to where Orangey was, I could barely walk and as the evening went on it got worse to where I was shuffling and barely able to walk.
I am receiving nothing for the pain and will see next month if physical therapy will help or not.

This is for those who are so deluded as to think and to keep bringing up the bs that I am either a fraud or should go back to work.

As to my seeking " attention ", well, of course I am.

Attention gets me views.

Even the trolls, haters and stalkers watch my videos.

A lot of you waited in chat last night to hear me.

The troll Spock saw me come in under a different handle and announced it was me.
Later he inboxed me with insults.
The most awesome person that is called Little Chris said he called the coolest person who is called chefist and said they were laughing their asses off at me.
I am having the last laugh.
EOD claims they did not know Crapist was calling in the show yet I have received inboxes and emails saying people felt the whole thing was fishy and suspicious.
I did not fall into their trap and disappointed the trolls and the evil Crapist.
Little Chris & Mr. Spock's inboxes are now being deleted unread.
Just keep wasting your time in writing them.
Wow Falkie why are you giving me so much power over your life. If you have a pair of balls and stayed on the line last night people would have more like you more. If you would WORK FOR YOUR MONEY you could have bought your own computer. MV was being nice to you and you took a big shit on him. Why do you treat people like shit when they are being nice to you and trying to help you out?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 22, 2016, 02:15:13 PM

To those who keep saying I should go back to work, hear this :

I now have two crushed disks at the base of my spine.
This was told to me in February by my doctor.
I stood for about 20 minutes cleaning out shelves in my refrigerator and talking to Kathy.
When I got done my lower back was severely in pain.
I then walked to go to the bank and to feed my Orangey cat late yesterday afternoon.
When I got to where Orangey was, I could barely walk and as the evening went on it got worse to where I was shuffling and barely able to walk.
I am receiving nothing for the pain and will see next month if physical therapy will help or not.

This is for those who are so deluded as to think and to keep bringing up the bs that I am either a fraud or should go back to work.

Yet here you are, able to write endless spew on and on and on.

Corona Kitty

I had no intentions to upset you George, the trolls are always on high alert if they know you are on the horizon.


Quote from: username on May 22, 2016, 04:13:08 PM
I had no intentions to upset you George, the trolls are always on high alert if they know you are on the horizon.

Well, intentions or not withstanding, it sure as hell pissed me off, didn't it ?

What you SHOULD have done before hand was told Chefist NOT to call in, and you didn't.

So you lost an opportunity to perhaps have some good radio instead of a click and dead air.

The video of my hosting EOD has over 400 views.

Don't care how many Crapist has gotten.

Pity there's no anti troll missle.

Quote from: NXOEED on May 22, 2016, 12:23:15 PM
I agree with this. I don't usually know what's happening because I'm mostly out of the loop when it comes to the things people are pissed off about around here. I don't watch the videos and have only heard the dude once on a Gabcast. I didn't really understand any of it. All I heard was a guy eating pizza and talking about people I don't know.

I see some of the things he posts and the way people respond. The anger surrounding all of this just kind of trips me out. I don't really understand how people can wish death on a guy for doing and saying things they don't like or agree with. How does it get to that point? How do people watch videos of a guy yelling or asking for money and arrive at the conclusion that he deserves to die?

I guess I just don't understand how these things escalate the way they do. You can say "I disagree with your position. Have a nice day." and that pretty much takes care of everything. There are a billion videos on Youtube that don't have that guy in them. I don't get it.

Diary of an Internet Retard

Chapter One:  Broadcast total ignorance about the subject matter.

Chapter Two:  Profess amazement at not understanding subject matter despite knowing fuck-all about it.

Chapter Three:  Engage in moral posturing about subject matter he claims not to know or understand.

Chapter Four:  Proclaim moral superiority over the rest of us peons.


Other books by the author:

How to be an Insufferable Cunt for Fun and Profit


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 22, 2016, 02:15:13 PM

As to my seeking " attention ", well, of course I am.

Attention gets me views.

Even the trolls, haters and stalkers watch my videos.

A lot of you waited in chat last night to hear me.

Well, There you have it!  Carry On BellGab !!!!

Praise MV!


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on May 22, 2016, 04:37:38 PM
Diary of an Internet Retard

Chapter One:  Broadcast total ignorance about the subject matter.

Chapter Two:  Profess amazement at not understanding subject matter despite knowing fuck-all about it.

Chapter Three:  Engage in moral posturing about subject matter he claims not to know or understand.

Chapter Four:  Proclaim moral superiority over the rest of us peons.


Other books by the author:

How to be an Insufferable Cunt for Fun and Profit

Haha cool buddy. Have a good day.


Quote from: MV on May 22, 2016, 02:27:15 PM
Yup, everyone who got through was put on the air.

Hope You're having a fun weekend MV!  Always makes me happy to see you around bellgab!

MR. Spock

Quote from: brig on May 22, 2016, 05:51:27 PM
Hope You're having a fun weekend MV!  Always makes me happy to see you around bellgab!
I do have to wonder if MV is paying Falkie to bring traffic to this forum?


Quote from: MR. Spock on May 22, 2016, 05:55:20 PM
I do have to wonder if MV is paying Falkie to bring traffic to this forum?

If he was I could fix his not working laptop but he isn't.
I've asked him for a piece of the action but he's refused.

You just keep wondering about that as others wonder about you and your derangement.

MR. Spock

Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 22, 2016, 05:56:12 PM
If he was I could fix his not working laptop but he isn't.
I've asked him for a piece of the action but he's refused.
I think that you need a lawyer for the back pay george.


Quote from: MR. Spock on May 22, 2016, 05:58:20 PM
I think that you need a lawyer for the back pay george.

Yeah, like that's gonna work.

MR. Spock

Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 22, 2016, 06:02:00 PM
Yeah, like that's gonna work.
Well George, you are bring a lot of traffic to this site and its only fair that you get your fair share of the money. I bet that you can get more income from MV then Snoory.


Quote from: MR. Spock on May 22, 2016, 06:04:37 PM
Well George, you are bring a lot of traffic to this site and its only fair that you get your fair share of the money. I bet that you can get more income from MV then Snoory.

I think Georges presence on bellgab, brings the majority of the views to Georges YouTube videos, so I think its fair.

Hope your back is feeling better today George.

Quote from: MR. Spock on May 22, 2016, 06:04:37 PM
Well George, you are bring a lot of traffic to this site and its only fair that you get your fair share of the money. I bet that you can get more income from MV then Snoory.

Damn straight, squeeze that devious cheapskate MV until he squeeks. 

Then Senda can afford to pay Trump etc. for the traffic they bring to his videos.

Senda is a 400 lb lump of walking dogshit.

MR. Spock

Quote from: brig on May 22, 2016, 06:12:18 PM
I think Georges presence on bellgab, brings the majority of the views to Georges YouTube videos, so I think its fair.

Hope your back is feeling better today George.
Yes, its for fun when his back is not killing him. I really think that MV and Falkie have a secret agreement to bring traffic to each other sites. Lets go ask Alex Jones about this subject. ;)

Quote from: brig on May 22, 2016, 06:12:18 PM
Hope your back is feeling better today George.

I hope that you die immediately from the most painful form of ass cancer imaginable, Senda.

Have you noticed that although Senda likes to flaunt his Judaism whenever he thinks it aggrandizes him, that he doesn't do one fucking thing to adhere to the practices of the religion?

Yom Kippur comes and goes every year, and it might as well be Kwanzaa for all the attention that Fatso pays to it.  He pops a chubby about Christmas, a Christian holiday, probably because he can score more handouts during that holiday season.  Not a fucking word in observance of the Day of Atonement.  Maybe because it requires atonement and repentance, which his narcissism would never stand for, and 25 hours of fasting, which his gluttony would never permit either. 


Quote from: MR. Spock on May 22, 2016, 05:55:20 PM
I do have to wonder if MV is paying Falkie to bring traffic to this forum?

I doubt it, but it has crossed my mind on a rare, frustrating occasion.  The infatuation with the character that is Falkie is beyond understanding. 


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 22, 2016, 02:15:13 PM
To those who keep saying I should go back to work, hear this :

I now have two crushed disks at the base of my spine.
This was told to me in February by my doctor.
I stood for about 20 minutes cleaning out shelves in my refrigerator and talking to Kathy.
When I got done my lower back was severely in pain.
I then walked to go to the bank and to feed my Orangey cat late yesterday afternoon.
When I got to where Orangey was, I could barely walk and as the evening went on it got worse to where I was shuffling and barely able to walk.
I am receiving nothing for the pain and will see next month if physical therapy will help or not.

No one believes any of this.  We've heard you list every ailment you can think of, every excuse, all the times you've supposedly stayed in bed for days on end or screamed in pain.

Yet there is no video evidence of any of it, in fact the videos contradict all of it. 

Being grossly fat will eventually kill you, and you at some point will begin to experience problems due to it, not the least is the inconvenience of being trapped in a cocoon of lard.  To the extent you have any ailments now, if you stopped eating huge piles of garbage and lost weight you'd feel much better.  Pretty sure your doctors have told you that during every visit.

Quote from: Defwhale on May 22, 2016, 06:29:35 PM
Pretty sure your doctors have told you that during every visit.

They sure did!

"The doctors I have seen have been kind of useless. They keep saying I have knee pain because I am too fat."

This was TEN YEARS AGO when he was trying to find a crooked doctor that would certify him as disabled.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on May 22, 2016, 02:15:13 PM
Just what criminal choices am I making at the present time, stalker ?

Answer :


To those who keep saying I should go back to work, hear this :

I now have two crushed disks at the base of my spine.
This was told to me in February by my doctor.
I stood for about 20 minutes cleaning out shelves in my refrigerator and talking to Kathy.
When I got done my lower back was severely in pain.
I then walked to go to the bank and to feed my Orangey cat late yesterday afternoon.
When I got to where Orangey was, I could barely walk and as the evening went on it got worse to where I was shuffling and barely able to walk.
I am receiving nothing for the pain and will see next month if physical therapy will help or not.

The Dr.(s) keep telling you to go to physical therapy.  YOU CHOOSE not to go. So why are seeing the Dr again in a month

ps: Where did you go to school to major in yr computer studies. You never did say.

MR. Spock

Quote from: JENX on May 22, 2016, 07:15:28 PM
The Dr.(s) keep telling you to go to physical therapy.  YOU CHOOSE not to go. So why are seeing the Dr again in a month

ps: Where did you go to school to major in yr computer studies. You never did say.
He went to American River College for computer science.

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