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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: akwilly on December 23, 2015, 08:21:17 PM
I don't ask for much. My new years resolution is to not get ass raped again.

Just when I thought this thread had hit bottom. Gees AK, sometimes thoughts are better if they stay in your head.


Quote from: GravitySucks on December 23, 2015, 08:42:00 PM
Just when I thought this thread had hit bottom. Gees AK, sometimes thoughts are better if they stay in your head.
It's still early and I haven't started drinking yet. So ya this thread can and will get worse.


In this video we see Falkie using the "up the nose" camera technique. He is talking about a cat that I think is in Guatemala or something. It is very confusing what this video is actually about.

Quote from: akwilly on December 23, 2015, 09:49:23 PM
In this video we see Falkie using the "up the nose" camera technique. He is talking about a cat that I think is in Guatemala or something. It is very confusing what this video is actually about.

He's trying to appeal to the cat lady demographic. Ratings for The Senda Show have gone down among young urban professionals 18-34 and cat ladies 55+

Because of Casio the only demo doing well is rural psychotic loners 35+

Senda the consumer advocate: Senda tells us the going rates for services offered.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 01, 2012, 12:10:43 AM
MY Mickey cat isn't telepathic. He just digs his claws into my legs when he wants his wet cat food.

$ 160 for a half hour. That's more than an escort who has a cat would charge for sex.


Could one of her " telepathic " cats read Snoory's mind and tell us all what in the hell is in there ?

Quote from: Meatie Pie on December 23, 2015, 06:07:43 PM
Merry Falkiemas.


I just remember, today is Festivus.

George was just celebrating with the airing of grievances.


George is confusing Inglorious Bitch with L. Kinch.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on December 24, 2015, 12:36:47 AM
George is confusing Inglorious Bitch with L. Kinch.
Yes he is. Poorly produced and poorly researched video.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: akwilly on December 24, 2015, 12:57:35 AM
Yes he is. Poorly produced and poorly researched video.

That's a first.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Who on December 23, 2015, 06:55:21 PM

"And there’s a guy, SredniVashtar, he of the shredded brain matter -  he’s probably got that mad cow or mad deer Encephalitis disease with holes in his brain and he makes whole posts up that’s supposedly my biography . . . "

Senda still thinks SV's Christmas Carol parody is biography??

Hey he thinks IB works at the DMV and people make things up when they quote him. It isn't a stretch that he hasn't a clue what a parody is. But STFU, it's none of your business.

It's hilarious how he accuses others of not working and then says he went to bed because his eye was sore.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 24, 2015, 02:14:47 AM
Hey he thinks IB works at the DMV and people make things up when they quote him. It isn't a stretch that he hasn't a clue what a parody is. But STFU, it's none of your business.

It's hilarious how he accuses others of not working and then says he went to bed because his eye was sore.
I hope the eye issue is not phase one of a stroke.


"And you got trolls on there.  A lot of trolls.  A lot of mean-spirited people that all they do all day . . . I mean they claim to work for a living but I see 30, 40 and 50 posts by some of these people a day.  I don’t know when the hell they have time to work.  And they’re usually attacking me or making crap up."


Quote from: akwilly on December 24, 2015, 02:25:47 AM
I hope the eye issue is not phase one of a stroke.

It's most likely a simple case of dry eye just as he was told when he called the ophthalmologist's office.  He's just milking it for all the sympathy he can get.  And he's angry he can't get in to see an ophthalmologist until next week for a free appointment because of Christmas.  They advised him to stay off his computer until he's treated but . . . what do they know?  After all, the ophthalmologist only went to university for four years, medical school for four years followed by another four years of residency in ophthalmology.  Most people would drop by the local pharmacy and buy a small bottle of artificial tears to relieve the symptoms until they can get in to see their ophthalmologist.  Not Senda.  He's got to moan, groan, bitch and make a video about it in his pajamas.


Quote from: akwilly on December 24, 2015, 02:25:47 AM
I hope the eye issue is not phase one of a stroke.

He's probably too embarrassed to tell us that he has pink eye. Pink eye results from e. coli getting in your eye.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Who on December 24, 2015, 05:53:02 AM

"And you got trolls on there.  A lot of trolls.  A lot of mean-spirited people that all they do all day . . . I mean they claim to work for a living but I see 30, 40 and 50 posts by some of these people a day.  I don’t know when the hell they have time to work.  And they’re usually attacking me or making crap up."

It's stupendous that the trusted name in journalism pauses to slake his thirst on camera mid sentence, with not so much as an 'excuse me for being rude'.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on December 24, 2015, 06:30:22 AM
He's probably too embarrassed to tell us that he has pink eye. Pink eye results from e. coli getting in your eye.

I cannot imagine why he'd suffer that; his place is spotless and he never has food all over the floor.

Quote from: Who on December 24, 2015, 05:53:02 AM
"And you got trolls on there.  A lot of trolls.  A lot of mean-spirited people that all they do all day . . . I mean they claim to work for a living but I see 30, 40 and 50 posts by some of these people a day.  I don’t know when the hell they have time to work.  And they’re usually attacking me or making crap up."

They're professional Bellgabbers and get a percentage of MV's profits. Hey Falkie, don't you have a similar deal? Send MV a PM and get started right away!


Well thank goodness, maybe if you can keep the infection going for a while you can increase your disability by adding blindness. Oh, snap, that's it! Isn't it, another payday for the falkie. Brilliant, pretty soon you will have enough scratch to buy this forum. I know that is a goal. Keep up the good work swindling.


Falkie, a normal sleep schedule should be one of your priorities in 2016.

This staying up all night business is for the birds. If you were working graveyard it would be a different story.


Quote from: Who on December 24, 2015, 07:29:17 AM

Senda reminds the trolls that the Falkie thread is his "forum."  It was created exclusively for him and his friends and supporters.

Everything is falkies, unless he has to pay for it. Then, he has this delusion that someone owes him.

Oh and one other thing.

Falkie, falkie, falkie you can add yet one more character flaw to your excuse of a life. You are a coward.

You can send any message to me in a PM that you like. However, the process for you to message me means you have to take me off ignore, then PM me, then put me back on ignore, so I can't respond. You taunt me to post that PM, you call me a liar and some variation of a weasel and also suggest I put my head up my butt and then eat my way out. Oh yes, you also mention how you are going to schoolgirl me.

Falkie, I don't watch your videos. I am not going to change that strategy. You suck in your endeavors, in your relationships, in your activities of daily life, and you especially suck in your financial well being. Worst of all, you are completely without any desire to improve your life except for magical thinking. Your chances of winning the lottery are less than getting hit by lightning, and I pray for that.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on December 24, 2015, 06:30:22 AM
He's probably too embarrassed to tell us that he has pink eye. Pink eye results from e. coli getting in your eye.

I don't think Senda is embarrassed by anything.  He's been called out any number of times for the racist comments he makes in his posts and videos ("She's not a Muslim but she is black," being the latest) and he never responds. He and Hello Kathy made a video accusing "Ratty Patty" of rape and then, within hours, he kicked Kathy out of his apartment and she moved in with her alleged rapist.  She's been there ever since.  When asked to explain himself Senda, as always, ignores the question and continues with more anti-social rants.  His brain is all output, no input.

It's okay for him to publicly accuse someone of rape but when we quote his own words we're guilty of libeling him and told to STFU.


Quote from: Who on December 24, 2015, 06:13:10 AM
Most people would drop by the local pharmacy and buy a small bottle of artificial tears to relieve the symptoms until they can get in to see their ophthalmologist.  Not Senda.  He's got to moan, groan, bitch and make a video about it in his pajamas.

I talked with him about this on the phone.   He doesn't disagree with you but he says he's broke until his next check.   He was even thinking how he could make the artificial tears with his own concoction but says he'll need a chemistry degree to mix mineral oil and distilled water, or whatever he told me the ingredients were.   So give him $8 (the walmart price) via paypal so he can go buy the stuff on his credit card already... sheesh.


Quote from: area51drone on December 24, 2015, 09:08:23 AM
I talked with him about this on the phone.   He doesn't disagree with you but he says he's broke until his next check.   He was even thinking how he could make the artificial tears with his own concoction but says he'll need a chemistry degree to mix mineral oil and distilled water, or whatever he told me the ingredients were.   So give him $8 (the walmart price) via paypal so he can go buy the stuff on his credit card already... sheesh.

There is certainly a free clinic he can visit. How come I don't need help to pay for a doctor's visit or get a prescription?


Quote from: area51drone on December 24, 2015, 09:08:23 AM
I talked with him about this on the phone.   He doesn't disagree with you but he says he's broke until his next check.   He was even thinking how he could make the artificial tears with his own concoction but says he'll need a chemistry degree to mix mineral oil and distilled water, or whatever he told me the ingredients were.   So give him $8 (the walmart price) via paypal so he can go buy the stuff on his credit card already... sheesh.

Now there's an idea.  Senda's always telling us about his credit cards.  He can just mosey on down to Walmart and buy the artificial tears with one of his credit cards.  Problem solved.  Unless . . . he's maxed them out? 

Quote from The Guy From Pittsburgh, episode #692.

“They’re sayin’ I’m spending cash.  No I’m not.  I’m buyin’ this stuff on credit and makin’ monthly payments. So uh, you know. That’s how I afford all this stuff.   I just pay ‘em 20 bucks, 25 bucks  a month, whatever the hell it is.  And I pay off the account.  In the meantime I have the use of their money and I got stuff I need - a nice warm blanket, a liner, a TV antenna that doesn't work . . ."




Quote from: onan on December 24, 2015, 09:13:27 AM
There is certainly a free clinic he can visit.

That's a good idea, I will suggest that to him if he hasn't already read your post.   Maybe they'd help him at the emergency room too, if he went in there.  Wait, I forgot, Kathy's got the car and has been bitching left and right about him lately it seems, I don't know if she'll drive him.   But he can always call 911 and get them to take him to the emergency room via ambulance.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: area51drone on December 24, 2015, 09:08:23 AM
I talked with him about this on the phone.   He doesn't disagree with you but he says he's broke until his next check.   He was even thinking how he could make the artificial tears with his own concoction but says he'll need a chemistry degree to mix mineral oil and distilled water, or whatever he told me the ingredients were.   So give him $8 (the walmart price) via paypal so he can go buy the stuff on his credit card already... sheesh.

When you talked with him, was it on the first, tenth or thirtieth time you called him that day? I'm surprised he doesn't have a chemistry degree; really surprised, hasn't he got a book or something that makes him an authority? How much are you contributing to the 'Senda wastes money and can't afford what he doesn't need anyway' fund?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 24, 2015, 09:46:58 AM
When you talked with him, was it on the first, tenth or thirtieth time you called him that day? I'm surprised he doesn't have a chemistry degree; really surprised, hasn't he got a book or something that makes him an authority? How much are you contributing to the 'Senda wastes money and can't afford what he doesn't need anyway' fund?

I called him three times total yesterday, he called me three too, I think.  Of those calls, we only spoke briefly three times:  once in the early morning, once in the evening when I was enroute to my second job, and finally as I was leaving to come home at about 1:30am.   I woke him up twice of those three calls, so he's definitely getting rest.   He has many books, and I don't know what he has on his dummies shelf, but I would NOT be surprised if he has a copy of the advanced placement version of Chemistry for Dummies.

As for my gifts to George, that's between him and I.   If he wishes to discuss the details of how much I have given him and when, that's his business.


Quote from: area51drone on December 24, 2015, 09:46:37 AM
But he can always call 911 and get them to take him to the emergency room via ambulance.

If he isn't having an emergent event 911 is completely the wrong choice. The ER for an eye infection that isn't causing blindness is the wrong choice. Not that falkie gives a shit about appropriate care.


“Speaking of Kathy, as I often do, I’m not happy today. She broke my giant, uh, plush George Noory mustache and then told me I can glue it back on . . . I’m gonna have to figure out how to fix this or go get another one.”

Source: The Guy From Pittsburgh, episode #698, Supersonic HD Digital Indoor Antenna Review

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: area51drone on December 24, 2015, 09:54:18 AM
I called him three times total yesterday, he called me three too, I think.  Of those calls, we only spoke briefly three times:  once in the early morning, once in the evening when I was enroute to my second job, and finally as I was leaving to come home at about 1:30am.   I woke him up twice of those three calls, so he's definitely getting rest.   He has many books, and I don't know what he has on his dummies shelf, but I would NOT be surprised if he has a copy of the advanced placement version of Chemistry for Dummies.

As for my gifts to George, that's between him and I.   If he wishes to discuss the details of how much I have given him and when, that's none of  his business.


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