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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

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647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 03, 2015, 11:18:51 PM
Someone's head on a tummy is heavy AND frequently Boop is lying on Kathy's pillow, Boop's pillow or sleeping on her head while she is sleeping.
Fluffy has now started coming on the bed and sleeping next to me and I've missed that a lot. There's no room on this bed for her to put her head on me and if she were to move it upsets the cats.
My naps are now primarily done because I didn't get enough or any sleep the night before. I got one hour of sleep this morning, none last night and after I paid my rent and went to U Haul ( among other places ), I came home and got 3 hours sleep as did Kathy.
Tomorrow we move all the crap out of Patty's and will have to move stuff around to get everything into storage and go home hot and sweaty and done with the woman.
Next week is my re-inspection.
After that we go and report Patty to housing and other authorities.
Patty is also in default of a student loan that she took out and gave the proceeds to her daughter.
There will also be a revelation about Patty's ex-husband which was NEVER told to Drone so he can't do his bs " source " again crap.
Hey Falkie, have you considered selling the Lexus and getting a minivan? It seems to make sense in so that you wouldn't have to keep renting U Hauls and also it would be a nice place to nap in.

Quote from: area51drone on September 03, 2015, 07:28:25 PM
I don't know anything more about it than what I've already said.   The source was NOT LittleChris.  The only involvement LC had in this is the potential to report on it.  Secondly, LC refused to report on it unless he had some sort of independent verification.   Everything I said in my statement is true, OLG, you have to believe me that what *I* said was true.     I told you George's response, initially it was to have a 5 minute pow wow with Kathy, to come back and then say "they must be guessing, no one else could possibly know" and then to say only "no comment" if there was to be an article about it.    You can take that for what it is, if you want to believe Shit-fuck Senda's girlfriend DID NOT do that, you do so at your own peril.   I believe when it finally comes out it will vindicate everything I have said.  Of course, now that I've said it they probably won't admit it.    But I have alternate proof of Kathy's behavior, so I don't really give a shit.

I guess I read too much into the way your post was worded.  I also know that George and Kathy have been upset with LittleChris due to the "fan" blog site.  If I was wrong about LittleChris being your anonymous source, then I can own up to it, and I hereby apologize to him here publicly.  It is what it is.  So be it, Drone.

LittleChris knows how to reach me off of BellGab if he needs to.  Sorry for the misunderstanding, LC. 

I hope we can all learn who this "anonymous source" of Drone's is shortly.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 03, 2015, 09:44:39 PM
I installed the software that supposedly would allow me to stream live on my Imac. It installed but when I clicked on it in Applications it does not work and I do NOT have 2-400 to pay for such an application. Yet...

You don't need special software to stream live from an iMac, Falkie!  Just use YouTube!

Quote from: Jocko Johnson on September 03, 2015, 11:18:58 PM
Hey SLOB-O guess what...OLG is fucking with you too. No one here is your real friend, just like you aren't and are just trying to get whatever you can, we...OLG included are playing you for entertainment.  I've told you over and over, you are a joke, a clown. A real scumbag. You reap what you sow, you thieving dirtbag.

I don't know where this is coming from.  Have you got an "anonymous source" too?  Good thing I didn't PM you all of the personal info you requested back in July, huh?  Have a nice night, my friend.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 03, 2015, 11:18:51 PM
Someone's head on a tummy is heavy AND frequently Boop is lying on Kathy's pillow, Boop's pillow or sleeping on her head while she is sleeping.
Fluffy has now started coming on the bed and sleeping next to me and I've missed that a lot. There's no room on this bed for her to put her head on me and if she were to move it upsets the cats.
My naps are now primarily done because I didn't get enough or any sleep the night before. I got one hour of sleep this morning, none last night and after I paid my rent and went to U Haul ( among other places ), I came home and got 3 hours sleep as did Kathy.
Tomorrow we move all the crap out of Patty's and will have to move stuff around to get everything into storage and go home hot and sweaty and done with the woman.
Next week is my re-inspection.
After that we go and report Patty to housing and other authorities.
Patty is also in default of a student loan that she took out and gave the proceeds to her daughter.
There will also be a revelation about Patty's ex-husband which was NEVER told to Drone so he can't do his bs " source " again crap.

I hope Patty reports you 2 disgusting swines, a long list - starting with driving without license.


Quote from: akwilly on September 03, 2015, 08:06:31 PM
Photo would be nice to have, only because sometimes I take a viagra thinking I have a sure thing, but when it dosn't work out it would be nice to stare at a Kathy nude photo to kinda talk me down.

Ain't going to be no nude photos of Kathy or me on here or anywhere else.
If it were possible to do so I'd post a nude pic of Patty but it would probably shatter my Ipad lens, crash the internet, make me go totally blind and make you forgo sex ... forever.
But just to make you happy here's a picture of Kathy and Patty in the background and one of those very special women that may be frequenting YOUR local Walmart. ;)
Patty is sitting down and you can see her legs and thunder thighs.
She's wearing pink.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on September 04, 2015, 12:05:05 AM
I don't know where this is coming from.  Have you got an "anonymous source" too?  Good thing I didn't PM you all of the personal info you requested back in July, huh?  Have a nice night, my friend.

Fuck off, Jockoff.
At one time you were friendly towards me and then got a New York bedbug up your ass and every damned post is an attack.
I've done nothing to you and don't deserve the treatment from you.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 12:27:16 AM
Fuck off, Jockoff.
At one time you were friendly towards me and then got a New York bedbug up your ass and every damned post is an attack.
I've done nothing to you and don't deserve the treatment from you.

Definitely, there is market for "Quoting the correct post for dummies".


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 12:24:49 AM
Ain't going to be no nude photos of Kathy or me on here or anywhere else.
If it were possible to do so I'd post a nude pic of Patty but it would probably shatter my Ipad lens, crash the internet, make me go totally blind and make you forgo sex ... forever.
But just to make you happy here's a picture of Kathy and Patty in the background and one of those very special women that may be frequenting YOUR local Walmart. ;)
Patty is sitting down and you can see her legs and thunder thighs.
She's wearing pink.
Wow thanks Falkie, I needed that. It makes me appreciate the ugly ass women we have here in Alaska even more.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 03, 2015, 09:44:39 PM
As happens so often, Drone changes the truth to suit his own ends.

Everything I have written in the last couple of days has been accurate in terms of how things have gone down with George.   Everything was presented as a rumor to him, his reactions were as said and you all can gauge whether or not to believe any rumors based on his reactions.   I never said any of it was fact, only that based on Senda's and Kathy's reactions, it appeared to me personally that the rumor had some validity.    You all make your own conclusions.

With that said, my personal opinion, George, is that you are a CONTROLLING, MANIPULATIVE ASS WIPE.   All anyone has to do is look at the video where you grill Cockroach Kathy in front of the closet.    The FACT is that you DEMANDED I watch your videos before I watch anyone else's, and you were IRATE that I would even think about watching a Casio video before yours.   Think about that...   WATCH a Casio video over YOUR video.   Oh no, the horror!    Nothing about associating with Casio was even mentioned by you, and rightfully so -  you know exactly why it is I speak with him, as does everyone else and it doesn't even bear mentioning again.    It was about YOU TRYING TO CONTROL ME.    I'm done playing along with your game and it's time you get called out for what you are.   LittleChris was right for leaving the brand ... everything you do DESTROYS and you take absolutely ZERO RESPONSIBILITY for anything, including the pain and suffering you admitted to me that you inflicted upon your own mother.    No, you would  never admit that you pained the woman, of course YOU ARE ALWAYS THE VICTIM, but in your own words about what she said about you her pain comes through.   She was EMBARRASSED BY YOU.   She called you a fat tub of worthless shit because that's exactly what you are!   Your own mother tried to help you and you completely ignore it to this day.   GROW THE FUCK UP.    Quit calling Cockroach Kathy your "GIRLFRIEND" when really all she is is your SLAVE.   You control the fuck out of that woman, and after hearing you hit her on the phone - and YOU KNOW HIT HER, EVEN IF YOU CLAIM IT WAS JUST IN FUN.   Remember the time Patty smashed the UHaul, and you told me that both Patty and Kathy were two stupid dumbshits?   You said you couldn't stand Kathy's stupidity?   Does that sound like the words of a real "boyfriend"?   

My parents are around your age, Falkfuck.   I cannot imagine them EVER acting as childish and irresponsibly as you do, let alone go and publish it out on the internet for everyone to see!    99.9% of adults your age would LAUGH IN YOUR FACE if they knew all the shit you did publicly, let alone all the shit you've told me privately.    Noory is a really nice guy in my opinion for even treating you like a decent human being... especially after you called him... what was it.. . "George Noory is a terrible broadcaster, and a terrible human being."    I hope to fucking god that he is just pulling your chain for fun.   If not, I hope he learns the truth about you and drops you like the rock you are.   You bring everyone around you down.

Bags packed yet, Georgy?   How is the Cockroach master's packing coming along?


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on September 04, 2015, 12:05:05 AM
I don't know where this is coming from.  Have you got an "anonymous source" too?  Good thing I didn't PM you all of the personal info you requested back in July, huh?  Have a nice night, my friend.

OLG, don't worry, you are teflon now.  Especially once George started this war, you're his only "friend" so you really can't do anything wrong.    You're pretty much in the position I was with George a while back, where he started to try to control LittleChris, and began making up lies about him.   LC demanded an apology which never came to this day.   Don't worry, at some point George will treat you exactly the same way.   But of course you know this, as we discussed it when I came up for the visit before your surgery.    I can say it publicly with George's full knowledge because I already know what he's going to say to you in private.   He's going to say what a dick he thinks I am and how you and he are good and how he would never treat people poorly, etc etc.   He'll start bad mouthing me excessively and come up with some kind of name for me like he did with the rest of the detractors.   The cycle will continue.  George will attempt to leave a destructive wake.     But this time he really fucked up.   I have all the goods on him and he's going down.   And he knows it.   He should be running really fucking scared right now.  The more he posts lies about me, the deeper I will reach.


Quote from: SnapT on September 04, 2015, 12:03:30 AM
You don't need special software to stream live from an iMac, Falkie!  Just use YouTube!

Falkie couldn't click his way out of a box if each side had a big button that said "click me to open."   Forget him figuring out how to do a live streaming show.  He can barely manage the videos on his hard drive.


"AND frequently Boop is lying on Kathy's pillow..or sleeping on her head while she is sleeping."

Are you sure Boop is not confusing her head with his liter box?

Maybe Boop is not sure where to Poop.... (see what did there, its poetry)


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 12:24:49 AM
Ain't going to be no nude photos of Kathy or me on here or anywhere else.
If it were possible to do so I'd post a nude pic of Patty but it would probably shatter my Ipad lens, crash the internet, make me go totally blind and make you forgo sex ... forever.
But just to make you happy here's a picture of Kathy and Patty in the background and one of those very special women that may be frequenting YOUR local Walmart. ;)
Patty is sitting down and you can see her legs and thunder thighs.
She's wearing pink.

Actually I think Patty is hotter than Kathy, she has a much better face and also looks cleaned up maybe she can give her friend K some lessons in grooming before you 2 try to ruin her life.   How about you just take your shit and drop all your stupid feuds and go find some work and get a life....

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 03, 2015, 09:44:39 PM

Kathy has said repeatedly that the bruise on her face is due to her sleeping face down on her stomach.
It is NOT due to my beating her, being raped or any external force other than her moving her head back and forth while she sleeps.

Uh, Falkie I sleep mostly on my stomach and side (and in the fetal position if I read this thread right before bed) and I don't have bruises on my face. Nor do I have them on my side or arms. By your definition then, everyone should have bruises on their backs and asses from sleeping on their backs. That's not how it works. Well, some people like DPS may wake up with bruises on their ass, but that's from something else.  ;)

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 12:27:16 AM
got a New York bedbug up your ass

Hey, hey, hey! What did NY ever do to you? I'll have you know we NY'ers are a magnificent bunch. Sure we don't make eye contact on the street and if we do it's to give someone resting bitch face or a dirty look. And sure, the rumors of some of us taking a selfie with a body lying in the street instead of calling the cops may be true, but it doesn't mean we are a cruel or coldhearted bunch.


Quote from: area51drone on September 04, 2015, 05:27:55 AM
Everything I have written in the last couple of days has been accurate in terms of how things have gone down with George.   Everything was presented as a rumor to him, his reactions were as said and you all can gauge whether or not to believe any rumors based on his reactions.   I never said any of it was fact, only that based on Senda's and Kathy's reactions, it appeared to me personally that the rumor had some validity.    You all make your own conclusions.

With that said, my personal opinion, George, is that you are a CONTROLLING, MANIPULATIVE ASS WIPE.   All anyone has to do is look at the video where you grill Cockroach Kathy in front of the closet.    The FACT is that you DEMANDED I watch your videos before I watch anyone else's, and you were IRATE that I would even think about watching a Casio video before yours.   Think about that...   WATCH a Casio video over YOUR video.   Oh no, the horror!    Nothing about associating with Casio was even mentioned by you, and rightfully so -  you know exactly why it is I speak with him, as does everyone else and it doesn't even bear mentioning again.    It was about YOU TRYING TO CONTROL ME.    I'm done playing along with your game and it's time you get called out for what you are.   LittleChris was right for leaving the brand ... everything you do DESTROYS and you take absolutely ZERO RESPONSIBILITY for anything, including the pain and suffering you admitted to me that you inflicted upon your own mother.    No, you would  never admit that you pained the woman, of course YOU ARE ALWAYS THE VICTIM, but in your own words about what she said about you her pain comes through.   She was EMBARRASSED BY YOU.   She called you a fat tub of worthless shit because that's exactly what you are!   Your own mother tried to help you and you completely ignore it to this day.   GROW THE FUCK UP.    Quit calling Cockroach Kathy your "GIRLFRIEND" when really all she is is your SLAVE.   You control the fuck out of that woman, and after hearing you hit her on the phone - and YOU KNOW HIT HER, EVEN IF YOU CLAIM IT WAS JUST IN FUN.   Remember the time Patty smashed the UHaul, and you told me that both Patty and Kathy were two stupid dumbshits?   You said you couldn't stand Kathy's stupidity?   Does that sound like the words of a real "boyfriend"?   

My parents are around your age, Falkfuck.   I cannot imagine them EVER acting as childish and irresponsibly as you do, let alone go and publish it out on the internet for everyone to see!    99.9% of adults your age would LAUGH IN YOUR FACE if they knew all the shit you did publicly, let alone all the shit you've told me privately.    Noory is a really nice guy in my opinion for even treating you like a decent human being... especially after you called him... what was it.. . "George Noory is a terrible broadcaster, and a terrible human being."    I hope to fucking god that he is just pulling your chain for fun.   If not, I hope he learns the truth about you and drops you like the rock you are.   You bring everyone around you down.

Bags packed yet, Georgy?   How is the Cockroach master's packing coming along?

I didn't start any war. YOU did. I sent you and email saying for you to just leave me alone and that I did not want any war.
But you being the child man you are, could not leave it at that.
You refer to a video where you say I said things about Noory. Post the damned video so I can hear it for myself or shut up about it. With over 400+ videos, I cannot possibly recall every single phrase I said about the man. months and even years later.
Noory has seen every video I have ever done and has no problem with it, so why do you and others obsess about it ?
We have discussed the topics I covered in the videos and he understands my past positions.
Furthermore, as is so often the case in dealing with you and your evil puppet master Big Shits, you take things out of context and make things up to bolster your position when you've been caught in a bald face lie.
You mention that adults would not do the things I do.
Would a responsible adult ask any woman, much less my girlfriend ( and she is my girlfriend, no matter what you may think in your deranged mind ) " What is the biggest object you've ever put up your ass ? " to her face in Google+ chat ?
But that is the kind of disgusting stuff you would come up with continually and when you were slapped down over it, you'd cart out your childish " I'm sorry George or I'm sorry Kathy
" stuff and beg forgiveness like you did the last time you insulted her & it got to the point where she refused to talk to you because she was so angry over the kind of suggestions you would make, like having her eat on camera knowing that I told you no, because scum like Bart Ell and DPS would edit it to make her look like she was performing oral sex or worse.
Any time you got called on this stuff or got slapped down for it, you'd deny you even said it, like when you said Big Shits suggested the above in an email.
As for my Mother, you have no idea the impediments she put in my way over 60 years. You also have no idea of the hell my Father put both me and my sister through.
How many Fathers get drunk and burn down the family hunting lodge and house on 2 seperate occasions leaving us homeless ?
Mine did.
How many Father's get drunk and sell a brand new car worth $3k and leave my Mother to walk to and from work in Las Vegas in 100+ degree heat and then disappear out of the state ?
Mine did.
How many Fathers get not only themselves but their 10 year old son DEPORTED from Canada after being left by the RCMP at the Toronto airport for 2 days and that son being bewildered about why HE was being deported as well ?
Mine did.
There are some things I could tell but can't.
It was a carrot and stick act with her. She killed my pets when I was a child. Threw out a huge comics collection that would be worth millions today and another collection of science fiction worth thousands while I was attending high school. I finally got a court to declare me an emancipated minor at 17 1/2 and made the HUGE mistake of going back to her because she begged me to because of my drunken Father, whom she refused to divorce and near the end of his life, he got drunk and tried to strangle her to death and I had to defend her by beating him off with canes out of sheer rage over his treatment of the whole family over the years.
She got me fired from jobs by screaming at operators, made promises to pay me for taking care of her when she was hospitalized and never paid me, yet I was expected to drop everything in MY life and attend to her when the rest of the family had been so alienated against her that some, including my sister did not talk to her for 5 years because of her continual interference in their lives. I was told to go back to school and she would pay me for the loss of wages by my cutting hours at work. That promise led me to being fired as my manager would not let me work part time. I then went to college full time and saw exactly one small check then nothing for my trouble.
The same happened when she demanded I get a cell phone and she would pay for it so she could be in contact with me in case of cardiac emergency of hers and then refused to pay for it once she saw the first bill, thus leaving me with a contract for a phone I neither needed or wanted at the time.
I became homeless because of it because she would not allow me to go home and I had to stay in her apartment for 30 days and did not pay my rent and was evicted.
She made me stay over for 4 days once for the High Holydays and my 2 cats disappeared during that time, never to be found.
She even interferred in my life when she was a guest in my home and was told to leave by my wife after 2 days because my wife had had it with her domineering behavior.
In 1996. my Mother sold all her stuff and went back to Pittsburgh and was supposed to move in with my niece. She caused so much dissension within the family that after 2 days, they took her to the airport and told her to leave town.
She interfered with male and female friends I had, called Kathy a hussy and worse after Kathy dared to stand up to her and defend me during one of her tirades against me in a car returning from a visit to friends of my Mother's while those friends sat speechless wondering what in the hell prompted an unprovoked verbal attack.
She even accused Kathy of making long distance phone calls to her number in the middle of the night and waking her up ( a preposterous thing given the expense of a call from the East Bay to SF back then ) and finally shut up about that when I proved Kathy could not have been calling her at the time she said because she and I were sitting watching a movie.
She bitched about fans in my apartment, my cats, my reading books to and from on Bart, she even told my Grandnephew Max, how to eat when he and his parents drove 3,000+ miles for a visit. My niece's protestation over this was completely ignored.
My Mother even complained when I took a side trip after Maria, Max and Mark and I went to the California Academy of Sciences and I decided to show them the Coast Highway, the Pacific Ocean, the Golden Gate Bridge and the Presidio. They had not seen any of it before and were quite happy about it, but my Mother, as usual made it all about her and how dare I keep her waiting. So much for making my relatives happy, 2 of whom I have never met.
There is much more I could tell you and much that Kathy witnessed over 38 years but she will address that in a video soon.
My Mother was verbally and physically abused by her parents and abused both her children verbally and otherwise as well as her second husband. When he died, she transferred much of the hate she felt toward him to me even when I had NO contact with her for months and years at a time. She was never happy with anything I did, all the way back to early childhood. I could not meet her warped idea of behavior, no one could. My sister told her to stop telling her how to raise her children & that's why she didn't talk to her.
She even tried to tell a woman's baby how to walk in the waiting room when I had my sinus surgery years ago. Kathy was there when she did it and the Mother got furious over it.
My Mother was a control freak and even a psychiatrist told her when I was 14, that * I * was not the problem and that a lot of the things I was doing was a child doing child and boy stuff and that she was THE problem. My Mother, one who could never tolerate criticism immediately objected to it in an angry manner asking if the doctor was saying she was a bad Mother and the doctor said yes and that she needed to let me grow up on my own. She couldn't let me do that. And would never acknowledge in her life that she could be wrong in anything.
As for Casio, you full know my feelings toward him and I had expressed them many times and for you to say I never said not to contact him is a baldfaced lie. I told you to leave him alone and that your contacting him would cause problems for me. You also maintained that you did not give him my unlisted phone number. Since it was NOT on my computer, there are only 2 people who could have had that information which was passed on to Casio via Big Shits, you and Cunandero81, who is out of the country a lot and would have no reason to contact Casio.
As for my saying stuff about Patty. There is much I do not like about the woman with justification as will also be revealed.
If I said anything against Kathy it was and is out of frustration because she has this stubborn streak where she does what she wants, no matter if it causes problems for me.
The night I had to take her aside, I spent 5-10 minutes reading her the riot act about how this is MY apartment and that she is and was not going to turn it into a trash heap after I had busted my ass to clean it up and that she needed to abide by my rules or find somewhere else to stay as I had finally had it with her backtalking, insults and refusual to help me out in the apartment. Even little things like turning the lights off when she leaves the room, get rude comments and I'm tired of it and my increased electric bill since she has been here reflects it. She now has an understanding of where I am coming from since I was quite firm with her about it and that a change had to be made or else.
She now realizes she can't use me for a doormat when she is living here out of the goodness of my heart.
I am glad you have living parents, but that's irrelevant to YOUR actions.
You pissed off my girlfriend, who except when she gets angry at someone, is willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Not once but many times.
She and I have been together on and off for 38 years. We love each other. We play around in ways you or anyone else would WRONGLY interpret as abuse. We have this tap each other the hardest game until one of us gives up. Sometimes one of us gets carried away and sometimes I have had to grab her hands to get her to stop. Its more like the 3 stooges than any abuse. But you're not here to see the dynamics of what goes on, are you ?
Our two remaining friends have known us for 38 years and longer. They know we are a couple no matter what you or anyone on this board think.
And Kathy is furious over you calling her Cockroach Kathy. She will address that and other issues in a special ALL ABOUT DRONE video this weekend.
Kathy is still looking for a place. We go to Patty's within the hour. I've not slept again all night and all will be revealed this weekend in several videos.
But going back to this war bs. I just wanted to leave me the hell alone.
And you being a drama king could not leave it at that and leave me aand Kathy alone for good.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 07:47:14 AM
I didn't start any war. YOU did. I sent you and email saying for you to just leave me alone and that I did not want any war.
But you being the child man you are, could not leave it at that.
You refer to a video where you say I said things about Noory. Post the damned video so I can hear it for myself or shut up about it. With over 400+ videos, I cannot possibly recall every single phrase I said about the man. months and even years later.
Noory has seen every video I have ever done and has no problem with it, so why do you and others obsess about it ?
We have discussed the topics I covered in the videos and he understands my past positions.
Furthermore, as is so often the case in dealing with you and your evil puppet master Big Shits, you take things out of context and make things up to bolster your position when you've been caught in a bald face lie.
You mention that adults would not do the things I do.
Would a responsible adult ask any woman, much less my girlfriend ( and she is my girlfriend, no matter what you may think in your deranged mind ) " What is the biggest object you've ever put up your ass ? " to her face in Google+ chat ?
But that is the kind of disgusting stuff you would come up with continually and when you were slapped down over it, you'd cart out your childish " I'm sorry George or I'm sorry Kathy
" stuff and beg forgiveness like you did the last time you insulted her & it got to the point where she refused to talk to you because she was so angry over the kind of suggestions you would make, like having her eat on camera knowing that I told you no, because scum like Bart Ell and DPS would edit it to make her look like she was performing oral sex or worse.
Any time you got called on this stuff or got slapped down for it, you'd deny you even said it, like when you said Big Shits suggested the above in an email.
As for my Mother, you have no idea the impediments she put in my way over 60 years. You also have no idea of the hell my Father put both me and my sister through.
How many Fathers get drunk and burn down the family hunting lodge and house on 2 seperate occasions leaving us homeless ?
Mine did.
How many Father's get drunk and sell a brand new car worth $3k and leave my Mother to walk to and from work in Las Vegas in 100+ degree heat and then disappear out of the state ?
Mine did.
How many Fathers get not only themselves but their 10 year old son DEPORTED from Canada after being left by the RCMP at the Toronto airport for 2 days and that son being bewildered about why HE was being deported as well ?
Mine did.
There are some things I could tell but can't.
It was a carrot and stick act with her. She killed my pets when I was a child. Threw out a huge comics collection that would be worth millions today and another collection of science fiction worth thousands while I was attending high school. I finally got a court to declare me an emancipated minor at 17 1/2 and made the HUGE mistake of going back to her because she begged me to because of my drunken Father, whom she refused to divorce and near the end of his life, he got drunk and tried to strangle her to death and I had to defend her by beating him off with canes out of sheer rage over his treatment of the whole family over the years.
She got me fired from jobs by screaming at operators, made promises to pay me for taking care of her when she was hospitalized and never paid me, yet I was expected to drop everything in MY life and attend to her when the rest of the family had been so alienated against her that some, including my sister did not talk to her for 5 years because of her continual interference in their lives. I was told to go back to school and she would pay me for the loss of wages by my cutting hours at work. That promise led me to being fired as my manager would not let me work part time. I then went to college full time and saw exactly one small check then nothing for my trouble.
The same happened when she demanded I get a cell phone and she would pay for it so she could be in contact with me in case of cardiac emergency of hers and then refused to pay for it once she saw the first bill, thus leaving me with a contract for a phone I neither needed or wanted at the time.
I became homeless because of it because she would not allow me to go home and I had to stay in her apartment for 30 days and did not pay my rent and was evicted.
She made me stay over for 4 days once for the High Holydays and my 2 cats disappeared during that time, never to be found.
She even interferred in my life when she was a guest in my home and was told to leave by my wife after 2 days because my wife had had it with her domineering behavior.
In 1996. my Mother sold all her stuff and went back to Pittsburgh and was supposed to move in with my niece. She caused so much dissension within the family that after 2 days, they took her to the airport and told her to leave town.
She interfered with male and female friends I had, called Kathy a hussy and worse after Kathy dared to stand up to her and defend me during one of her tirades against me in a car returning from a visit to friends of my Mother's while those friends sat speechless wondering what in the hell prompted an unprovoked verbal attack.
She even accused Kathy of making long distance phone calls to her number in the middle of the night and waking her up ( a preposterous thing given the expense of a call from the East Bay to SF back then ) and finally shut up about that when I proved Kathy could not have been calling her at the time she said because she and I were sitting watching a movie.
She bitched about fans in my apartment, my cats, my reading books to and from on Bart, she even told my Grandnephew Max, how to eat when he and his parents drove 3,000+ miles for a visit. My niece's protestation over this was completely ignored.
My Mother even complained when I took a side trip after Maria, Max and Mark and I went to the California Academy of Sciences and I decided to show them the Coast Highway, the Pacific Ocean, the Golden Gate Bridge and the Presidio. They had not seen any of it before and were quite happy about it, but my Mother, as usual made it all about her and how dare I keep her waiting. So much for making my relatives happy, 2 of whom I have never met.
There is much more I could tell you and much that Kathy witnessed over 38 years but she will address that in a video soon.
My Mother was verbally and physically abused by her parents and abused both her children verbally and otherwise as well as her second husband. When he died, she transferred much of the hate she felt toward him to me even when I had NO contact with her for months and years at a time. She was never happy with anything I did, all the way back to early childhood. I could not meet her warped idea of behavior, no one could. My sister told her to stop telling her how to raise her children & that's why she didn't talk to her.
She even tried to tell a woman's baby how to walk in the waiting room when I had my sinus surgery years ago. Kathy was there when she did it and the Mother got furious over it.
My Mother was a control freak and even a psychiatrist told her when I was 14, that * I * was not the problem and that a lot of the things I was doing was a child doing child and boy stuff and that she was THE problem. My Mother, one who could never tolerate criticism immediately objected to it in an angry manner asking if the doctor was saying she was a bad Mother and the doctor said yes and that she needed to let me grow up on my own. She couldn't let me do that. And would never acknowledge in her life that she could be wrong in anything.
As for Casio, you full know my feelings toward him and I had expressed them many times and for you to say I never said not to contact him is a baldfaced lie. I told you to leave him alone and that your contacting him would cause problems for me. You also maintained that you did not give him my unlisted phone number. Since it was NOT on my computer, there are only 2 people who could have had that information which was passed on to Casio via Big Shits, you and Cunandero81, who is out of the country a lot and would have no reason to contact Casio.
As for my saying stuff about Patty. There is much I do not like about the woman with justification as will also be revealed.
If I said anything against Kathy it was and is out of frustration because she has this stubborn streak where she does what she wants, no matter if it causes problems for me.
The night I had to take her aside, I spent 5-10 minutes reading her the riot act about how this is MY apartment and that she is and was not going to turn it into a trash heap after I had busted my ass to clean it up and that she needed to abide by my rules or find somewhere else to stay as I had finally had it with her backtalking, insults and refusual to help me out in the apartment. Even little things like turning the lights off when she leaves the room, get rude comments and I'm tired of it and my increased electric bill since she has been here reflects it. She now has an understanding of where I am coming from since I was quite firm with her about it and that a change had to be made or else.
She now realizes she can't use me for a doormat when she is living here out of the goodness of my heart.
I am glad you have living parents, but that's irrelevant to YOUR actions.
You pissed off my girlfriend, who except when she gets angry at someone, is willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Not once but many times.
She and I have been together on and off for 38 years. We love each other. We play around in ways you or anyone else would WRONGLY interpret as abuse. We have this tap each other the hardest game until one of us gives up. Sometimes one of us gets carried away and sometimes I have had to grab her hands to get her to stop. Its more like the 3 stooges than any abuse. But you're not here to see the dynamics of what goes on, are you ?
Our two remaining friends have known us for 38 years and longer. They know we are a couple no matter what you or anyone on this board think.
And Kathy is furious over you calling her Cockroach Kathy. She will address that and other issues in a special ALL ABOUT DRONE video this weekend.
Kathy is still looking for a place. We go to Patty's within the hour. I've not slept again all night and all will be revealed this weekend in several videos.
But going back to this war bs. I just wanted to leave me the hell alone.
And you being a drama king could not leave it at that and leave me aand Kathy alone for good.

And this years wall of text knockout competion is won by..yes. Fat Cunt Senda.


Quote from: area51drone on September 04, 2015, 05:52:08 AM
Falkie couldn't click his way out of a box if each side had a big button that said "click me to open."   Forget him figuring out how to do a live streaming show.  He can barely manage the videos on his hard drive.

More bullshit from the Droning on master.
I own 3 portable hard drives now and and managing both photos and videos on them quite well thank you. A Buffallo hd, a new Toshiba 1TB and a LaCie with another one to come for the other Mac in November.
And a new power supply for the Macbook so Kathy can use it instead of this Mac. Its one of the things I read her the riot act about. She kept disconnecting the power cords to the Mac and the modem and it screwed up my Mac and fried the modem.
Meanwhile, Drone has a pc that continually crashes, hard drives that stop working and makes excuses for it all when he COULD by a computer that works and doesn't crash and always says it was MY internet connection that was at fault for his Magic Crap phone or internet connection crashing.
And cries poverty when I suggested he upgrade to a better computer.
Antiquidated equipment that crashes while the owner spends much of his time buying milk shakes, hamburgers and the like at Burger King and Mickey D's instead of upgrading.
While I am upgrading and learning a lot more than I did on how to use my equipment, sometimes without help from anyone.


Quote from: area51drone on September 04, 2015, 05:46:05 AM

OLG, don't worry, you are teflon now.  Especially once George started this war, you're his only "friend" so you really can't do anything wrong.    You're pretty much in the position I was with George a while back, where he started to try to control LittleChris, and began making up lies about him.   LC demanded an apology which never came to this day.   Don't worry, at some point George will treat you exactly the same way.   But of course you know this, as we discussed it when I came up for the visit before your surgery.    I can say it publicly with George's full knowledge because I already know what he's going to say to you in private.   He's going to say what a dick he thinks I am and how you and he are good and how he would never treat people poorly, etc etc.   He'll start bad mouthing me excessively and come up with some kind of name for me like he did with the rest of the detractors.   The cycle will continue.  George will attempt to leave a destructive wake.     But this time he really fucked up.   I have all the goods on him and he's going down.   And he knows it.   He should be running really fucking scared right now.  The more he posts lies about me, the deeper I will reach.

I have absolutely NO problem with Gerry and cannot see any reason to ever have a problem with him.
Unlike the both of you, he has treated me with respect and kindnes, has promoted my videos and done artwork for me and has conducted himself as a gentleman on every opportunity, something neither of you have ever done on repeated occasions.
I was warned by multiple BG'ers that neither you or LC were real friends and I made a huge mistake in not listening to those warnings. Sadly, White Crow has also apparently shown his true colors as well with his " playing along " remark. I thought we were friendly towards each other at least.

We correspond frequently and the only problem I do have is that I wish for his sake that his recovery would be faster so he could lead a normal life again without dizziness, disorientation or painl. He has been a good friend and I value his friendship.

Big Shits insulted both me and my girlfriend and REFUSED to apologize to either of us. Kathy is still furious about that love doll bs, so don't make up lies that I had to apologize to him. He lied about his behavior to both me and Kathy and so have you.
Both of you demand apologies when oh so frequently it was your outrageous behavior that required an apology from you or him and not the other way around.
Furthermore, Big Shits continually came up with promises on how he was going to make my " brand " better and other lies and my only control over him was to tell him what he did not want to hear which was NO ! Despite his trying over and over to get me to do things I did not want to do. You also did much the same when you suggested I go to Lucas Film Ranch and cavort in my underwear and do a video on it and when I said not only NO but HELL NO, YOU got all bent out of shape over it.
As to my lying about BIG SHITS, I know what he would talk to me and also to Kathy about. I made the mistake of deleting his emails because they so infuriated me with his disgusting suggestions.
Kathy is still furious with both of you because both of you kept hounding her to accept his disgusting love doll proposition. I was standing in my living room while first LC then you hounded her mercilessly on the phone over it and she kept telling both of you no and that she did not want to be associated with it and no one in their right mind was going to buy a doll of her.
My friend Maroney said NO woman should be asked the kind of question that YOU asked Kathy.
And you know it but will never admit you should have never thought of it in the first place.
Luckily, you are not the biggest asshole I have ever been associated with. That is reserved for Big Shits and the pervert and weirdo Casio, who lives in a tent after having been tossed out by a landlord with sense in a neighborhood that burned down the house of a fellow convicted pedophile.

Quote from: area51drone on September 04, 2015, 05:52:08 AM
Falkie couldn't click his way out of a box if each side had a big button that said "click me to open."   

Falkie couldn't find Waldo in a bin of Waldo dolls.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 08:00:06 AM
Big Shits insulted both me and my girlfriend and REFUSED to apologize to either of us.

Get in the ring and sort it out, you big pussy. No-one wants to hear this shit from you. You were much more fun when you weren't here. When you come back we all realise what a tiresome old fuck you are.

Settle this like men. At least you'd have a weight advantage.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 04, 2015, 08:09:57 AM
Get in the ring and sort it out, you big pussy. No-one wants to hear this shit from you. You were much more fun when you weren't here. When you come back we all realise what a tiresome old fuck you are.

Settle this like men. At least you'd have a weight advantage.

Hello, jerk ? This is still putatively MY thread even though its been hijacked by jerks like you.
It was created to give me a place to talk about what I was doing and not one to get approval from you or the other mindless trolls on here who post the same crap over and over.
Don't want to read it ?
Go read on one of the many other threads on here and YOU go away. I've never seen you post anything positive about me any way and I deep down don't give a damn about your opinion so shut up.


Quote from: area51drone on September 04, 2015, 05:27:55 AM
...  You said you couldn't stand Kathy's stupidity?...

That's the part that bothers me the most about her also


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 08:14:18 AM
Hello, jerk ? This is still putatively MY thread even though its been hijacked by jerks like you.

It's jerks like me and others that make you look good. Every time you shamble onto the stage we all see what a pathetic old mediocrity you are. At least the Falkie of legend can bust out a few lines, not the wambling misfit who vomits up his every single thought to bore the arse off us. It's very hard to find much positive to say about someone who doesn't appear to possess a single decent characteristic. I can't think of any situation you wouldn't make a total balls of. I sometimes wonder if you aren't really smarter than the rest of us and are actually some sort of super-troll who has created this gloriously appalling character to annoy the hell out of people. That's when you aren't around. When you waddle back here and post this watery piss you call your 'thoughts', we realise that you genuinely are the cretinous dullard that you present yourself to be.

Oh, and another thing.

Piss off!


Quote from: SnapT on September 04, 2015, 12:03:30 AM
You don't need special software to stream live from an iMac, Falkie!  Just use YouTube!

It tells me to set up encoding software first. I downloaded Wirecast Play, the program Google suggests, opened the file and installed it in my applications folder.
When I click on it NOTHING happens.
And it is NOT my fault. I followed all the prompts correctly and there is enough memory on my hard drive to run it ( not the external ones but the internal hd ).


Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 04, 2015, 08:22:17 AM
It's jerks like me and others that make you look good. Every time you shamble onto the stage we all see what a pathetic old mediocrity you are. At least the Falkie of legend can bust out a few lines, not the wambling misfit who vomits up his every single thought to bore the arse off us. It's very hard to find much positive to say about someone who doesn't appear to possess a single decent characteristic. I can't think of any situation you wouldn't make a total balls of. I sometimes wonder if you aren't really smarter than the rest of us and are actually some sort of super-troll who has created this gloriously appalling character to annoy the hell out of people. That's when you aren't around. When you waddle back here and post this watery piss you call your 'thoughts', we realise that you genuinely are the cretinous dullard that you present yourself to be.

Oh, and another thing.

Piss off!

Go ahead and think what you want about my character.
You're wrong but this is a free country.
And I value piss too much to bother pissing on the likes of you.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 07:55:34 AM
... I own 3 portable hard drives now and and managing both photos and videos on them quite well thank you. A Buffallo hd, a new Toshiba 1TB and a LaCie with another one to come for the other Mac in November.
And a new power supply for the Macbook so Kathy can use it instead of this Mac. Its one of the things I read her the riot act about. She kept disconnecting the power cords to the Mac and the modem and it screwed up my Mac and fried the modem...
While I am upgrading and learning a lot more than I did on how to use my equipment, sometimes without help from anyone.

How are you coming along with the video editing software?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 08:31:59 AM
Go ahead and think what you want about my character.

I don't need your permission, you shiftless butterhog.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 08:31:59 AM
You're wrong but this is a free country.

It's certainly free for you. You never pay for a fucking thing!

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 08:31:59 AM
And I value piss too much to bother pissing on the likes of you.

Another thing on your clean up list? Jars of urine in the bathroom?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 04, 2015, 07:47:14 AM

You refer to a video where you say I said things about Noory. Post the damned video so I can hear it for myself or shut up about it. With over 400+ videos, I cannot possibly recall every single phrase I said about the man. months and even years later.

Why don't you do what I just did you disgusting shit. Go to your channel and randomly click on one of your older videos. Here is what I noted down by just going through it:


"Idiot George Noory and his bloated producer Tommy."
"The Snooremaster strikes again."
"The Snooremaster’s got a radioactive wasteland… the listeners nuked him…"
"The studio was never build cause no one is listening to this clown"
"He’s gotta steal guests from art"
"He cannot mention the name of the man who created the show he took over and destroyed"
"The Snooremaster, george snooty, steals guests from AB"
“The guy has no shame, the guy has no class, he has no professionalism, and it’s time for him to go”
“The lowest of the low is George Noory”
“I hope he falls in one of JC’s pits of sewage because that’s where he belongs - with sewer rats. I’m sorry to the sewer rats all around the world. To equate you to george noory is terrible… don't gnaw on my leg for comparing you to GN”
“this is unbelievable, the depths of this sewer slug, and i’m probably insulting sewer slugs”
“Premiere should fire this clown”
“the Snooremaster, you scum!”
“Hope you get a permanent case of laryngitis”

I hope you issued an apology to Dave for this - treating the man like dirt, right? You are so sensitive about this now that you are a davebot.

Someone quote this so that he sees it.

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