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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on December 23, 2015, 04:41:53 AM
It's a Christmas miracle! Falkie is posting again! I wonder if he will play hide the Christmas pickle with Kathy?

If he does, and he posts a video, I will forever hold you responsible and report you. I may even never ever forgive you. So there.

Quote from: onan on December 23, 2015, 03:59:59 AM
George sent me a text too:

It's not my fault I am fat. How could I possibly know that eating too much would make me fat. My mother never told me, because she didn't want me to be successful. Beside the fact that I cry in pain like a four year old when I can't get that high calorie ice cream into my gullet fast enough, I also need money for my rent because I lost my check at 31 favors, and it really pissed me off that the people working there planned for me to lose that check. I told the manager it was their fault and I got three extra scoops of chocolate ice cream. So they know they are wrong.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil. It's just like Falkie to fight the MAN for the rights of the underdog. He is always the activist against injustice.  In this case, doing the right thing was it's own sweet reward.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 23, 2015, 04:44:54 AM

If he does, and he posts a video, I will forever hold you responsible and report you. I may even never ever forgive you. So there.

A new line of income for Falkie. He could post erm, "home movies".


Quote from: akwilly on December 22, 2015, 09:21:26 PM
Hey Falkie, you need to come back and take control of YOUR thread. Without you posting here we will never know the truth about things such as what is the status on the caregiver? How are the cats doing in the cold? What you goinga get Kathy for Xmas? Is Patty expecting you to come over for a holiday dinner? Will you ever eat another chicken? Did you get some more long johns?

Sorry but this thread is now the Re: The Specific Musings of paladin1991 thread.

Party on!


George Senda's Career Advice

Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 14, 2013, 01:27:53 AM
I've been trying to find a way to work from home for years and haven't been able to.

This has been . . . George Senda's Career Advice


George Senda: Apple Guru

Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 09, 2013, 03:20:09 AM
I couldn't use my new Imac for over a year.

This has been . . . George Senda: Apple Guru


Quote from: akwilly on December 23, 2015, 12:23:47 AM

You may print this .

Paranoid Patty got offered Chinese dinner on New Years Eve with Kathy and I paid for by me ( monthly dinner ) and have the gall to demand I leave my IPad at home ( screw that, it goes where I go 90% of the time ) or she wasn't going; then Kathy said if Patty isn't going, she wasn't either. Read her the riot act on that one and am still mad over it.

Patty out working for the day and Kathy said she was bored and missed Patty.

Questions for Senda:

Why is Kathy living with someone she accused of rape?
Why are you buying dinner for someone you and Kathy accused of rape?
Why will Kathy refuse to go to dinner if the woman she accused of rape does not go?
Why does Kathy miss the woman she accused of rape when the alleged rapist works for the day?
You accuse the Bellgab "haters" of slander and libel.  Do you know the meaning of the words slander and libel?
Are you guilty of libel (written words) and slander (spoken words) against Patty?



Good morning Senda.  This morning I thought we would talk about credibility.  Do you have credibility?  On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate your credibility?


Quote from: paladin1991 on December 23, 2015, 05:47:50 AM
Sorry but this thread is now the Re: The Specific Musings of paladin1991 thread.

Party on!

Good news! I never quite got the appeal of this thread. Seemed like a bizarre, mean spirited rant most of the time.
•   Palladin1991 â€" as a military guy how many push-ups do you think a guy should be able to knock out so as not to be considered a quantifiable wussy boy?
•   I’m 55 and can do about 20 (back straight â€" nose to ground.) Should I shoot for more though?


got another message from the falkie:

Dear onan,

Can I please suck your cock?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Albemuth on December 23, 2015, 07:49:08 AM
Good news! I never quite got the appeal of this thread. Seemed like a bizarre, mean spirited rant most of the time.
•   Palladin1991 â€" as a military guy how many push-ups do you think a guy should be able to knock out so as not to be considered a quantifiable wussy boy?
•   I’m 55 and can do about 20 (back straight â€" nose to ground.) Should I shoot for more though?

Does it consider any disabilities this generic guy has? What about blokes with no arms or bad knees that make them scream in pain?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: onan on December 23, 2015, 07:59:21 AM
got another message from the falkie:

Dear onan,

Can I please suck your cock?

You accepted his generous offer didn't you? Video later.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 23, 2015, 08:01:40 AM

Does it consider any disabilities this generic guy has? What about blokes with no arms or bad knees that make them scream in pain?

Nope, this is presuming generic guy has functional arms, legs and is not morbidly obese.

Post this :

Patty just fucked me over again.
Kathy called and said that Patty said that if I bring my IPad to New Year's Eve dinner that I was going to pay for she's not going and then Kathy said if she is not going, Kathy won't go too.
So I get to sit here alone on New Years.
I am just about to tell Kathy it's over.
I am tired of her attitude.


QuotePost this :

Patty just fucked me over again.
Kathy called and said that Patty said that if I bring my IPad to New Year's Eve dinner that I was going to pay for she's not going and then Kathy said if she is not going, Kathy won't go too.
So I get to sit here alone on New Years.
I am just about to tell Kathy it's over.
I am tired of her attitude.

Fuck, no free meal. God, how selfish can someone be? I mean who doesn't bring their Ipad to a friendly get together? Just because they are asked not to do so. Jesus, man you really have been wronged.

By the way, no you can't suck my dick. Not after I found out what a lying weasel you are. I bet someone wants to schoolgirl you right this minute.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on December 23, 2015, 10:44:00 AM
Post this :
Patty just fucked me over again.
Kathy called and said that Patty said that if I bring my IPad to New Year's Eve dinner that I was going to pay for she's not going and then Kathy said if she is not going, Kathy won't go too.
So I get to sit here alone on New Years.
I am just about to tell Kathy it's over.
I am tired of her attitude.

No one fucked you over, Senda.  As usual, you're on the verge of fucking yourself over by making another bad decision.

Leave the iPad at home and go to dinner with Kathy and Patty.  Taking an iPad to dinner is inappropriate. No one but a looney toon takes an iPad to dinner and makes videos.  No one.  Don't do it.

You told MV on the Gabcast that you have few friends left.  And now you're going to alienate two of your remaining friends and sit home all alone on New Year's Eve because they want you to leave your iPad at home? 

Senda, you are indeed your own worst enemy.

Leave the iPad at home.  Go out to dinner with Kathy and Patty and have a nice evening.


I am sure we are all as one on the Falkie thread in trying to help the old boy make an honest living and stop relying on handouts from total strangers to buy him radio subscriptions and keyboards. I was thinking that Senda could start re-enacting scenes from classic, or recent movies. I am sure we all want to see that scene in Psycho, with the part of Janet Leigh taken by the lovable Sweet Kathy. And all we need is a can of green paint and we have Shrek as played by Anthony George Senda.

I was looking at this earlier:


So, I think Falkie owes it to his fans to try and recreate this soon to be infamous scene of ursine violation. I am sure it only requires a visit to the Castro, an iPad, and a pair of assless chaps, and we will get our very own bear-rape scene.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 23, 2015, 11:08:43 AM
I am sure we are all as one on the Falkie thread in trying to help the old boy make an honest living and stop relying on handouts from total strangers to buy him radio subscriptions and keyboards. I was thinking that Senda could start re-enacting scenes from classic, or recent movies. I am sure we all want to see that scene in Psycho, with the part of Janet Leigh taken by the lovable Sweet Kathy. And all we need is a can of green paint and we have Shrek as played by Anthony George Senda.

I was looking at this earlier:


So, I think Falkie owes it to his fans to try and recreate this soon to be infamous scene of ursine violation. I am sure it only requires a visit to the Castro, an iPad, and a pair of assless chaps, and we will get our very own bear-rape scene.

Okay Mary, where's the next installment of the Christmas Carol epic? Your audience awaits.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 23, 2015, 11:13:12 AM

Okay Mary, where's the next installment of the Christmas Carol epic? Your audience awaits.


Oh alright, I'll finish the second part by tomorrow. Jesus!  >:(

I was hoping no-one noticed, or cared, and I could slide out of it.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 23, 2015, 11:16:23 AM

Oh alright, I'll finish the second part by tomorrow. Jesus!  >:(

I was hoping no-one noticed, or cared, and I could slide out of it.


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 23, 2015, 11:16:23 AM

Oh alright, I'll finish the second part by tomorrow. Jesus!  >:(

I was hoping no-one noticed, or cared, and I could slide out of it.

<sigh>....tsk.....tsk....SV; few love you in a more human and manly way than I, Paladin, RGG, Who, IB, (erm, maybe not manly, ahem), and Bellboy. And because we love you, we won't be sending one of Big Vern's lads to your place to explain your literary obligations to your 'friends' in this parish. You know 'Cheese wire' Clem isn't well read and will get frustrated trying to reiterate your past musings, and go native; even though Vern has tried to explain the difference between gentle persuasion and body exsanguination. Be a good lad.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 23, 2015, 11:25:22 AM

<sigh>....tsk.....tsk....SV; few love you in a more human and manly way than I, Paladin, RGG, Who, IB, (erm, maybe not manly, ahem), and Bellboy. And because we love you, we won't be sending one of Big Vern's lads to your place to explain your literary obligations to your 'friends' in this parish. You know 'Cheese wire' Clem isn't well read and will get frustrated trying to reiterate your past musings, and go native; even though Vern has tried to explain the difference between gentle persuasion and body exsanguination. Be a good lad.

WTF does that mean in English?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 23, 2015, 11:25:22 AM

<sigh>....tsk.....tsk....SV; few love you in a more human and manly way than I, Paladin, RGG, Who, IB, (erm, maybe not manly, ahem), and Bellboy. And because we love you, we won't be sending one of Big Vern's lads to your place to explain your literary obligations to your 'friends' in this parish. You know 'Cheese wire' Clem isn't well read and will get frustrated trying to reiterate your past musings, and go native; even though Vern has tried to explain the difference between gentle persuasion and body exsanguination. Be a good lad.

And AKWilly keeps asking to be raped too. Oh well, these things are sent to try us. I do have most of part two done, I just need to make sure that I have insulted everybody I mean to before I publish. I wouldn't want to let anyone down.


Quote from: GravitySucks on December 23, 2015, 11:28:04 AM
WTF does that mean in English?

It means SV has 24 hours to deliver the goods.  Or else.

Until then, make do with this. Kapish?


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 23, 2015, 11:30:18 AM
And AKWilly keeps asking to be raped too. Oh well, these things are sent to try us. I do have most of part two done, I just need to make sure that I have insulted everybody I mean to before I publish. I wouldn't want to let anyone down.

You might need a rewrite in places to take account of the newcomers in the last two/three weeks. They'll get the joke; probably.


Quote from: GravitySucks on December 23, 2015, 11:28:04 AM
WTF does that mean in English?

It means I will have you going down and dirty on Sweet Kathy if you don't shut up and stop asking awkward questions. And her douching skills have been on a par with her housekeeping abilities.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 23, 2015, 11:37:34 AM
It means I will have you going down and dirty on Sweet Kathy if you don't shut up and stop asking awkward questions. And her douching skills have been on a par with her housekeeping abilities.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 23, 2015, 11:37:34 AM
It means I will have you going down and dirty on Sweet Kathy if you don't shut up and stop asking awkward questions. And her douching skills have been on a par with her housekeeping abilities.

Sitting up straight and sealing my lips with duct tape sir. Mummy used to use athletic tape, but I have found duct tape lasts longer.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on December 23, 2015, 11:16:23 AM

Oh alright, I'll finish the second part by tomorrow. Jesus!  >:(

I was hoping no-one noticed, or cared, and I could slide out of it.

We compel you to finish it.

The Power of Bellgab compels you!


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